Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
"Like other men I’ve known, Bill Clinton fantasized about having a covey of females, all with full breasts, shapely long legs, and tight, eager vaginas in bed with him.
After watching his bed-mates kiss and fondle each other for a while, then he’d join the action.
When I asked Bill if he shared his fantasies with Hillary, he laughed.
“What a joke! Sex is a waste of time to Hillary. When we were dating, she talked about making-out with her girlfriends in college because she knew it turned me on. Hillary seemed worldly and more sexually-experienced than me and, at the time, I liked it.”
“Before we married, I got her pregnant and she had an abortion. It bothered me because I didn’t know about it until it was over. Then, several months after the wedding, she slipped up again because she was too lazy to take the pill.
“Hillary hates kids. She was one nasty bitch when she was pregnant. My God, for nine months, she made my life a living hell and blamed me!
“From the beginning, our political advisors warned us that Hillary must take my last name and concentrate on having a child if I was going to have a future in politics. I saw the real Hillary after we got married.
“She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual. All I hear is how much she despises penises; she thinks they are fucking ugly, like snakes.”

Bill mentioned, “The only time Hillary gets aroused or agree to ‘play sexy’ is after she snorts coke. But, even then, she’s rigid and frigid. Hillary goes ape-shit crazy–I mean screams, hits, and cusses–if I touch her breasts! Right after we started fooling around, she warned me to stay away from her tits, even telling me: ‘If you want to nurse–go home to your momma!’”

Hillary Clinton despised Bill’s brother Roger but, she had to be nice to him since he supplied her coke habit.
(Roger Clinton was charged with and convicted of a cocaine-related offense in 1985 and pardoned by Bill in 2001.)
Bill talked about Hillary taking off work lots of times, desperate to find Roger. She cursed Roger but, at the same time, she had to be nice since he was her only source of coke.
She smoked weed but coke was her addiction."

What a BULLSHIT story
I assume you were there spying from the deck. What really happened?


Dec 7, 2013
Wtf are you talking about my "own belief??????" I never said any of her "scandals...ruined...lives." You're a lying sack of shit as well as being a brainwashed moron.

Ahhhh, now I get it, there couldn't really be two people this stupid. Finch is a ghost for The Guesser. Thank God, I swear there is no way our planet had two nasty ass stupid bastards like Finch.

Go back and read my post and the quote attached. No dumbass, this isn't sarcasm but your stupidity reared it's ugly head once again you shameless pos.

Dec 7, 2013
Dafinch=The Guesser? Either he forgot to switch back or he is a complete, shameless pos. I think it is the latter but you never know. Now go away for a few weeks like you usually do when you get bitch slapped. And no, I am not being sarcastic.

If you truly don't think "there's something here", then you are just another brainwashed idiot, and your so called detective skills have long since flown the coop. Again, if Hillary did this, she would be out of the election the next day, and rightfully so. Drumpf? Nothing but crickets by the brainwashed hypocrites. The man had it right. He could go downstairs and shoot someone, and the idiots wouldn't even flinch. He knows his crowd are the biggest brainwashed idiots around.

This lame response got lost in the meme barrage....which is where it should stay.

Let me get this are saying that if Hillary called someone 25 years ago as a prank and then denied it was her.....she would be out of the race.

Even you admit that this power hungry bitch is responsible for he death and destruction of hundreds of lives. You are comparing this with a 25 year old prank phone call?

Jesus Christ, sorry, Holy Moses or a future savior..........please tell me that you were under the influence of your meds.

Wtf are you talking about my "own belief??????" I never said any of her "scandals...ruined...lives." You're a lying sack of shit as well as being a brainwashed moron.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
They’re all coming out of woodwork.

Hillary Clinton is not only an “enabler,” she is a “terrorist” who “terrorizes” her husband’s alleged lovers and women who accuse him of sexual assault, says former Dallas lawyer Dolly Kyle, who says she had a long-running affair with Bill Clinton.

