Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Ronald Kessler!!! The same idiots keep using the same sources that have already been proven wrong.

Who is next ? D'souza? :):)

Ronald Kessler
New York Times Bestselling Author

of books about the Secret Service, FBI, and CIA

[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]Ron Kessler...has enjoyed a reputation for solid reporting over the past four decades. Lloyd Grove, The Daily Beast[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Kessler's such a skilled storyteller, you almost forget this is dead-serious nonfiction... Newsweek[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][Ronald Kessler] is the man who broke the story about the [Secret Service prostitution] episode in Cartagena.... New York Times[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]His [Kessler's] book quotes both flattering and unflattering observations about presidents of both parties. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]Ron Kessler appears to get everything first. Slate[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Since publication of his New York Timesbestselling bookIn the President’s Secret Service,award-winning investigative reporter Ronald Kessler has continued to penetrate the wall of secrecy that surrounds the U.S. Secret Service, breaking the story that Secret Service agents who were to protect President Obama hired prostitutes in Cartagena, Colombia and revealing that the Secret Service allowed a third uninvited guest to crash a White House state dinner. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Now in The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents, Kessler presents far bigger and more consequential stories that are making headlines about our nation’s leaders—Republicans and Democrats—and the agency sworn to protect them. Kessler widens his scope to include presidential candidates and former presidents after they leave the White House. In particular, he focuses on first ladies and their children and their relationships with the presidents. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]From observing Vice President Joe Biden’s reckless behavior that jeopardizes the country’s safety, to escorting Bill Clinton’s blond mistress at Chappaqua, to overhearing First Lady Michelle Obama’s admonitions to the president, to witnessing President Nixon’s friends bring him a nude stripper, to seeing their own agency take risks that could result in an assassination, Secret Service agents know a secret world that Ronald Kessler exposes in breathtaking detail. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Ronald Kessler on Book TV's "In Depth"[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Secret Service Turmoil[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The First Family Detail on Book TV[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]White House Secrets Revealed in "The First Family Detail"[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Bill Clinton's Mistress Codenamed "Energizer"[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]ABC News: Hillary's Detail a "Form of Punishment"[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Time: The Secret Service Thinks We Are Fools
Now Available in Paperback[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Order at Amazon[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Order at Barnes & Noble[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Books by Ron Kessler[/FONT]

Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents


Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire
and the Presidents They Protect

Inside the Desperate Race to Stop the Next Attack

An Intimate Portrait of the First Lady

Inside the White House of George W. Bush

Inside the Secret Campaign Against Terror
The Secret History of the FBI
Inside Palm Beach and America’s Richest Society

The Shocking Scandals, Corruption, and
Abuse of Power Behind the Scenes on Capitol Hill
Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded
The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets
of the World's Most Powerful Institution
Inside the World’s Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency

Revealing the Secrets of the World’s
Most Powerful Spy Agency
How the CIA Won and Lost the Most Important KGB Spy
Ever to Defect to the U.S.
How Glenn Souther Stole America’s Nuclear War Plans
and Escaped to Moscow
How the KGB Penetrated the American Embassy
Stalking Soviet Spies in America
The Story of Adnan Khashoggi

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
If Hillary hasn't been indicted by now what makes anyone think she ever will?

The Clinton's are above the law and what's most important is they know it.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Posted by The Right Scoop on Aug 23, 2016 at 11:47 AM in Politics | 147 Comments

ABC News is reporting that special access was indeed given to a Clinton Foundation donor, the Crown Prince of Bahrain, whose government had donated a lot of money to the Clinton Foundation:

ABC News reports that the Crown Prince couldn’t get access through normal channels, but as a Clinton Foundation donor, he was able to get access within 48 hours. Who knows what favors she did actually for him that the new emails won’t reveal.

I also like how ABC News reported that she swore under oath that the Clinton Foundation would have no influence on her as Secretary of State, meaning that she lied through her teeth.

So what else is new?

