Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Diddy says Obama has 'shortchanged' black people on Al Sharpton's talk show and calls for the 'heat to be turned up' on Hillary[/h]
The rap mogul told Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC he wanted more done for 'his people', as he feels they put Obama in the White House. The musician now wants the candidates to 'come for our vote' by November. He was on the show discussing the opening of his charter school in Harlem, New York City. But he quickly moved on to presidential politics. He told Sharpton: 'My number one thing, though, to be honest, is black people. I feel like we put President Obama in the White House. When I look back, I just wanted more done for my people because that's the name of the game. This is politics. You put somebody in office you get in return the things that you care about for your communities.


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Trump's running mate says Hillary is 'the most dishonest candidate for president ... since Richard Nixon' as he blasts her over FBI email revelations[/h]
  • Mike Pence claimed Hillary Clinton's dishonesty in a presidential race is only eclipsed by Nixon's
  • New FBI revelations showed Clinton drew a blank on several questions, and lied in her early explanations of her private, homebrew email server
  • Ben Carson asked if voters want a 'prevaricator' or 'somebody with the inability to remember in the White House'
  • Chris Christie piled on: 'I'm stunned, given what I saw in the FBI files that were released Friday, that Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted'

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Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- SEPTEMBER 04, 2016 -[/h][h=1]​ICYMI: EDITORIAL BOARDS RIP CLINTON AFTER FBI REPORT INTO EMAILS[/h]“Mrs. Clinton Is Running For President As An Experienced Statesman, But Her Handling Of Classified Material Was Even More Reckless About State Secrets And Disdainful Of Public Records Laws Than Even We Had Thought.” – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal Editorial Headline: “The FBI’s Clinton File”

  • “The Federal Bureau of Investigation waited until the Friday afternoon before Labor Day weekend to release its investigation summary and interview notes with Hillary Clinton about her private email server, and no wonder. The new information makes a hash of what’s left of the former Secretary of State’s credibility. Mrs. Clinton is running for President as an experienced statesman, but her handling of classified material was even more reckless about state secrets and disdainful of public records laws than even we had thought. Start with her convenient memory lapses.”
Boston Herald Editorial Headline: “Secretary Of Space”

  • “Hillary Clinton professes to know nothing about the various levels of classification for confidential information used by the State Department that she ran, so can Democrats — including President Obama — finally dispense with the silly claim that she is the ‘most qualified’ person ever to seek the presidency? The FBI, which cleared Clinton of criminal wrongdoing in the use of her private email server but admonished her for extreme carelessness, released a summary report of its investigation yesterday — just as America headed off for a long holiday weekend. And a quick review seems to confirm that Clinton was — well, let’s just call it lucky to skirt federal prosecution for her mishandling of classified material. That appears to be thanks to her aforementioned cluelessness, or at least her claims of same.”
New York Post Editorial Headline: “The FBI Report Shows Hillary Clinton Was Criminally Reckless”

  • “Hillary Clinton was so oblivious to her duty to guard the nation’s secrets that she didn’t even realize that ‘(C)’ in an e-mail header means ‘confidential.’ … In total, the report shows behavior far worse than ‘extremely careless,’ as FBI chief Jim Comey termed it as he recommended against legal charges. Central to the case for mercy was his claim she didn’t ‘intend’ to break the law. Yet his own agents’ report shows that, at the minimum, she just didn’t give a damn what the law required. ‘Criminally reckless’ is more like it.”
Lakeland (FL) Ledger Editorial Headline: “FBI Report Raises Questions About Clinton's Claims”

  • “The FBI, continuing to drain the seemingly bottomless fountain of Clinton's email fiasco, released an internal report of its investigation into Clinton's use of an unsecured, home-brew computer server — the inquiry that had determined she and her top staff were “extremely careless” in handling sensitive government information, including classified documents. … Clinton's utter disregard for or ignorance of security procedures, training and responsibilities portrays an entitlement mindset of one who seeks to be served rather than to serve.”

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
HILLARY CLINTON Is Attending Cleveland Labor Day Parade – But Won’t Walk It… That Would Be Exhausting

Jim Hoft Sep 4th, 2016 8:22 pm 7 Comments

Hillary Clinton will “participate” in the Cleveland Labor Day Parade on Monday but will not walk in the parade.

That would be exhausting.

That last parade was just too much.

She walked about four blocks and was a hot mess.


Excellent health!! :missingte

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump
Lyin' Hillary Clinton told the FBI that she did not know the "C" markings on documents stood for CLASSIFIED. How can this be happening?

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump
The polls are close so Crooked Hillary is getting out of bed and will campaign tomorrow.Why did she hammer 13 devices and acid-wash e-mails?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Trump Campaign: Did Team Hillary Destroy Emails Under Subpoena?