In an interview, Kyle claimed that “Billy” Clinton, as she called him, once boasted to her that he had had sex with about 2,000 women. She described Clinton as a “sex addict” who has some “sick, sick need” to “control women.”

“Aaron, Hillary is an enabler is about the nicest thing you can say about her,” stated Kyle when asked about a statement last Friday from Donald Trump, who slammed Hillary Clinton as an “unbelievably nasty, mean enabler” who “destroyed” the lives of her husband’s mistresses and alleged victims.

Continued Kyle: “The fact of the matter is Hillary is a terrorist. I invite you to look up the definition of terrorism. It is the use of violence, threats, or intimidation to achieve a political aim. … That’s what terrorism is. It changes people’s lives by changing their decisions about what they would otherwise do. And these women who might otherwise speak up are so afraid that they won’t say anything.”

Kyle alleged that there are many other Clinton lovers and purported assault victims who would likely speak out, but who instead “are cowering in fear because of the terrorism.”

Kyle was speaking in an interview set to air Sunday night on this reporter’s weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM in Philadelphia.

ABC News previously summarized Kyle’s affair allegations (at the time she went by the name Dolly Kyle Browning):

Browning says she went to high school with Bill Clinton… in Hot Springs, Ark. in the 1960s. She alleged she became friends with the future president and carried on an extramarital sexual affair with him from the mid-1970s until roughly 1991.

Kyle’s family has long been intertwined with the Clinton’s, she says. Her brother was a Clinton associate who helped campaign for Bill Clinton from the 1970’s through his presidential run and even flew him to multiple events in the 1970’s, Kyle stated.

Kyle is the author of the forthcoming book, “Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir.” The book’s forward is written by David P. Schippers, an attorney who served as chief investigative counsel for the U.S. House Judicial Committee for the Clinton Impeachment.

Schippers writes that his committee conducted “lengthy and specific investigations” that found Kyle to be so credible that she was to serve as the chief witness at the anticipated Senate trial if the Senate had decided to impeach Clinton.

“Based upon my knowledge of her character and integrity, I can say without qualification that Dolly Kyle’s word is as solid as gold,” Schippers wrote.

‘2,000 Women’

Meanwhile, during the interview, Kyle told this reporter that Clinton once admitted to her that he had sex with about 2,000 women. She said the admission came in response to a claim from basketball star Wilt Chamberlain, who wrote in his 1991 book, A View From Above, that he slept with 20,000 different women.

Kyle stated:

I want to put this into perspective about the number of women. You are probably too young to remember, but a couple of decades ago, the basketball star Wilt Chamberlain said that he had had sex with 20,000 women. And Billy and I were together about that time and we were talking about that. And Billy, with some admiration and a little disappointment in his voice said, “That’s ten times more women than I’ve had.”

Do the math, people. That equals 2,000 and that’s what he admitted to me. It might have been a slight exaggeration but it was certainly more than a couple.

Kyle used that number to suggest that it was difficult to believe that Hillary wasn’t aware of Bill’s alleged womanizing.

If he had sex with 2,000 women or even 200 women, but probably 2,000 is closer, and Hillary was married to him. If she didn’t know what he was doing than what’s wrong with her brain?

Certainly she’s an enabler, but worse than that. She’s a co-conspirator. … Hillary had to know what was going on and she latched on to his coattails to get herself to the White House, which is the plan that they are following.

She added: “And I will say this, if Billy Clinton has had sex with 2,000 women and we know about a dozen of us, where are the rest? Well I’ll tell you where they are. They are cowering in fear because of the terrorism.”

The 2,000 number is similar to a figure provided by Linda Tripp, a pivotal figure in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. In an exclusive interview on this reporter’s radio show in January, Tripp said it was common knowledge while she worked in the West Wing that Clinton had affairs with “thousands of women.”

‘Sex Addict’

Kyle stated Bill Clinton “admitted to me that he was a sex addict.” She said this admission was the reason she was subpoenaed for Paula Jones’s sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton.