Read more:

New member
Jan 9, 2009
You can't position yourself to be above the law without legions of support. The Dem's are way short on leaders and to be a leader you must be in the established web of deception, thus Bernie never had a chance. When you only have one egg in the basket you have to live with it. The same one's that want her now wanted her to beat Obama back then. Hillary is a scrambled egg at that and way over priced.
Eggzactly LOL
Bill's meeting at the A/P with the head of the DOJ is clear as a bell now. The lame stream media is at their beck and call.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
New Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Murder Cover-Up



Twenty-three years ago during the Clinton administration, Deputy White House Council Vincent Foster was found dead in his car.

This scandal shocked the country, and raised massive questions about just how dangerous the Clintons are.

Foster’s apparent suicide was quite suspicious. Two investigators – Robert Fiske and Kenneth Starr – separately concluded that Foster shot himself and died, due to suicide.

But over time, major questions have been raised about what may have really killed him. Now, recently discovered evidence blows the case wide open!

Discovered in the files of the National Archives and Records Administration, Starr’s lead prosecutor Miguel Rodriguez submitted a 2-page resignation letter and a 31 page memo about the injuries Foster sustained. Rodriguez notes in the letter details about injuries around Foster’s neck which were not reported in official government documents.

At the time, the FBi claimed that Foster’s neck injury photos were underexposed, and therefore useless to them.

Rodriguez claims that after he produced additinal damning evidence of a possible Foster murder coverup, he became a target and was investigated internally!

In the letter, he explained 12 ways in which the case has mishandled and compromised. Then, he noted:
“I steadfastly maintained, and continue to maintain, that I, at all times, conducted myself as an experienced and trained prosecutor, with years of federal prosecutorial experience and federal grand jury experience.”

These records indicate Foster didn’t really die from one .38 caliber gunshot… but two gunshots! The other shot was on the right side of his neck, made by a “Small caliber” bullet hole.

This raises serious questions about Foster’s motives for suicide. He was tied to Hillary Clinton’s roles in White House scandals at Whitewater and the White House Travel Office.

Here is the new smoking gun in the Foster case!


The theory is, as Vince Foster was one of Hillary’s closest friends, he knew too much about these scandals. In fact, he may have had a romantic relationship with the then first-Lady:
Foster had been a long-time friend and companion to Hillary. The two shared a brokerage account called Midlife Partners. When Barbara Walters asked Hillary if she had been having an affair with Vince Foster, Hillary lowered her eyes and told the 20/20 cameras, “He was a very special man.” When he died, Hillary said publicly that Vince Foster was the last person who would have committed suicide. Friends reported she was genuinely shocked and aggrieved.

Why, then, did Hillary lie under oath about the last time she saw Vince Foster?

Testifying before the Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC) in 1994, she claimed that the last time she had spoken to Vince Foster was on the phone “the Friday or Saturday before Father’s Day.” Yet documents from the National Archives, acquired by the New York Megaphone, show that Foster’s assistant, Tom Castleton, reported he “saw Hillary Clinton in Foster’s office approximately four times during the five weeks he was employed.” Castleton didn’t start working for Foster until after Father’s Day, 1993.

According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in a 1996 Telegraph (UK) article, Hillary Clinton asked Vince Foster to help her spy on her libertine husband in 1990. Foster hired Jerry Parks, an Arkansas investigator who later worked as the head of security for the Clinton/Gore campaign. According to Parks’s widow, “Jerry asked Vince why he needed this stuff on Clinton. He said he needed it for Hillary.” When Vince Foster showed up dead in a Washington-area public park in the summer of 1993, Parks was terrified. Two months later Parks was shot nine times at close range, at a stoplight, in his SUV, in Little Rock. Parks’s home was then raided by eight Federal agents, including officers from the FBI, IRS, Secret Service, and (unusual for a domestic case) the CIA.

If true, this means Vince Foster was murdered to make sure he didn’t tell the world what he knew about President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary. He was too honest, and therefore couldn’t be trusted anymore.

This is actually worse than transmitting classified documents on a home email server… This is murder!

Read more:

New member
Oct 29, 2010
New Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Murder Cover-Up



Twenty-three years ago during the Clinton administration, Deputy White House Council Vincent Foster was found dead in his car.

