Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
gosh, I wonder why she has been avoiding press conferences LOL

It is time for her to be honest about her health.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Say it isn't so!

A new CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday shows that 50% of registered voters consider Republican
presidential nominee Donald Trump “more honest and trustworthy,” versus 35% who said the same
about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The result is a stunning turnaround from earlier this year. A similar CNN/ORC poll conducted March 17-20
showed that Clinton led Trump, 43% to 38%, on the question of which candidate was “more honest and trustworthy.”


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Nov 10, 2010
“A Scripps Washington Bureau Review Of Tax Returns And Regulatory Filings Found That Year After Year The Clinton Charities Have Ignored New York Law And Related Instructions.”
“This is another example of the Clintons thinking they are above the law and our rigged political system protecting them from accountability. The Clinton Foundation’s acceptance of foreign contributions is on its face an unprecedented and unacceptable conflict of interest that will badly compromise Hillary Clinton if she is elected president. The fact that New York’s highly partisan Attorney General is turning a blind eye to the Clinton Foundation’s failure to follow state disclosure laws is a shocking abdication of his sworn duty to faithfully discharge the duties of his office and he should open an investigation immediately.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Exclusive: Clinton Charities Ignore Law Requiring Them To Disclose Millions From Foreign Donors
By Mark Greenblatt
Scripps News
September 6, 2016
Click Here To Read

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has the power to force the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative to publicly disclose the names of foreign governments and the millions they donate each year to the charities but he’s not doing it, a Scripps News investigation has found.

Schneiderman’s failure to require compliance with New York law and written instructions from his own office keeps the public in the dark about whether the foreign governments that gave money to the Clinton charities also had special access to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, experts in private foundation law say. New York state has long required more transparency from non-profits operating within its borders than many other regulators.
A Scripps Washington Bureau review of tax returns and regulatory filings found that year after year the Clinton charities have ignored New York law and related instructions. However, the office of Attorney General Schneiderman, a Democrat whom Hillary Clinton named to her campaign's “leadership council” in New York, did not respond to Scripps’ questions about the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which has never publicly disclosed in New York filings the identity of its foreign government contributors or the amounts they give each year. Scripps also discovered CHAI did not report hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign government donations to the state.
Click Here To Read The Full Article

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Nov 10, 2010
Gov. Pence: “That Doesn't Look Like Politics, Folks, That Looks Like Obstruction.”

PENCE: You know, it was a long time ago when I was still a boy that I remember a president who deleted eighteen and a half minutes of tape and was held accountable for that. And now, Hillary Clinton deleted almost eighteen thousand emails. That doesn’t look like politics, folks, that looks like obstruction and the American people are sick and tired of it.” (Gov. Mike Pence, Remarks, Chesterfield, MO, 9/6/16

New member
Nov 10, 2010
New Revelations Of Additional $1.3 Billion Cash Payments To Iran Needs To Be Addressed By Clinton

“Secretary Clinton, do agree with the Obama Administration sending an additional $1.3 billion in hard currency to Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terror?” – Steven Cheung, Rapid Response Director

It Has Been 277 Days Since Clinton Has Held A Press Conference.


Yesterday It Was Reported That The Obama Administration Sent An Additional $1.3 Billion In Cash To Iran Earlier This Year:

Yesterday The Wall Street Journal Reported The Obama Administration Sent Iran A Combined $1.3 Billion In Hard Currency Via An Iranian Cargo Plane In January And February Of 2016. “The Obama administration followed up a planeload of $400 million in cash sent to Iran in January with two more such shipments in the next 19 days, totaling another $1.3 billion, according to congressional officials briefed by the U.S. State, Treasury and Justice departments. The cash payments—made in Swiss francs, euros and other currencies—settled a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal dating back to 1979. … The Obama administration briefed lawmakers on Tuesday, telling them that two further portions of the $1.3 billion were transferred though Europe on Jan. 22 and Feb. 5. The payment ‘flowed in the same manner’ as the original $400 million that an Iranian cargo plane picked up in Geneva, Switzerland, according to a congressional aide who took part in the briefing.” (Jay Solomon & Carol Lee, “U.S. Sent Two More Planeloads Of Cash To Iran After Initial Payment,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/6/16)

