Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Nov 10, 2010

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Oct 29, 2010
And she thinks it's a good idea going after the way he treats women.
Big mistake.

Yeah, the Bill Clinton fucks around stuff has really hurt him.....he'd be elected tomorrow easily. Damn you repubs are so fucking stupid

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Dumb shit Lenbo......Trump getting crushed among women but it's not a good idea for Hillary to attack him on it. How dumb can you be? It's almost beyond retarded. Attacking him with women will be half the campaign you dumb shit. If he attacks Hillary because her husband cheated on her it's losing issue for him you dumb fuck.

Yeah, refer to dave007, last politics bet he made was with me.....which sent him packing for a year.

Both of you are dumb as a box of rocks.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Most of the time he just talks to himself. No one pays any attention except to mock him.

You talk about me in more than half your posts.

But dont worry, Lenbo is dumb enough to believe your lies.

Tic comes hell!! Have fun there.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
You talk about me in more than half your posts.

But dont worry, Lenbo is dumb enough to believe your lies.

Tic comes hell!! Have fun there.

And you are dumb enough to believe Hillary's lies LOL.

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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]The 'lies' of Hillary Clinton: 13-minute video of Democrat front-runner mouthing 'falsehoods' throughout her career goes viral[/h] Thirteen minutes of Hillary Clinton's words are coming back to haunt her thanks to a YouTube video that recently went viral. Created by YouTube user Michael Armstrong, the video shows the likely Democratic presidential nominee expressing a variety of positions on various political issues over the years. Armstrong also left a message on the video, after it was picked up by the Drudge Report - it wasn't meant to be a partisan hit job. 'PSA: This is not a pro-Trump video,' the creator wrote. 'Don't worry, he's next.'

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Nov 10, 2010
13-minute video of Hillary Clinton 'lying' over and over goes viral – but YouTube wizard behind it says 'Don't worry' – Trump is next!

  • A popular YouTube video has visually pointed out the inconsistencies in Hillary Clinton's record
  • From her evolution on gay marriage to her Bosnia gaffe - where she said she arrived under sniper fire - the viral video points out Clinton's 'lies'
  • The creator has said, however, that the video was not meant to be pro-Trump, as he plans to make one against The Donald too

PUBLISHED: 20:33, 19 May 2016 | UPDATED: 01:19, 20 May 2016

Thirteen minutes of Hillary Clinton's words are coming back to haunt her thanks to a YouTube video that recently went viral.
Created by YouTube user Michael Armstrong, the video shows the likely Democratic presidential nominee expressing a variety of positions on various political issues over the years.
Armstrong also left a message on the video, after it was picked up by the Drudge Report – it wasn't meant to be a partisan hit job.
'PSA: This is not a pro-Trump video,' the creator wrote. 'Don't worry, he's next.'
The video discussed a number of issues where Clinton has flip-flopped or evolved over the years.

GAY MARRIAGE: The YouTube video used clips through the years that exposed Hillary Clinton's evolving view on marriage, including one from 2004 where she says it's a 'sacred bond' between a man and a woman



GAY MARRIAGE: The YouTube video used clips through the years that exposed Hillary Clinton's evolving view on marriage, including one from 2004 where she says it's a 'sacred bond' between a man and a woman


It begins with a tour of Clinton's evolving stance on gay marriage.
'Do you think New York State should recognize gay marriage?' Chris Matthews asks then-Sen. Clinton in 2002.
'No,' Clinton replies back.
A 2004 video shows her saying, 'I believe that marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman.'
In 2010, she said she's for civil partnerships and union.


And in 2013, the YouTube video shows a piece of her announcement saying that she's for same-sex marriage.
'I support it personally and as a matter of policy and law,' she said at the time.
The YouTube video also shows Clinton defining herself as a 'moderate' and a 'progressive' to different audiences.
At one point she said that the server, which stored her email communications, stores 'personal communications from my husband and me.'
Then Bill Clinton is shown at a panel discussion telling the audience he doesn't use email.
'The only time I got on the internet I did two emails and I ordered Christmas presents from a reservation,' the former president said. 'Otherwise, I found out that people said embarrassing things on email and I didn't want to be one of them.'


WALL STREET: The video shows Hillary Clinton condemning Wall Street at a Democratic debate alongside rival Bernie Sanders and another video of her partially blaming homeowners for the crash

On Wall Street's role in the housing crisis, Clinton is seen on the debate stage with rivals Bernie Sanders and Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, who dropped out after the Iowa caucuses, chiding the big banks.
'I basically said, quit foreclosing on homes, quit engaging in these types of speculative behaviors,' she said.
But another clip shows the Democratic candidate sharing the blame with homeowners.
'I think there's plenty of blame to go around,' she said. 'Homebuyers who paid extra fees to avoid documenting their income should have known they were getting in over their heads.'


HEALTHCARE: In 2008 Hillary Clinton said 'shame on you' to Barack Obama who criticized her universal healthcare plan. She used a similar tactic against Sanders, who wanted Medicare for all, this time around

On healthcare, the video goes back to Clinton's run against Obama in 2008, she she said 'shame on you' to the Illinois senator, for attacking her universal healthcare proposal.
'Since when do Democrats attack one another on universal healthcare?' she asks.
But cut to 2016 and there Clinton is on stage railing against Sanders' universal healthcare proposal on the debate stage, defending her position to keep private insurance and the Obamacare laws in place.


