Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I love you. I love you too.

From bitter rivals to then allies and colleagues, President Obama plans to tell the story of how he eventually warmed up to Clinton – to make the case that the country should too.
Obama and Clinton will appear together for the first time this campaign cycle on Tuesday, where they will show of a new phase of their storied relationship: co-dependents.
Clinton's chances of winning the White House hinge on rallying Obama's coalition to her cause. Obama's legacy depends on her success.

Eight years after they spent millions tearing each other down in pursuit of the White House, they will now spend countless words and four months selling each other to the public.

The foe-to-friend story will be at the center of the Obama-Clinton show in Charlotte, North Carolina, aides to both say.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^^^^^hmmm. Lets see what do those two have in common....oh yes....George Soros. So when they ran against each other he pointed out her multi-faults and now that he is not running against her he will leave them alone. Again, hmmm, it is the Democratic way.

Aug 6, 2006
I love you. I love you too.

From bitter rivals to then allies and colleagues, President Obama plans to tell the story of how he eventually warmed up to Clinton – to make the case that the country should too.
Obama and Clinton will appear together for the first time this campaign cycle on Tuesday, where they will show of a new phase of their storied relationship: co-dependents.
Clinton's chances of winning the White House hinge on rallying Obama's coalition to her cause. Obama's legacy depends on her success.

Eight years after they spent millions tearing each other down in pursuit of the White House, they will now spend countless words and four months selling each other to the public.

The foe-to-friend story will be at the center of the Obama-Clinton show in Charlotte, North Carolina, aides to both say.

Can picture DaCorpse
and his giant ugly face going from her box to his meat like a pair of windshield wipers set on high.

Sep 22, 2007
Hillary Clinton at a campaign event last month in Pittsburgh. Deeply confident that she would perform better as the president than as a political candidate, Mrs. Clinton wants to pursue a whole new approach at the White House to try to break through years of partisan gridlock.

Deeply confident that she would perform better as the president than as a political candidate, Mrs. Clinton wants to pursue a whole new approach at the White House to try to break through years of partisan gridlock, according to a dozen campaign advisers and allies who described her goals and outlook. From policy goals and personnel to her instinct for patiently cultivating the enemy, Mrs. Clinton thinks she would be a better dealmaker than President Obama if she finds willing partners on the other side.

Oh paleeez! Gage me with a spoon.

Gag me with a spoon? What are you, a 16 year Valley Girl? About as aware as one, so, that fits...

New member
Aug 28, 2012
[h=1]Huma Abedin admits that Clinton burned daily schedules[/h][FONT="][COLOR=#2A2A2A][FONT=proxima-nova]By [URL=""]Daniel Halper[/URL][/FONT]
July 4, 2016 | 12:52am
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Huma Abedin and Hillary ClintonPhoto: Splash News

[FONT="][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT="][/FONT][FONT="][h=3]MORE ON:[/h][h=6][URL=""]THE HILLARY EMAILS[/URL][/h]
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[h=5]Hillary's latest shower of email shoes[/h]
[h=5]Clinton interviewed by FBI about private email server[/h]
[h=5]Lynch may be forced to charge Hillary after Bill's shady powwow[/h]


Hillary Clinton’s closest aide revealed in adeposition last week that her boss destroyed at least some of her schedules as secretary of state — a revelation that could complicate matters for the presumptive Democratic nominee, who, along with the State Department she ran, is facing numerous lawsuits seeking those public records.
Huma Abedin was deposed in connection with a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit into Clinton’s emails — but her admission could be relevant to another lawsuit seeking Clinton’s schedules.
“If there was a schedule that was created that was her Secretary of State daily schedule, and a copy of that was then put in the burn bag, that . . . that certainly happened on . . . on more than one occasion,” Abedin told lawyers representing Judicial Watch, the conservative organization behind the emails lawsuit.
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Abedin made the surprising admission in response to a question about document destruction at the Department of State. A lawyer for Judicial Watch asked: “And during your tenure at the State Department, were you aware of your obligation not to delete federal records or destroy federal records?”
‘I’ve never seen anyone put their schedule in the burn bag.’
- Richard Grenell, former diplomat​
Abedin was not pressed for more details.
Clinton has admitted to destroying “private personal emails” as secretary of state. But Abedin’s admission that she used so-called “burn bags” — a container that material is placed in before it is destroyed — for some of her schedules is the first time anyone close to her has disclosed destroying public records.
The exact circumstances surrounding those destroyed records will likely come under intense scrutiny, critics said.
A former State Department official told The Post it was unprecedented for a diplomat to destroy a schedule like this.
“I spent eight years at the State Department and watched as four US ambassadors and two secretaries of state shared their daily schedules with a variety of State Department employees and US officials,” said Richard Grenell, former diplomat and US spokesman at the United Nations.
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Huma AbedinPhoto: AP“I’ve never seen anyone put their schedule in the burn bag — because every one of them had email address and therefore their daily schedules became public records, as required by law.”
Others said Clinton’s careful approach to her schedule further highlights her recklessness in using a personal server for all her email communications.
“The [president’s] schedule was not classified but it was deemed ‘highly sensitive.’ Instructions were given at the White House and on the road that schedules would be disposed of through the use of ‘burn bags’ and/or shredding,” said Brad Blakeman, a scheduler for President George W. Bush.
“This shows, in my opinion, a skewed sense of security. The Clinton people would dispose of the secretary’s schedule in the same manner as if it were classified yet those same safeguards were not in place with regard to email communications.”
Ambassador John Bolton, a Clinton critic, said the matter shows Clinton’s “recklessness” regarding her emails. But he noted it’s unlikely Clinton could have completely destroyed her schedules.
“They can’t eliminate it even if they wanted to,” Bolton said.
The Associated Press has been seeking Clinton’s schedule through Freedom of Information Act requests asking for Clinton’s public and private calendars and schedules from Jan. 21, 2009, through Feb. 1, 2013. The wire service sued the State Department for those schedules in 2015.