Clinton Takes Credit For Helping Push Through The Iran Nuclear Deal:

Clinton Has Touted Her Work In Being “Part Of The Coalition That Brought Us To The Point Of This Agreement.” CLINTON: “Having been part of the coalition that brought us to the point of this agreement, I think we will have to immediately upon completion of this agreement and its rigorous enforcement, look to see how we build a coalition to try to prevent and undermine Iran’s bad behaviors in other arenas.” (Hillary Clinton, Remarks On U.S. Iran Nuclear Deal, Washington, D.C., 7/14/15)

Clinton: “I'm Very Proud Of The Iran Nuclear Agreement. I Was Very Pleased To Be Part Of What The President Put Into Action When He Took Office.” CLINTON: “Well, I'm very proud of the Iran Nuclear Agreement. I was very pleased to be part of what the president put into action when he took office. I was responsible for getting those sanctions imposed which put the pressure on Iran. It brought them to the negotiating table which resulted in this agreement.” (Hillary Clinton, Remarks At Democrat Primary Debate, Charleston, SC, 1/17/16)

Clinton: “I Was Responsible For Getting Those Sanctions Imposed Which Put The Pressure On Iran. It Brought Them To The Negotiating Table Which Resulted In This Agreement.” CLINTON: “Well, I'm very proud of the Iran Nuclear Agreement. I was very pleased to be part of what the president put into action when he took office. I was responsible for getting those sanctions imposed which put the pressure on Iran. It brought them to the negotiating table which resulted in this agreement.” (Hillary Clinton, Remarks At Democrat Primary Debate, Charleston, SC, 1/17/16)

Iran Is Recognized As “The Foremost State Sponsor Of Terrorism”:

National Director Of Intelligence James Clapper: “Iran—The Foremost State Sponsor Of Terrorism—Continues To Exert Its Influence In Regional Crises In The Middle East.” “Iran—the foremost state sponsor of terrorism—continues to exert its influence in regional crises in the Middle East through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps—Qods Force (IRGC-QF), its terrorist partner Lebanese Hizballah, and proxy groups. It also provides military and economic aid to its allies in the region. Iran and Hizballah remain a continuing terrorist threat to US interests and partners worldwide. (James R. Clapper, Statement For The Record, U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, PP. 10, 2/9/16)

The State Department’s Annual Country Report On Terrorism Listed Iran As A State Sponsor Of Terrorism And Said That They Had Increased Their Activity In 2015.“Designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1984, Iran continued its terrorist-related activity in 2015, including support for Hizballah, Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza, and various groups in Iraq and throughout the Middle East. In 2015, Iran increased its assistance to Iraqi Shia terrorist groups, including Kata’ib Hizballah (KH), which is a U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, as part of an effort to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq and bolster the Asad regime in Syria. Iran used the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) to implement foreign policy goals, provide cover for intelligence operations, and create instability in the Middle East. The IRGC-QF is Iran’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad.” (State Department’s Annual Country Report On Terrorism, U.S. State Department, Chapter 3-State Sponsored Terrorism, 6/2/16)

Iran Has Been Funding Terrorist Groups Working Against U.S Interests In Their Region:

Iran Has Been Assisting Hizballah Rearm Since 2006 And Has Given Their Organization In Lebanon “Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars.” “Since the end of the 2006 Israeli-Hizballah conflict in 2006, Iran has also assisted in rearming Hizballah, in direct violation of UNSCR 1701. Iran has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in support of Hizballah in Lebanon and has trained thousands of its fighters at camps in Iran. These trained fighters have used these skills in direct support of the Asad regime in Syria and, to a lesser extent, in support of operations against ISIL in Iraq. They have also carried out isolated attacks along the Lebanese border with Israel.” (State Department’s Annual Country Report On Terrorism, U.S. State Department, Chapter 3-State Sponsored Terrorism, 6/2/16)