This scandal shocked the country, and raised massive questions about just how dangerous the Clintons are.

Foster’s apparent suicide was quite suspicious. Two investigators – Robert Fiske and Kenneth Starr – separately concluded that Foster shot himself and died, due to suicide.

But over time, major questions have been raised about what may have really killed him. Now, recently discovered evidence blows the case wide open!

Discovered in the files of the National Archives and Records Administration, Starr’s lead prosecutor Miguel Rodriguez submitted a 2-page resignation letter and a 31 page memo about the injuries Foster sustained. Rodriguez notes in the letter details about injuries around Foster’s neck which were not reported in official government documents.

At the time, the FBi claimed that Foster’s neck injury photos were underexposed, and therefore useless to them.

Rodriguez claims that after he produced additinal damning evidence of a possible Foster murder coverup, he became a target and was investigated internally!

In the letter, he explained 12 ways in which the case has mishandled and compromised. Then, he noted:
“I steadfastly maintained, and continue to maintain, that I, at all times, conducted myself as an experienced and trained prosecutor, with years of federal prosecutorial experience and federal grand jury experience.”

These records indicate Foster didn’t really die from one .38 caliber gunshot… but two gunshots! The other shot was on the right side of his neck, made by a “Small caliber” bullet hole.

This raises serious questions about Foster’s motives for suicide. He was tied to Hillary Clinton’s roles in White House scandals at Whitewater and the White House Travel Office.

Here is the new smoking gun in the Foster case!


The theory is, as Vince Foster was one of Hillary’s closest friends, he knew too much about these scandals. In fact, he may have had a romantic relationship with the then first-Lady:
Foster had been a long-time friend and companion to Hillary. The two shared a brokerage account called Midlife Partners. When Barbara Walters asked Hillary if she had been having an affair with Vince Foster, Hillary lowered her eyes and told the 20/20 cameras, “He was a very special man.” When he died, Hillary said publicly that Vince Foster was the last person who would have committed suicide. Friends reported she was genuinely shocked and aggrieved.

Why, then, did Hillary lie under oath about the last time she saw Vince Foster?

Testifying before the Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC) in 1994, she claimed that the last time she had spoken to Vince Foster was on the phone “the Friday or Saturday before Father’s Day.” Yet documents from the National Archives, acquired by the New York Megaphone, show that Foster’s assistant, Tom Castleton, reported he “saw Hillary Clinton in Foster’s office approximately four times during the five weeks he was employed.” Castleton didn’t start working for Foster until after Father’s Day, 1993.

According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in a 1996 Telegraph (UK) article, Hillary Clinton asked Vince Foster to help her spy on her libertine husband in 1990. Foster hired Jerry Parks, an Arkansas investigator who later worked as the head of security for the Clinton/Gore campaign. According to Parks’s widow, “Jerry asked Vince why he needed this stuff on Clinton. He said he needed it for Hillary.” When Vince Foster showed up dead in a Washington-area public park in the summer of 1993, Parks was terrified. Two months later Parks was shot nine times at close range, at a stoplight, in his SUV, in Little Rock. Parks’s home was then raided by eight Federal agents, including officers from the FBI, IRS, Secret Service, and (unusual for a domestic case) the CIA.

If true, this means Vince Foster was murdered to make sure he didn’t tell the world what he knew about President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary. He was too honest, and therefore couldn’t be trusted anymore.

This is actually worse than transmitting classified documents on a home email server… This is murder!