More Huma pics please lol

Sep 22, 2007
Hey, I can’t help it that the majority of voters are as dumb as you are.

The following article would seem to indicate that you a liar and/or a moron...but, then, we already knew that, didn't we? And, the fact that you think your statement is true because, well, YOU say it is, shows just how fucking stupid you are. And, btw, check out Rumps' support among college educated men and NON college educated men, and get back to me, schmuck.
Oct 30, 2006
WikiLeaks writes:
On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016.
Obviously, these emails will take some time for us and other outfits to comb through. Of course, as we already knew, the emails from the time period concerning the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya are missing.
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» WikiLeaks Publishes Over 30,000 Hillary Clinton Emails
WikiLeaks Publishes Over 30,000 Hillary Clinton Emails Keith Farrell July 4,…



New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton-related State Dept. records delays are mounting up[/h]By STEPHEN BRAUN

Jul. 5, 2016 3:25 AM EDT




1 photo

  • [*=center]
FILE - In this Oct. 18, 2011, file photo, then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton checks her... Read more



WASHINGTON (AP) — Just five months before the presidential election, the State Department is under fire in courtrooms over its delays in turning over government files related to Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.
In one case, the agency warned it needed a 27-month delay, until October 2018, to turn over emails from Clinton's former aides, and the judge in another case, a lawsuit by The Associated Press, wondered aloud whether the State Department might be deliberately delaying until after the election.
"We're now reaching a point where there's mounting frustration that this is a project where the State Department may be running out the clock," said U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Leon. The judge said he was considering imposing penalties on the agency if it failed to meet the next set of deadlines he orders. Leon wondered aloud at one point whether he might impose penalties for again failing to deliver records on time. He mused about "a fine on a daily basis" or "incarceration."

"I can't send the marshals, obviously, out to bring in the documents, at least they wouldn't know where to go, probably," Leon said.

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Secretary of State John Kerry and other officials have said they are committed to public transparency, vowing that the State Department will improve its practices under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. Last year, after an inspector general's audit harshly critical of the agency, Kerry appointed a "transparency coordinator," Janice Jacobs, and said the agency would "fundamentally improve our ability to respond to requests for our records."
But in three separate court hearings last week, officials acknowledged that their records searches were hobbled by errors and new delays and said they need far more time to produce Clinton records. In other cases where the agency has already reached legal agreements with news organizations and political groups, the final delivery of thousands of records will not come until months after the November election — far too late to give voters an opportunity to analyze the performance of Clinton and her aides.
State Department spokesman John Kirby blamed the spiraling delays on mounting requests for more files. "These requests are also frequently more complex, and increasingly seeking larger volumes of documents requiring more time, more resources and frankly, more interagency coordination," Kirby said.
The State Department said in court that it had miscalculated the amount of material it expected to process as part of a public records lawsuit from Citizens United, a conservative interest group. In basic searches of 14,000 pages of records, officials failed to include the "to" and "from" lines of the messages, missing many possible records.
"These delay tactics by the Obama administration look like nothing more than an assist to former Secretary Clinton," said the group's president, David Bossie.
The AP had better luck asking for files about the role Clinton or her aides played in a 2011 decision allowing the British defense contractor BAE Systems plc to avoid being barred from government work and instead pay a $79 million fine. The AP received some records, but last week, the judge said he will likely order the State Department to turn over remaining files in September instead of mid-October, as the agency proposed.
Government lawyers said they need to review thousands of pages and allow the files to be examined by BAE's lawyers in case the company identifies proprietary material that would need to be censored.
"I'm not going to set them for October, two weeks before the election, that's ridiculous," Leon said.
In a third court case, the news site was told by State Department lawyers last week that the agency had failed to provide at least 100 email attachments from Philippe Reines, a Clinton aide who used a private account to send work-related messages. Gawker and the agency agreed that the State Department would turn over the missing material by September.
Also last week, during another legal proceeding involving Huma Abedin, Clinton's closest aide and her former deputy chief of staff, Abedin said she "was never asked to search my emails for anything related to FOIA when I was at State."
Logs of requests showed that Abedin's emails had been sought at the time by reporters for Gawker, Huffington Post and other organizations.
Kirby told the AP that he could not comment on whether Abedin's files were properly searched during Clinton's tenure. But he added that "we have acknowledged that historically we did not have a consistent practice for searching emails in the Office of the Secretary."