Iran Has Funded And Armed Shia Terrorist Groups In Iraq That Have “Exacerbated Sectarian Tensions In Iraq And Have Committed Serious Human Rights Abuses Against Primarily Sunni Civilians.” “In Iraq, Iranian combat forces employed rockets, artillery, and drones against ISIL. Iran also increased its arming and funding of Iraqi Shia terrorist groups in an effort to reverse ISIL gains in Iraq. Many of these groups, such as KH, have exacerbated sectarian tensions in Iraq and have committed serious human rights abuses against primarily Sunni civilians. The IRGC-QF, in concert with Hizballah, provided training outside of Iraq, as well as advisors inside Iraq for Shia militants in the construction and use of advanced weaponry. Similar to Hizballah fighters, many of these trained Shia militants have used these skills to fight for the Asad regime in Syria or against ISIL in Iraq.” (State Department’s Annual Country Report On Terrorism, U.S. State Department, Chapter 3-State Sponsored Terrorism, 6/2/16)

Iran Has Been Funding Hamas And Other Terrorist Groups Carrying Out Attacks Against Israel. “Iran has historically provided weapons, training, and funding to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, including Palestine Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command. These Palestinian terrorist groups have been behind a number of deaths from attacks originating in Gaza and the West Bank. Although Hamas’s ties to Tehran have been strained due to the Syrian civil war, both sides took steps in 2015 to repair relations. Iran continued to declare its vocal support for Palestinian terrorist groups and its hostility to Israel in 2015. Supreme National Security Council Secretary Admiral Ali Shamkhani sought to frame a series of individual Palestinian attacks on Israeli security forces in the West Bank as a new “Intifada” in a speech on November 25.” (State Department’s Annual Country Report On Terrorism, U.S. State Department, Chapter 3-State Sponsored Terrorism, 6/2/16)

Iran Has Remained Unwilling To Bring Justice To Senior al-Qa’ida (AQ) Members.“Iran remained unwilling to bring to justice senior al-Qa’ida (AQ) members it continued to detain and refused to publicly identify the members in its custody. Iran previously allowed AQ facilitators to operate a core facilitation pipeline through Iran since at least 2009, enabling AQ to move funds and fighters to South Asia and Syria.” (State Department’s Annual Country Report On Terrorism, U.S. State Department, Chapter 3-State Sponsored Terrorism, 6/2/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Trump Holds A Wide Lead Among Veterans And Active-Duty Military On The Ability To Serve As Commander-In-Chief
Poll: Trump Leads Clinton Among Military And Veteran Voters
By Hannah Hartig, John Lapinski And Stephanie Psyllos
NBC News
September 7, 2016
Click Here To Read

Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 19 points — 55 percent to 36 percent — among voters who are currently serving or have previously served in the U.S. military, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll.

The poll was conducted online from August 29 through September 4 among 32,226 registered voters, including 3,358 who have previously served or are currently serving in the U.S. military.
A sizable number of military and veteran voters say they would not be confident in Clinton or Trump's ability to be an effective commander-in-chief of the nation's military — but a slight majority would be confident in Trump (53 percent).
Overall, 47 percent of military and veteran voters said they would not be confident in Trump's ability to serve as an effective commander-in-chief of the U.S. military. A slight majority (53 percent) of these voters would feel confident in his ability to serve effectively.
In contrast, just 35 percent of military and veteran voters would feel confident in former Secretary of State Clinton's ability to serve as commander-in-chief. A large majority (64 percent) would not be confident in her ability.
Among voters overall, Trump does slightly better than Clinton (40 percent to 39 percent) on the handling of veterans issues. Among military and veteran voters, he does even better (53 percent to 28 percent).
Click Here To Read The Full Article

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Jan 9, 2009

Conservative actor James Woods: "She can't even lie without help"

Paul Joseph Watson - SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 79 Comments





Was Hillary Clinton wearing an earpiece during last night’s presidential forum? That’s the latest question swirling around the Internet after pictures appeared to show Hillary with some kind of flesh-colored device embedded inside her ear.