“His sexual addiction explains everything,” added Kyle. “You would think that a guy who is a governor and who is nice looking and articulate and all that and then president would not have to sexually assault someone, but that goes back to the addiction. It’s not just plain sex. It’s not just a physical attraction. It is some sick, sick need that he has to control women.”

Sep 21, 2004
This lame response got lost in the meme barrage....which is where it should stay.

Let me get this are saying that if Hillary called someone 25 years ago as a prank and then denied it was her.....she would be out of the race.

Even you admit that this power hungry bitch is responsible for he death and destruction of hundreds of lives. You are comparing this with a 25 year old prank phone call?

Jesus Christ, sorry, Holy Moses or a future savior..........please tell me that you were under the influence of your meds.
Yep, immediately. If her voice was clearly on tape, and she laughably denied it was her, she would be out. Immediately. She would never be able to get away with it, nor should she.

Sep 21, 2004
Ahhhh, now I get it, there couldn't really be two people this stupid. Finch is a ghost for The Guesser. Thank God, I swear there is no way our planet had two nasty ass stupid bastards like Finch.

Go back and read my post and the quote attached. No dumbass, this isn't sarcasm but your stupidity reared it's ugly head once again you shameless pos.
Your "detective skills" still need lots of work. Still have no idea what you are babbling about. Finchy is me now? AFAIK, Finchy is voting for Hillary and has never raised the concerns with Hillary that I have. Is your butt still chaffed about when I embarrassed you a few months ago, and you had to leave in shame? Get it together. You're making a fool of yourself.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Your "detective skills" still need lots of work. Still have no idea what you are babbling about. Finchy is me now? AFAIK, Finchy is voting for Hillary and has never raised the concerns with Hillary that I have. Is your butt still chaffed about when I embarrassed you a few months ago, and you had to leave in shame? Get it together. You're making a fool of yourself.

Will you two knock it off.....can't you see that Russ is still trying to connect one dot after 130+ pages??:):)

youre the ghost of dafinch now? Where do they get this stuff? Wtf is going on at this place.

Sep 21, 2004
Will you two knock it off.....can't you see that Russ is still trying to connect one dot after 130+ pages??:):)

youre the ghost of dafinch now? Where do they get this stuff? Wtf is going on at this place.
Damned if I know? Mountain is having an "episode", I guess. Hope the poor guy gets it together.

Dec 7, 2013
Your "detective skills" still need lots of work. Still have no idea what you are babbling about. Finchy is me now? AFAIK, Finchy is voting for Hillary and has never raised the concerns with Hillary that I have. Is your butt still chaffed about when I embarrassed you a few months ago, and you had to leave in shame? Get it together. You're making a fool of yourself.

I have no idea what you are talking about a few months ago but feel free to refresh my memory. Evidently it is important to you to keep up with wins and losses in the poly forum. Go back to your dossier and remind me, I can take it and I am sure you will get a nice little charge out of bringing up whatever it is that happened.

When you are not busy offending the majority of this forum with your memes, you are keeping up win/loss percentages of the members here. What a great life you must live.

I hate to disappoint you Guesser but as soon as I sign off of here tonight, I will forget everything that happened in here...real life has a way of doing that to a person. Tomorrow morning when you are in here scheming on how to offend a religion or how to bring up a conversation that happened six months ago, I will be taking my son to the orthodontist and then on to work for the day. If I think to sign on tomorrow night and I see a post, I will respond.

I thought you were a little brighter than Finch but it appears that you don't get sarcasm either.

Bring up whatever you have on me in the past, I guess you consider it a threat but if it makes you happy, do it

Sep 22, 2007
Will you two knock it off.....can't you see that Russ is still trying to connect one dot after 130+ pages??:):)

youre the ghost of dafinch now? Where do they get this stuff? Wtf is going on at this place.

For whatever reason, I glanced at a comment of Hillbilly and thought he was addressing me, instead of Guesser, and now he's stroking his Jimmy furiously over the error. The fact that he doesn't get-or won't admit-the ludicrously obvious double standard re: Hillary vs Frump only shows more clearly what an idiot he is.