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Ex-Secret Service Agent: Mainstream Media ‘Blacklisting’ Me to Help ‘Clinton Machine’ ‘Squash’ Message[/h]


Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

by TONY LEE4 Jul 2016253

Gary Byrne, the retired U.S. Secret Service agent who has written a blockbuster new book about his time in the Clinton White House, suspects that the so-called “Clinton Machine” is getting the mainstream media to “blacklist” him in order to “squash” his message about how Hillary Clinton is unfit to become the country’s next President.
Byrne answered questions about his book last week at Barnes & Noble in McLean, Virginia, and C-SPAN aired the event over the weekend. His book, Crisis of Character, reveals some sordid details about the Clinton White House that he observed while standing guard outside of the Oval Office.
“They basically unleashed their ‘Clinton Machine’ on me, so to speak,” he said. “I knew I was getting that.”
Byrne added that, “I do know that I have been blacklisted from the regular TV channels. We had a couple of things scheduled and then all of a sudden they kind of went away.”
When an audience member asked if George Stephanopoulos, the former White House Communications Director and Clinton loyalist who now poses as an “objective” journalist at ABC and hosts the network’s “This Week” Sunday show, has called him for an interview, Byrne answered, “No, he has not.” Had Byrne revealed details about a Republican President, those in the mainstream press like Stephanopoulous would most likely be competing to get Byrne on their programs.
Byrne said he respected Stephanopoulos and mentioned that “he walked by me every day.” He said he was friends with Stephanopoulos’s assistants and thought Stephanopoulos was a “decent” and “intelligent” guy even though he didn’t “agree with his political leanings.” Byrne said the funny thing is when the Clinton Machine first claimed that Byrne wasn’t where he said he was, all the media could have done was ask Stephanopoulos if Byrne was telling the truth. Byrne made a point that he did not write he book because he despises Democrats and even said he hoped Leon Panetta would run for President.
When an audience member asked if he has heard anything from Clinton’s camp, Byrne said they first tried to discredit him by saying the “uniform division is not allowed to do anything.”
“Well, if that were true, why was I subpoenaed six times?” Byrne, who was called to testify against Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, asked. He said when that did not work so well, they then claimed that he “made it all up.” And since that didn’t work, Byrne said he wonders what the next line of attack will be against him.
This is not the first time, of course, that the mainstream media have tried to protect the Clintons by concealing things about them from the masses. Had it not been for Internet news pioneer Matt Drudge, the world may have never known about Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky or the mainstream media’s attempts to cover it up.
As Breitbart News has written, “Drudge forever changed journalism in January of 1998 when he reported that Bill Clinton had a sexual relationship with a White House intern and that Newsweek killed the story to protect its ally in the White House.”
Three years before Drudge’s bombshell, the Clinton administration feared the Internet’s ability to allow pioneers like Drudge to democratize the news, which Drudge forever did. In its 1995 “conspiracy commerce memo,” the Clinton White House fretted that the “Internet has become one of the major and most dynamic modes of communication” and “can link people, groups and organizations together instantly.”
“Moreover, it allows an extraordinary amount of unregulated data and information to be located in one area and available to all,” the memo states. “The right wing has seized upon the Internet as a means of communicating its ideas to people. Moreover, evidence exists that Republican staffers surf the Internet, interacting with extremists in order to exchange ideas and information.”
Byrne said Clinton’s allies are blacklisting him because they are trying to “squash my message” that Hillary Clinton is “not the person we want to be president.”

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
At least now we know what Bill was up to.

Hey Loretta, if you stage a dog pony and show while allowing my guilty wife to escape prosecution, you can stay on as AG in her administration. What do you say?

(They're not even hiding it anymore)

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hey Loretta, if you stage a dog pony and show while allowing my guilty wife to escape prosecution, you can stay on as AG in her administration. What do you say?

(They're not even hiding it anymore)
It appears she doesn’t have to.

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