Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]American Spectator: ‘Clinton Cash’ Shows How Clintons ‘Enriched’ Themselves from a ‘Human Rights Who’s-who of International Criminals’[/h]



by BREITBART NEWS18 May 20165

[h=2]R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., editor-in-chief of the American Spectator, writes in his latest column that the new documentary film “Clinton Cash,” based on Peter Schweizer’s bestselling book of the same name, reveals how the Clintons accumulated wealth from the world’s worst human right’s abusers.[/h]Clinton Cash is based on the book Clinton Cash that was reviewed in this column a year ago. When seen on the big screen, Clinton Cash is even more chilling than the original book. For it deals with astounding amounts of money that were directed to the Clintons while Hillary was the Secretary of State and Bill was on the speaking circuit. Hillary and Bill have since leaving office amassed a fortune last calculated at over $135 million. The documentary was produced by the conservative, Steve Bannon of Breitbart, but he says it is aimed particularly at environmentalists, progressives, human rights groups, the kind of voters who turn out for Bernie Sanders, and even disgruntled fans of Hillary.
The documentary’s narrator and the book’s author, Peter Schweizer, says that during Hillary’s time at the State Department Bill’s speaking fees grew immensely from a mere $200,000 or so to staggering numbers: $500,000 (ten times) and $700,000 at least twice. The Foundation now is now worth an astounding $2 billion. Moreover, the Foundation’s list of donors and of those funding Bill’s speeches is a human rights who’s-who of international criminals, leaders of Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Russia to name but a few. Thus the ominous rumbles in the soundtrack.
In the documentary Schweizer tells, for instance, the story of how Hillary approved a State Department deal that left the Russians with a sizable percentage of the world’s uranium, much of it from within the United States, while Bill scooped of speaking fees in Russia. Then there was her reversal of Bill’s 1990s stand on India’s signing of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. By the 21st century the Indians wanted nothing to do with the treaty and the Clintons wanted the Indian donations. They got millions and the Indians got Clinton-era sanctions lifted. Time and again this tag team match between Hillary and Bill has enriched them and their Foundation but in the case of Russia and India it has made the world a more dangerous place.
They have repeated their tag team act among the world’s most impoverished countries. For instance, in Haiti where pals of Bill arrived after the 2010 earthquake to sell shoddy goods and make exorbitant deals. Or Rwanda where a similar scheme was hatched or the Congo. Bill arrives with figures like the Canadian tycoon Frank Giustra or the Irishman Denis O’Brien and deals are made. Money changes hands, and the countries remain impoverished. In Clinton Cash narrator Schweizer says he thinks that he has established “a pattern of corruption” with the Clintons, the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and the world’s hellholes. In the weeks ahead viewers will decide for themselves. As Bannon says, the documentary might appeal to conservatives, but really it is made for those on the left who are beginning to doubt the Clintons.
Sep 21, 2004

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Hillary's people have been caught cheating in states all over the country, it's what these lying maggots do.

Iowa, NY, Kentucky, Arizona... it's rampant, and part of the Clinton way.

Im sure that will be the excuse in November if she wins. All this Hillary should be in jail, and Hillary is committing fraud......always ends being nothing. I mean besides the frauds on the Benghazi committee......has she ever even been questioned by any law enforcement authority ?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013



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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]EXCLUSIVE–Clinton Rape Accuser Juanita Broaddrick: NY Times Should Interview Bill’s Alleged Female Victims[/h]


NBC News

by AARON KLEIN18 May 20166,469

[h=2]During an interview today, Bill Clinton’s rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick suggested theNew York Times spend the same amount of energy investigating claims of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that the newspaper put into probing Donald Trump’s alleged past treatment of women.[/h]Broaddrick said she believes there is a whole generation of Millennials who are unfamiliar with Clinton’s history with women. She further slammed Hillary Clinton as an “enabler” who has allowed her husband to “continue on the same path that he did back in the 70’s and 80’s and 90’s.”
Click below to listen to the audio of the interview.

Asked if the Times contacted her for an interview about her past with Clinton, Broaddrick replied, “No they haven’t, Aaron.”
Broaddrick continued:
I wish that they would use the same amount of energy to interview the hundreds of women that Bill Clinton has probably spoken bad words about and the many women that he has assaulted. I think a person’s own actions and what they do to women speaks much louder than a person’s hearsay and words.
She said there is a whole generation of Americans who “haven’t heard about what Bill Clinton did to the women back in that time that they need to know.”
“Just like on Twitter I had these young Millennials coming on, saying, ‘Is this is true? Did it really happen?’ Well, yes. It did happen to me,” she added.
Broaddrick was asked to comment on the statements made by Trump at a campaign stop earlier this month, where the presidential candidate slammed Hillary Clinton as “unbelievably nasty, mean enabler” who “destroyed” the lives of her husband’s mistresses and alleged victims.
Broaddrick replied: “I feel like she has been the enabler behind him in allowing him to continue on the same path that he did back in the ’70s and ’80s and ’90s. He has absolutely no morals when it comes to women.”
Broaddrick was speaking in a joint interview with Breitbart News and a special podcast edition of this reporter’s weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”
On Saturday, the Times published an extensive piece titled “Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private.”
The article reported that the newspaper’s journalists interviewed “dozens of women who had worked with or for Mr. Trump over the past four decades, in the worlds of real estate, modeling, and pageants; women who had dated him or interacted with him socially; and women and men who had closely observed his conduct since his adolescence.”
“In all, more than 50 interviews were conducted over the course of six weeks,” continued the Times. The interviews, the newspaper reports, revealed “unwelcome romantic advances, unending commentary on the female form, a shrewd reliance on ambitious women, and unsettling workplace conduct.”
Rowanne Brewer Lane, a model who was one of several women cited in the Times article, stated on Monday morning that her quotes alleging Trump disrespected her were taken out of context and she found it “very upsetting” that the newspaper took her statements and “put a negative connotation on it.”
Broaddrick says Clinton raped her at a hotel when she was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid.
In January, Broaddrick dropped new details in an interview on this reporter’s weekend talk radio show. Broaddrick said that within a few weeks after Clinton allegedly raped her, he started to call her repeatedly with the aim of meeting again. The phone calls went on for about six months, she stated.
“I was shocked to say the least that he would have the audacity to call me after what he did to me,” Broaddrick said.
Speaking publicly for the first time in nearly a decade, Broaddrick in November told this reporter that Hillary approached her at a fundraising event three weeks after the alleged rape, and Broaddrick says Hillary implied that Broaddrick should stay quiet about the incident.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
From the above article:

Speaking publicly for the first time in nearly a decade, Broaddrick in November
told this reporter that Hillary approached her at a fundraising event three weeks after the alleged rape, and Broaddrick says Hillary implied that Broaddrick should stay quiet about the incident.

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