Read more:

Another joe conspiracy :):)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- AUGUST 23, 2016 -[/h][h=1]TRUMP CAMPAIGN STATEMENT ON THE CLINTON FOUNDATION’S MISLEADING DAMAGE CONTROL[/h]“The Clinton Foundation’s laughable attempt to address conflicts of interest fails to include many of its umbrella organizations like the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which alone represents nearly two-thirds of all foundation spending. The bottom line is that conflicts of interest with foreign governments and special interests would continue unabated in a Hillary Clinton administration under their insufficient and unacceptable proposal.”- Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Largest Arm Of Foundation Not Covered Under Plans To Address Conflicts Of Interest
Other Clinton-Affiliated Nonprofits, Most Notably The Clinton Health Access Initiative, Will Continue To Take Corporate And Foreign Contributions:
Other Clinton Charities Outside The Clinton Foundation Will Continue To Take Foreign And Corporate Donations Should Clinton Become President. “Big chunks of the Clinton family’s charitable network would be exempt from a self-imposed ban on foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, loopholes that highlight the complexity of disentangling her from the former first family’s myriad potential conflicts of interest.” (Annie Linskey, “Not All Clinton Charities Bound By New Set Of Rules,” Boston Globe, 8/20/16)
These Charities Include The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), The Alliance For A Healthier Generation And The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership. “The most prominent of the exceptions applies to the Boston-based Clinton Health Access Initiative, which in 2014 accounted for 66 percent of spending by the Clinton network of charities. … They include the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, an entity cofounded by the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, a joint venture between Bill Clinton and Canadian mining billionaire Frank Giustra.” (Annie Linskey, “Not All Clinton Charities Bound By New Set Of Rules,” Boston Globe, 8/20/16)
CHAI “Accounted For 66 Percent Of Spending By The Clinton Network Of Charities.” “The most prominent of the exceptions applies to the Boston-based Clinton Health Access Initiative, which in 2014 accounted for 66 percent of spending by the Clinton network of charities.” (Annie Linskey, “Not All Clinton Charities Bound By New Set Of Rules,” Boston Globe, 8/20/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010

[h=6]- AUGUST 23, 2016 -[/h][h=1]SENATOR JEFF SESSIONS ON THE NEED FOR A SPECIAL PROSECUTOR[/h]"The fundamental thing is you cannot be Secretary of State of the United States of America and use that position to extort or seek contributions to your private foundation. That is a fundamental violation of law and that does appear to have happened." - Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
“These latest emails are further evidence that Mrs. Clinton set up her private server to prevent the public from seeing how Hillary and Bill mixed public power with their personal financial and political ambitions via the family foundation.” - The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Headline: “Clinton’s Colin Powell Excuse”

  • “Also on Monday Judicial Watch released more emails showing the close ties between the Clinton State Department and Clinton Foundation. In a June 23, 2009 email, former Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band wrote to Clinton aide Human Abedin at State: ‘Cp of Bahrain in tomorrow to Friday Asking to see her Good friend of ours[.]’ … These latest emails are further evidence that Mrs. Clinton set up her private server to prevent the public from seeing how Hillary and Bill mixed public power with their personal financial and political ambitions via the family foundation. When she got caught, Mrs. Clinton cherry-picked the emails she’d turn over to State and tried to destroy the rest. Meanwhile, everyone important in the world understood that a gift to the Clinton Foundation was a way to influence the U.S. government.”
New York Post Editorial Headline: “Another E-Mail Dump, More Proof Of Clinton Inc. Sleaze”

  • “So much for Hillary Clinton’s claim to have handed in all of her work e-mails: Turns out the FBI found another 14,900 — meaning she ‘missed’ at least a third of what the law required her to fork over. It’ll be weeks before the public learns anything about what’s in that dump — but Monday brought plenty of dirt from yet another stash of e-mails, ones that top Hillary aide Huma Abedin sent or received on her clintonemail and other non-State accounts. Brought to light by the good folks at Judicial Watch, these show new cases of special attention for big Clinton Foundation donors.”
Boston Herald Editorial Headline: “Editorial: Donations Buy Access”

  • “The latest bunch of Clinton-era State Department emails released yesterday provide a host of instances in which donations to the Clinton Foundation netted the donors access to the secretary herself on an expedited basis. It was a shocking system even by Clinton standards. … Many of the exchanges document how Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band had only to shoot a quick email to Abedin about, say, how much trouble Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain ($32 million donor to the Clinton Global Initiative plus at least $50,000 from the Kingdom to the foundation) was having getting in to see ‘hrc.’ Well, wouldtomorrow be soon enough?”
Sacramento Bee Editorial Headline: “Hillary Clinton Must Steer Clear Of Foundation”