Conservative actor James Woods drew attention the issue with the simple question, “Earpiece?” and a close up image of Hillary from last night’s forum.
View image on Twitter

Woods also posted a Clinton email from the Wikileaks archive in which Huma Abedin asked Hillary, “Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?”
View image on Twitter

“She can’t even #lie without help from a gaggle of other #liars through an earpiece,” tweeted Woods.
View image on Twitter

“She literally can’t help herself. She’s the kind of sociopath who will lie even if the truth were more beneficial,” added Woods, linking to an article by TruePundit which reported that Hillary was wearing an earpiece to receive “stealth coaching” during the NBC live town hall event.​
“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel,” claimed the article.​
The report goes on to provide technical details about the earpiece, asserting that it is “almost invisible to anyone” and is “normally issued to law enforcement or corporate security teams.”​


Thomas Paine @Thomas1774Paine

BOMBSHELL: Enhanced Video Clearly Shows#HillarysEarpiece, Confirming EXCLUSIVE NYPD Source Intel RT
2:00 AM - 8 Sep 2016

The story also drew almost a thousand comments over on The Donald subreddit, with one user commenting, “Either she admits a health issue and says she’s deaf or she admits to cheating.”​
“I commented earlier during the Town Hall saying her responses seemed a little slower than normal. Now it all makes sense,” responded another.​
Another user remarked that Hillary appeared to be uttering broken sentences such as “I think that’s an ex—- actly right way to proceed.”​
This is not the first time Clinton has faced charges that she was wearing an earpiece during a crucial event – similar claims were made after her appearance in front of the House Select Benghazi Hearing in October last year.​
Of course, the earpiece could have just been a hearing aid, although there doesn’t appear to be any admission or record of Hillary wearing one in the past.​

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Veteran Who Asked Clinton About Prior VA Comments: She Didn’t Answer The Question[/h]SHARE

BY: Jack Heretik
September 8, 2016 12:00 am

A veteran who asked Hillary Clinton about prior comments minimizing the Veterans Affairs department scandal at NBC’s Commander-in-Chief Forum Wednesday said the Democrat didn’t quite answer his question.
After the forum, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow posed the question of wondering what the veteran, Sgt. Kenneth Anderson, thought of the response Clinton gave of whether she thought the VA was in good shape and taking good care of veterans because of a past comment she made saying that things were better than the media portrayed them to be.
Maddow then turned to correspondent Hallie Jackson, who asked the veteran what he thought.
“Did anything that you hear from Secretary Clinton in that answer move the needle for you?” Jackson asked. “Did it help you come to a decision either way?”
“No. I still think I’m undecided,” Anderson said. “I don’t know if she really answered that question for me … I guess my question is, does she think the problems in the VA have been exaggerated and that it’s really not so bad. So, I didn’t quite get that out of her answer.”
Paul Rieckhoff, the founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, who sponsored the forum, was more blunt in assessing Clinton’s answer.
“She didn’t answer it. She didn’t answer the question,” Rieckhoff said.


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]'Read the reports': Hillary Clinton refuses to explain what she told the FBI about how a concussion impaired her memory[/h]
  • asked Hillary Clinton on Thursday if she could clarify what she told the FBI about a concussion that hampered her memory
  • 'Read the reports' was all she would say as she walked away from her podium on an airplane after a short press briefing
  • FBI report released Friday says Clinton told them that she 'could not recall every briefing she received' following her concussion
  • Clinton has been silent on the subject and would not discuss it on Thursday
PUBLISHED: 15:37, 8 September 2016 | UPDATED: 16:02, 8 September 2016

Hillary Clinton dodged a question on Thursday about FBI interview notes that suggested she attributed memory lapses to a 2012 concussion.
The FBI released agents' summaries on Friday from a sit-down with Clinton that came just days before the agency recommended against any criminal prosecution related to her lengthy classified email scandal.
'Can you clarify what you told the FBI about your concussion?' asked as Clinton walked away from her podium on the tarmac in White Plains, N.Y.
'Read the reports,' she responded, offering no explanation.


MUM'S THE WORD: Hillary Clinton declined to answer a question from on Thursday about her decision to cite a 2012 concussion to explain memory lapses to the FBI, as she left the podium accompanied by traveling press secretary Nick Merrill (right)



AND OFF SHE GOES: Clinton spoke and took questions for a total of 16 minutes, mostly addressing Wednesday night's 'Commander-in-Chief forum' on NBC

The question and answer were not heard in network TV broadcasts or Internet live-feeds since they occurred away from microphones.
And a roar from the auxiliary power unit of the Clinton campaign's Boeing 737 plane served as a loud backdrop to the entire 16-minute media availability.
The first set of notes from Clinton's July 2 FBI interview suggested that she was unable to remember some security briefings, and whether she was advised on how to correctly preserve records when she was leaving the State Department, because of complications from a fall that resulted in a blood clot in her brain.
'In December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot,' the FBI's report read, summarizing what she told the agency.
The interview was not recorded, and was not conducted under oath, although it is a crime to lie to a federal agent in the course of a criminal investigation.

