Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Sep 22, 2007
russ doesn't care about criminals with an (R) behind their name. I mean , this guy rails against George Soros and every dem donor......but thinks the Koch brothers are just swell.

I would say Russ is the biggest dummy at this forum.....but when you consider dave007, fest zit, Willie, Joe and Acebb also dwell here.....the race is neck and neck

Ohh, you forgot the "Freddy Lynn" of the Rx(MVP & Rookie of the Year in his first season): Sick Brit Twit. Fuckin' guy came out of NOWHERE to be, IMO, Mother of All Morons(especially considering that he argues incessantly about American politics when he's a foreigner and is fast approaching 50,000 posts-virtually all of them pointless).

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Ohh, you forgot the "Freddy Lynn" of the Rx(MVP & Rookie of the Year in his first season): Sick Brit Twit. Fuckin' guy came out of NOWHERE to be, IMO, Mother of All Morons(especially considering that he argues incessantly about American politics when he's a foreigner and is fast approaching 50,000 posts-virtually all of them pointless).

I always forget him......maybe I've just mentally blocked him out.

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump
I believe that Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have the meeting with the U.S.A.G. So Bill is not in trouble with H except that he got caught!

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting "go away, no pictures."

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Huma Abedin admits that Clinton burned daily schedules[/h][FONT=&quot]By Daniel Halper

July 4, 2016 | 12:52am
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Huma Abedin and Hillary ClintonPhoto: Splash News

[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][h=3]MORE ON:[/h][h=6]THE HILLARY EMAILS[/h]
[h=5]Loretta Lynch falls under the Clintons' corrupting influence[/h]
[h=5]Hillary's latest shower of email shoes[/h]
[h=5]Clinton interviewed by FBI about private email server[/h]
[h=5]Lynch may be forced to charge Hillary after Bill's shady powwow[/h]


Hillary Clinton’s closest aide revealed in adeposition last week that her boss destroyed at least some of her schedules as secretary of state — a revelation that could complicate matters for the presumptive Democratic nominee, who, along with the State Department she ran, is facing numerous lawsuits seeking those public records.
Huma Abedin was deposed in connection with a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit into Clinton’s emails — but her admission could be relevant to another lawsuit seeking Clinton’s schedules.
“If there was a schedule that was created that was her Secretary of State daily schedule, and a copy of that was then put in the burn bag, that . . . that certainly happened on . . . on more than one occasion,” Abedin told lawyers representing Judicial Watch, the conservative organization behind the emails lawsuit.
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Abedin made the surprising admission in response to a question about document destruction at the Department of State. A lawyer for Judicial Watch asked: “And during your tenure at the State Department, were you aware of your obligation not to delete federal records or destroy federal records?”
‘I’ve never seen anyone put their schedule in the burn bag.’
- Richard Grenell, former diplomat​
Abedin was not pressed for more details.
Clinton has admitted to destroying “private personal emails” as secretary of state. But Abedin’s admission that she used so-called “burn bags” — a container that material is placed in before it is destroyed — for some of her schedules is the first time anyone close to her has disclosed destroying public records.
The exact circumstances surrounding those destroyed records will likely come under intense scrutiny, critics said.
A former State Department official told The Post it was unprecedented for a diplomat to destroy a schedule like this.
“I spent eight years at the State Department and watched as four US ambassadors and two secretaries of state shared their daily schedules with a variety of State Department employees and US officials,” said Richard Grenell, former diplomat and US spokesman at the United Nations.
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Huma AbedinPhoto: AP“I’ve never seen anyone put their schedule in the burn bag — because every one of them had email address and therefore their daily schedules became public records, as required by law.”
Others said Clinton’s careful approach to her schedule further highlights her recklessness in using a personal server for all her email communications.
“The [president’s] schedule was not classified but it was deemed ‘highly sensitive.’ Instructions were given at the White House and on the road that schedules would be disposed of through the use of ‘burn bags’ and/or shredding,” said Brad Blakeman, a scheduler for President George W. Bush.
“This shows, in my opinion, a skewed sense of security. The Clinton people would dispose of the secretary’s schedule in the same manner as if it were classified yet those same safeguards were not in place with regard to email communications.”
Ambassador John Bolton, a Clinton critic, said the matter shows Clinton’s “recklessness” regarding her emails. But he noted it’s unlikely Clinton could have completely destroyed her schedules.
“They can’t eliminate it even if they wanted to,” Bolton said.
The Associated Press has been seeking Clinton’s schedule through Freedom of Information Act requests asking for Clinton’s public and private calendars and schedules from Jan. 21, 2009, through Feb. 1, 2013. The wire service sued the State Department for those schedules in 2015.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Joe cover your eyes as you don't want to read this: She won't be. It is. There won't be.
I think you’re right on both counts. I’m beginning to believe she’s above the law and liberals are the only ones who riot.

Sep 22, 2007
I think you’re right on both counts. I’m beginning to believe she’s above the law and liberals are the only ones who riot.

Lol, he made 3 points, three, and you said he's right on both counts. Take your shoes over, Mr. Ed.Loser!@#0:pointer::laughingb

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hillary Clinton at a campaign event last month in Pittsburgh. Deeply confident that she would perform better as the president than as a political candidate, Mrs. Clinton wants to pursue a whole new approach at the White House to try to break through years of partisan gridlock.

Deeply confident that she would perform better as the president than as a political candidate, Mrs. Clinton wants to pursue a whole new approach at the White House to try to break through years of partisan gridlock, according to a dozen campaign advisers and allies who described her goals and outlook. From policy goals and personnel to her instinct for patiently cultivating the enemy, Mrs. Clinton thinks she would be a better dealmaker than President Obama if she finds willing partners on the other side.

Oh paleeez! Gage me with a spoon.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^^^if she finds willing partners on the other side LOL - like that will happen (I wonder if that would be the ones with private servers)

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