  • “It was necessary, and overdue, for former President Bill Clinton to make clear that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, his global foundation will no longer take money from corporations or foreign governments. There were too many troubling questions and awkward appearances regarding Clinton Foundation donors receiving special access while she was secretary of state. The potential conflicts would become untenable with her in the Oval Office. … But emails – yes, it’s another aspect of the email scandal – have shown donors seeking, and in some cases, getting meetings with Clinton and other top officials. Judicial Watch, a conservative nonprofit group, sued for Clinton’s emails and released another batch Monday. The exchanges include ones between top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and foundation executive Douglas Band about face time for Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain, whose scholarship program gave $32 million to the Clinton Global Initiative.”
Investor’s Business Daily Editorial Headline: “Clinton Email Scandal: Is Hillary's Cover-Up Unraveling?”

  • “Corruption: Now that the FBI has found nearly 15,000 more emails and documents missing from Hillary Clinton's server, the strategy is clear: Clinton will admit to nothing even as more emails dribble out, then when the pattern of criminality becomes clear in October or early November, her campaign will sing that it's ‘old news’ or blame others. And Big Media will ignore it. … Put that in context: Clinton's attorneys had said earlier that there were only about 30,000 emails on her server that were related to Hillary's tenure as secretary of state. Now that number has grown to 45,000. Anyone want to bet it won't go even higher from there? Or that some of them will contain national secrets that shouldn't be put on the internet? … Judicial Watch on Monday also released a batch of previously unreleased emails that indicated Hillary's former top aide at the State Department, Huma Abedin, ‘provided expedited, direct access to Clinton for donors who had contributed from $25,000 to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.’”

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Hillary courts the stars: Justin Timberlake gets the A-list to open wallets for Clinton as he and Jessica Biel host multi-million dollar fundraiser with Jennifer Aniston and Jamie Foxx[/h]
Hillary Clinton's $33,400-a-head fundraiser in Los Angeles expectedly attracted an A-list crowd. It also gave the presidential candidate a chance to show off her fun-loving side, posing for a photobooth selfie with hosts and showbiz power couple Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel (center, with Clinton). They both posted the candid snaps on Instagram alongside the caption: 'Look who came over for dinner.' The other A-listers in attendance included Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, Spiderman star Tobey Maguire (together, right) and a youthful looking Jennifer Aniston (left, with heiress Maya Henry). Hillary beamed on stage (inset) while Timberlake and Biel gave joint speech to the star-studded crowd. Around 100 people are thought to have attended the lavish event which was originally supposed to be hosted by Leonardo DiCaprio. The Academy Award winner became preoccupied with a climate change documentary he's working on for the upcoming Toronto Film Festival.


New member
Nov 10, 2010



CHILLY RECEPTION?: Hillary Clinton wore a coat during her Sunday visit to Nantucket, Massachusetts, but why?


New member
Nov 10, 2010



COVERUP? Clinton sported a mid-length quote in Nantucket on Sunday, but some women wore dresses that left their shoulders exposed


New member
Nov 10, 2010


Trump campaign official John E. Jaggers even suggested that Clinton will die within the year, and that running mate Tim Kaine could serve for eight years as president. He accused Clinton of 'covering it up'


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Google buries 'Clinton body count': Search engine accused of hiding negative stories during Hillary's campaign[/h]
  • Google has been accused of changing its algorithm to bury negative stories about Hillary including the notorious 'Clinton body count'
  • When users type 'Clinton body', Google's top results are car repair shops
  • But other search engines auto-complete with stories about body count
  • It refers to a notorious list of people connected to the Clintons who have died mysteriously in the past three decades
  • Latest alleged member includes DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered last month in an apparent robbery gone wrong
  • Wikileaks founder has since hinted that Rich was a secret source for him
  • But many have dismissed the list as the work of conspiracy theorists
  • Negative stories about Donald Trump and former Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, still auto-complete on Google
  • Google have so far declined to comment on the allegations