FROM THE FBI: Clinton told agents she could only work at the State Department for 'a few hours a day' after suffering a concussion, and 'could not recall every briefing she received'



FLASHBACK: Clinton left New York Presbyterian Hospital accompanied by husband Bill and daughter Chelsea on January 2, 2013 after four weeks where she hadn't been seen in public at all while she was treated for a blood clot

'Based on her doctor's advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received,' the FBI report added.
A Clinton campaign aide has told Reuters that she brought up the concussion to explain, in part, why she was not working full days following her injury – and claimed she not saying she had suffered from memory loss.
Clinton herself, however, has been silent on the subject.


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Democrats accuse Matt Lauer of bias at NBC veterans forum: Liberal outcry over host's seven-minute grilling of Hillary Clinton over her emails as they claim he 'let Trump off' over Iraq war[/h]
Liberal commentators have lined up to attack NBC host Matt Lauer for perceived bias against Hillary Clinton during a Commander in Chief Forum on Wednesday. Clinton supporters lambasted Lauer for questioning their candidate at length about her email scandal, but ignoring Trump's claim to have always opposed the Iraq war. It was left to Hillary herself to point out that Trump initially said he was in favor of the conflict before modifying his position after the war had started. Asked about her own support for military intervention in Iraq, Clinton says she now accepts that it was 'a mistake', adding that voting to give Bush the authority to take troops into the Middle East was 'my mistake'.
But, she added: 'I have taken my responsibility for my decision. He [Trump] refuses to take responsibility for his support.'


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Lauer called Trump on several things he had said in the past etc. - he damn sure did not give him a pass. As far as passes fo Hillary has more than one can remember including from the FBI and the DOJ.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Six Obvious Follow-Up Questions NBC’s Matt Lauer Failed to Ask Hillary Clinton



Larry Busacca/Getty Images for TIME

by AARON KLEIN7 Sep 2016294


NEW YORK – During NBC’s Commander-in-Chief Forum tonight, host Matt Lauer numerous times lobbed hard-hitting follow-up questions at Donald Trump, and raised additional challenges to the Republican presidential candidate’s responses to questions from Lauer and the audience.

The industries network anchor, however, seems to have let Hillary Clinton off the hook on numerous issues, failing to ask glaringly obvious follow-ups to Clinton’s responses and to the general themes discussed during the forum.
Here, in no particular order, are six basic follow-up challenges that Lauer failed to pose to Clinton during tonight’s presidential symposium.

1 – Lauer did not challenge Clinton when she stated categorically, “There is no evidence my system was hacked.”
Lauer could have pointed out, as Foreign Policy Magazine recently noted, the FBI could not determine whether Clinton’s private email system was hacked because it was not provided full access to her electronic devices, thus interfering with the investigation.
2 – During the conversation related to Clinton’s emails, Lauer had multiple opportunities to confront the embattled candidate on her deletion of as many as 33,000 emails from her private server, but he did not once mention the deletions.
3 – Lauer failed to bring up the controversial Clinton Foundation at any point during the symposium, despite numerous openings to do so. He could have asked whether any of Clinton’s deleted emails were related to the Foundation; or he might have challenged Clinton on reports that more than half of the people outside the government that she met with while Secretary of State either donated to the Foundation or were tied to companies or groups that provided donations.
4 – Clinton’s support for the U.S.-led NATO military campaign in Libya was discussed, yet Lauer did not see fit to raise a single question about the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks or her State Department’s role in denying security requests to the fated U.S. Special Mission there.
5 – Lauer further did not challenge Clinton on Libya becoming a sanctuary for the Islamic State and various other terrorist organizations following the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi.
6 – In the discussion on Libya, Lauer could have made an issue out of dangerous looting of Gadhafi’s massive reserves of MANPADS. The largest terrorist looting of MANPADS took place immediately after the 2001 U.S.-NATO military campaign, strongly pushedby Clinton, that toppled Gadhafi’s regime. Those MANPADS have reportedly been proliferated worldwide and are now a major global threat.
NATO failed to immediately protect the reserves of MANPADS.
As I reported at the time:
Gadhafi had hoarded Africa’s biggest-known reserve of MANPADS, with a stock said to number between 15,000 and 20,000. Many of the missiles were stolen by militias fighting in Libya, including those backed by the U.S. in their anti-Gadhafi efforts. There were reports of a Western effort to secure the MANPADS, including collecting some from rebels in Libya.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
- SEPTEMBER 08, 2016 -