BOSNIA: Hillary Clinton had to eat her words on Bosnia, saying several times she arrived under sniper fire, only for video to emerge of a fairly calm greeting ceremony when she arrived in country

The video then moves to her Bosnia trip as first lady, which she used to enhance her foreign policy street cred when she ran for president in 2008.
Clinton told several audiences that she had arrived under sniper fire and her tour group had to dash to their cars.
But video dug up by CBS News shows Clinton hanging around the tarmac, greeting American soldiers, meeting a group of seventh graders and taking a bunch of photos.
'I made a mistake in describing it,' Clinton eventually had to backtrack.


While today she's much more critical of NAFTA, the trade agreement her husband signed into law, older video shows a Hillary Clinton much more comfortable with the controversial deal

Finally on NAFTA, modern day Clinton is showcasing her doubts on the trade deal that her husband inked.
But the video shows a more retro Clinton with a more positive view.
'Oh I think that everybody is in favor of free and fair trade and I think NAFTA is proving its worth,' she said.


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Bill Clinton 'rape' victim Juanita Broaddrick tells of lasting trauma of 1978 'attack' and claims another 'victim' has told her: 'There are more of us out there'[/h]
Juanita Broaddrick (circled left in 1978, and bottom right, recently), now a 73-year-old grandmother, claims Bill Clinton (pictured center left in left photograph, and top right), now 69, raped her in a Little Rock, Arkansas, hotel room in 1978. Clinton's lawyers have called her claim 'categorically false'. Broaddrick has detailed the trauma she's faced since the alleged sexual attack, saying she even remembers hoping 'that evil man' would die during his 2004 quadruple heart bypass surgery. Now, she added, she is happy to see Clinton looking 'so terrible, like death warmed over', as he campaigns for his wife.


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Hillary Clinton declines to defend Bill's 'honor' after Trump links the ex-president to 'rape' claiming Republican is trying to pull her down to his 'level'[/h]
Clinton said she intends to 'go after' Trump but only on the 'issues and statements that are divisive and dangerous.' 'If you pick a fight with a're gonna be pulled down to their level.'

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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Hilary the 'ENABLER': That's the explosive charge levelled by Trump, who claims she betrayed women by ignoring Bill's sex attacks - demonising his victims instead[/h]
NEW Given that the aspirations of tens of millions of American woman rest on Mrs Clinton's bid to break through the ultimate glass ceiling by becoming the first female president in the White House, I was astonished that so many love Bill - yet plainly loathe Hill, writes DAVID JONES. The latest polls confirm this. While 70 per cent of U.S. women voters despise the misogynistic, thrice-married, testosterone-pumped Donald Trump - Hillary's near-certain opponent in this autumn's election - more than half also have an unfavourable view of Mrs Clinton. One of the reasons is that many American women still believe she reacted to her husband's famous infidelities by turning her fire on his accusers - including Juanita Broaddrick (top right), Paula Jones (bottom right) and Kathleen Willey (left).


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Donald Trump is beating Hillary by five points in another national poll as he consolidates support among Republicans and opens up big lead with Independents[/h]
  • Trump leads Clinton 42 to 37 per cent in a new Rasmussen poll
  • He also leads Clinton in a Fox poll released this week
  • Even as some national leaders wring their hands, Trump gets 76 per cent support among Republicans

PUBLISHED: 17:07, 19 May 2016 | UPDATED: 18:10, 19 May 2016

Donald Trump has opened up a 42 to 37 percent lead in a new Rasmussen Reports national poll that puts the two candidates against each other.
In early May, the same survey had the race virtually tied at 41 to 39 percent.
The survey comes a day after a Fox News poll released Wednesday also had Trump in the lead, although by a narrower margin, 45 to 42 per cent.
That poll nevertheless showed a rapid gain for Trump from April, when Clinton lead him by 48 to 41 per cent.
The Rasmussen poll shows both Trump and Clinton consolidating support among the party faithful – not withstanding an active #NeverTrump movement among disaffected Republicans trying to deny him a victory.



Trump has experienced poll gains since effectively wrapping up the GOP nomination



Donald Trump has opened up a 5-point lead over Hillary Clinton in the new poll

Anti-Trump forces have been trying to identify a possible third party conservative challenger to run against him, without success so far.
Trump gets 76 percent of the Republican vote, While Clinton gets 72 per cent of the Democratic vote.
The survey comes after a number of former rivals have fallen in line behind Trump, though House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is still mulling his options after meeting with Trump last week.
Of particular concern for Clinton are independent voters, who go for Trump by 41 to 28 per cent in the survey.
Thirty one per cent of unaffiliated voters either back someone else or are undecided.


Clinton's ongoing primary fight against Senator Bernie Sanders keeps her from focusing on Trump

Trump is working to unify the Republican Party behind him after waging an angry campaign against elites from the outside.
He holds his first paid fundraiser Thursday in New Jersey, where he will help retire the campaign debt of former rival Gov. Chris Christie. Trump has also met with party luminaries like former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, while announcing a slate of conservative Supreme Court picks.
Clinton, meanwhile, continues to wage a fractious primary campaign against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
Clinton won the Kentucky primary on Tuesday but lost to Sanders in Oregon, while party regulars had an angry confrontation over delegates at a Nevada state party convention over the weekend.
Clinton's lead over Trump has also narrowed considerably in the average, which incorporates many surveys. It now sits at 44 to 42 percent, a considerable narrowing from a month ago.
An outside super PAC started a blistering $96 million ad campaign against Trump this week that is meant to tarnish his image.



New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hey Hillary, get ready to take off the pantsuit...and put on an orange jumpsuit! #HillaryForPrison


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]'The calendar is the calendar': Benghazi chair says investigation will conclude when all the facts are in - and he doesn't care if timing makes it seem like a hit job on Hillary [/h]
Trey Gowdy, the House Select Committee on Benghazi chairman, says he doesn't care if the final report drops right before the summer political conventions or the presidential election.

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