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Nov 10, 2010
“The Republican Presidential Nominee Arrived To Ohio’s Largest County Fair To Crowds Screaming His Name.” – Youngstown Vindicator

Trump’s Fair Tour Enthralls Backers
By Kalea Hall And Joe Gorman
Youngstown Vindicator
September 6, 2016
Click Here To Read

The Republican presidential nominee arrived to Ohio’s largest county fair to crowds screaming his name.
Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, the GOP vice presidential candidate, arrived at the Canfield Fair at 3 p.m. Labor Day under a blistering sun.
Thousands waited for hours in that heat to get a glimpse of, or maybe even a handshake from, the billionaire rogue candidate.
Thousands of Mahoning Valley fairgoers were waiting to snap a picture of the candidate walking around the beloved fairgrounds during the final day of the 170th anniversary fair.
As Trump exited his vehicle with a brigade of security around him, his hand immediately went in the air to urge on the supporters screaming his name.
“Trump! Trump! Trump!,” the crowd yelled.
“Thank you,” Trump yelled back, repeatedly, to the crowd as he waved.
The candidate worked his way around the crowds near the Mahoning County Republican Party booth – a popular stop for fairgoers to see a simulated Mexican border “wall” they were encouraged to pay to build.
“Help us build the wall,” the wooden display read. “Your donation will buy a brick. Make America Great Again.”
The display was a reference to the border wall Trump has promised throughout his campaign to build on America’s border with Mexico, and to make Mexico finance.
Once inside the Republican booth, Trump shook hands with fairgoers and volunteers. He also autographed a pencil drawing of himself.
After leaving the booth, he walked and waved to the crowds of people lined behind caution tape, with the sounds of rides and smell of fair food surrounding him.
Click Here To Read The Full Article

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- SEPTEMBER 06, 2016 -[/h][h=1]​HIDING HILLARY: DAY 276[/h]
The Clinton Foundation Corruption Will Continue Unabated Should Hillary Clinton Win The White House

“Secretary Clinton, it has been reported that Chelsea Clinton will stay on at the Clinton Foundation. A number of prominent editorial boards, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Boston Globehave called on either the Clinton Foundation to be dissolved or, at the very least, for all members of the Clinton family to step aside to avoid a conflict of interest. Does your family plan on fully detaching from the Clinton Foundation if you’re elected?” – Steven Cheung, Rapid Response Director

It Has Been 276 Days Since Clinton Has Held A Press Conference.
(The Washington Post, Accessed 9/5/16)


Chelsea Clinton Will Stay On The Board Of The Clinton Foundation If Hillary Clinton Is Elected President. “The Clinton Foundation is considering exceptions to its plan to stop accepting corporate and foreign donations and reduce family involvement as a way to insulate Hillary Clinton from potential conflicts of interest if elected president. As recently as this summer, the foundation was discussing with some allies plans for Chelsea Clinton to leave the board, along with former President Bill Clinton, if Mrs. Clinton should win. But on Wednesday, foundation spokesman Craig Minassian said Chelsea Clinton plans to stay on the board.” (James V. Grimaldi And Rebecca Ballhaus, “Chelsea Clinton Plans To Stay On Board Of Family Foundation,”The Wall Street Journal, 8/24/16)
Major Editorial Boards Have Called For Bill, Hillary And Chelsea Clinton To Leave The Clinton Foundation:

The New York Times’
Editorial Board Said Bill, Hillary And Chelsea Clinton Should “End Their Operational Involvement In The Foundation And Its Affiliates For The Duration Of Her Presidency.”
“A wiser course would be to ban contributions from foreign and corporate entities now. If Mrs. Clinton wins, Bill and Chelsea Clinton should both end their operational involvement in the foundation and its affiliates for the duration of her presidency, relinquishing any control over spending, hiring and board appointments.” (Editorial, “Cutting Ties To The Clinton Foundation,” The New York Times, 8/30/16)

The Boston Globe’s Editorial Board Called On The Clinton Foundation To Be Shut Down.”
“Although the charity founded by former President Bill Clinton has done admirable work over the last 15 years, the Clinton Foundation is also clearly a liability for Hillary Clinton as she seeks the presidency. The once-and-maybe-future first family will have plenty to keep them busy next year if Hillary Clinton defeats Donald Trump in November. The foundation should remove a political — and actual — distraction and stop accepting funding. If Clinton is elected, the foundation should be shut down.” (Editorial, “Clinton Foundation Should Stop Accepting Funds,”Boston Globe, 8/16/16)

USA Today
Editorial Headline: “Mothball The Clinton Foundation”
(USA Today, 8/23/16)

The Washington Post
Editorial Board Called On The Clinton Foundation To End All Ties To The Clintons Should Hillary Clinton Get Elected President.
“Should Ms. Clinton win, all of that work and all of the foundation’s assets should be spun off to an organization with no ties to the first family.” (Editorial, “The Latest Clinton Emails Show What An Ethics Agreement Shouldn’t Look Like,” The Washington Post, 8/23/16)

The Los Angeles Times’ Editorial Board Called On Bill, Hillary And Chelsea To End Their Ties To The Clinton Foundation.
“We would propose a differently solution: that the foundation continue but that the Clinton family sever its connection to it so long as Hillary Clinton is in the White House. That means not only Bill and Hillary Clinton but also Chelsea Clinton, who now serves as the foundation’s vice chair.” (Editorial, “It’s Time To Take The ‘Clinton’ Out Of The Clinton Foundation,” Los Angeles Times, 8/25/16)

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune Editorial Board Called On The Clintons To Shut Down The Clinton Foundation.
“There is only one way to mitigate the damage at this point. As painful as it would be, the Clintons must shut down what until recently was known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. The half-measures being proposed don’t go far enough and leave the issue as one that will plague her until the last days of this election and perhaps beyond.” (Editorial, “It's Past Time To Shut Down The Clinton Foundation,” Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 8/26/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump
Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive “hacking”or coughing attack, yet it is #1 trending. What’s up?

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