Hillary Clinton Lied About How Material Is Classified, Showing She Still Lacks An Understanding Of The Classification System

“Hillary Clinton flat-out lied last night about the classification system, showing she is fundamentally unfit to serve as president. Her claims make a mockery of the legally binding non-disclosure agreements she signed after being confirmed as Secretary of State, where she attested she understood how to handle classified information and swore to protect it regardless of whether it was marked (c) or not. The cavalier attitude shown by Hillary Clinton toward our nation’s most valuable secrets renders her completely unfit to hold the role of role of commander-in-chief. I firmly believe a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate this matter, as it is clear to me and other former federal prosecutors that Hillary Clinton demonstrated a clear intent to violate the law.” – Rudy Giuliani, Former New York City Mayor

Last Night Clinton Said Classified Material Is Designated Via Marked Headers:

Last Night Clinton Said Classified Material “Is Designated” And “Is Marked” Via “A Header.” CLINTON: “First, as I said to Matt, you know and I know classified material is designated. It is marked. There is a header so that there is no dispute at all that what is being communicated to or from someone who has that access is marked classified.” (Secretary Hillary Clinton, Commander-In-Chief Forum, New York, NY, 9/7/16)

But Some Categories Of Information Are Born Classified, Regardless Of Markings:

FBI Director James Comey: “But Even If Information Is Not Marked ‘Classified’ In An E-Mail, Participants Who Know Or Should Know That The Subject Matter Is Classified Are Still Obligated To Protect It.”(James Comey, “Statement By FBI Director James B. Comey On The Investigation Of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use Of A Personal E-Mail System,” Federal Bureau Of Investigation, 7/5/16)

Certain Categories Of Information Are Born Classified. “This sort of information, which the department says Clinton both sent and received in her emails, is the only kind that must be ‘presumed’ classified, in part to protect national security and the integrity of diplomatic interactions, according to U.S. regulations examined by Reuters. ‘It's born classified,’ said J. William Leonard, a former director of the U.S. government's Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). Leonard was director of ISOO, part of the National Archives and Records Administration, from 2002 until 2008, and worked for both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations.” (Jonathan Allen, “Exclusive: Dozens Of Clinton Emails Were Classified From The Start, U.S. Rules Suggest,” Reuters, 8/21/16)

High Level Correspondence, Including Reports Of Telephone Or Face-To-Face Conversations Involving Cabinet-Level Officials Or Comparable Level Figures Is Presumed To Be Classified. “High Level Correspondence. This includes letters, diplomatic notes or memoranda or other reports of telephone or face-to-face conversations involving foreign chiefs of state or government, cabinet-level officials or comparable level figures, e.g., leaders of opposition parties. It should be presumed that this type of information should be classified at least CONFIDENTIAL, though the actual level of classification will depend upon the sensitivity of the contained information and classification normally assigned by the U.S. to this category of information.” (“Department Of State Classification Guide (DSCG 05-01),”Department of State, 1/05, p. 11)

“Some Subjects, Such As Cooperation On Matters Affecting Third Countries, Or Negotiation Of Secret Agreements, Would Merit Original Classification For Up To 25 Years.” “Some subjects, such as cooperation on matters affecting third countries, or negotiation of secret agreements, would merit original classification for up to 25 years.” (“Department Of State Classification Guide (DSCG 05-01),” Department of State, 1/05, p. 11)

“When Negotiations Or Other Diplomatic Exchanges Are Conducted In A Nonpublic, Off The Record, Channel, Details Should Be Classified.” “As a general rule, therefore, when negotiations or other diplomatic exchanges are conducted in a nonpublic, off the record, channel, details should be classified.” (“Department Of State Classification Guide (DSCG 05-01),” Department of State, 1/05, p. 17)