Aug 6, 2006
I assume you were there spying from the deck. What really happened?


In 1979 I saw her titties get sucked in an HBO movie. I was stoned. Thought I was hallucinating.....
But no, it was true. However this Hillary story is made up. I ain't saying she's not a rug muncher. Just that Bill didn't discuss that with his other bedmates.

Aug 6, 2006
Will you two knock it off.....can't you see that Russ is still trying to connect one dot after 130+ pages??:):)

youre the ghost of dafinch now? Where do they get this stuff? Wtf is going on at this place.

I've analyzed every dot in this thread and it has a veracity of 68.93%. I don't care what you or your ghost Doc Mercer thinks. :):)

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I've analyzed every dot in this thread and it has a veracity of 68.93%. I don't care what you or your ghost Doc Mercer thinks. :):)

Vitterd says dots connected are at zero percent.....I will log in later to post docs number

Dec 7, 2013
For whatever reason, I glanced at a comment of Hillbilly and thought he was addressing me, instead of Guesser, and now he's stroking his Jimmy furiously over the error. The fact that he doesn't get-or won't admit-the ludicrously obvious double standard re: Hillary vs Frump only shows more clearly what an idiot he is.

So the Finch fucked up and is admitting it...a first for sure. At least it buys you the ability to post again in this thread. Now, back to the sarcasm thread on Carson's Brain Surgeon License being pulled. Come on Finch, let us finally hear you say something about that Huffpo story.

Sep 21, 2004
I have no idea what you are talking about a few months ago but feel free to refresh my memory. Evidently it is important to you to keep up with wins and losses in the poly forum. Go back to your dossier and remind me, I can take it and I am sure you will get a nice little charge out of bringing up whatever it is that happened.

When you are not busy offending the majority of this forum with your memes, you are keeping up win/loss percentages of the members here. What a great life you must live.

I hate to disappoint you Guesser but as soon as I sign off of here tonight, I will forget everything that happened in here...real life has a way of doing that to a person. Tomorrow morning when you are in here scheming on how to offend a religion or how to bring up a conversation that happened six months ago, I will be taking my son to the orthodontist and then on to work for the day. If I think to sign on tomorrow night and I see a post, I will respond.

I thought you were a little brighter than Finch but it appears that you don't get sarcasm either.

Bring up whatever you have on me in the past, I guess you consider it a threat but if it makes you happy, do it
No threat. You made a fool of yourself then, you're making a fool of yourself now. Carry on.

Dec 7, 2013
No threat. You made a fool of yourself then, you're making a fool of yourself now. Carry on.

Whatever you say Guesser. While I am watching a movie with my wife tonight, you will be curled up beside your CPAP machine, your diabetes medication and your Poly Forum dossier, scheming on how you can further insult or offend people with whom you disagree.

Sweet dreams buddy

Sep 22, 2007
So the Finch fucked up and is admitting it...a first for sure. At least it buys you the ability to post again in this thread. Now, back to the sarcasm thread on Carson's Brain Surgeon License being pulled. Come on Finch, let us finally hear you say something about that Huffpo story.

"Ability to post?" A fucking moron, as usual. I've got a better idea: what don't you Hillbilly daddy's cock in your throat until his load comes out your ears?

Sep 21, 2004
Whatever you say Guesser. While I am watching a movie with my wife tonight, you will be curled up beside your CPAP machine, your diabetes medication and your Poly Forum dossier, scheming on how you can further insult or offend people with whom you disagree.

Sweet dreams buddy
Now you're making fun of people that have sleep apnea and/or diabetes? You are certainly someone I'll listen to about offending people. :ohno:

Dec 7, 2013
Now you're making fun of people that have sleep apnea and/or diabetes? You are certainly someone I'll listen to about offending people. :ohno:

Out of line and below the belt, sorry about that, I take it back.

I still don't want to be on your buddy list though

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