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Obama snubs Clinton Foundation as he stays away from its final 'Global Initiative' meeting – even though he's in New York when it's being held[/h]
  • President to be in New York for annual UN meeting in September
  • Clinton Foundation announced that this year's Clinton Global Initiative will be its last
  • 'It was a function of the schedule'
  • New emails reveal heavy hitter Clinton Foundation donors seeking to get face time with Hillary Clinton

There is one high-rolling Democrat with his own jet who will not be attending the annual Clinton Global Initiative this fall: President Obama.
A White House official confirmed that Obama won't attend the annual gab fest this year – after Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has brought unprecedented scrutiny on Clinton family charity efforts.
'It was a function of the schedule,' said the source, who dismissed as 'nonsense' inquiries by about whether the decision might have to do with recent media attention or the news that this year's event will be the last.


President Obama will not be attending this year's Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Foundation's last annual conference of its kind



Bill Clinton will have to host this year's C.G.I. without benefit of attendance by President Obama, who has spoken there in the past

The Clinton Foundation announced that the C.G.I. meeting in September will be the final gathering, after ongoing reports about Clinton Foundation donors seeking face time and favors from Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of State.
'The president has spoken at their gathering several times and has expressed how much he values the work being done by the Foundation around the world,' according to the official.
Politico first reported that Obama won't be going to an event he attended in some capacity for each of the first six years of his presidency, until 2015.
Clinton is expected to be in New York for the annual meeting of the UN General Assembly, which coincides with C.G.I.


Bill Clinton has used the annual CGI meeting to connect potential donors with needy charities



President Obama and President Clinton greet at the 2014 meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative



The annual confab coincides with the annual meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York

In just the latest embarrassing revelation from Hillary Clinton's emails, it was revealed this week how major Clinton Foundation donors and officials got VIP access to Hillary Clinton's State Department office, putting in requests for State Department favors on behalf of rock star Bono, the Crown Prince of Bahrain, and an English soccer player, according to newly-released emails.
The emails, obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, show that Clinton Foundation official Doug Band often passed along requests to Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin on behalf of the foundation's donors and their friends or clients. In other cases, donors emails Abedin or Clinton directly.
In one June 2009 email, Band asked Abedin to help set up a meeting between Clinton and Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain. The Kingdom of Bahrain has contributed between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, and the Crown Prince reportedly established another program with the Clinton Global Initiative.
'Cp of Bahrain in tomorrow to Friday,' wrote Band in the email to Abedin. 'Asking to see [Clinton]. Good friend of ours.'
Republican Donald Trump has called for the entire Clinton Foundation to be 'shut down immediately.'
Bill Clinton announced to staff last week the foundation will no longer accept foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton gets elected, and that the September CGI would be the last regardless of who wins.
Clinton said he would resign from the board and would only accept contributions from U.S. citizens and independent charities if Hillary wins the White House.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]EXCLUSIVE - Missing: FBI files linking Hillary Clinton to the 'suicide' of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished from the National Archives[/h]
Documents describing Hillary Clinton's role in the death of White House counsel Vince Foster (above right with Hillary) have vanished, Daily Mail Online has learned after an extensive investigation. Foster is believed to have shot himself with a .38 caliber revolver at Fort Marcy Park along the Potomac River on July 20, 1993. Two former FBI agents involved in the investigation tell Daily Mail Online they issued reports linking Hillary's tirade to Foster's suicide. Days before his death, then First Lady ridiculed him mercilessly in front of his peers, say former FBI agents and detailed it in their report. 'You have failed us,' Hillary told Foster, former FBI Jim Clemente (inset above) told Daily Mail Online. Archived documents related to the case, housed at National Archives in College Park, Md. were examined by the author to no avail. After filing a Freedom of Information request, it was determined that the agents' reports were missing.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]GOP chairman says Trump will be tied or ahead of Hillary two weeks from now as he insists voters are saying: 'I can see him in the White House'[/h]
It's 'important ... for Donald Trump to continue down this measured path that he's on,' said Reince Priebus. 'And if he does that, I think he's going to be tied, or ahead, at or just after Labor Day.'

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