Information Obtained From Other Governments Or International Organizations Of Governments In Non-Public, Confidential Exchanges Should Be Classified.“Information obtained from (and in some contexts, shared with) other governments or international organizations of governments in a non-public, confidential exchange should be treated as Foreign Government Information (FGI) and classified for as long as necessary, taking into account both the inherent sensitivity of the information and the expectations of that party.” (“Department Of State Classification Guide (DSCG 05-01),” Department of State, 1/05, p. 11)

Derivative Classification Is Done By Reproducing Or Summarizing Already Classified Information, Or As Directed By A Classification Guide. “Information may be classified derivatively in two ways: (1) By reproducing, extracting, or summarizing classified information and applying classification markings derived from the source material, or (2) As directed by a classification guide (see 5 FAM 482.3, below).” (“5 FAM 482 Classification Of National Security Information,” U.S. Department Of State Foreign Affairs Manual, 6/6/11; Web Archive, 1/13/13)

Clinton Signed An Agreement Noting Classified Information Can Also Be Unmarked:

As Part Of Clinton’s Agreement Clinton Acknowledged That Classified Information Includes “Marked Or Unmarked Classified Information.” (Hillary Clinton, Sensitive Compartmented Information Non-Disclosure Agreement, 1/22/09, State Department Release, FOIA # F-2015-05069, 11/5/15)

FLASHBACK – Clinton Did Not Know What Classified Markings Meant:

Clinton Did Not Know That The “Letter ‘C’ Stood For Confidential In Official E-Mails.” “Hillary Clinton was so cavalier about security at the State Department that she told FBI agents she had no idea that the letter ‘C’ stood for confidential in official e-mails.” (Carl Campanile, Daniel Halper And Linda Massarella, “Clinton Claims She Didn’t Know Emails Marked ‘C’ Were Confidential,” New York Post, 9/2/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- SEPTEMBER 08, 2016 -[/h][h=1]STATEMENT ON HILLARY CLINTON’S DESPERATE “PRESS CONFERENCE”[/h]“Last night Hillary Clinton again failed the commander-in-chief test, where she was unable to answer for her terrible foreign policy judgment, mishandling of classified information and claims that the VA wait time scandal was overblown. Her claim that no lives were lost in Libya was an insult to the memory of the four brave Americans who died in Benghazi. So it’s no surprise she’s resorting to unhinged and dishonest attacks, including claiming on Israeli TV that terrorists are praying for Mr. Trump to win. These are the desperate attacks of a flailing campaign sinking in the polls, and characteristics of someone woefully unfit for the presidency of the United States.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- SEPTEMBER 08, 2016 -[/h][h=1]​HIDING HILLARY: DAY 278[/h]
Hillary Clinton Claims No Americans Lost Their Lives In Libya, But Four Americans Perished During Attacks In Benghazi During Her Time As Secretary Of State
QUESTION OF THE DAY: “Secretary Clinton, last night you said ‘we did not lose a single American’ life during our involvement in Libya. How can you say that when four Americans lost their lives on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi?” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

It Has Been 278 Days Since Clinton Has Held A Press Conference.
Last Night Clinton Said “We Did Not Lose A Single American” Life During Our Involvement In Libya. CLINTON: “With respect to Libya, again, there's no difference between my opponent and myself. He's on record extensively supporting intervention in Libya, when Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population. I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action.” (Secretary Hillary Clinton, Commander-In-Chief Forum, New York, NY, 9/7/16)
Four Americans Lost Their Lives In Benghazi, Libya After Their Diplomatic Mission Was Attacked By Islamic Militants On September 11, 2012. “On Sept. 11, 2012, heavily armed Islamist militants launched an organized attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, setting fire to buildings before all U.S. personnel could escape or reinforcements could arrive. The attackers later launched mortar rounds at a nearby CIA compound. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the violence, making it the first time since 1979 that a U.S. ambassador was killed in the line of duty.” (Anup Kaphle, “Timeline: How The Benghazi Attacks Played Out,” The Washington Post, 6/17/14)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hillary Clinton’s Answers In The First Several Minutes Of The Commander-In-Chief Forum Shows She Shouldn’t Be Anywhere Near The PresidencyClinton Pressed On Her Judgment In Deciding To Use Illicit Email Server

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