Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Gingrich: Hillary’s ‘Candidacy Would Collapse’ If Voters Knew the Clinton Foundation Pays Women 38% Less Than Men[/h]


SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

by JOHN HAYWARD11 May 2016222
[h=2]During his Breitbart News Daily appearance on Wednesday morning, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that his “total focus” for the general election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump “is on the number 38” because that is the percentage that Hillary Clinton pays men more than women at the Clinton Foundation.[/h]In his analysis of the contest between Clinton and Donald Trump, Gingrich told SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon that “my total focus is on the number 38,” which is “the percent the Clinton Foundation pays men more than women.”
“Nobody’s defended it, nobody’s explained it,” he said of this wage gap. “If we can get across to every woman in America that here’s somebody who says all these strong words, but by the way, her foundation that she and her husband control pays men 38% more? Every time you hear her talk about her concern for women, just remember, they pay men 38% more at the Clinton Foundation.”
“If you could drive that one fact into the national consciousness, I think her candidacy would collapse,” Gingrich predicted.
Gingrich also said it was “hard to know” what Hillary Clinton would do on foreign policy.
“Her advisers are all hard Left, the kind of people who don’t want to admit that a large part of what motivates Islamic supremacists is religion,” he observed. “They don’t want to admit this is a worldwide phenomenon you have to fight everywhere.”
“But it’s deeper than that,” he continued. “She tends to surround herself on foreign policy with nice theoretical people who do really well at getting a faculty tenure job at a university, but that doesn’t mean they have any idea about reality. If you look at her ‘reset with Russia,’ it’s a disaster. Seizing Crimea, seizing the eastern third of Ukraine, putting troops into Syria – all this occurred after her so-called ‘reset.’ Now, if that was successful, what would failure have looked like?”
“Her policy overall has not worked,” Gingrich pronounced, recalling the aforementioned nightmare in Libya – and the Americans who died in Benghazi – plus the “shambles” of Syria, and the “failure of the Clinton Foundation” in Haiti.
“Why should we believe that in the real world, doing real things, that Hillary Clinton has a clue how to be effective?” he asked.
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Former DOJ Official: Email Case Against Hillary Clinton ‘Stinks To High Heaven’[/h]



by PATRICK HOWLEY11 May 20163,980
[h=2]WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton is coming under pressure, as federal investigators question her top aides about the private email scandal that is haunting the former Secretary of State’s campaign for the presidency.[/h]Clinton is still reeling from news that her former staffer Bryan Pagliano’s emails are not in the possession of the State Department. Pagliano, who installed Clinton’s private server, pleaded the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination in the growing criminal investigation.
“The Department has searched for Mr. Pagliano’s email pst file and has not located one that cover the time period of Secretary Clinton’s tenure,” a State Department spokesman said Monday. Pagliano’s missing emails are raising transparency alarms among observers of the case.
“The whole thing stinks to high heaven,” said Dan Metcalfe, the founding director of the Office of Information and Privacy within the Department of Justice and onetime chief DOJ official for overseeing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) matters.
As 147 FBI agents work on the investigation, Clinton’s top aide Cheryl Mills is feeling the heat. Mills and her attorney reportedly left her interrogation by the FBI, regrouped, and later came back when the FBI went off script. According to the Washington Post:
Mills and her lawyer left the room — though both returned a short time later — and prosecutors were somewhat taken aback that their FBI colleague had ventured beyond what was anticipated, the people said…
The questions that were considered off limits had to do with the procedure used to produce emails to the State Department so they could possibly be released publicly, the people said. Mills, an attorney herself, was not supposed to be asked questions about that — and ultimately never was in the recent interview — because it was considered confidential as an example of attorney-client privilege, the people said.
Clinton has yet to be called by investigators.
It’s now been nine months since Breitbart News broke the story that Clinton had multiple classified “Top Secret” emails on her private server, and that she had classified emails on her homebrew server that were classified when “originated.” As America waits to find out if the FBI will recommend indictment, and whether the Department of Justice under Loretta Lynch will indict, the case against Clinton seemingly grows more solid.
The case hinges on whether or not Clinton violated the Espionage Act of 1913 (18 U.S. Code & 793 subsection f) by possessing national defense information and allowing it “through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed.”
Here are key pieces of evidence that could lead to a whole lot of trouble for Hillary Clinton:
Exhibit A: The Non-Secure BlackBerry
Hillary Clinton used a BlackBerry to send and receive classified emails during her time as Secretary of State, even though her device was so non-secure that she wasn’t even allowed to use it in her “Mahogany Row” offices on the seventh floor of the State Department.
Clinton did not get her BlackBerry from the Department. It appears that her aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills actually did get their devices from the Department, but those devices were destroyed. The State Department testified in a civil court filing:
“[The State Department] does not believe that any personal computing device was issued by the Department to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and has not located any such device at the Department…
…Because the devices issued to Ms. Mills and Ms. Abedin would have been outdated models, in accordance with standard operating procedures those devices would have been destroyed or excessed.”
Now here’s where the BlackBerry issue really becomes important. Clinton was warned in 2009 to stop using her BlackBerry because her device suffered a security “vulnerability” when she visited East Asian countries, including China, on her first official State Department trip.
On March 11, 2009, a State Department official, whose name is redacted, sent an email to another State Department official, whose name is redacted. That email, obtained in a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, might be the smoking gun in the Hillary Clinton email case – at least as it pertains to Clinton possibly losing information due to “gross negligence.”
According to the official, Hillary Clinton approached Ambassador Boswell and asked him about BlackBerry use. Specifically, Clinton asked about the fact that the Department had “intelligence concerning the vulnerability during her recent trip to Asia.”
The official wrote:
After this mornings “management meeting” with the A/Secys, Secretary Clinton approached Ambassador Boswell and mentioned that she had read the IM and that she “gets it.” Her attention was drawn to the sentence that indicates we (DS) have intelligence concerning this vulnerability during her recent trip to Asia.
Secretary Clinton has asked Ambassador Boswell for this information. Please prepare a short informal paper OR provide the A/Secy with a briefing on this matter. Your assistance is appreciated. The Secretary did not provide a “due date”…BUT the Ambassador would like to close this loop as soon as possible.
But Clinton continued to use her BlackBerry as late as 2011, two years after this warning, according to former State Department official Wendy Sherman. Sherman spoke Clinton’s BlackBerry use in a speech that was quietly recorded on video and released right before the Iowa caucus, which Clinton barely won over Bernie Sanders.
Exhibit B: White House Less Than Supportive
The Obama White House’s refusal to go to bat for Clinton publicly during this ordeal has been one of the most intriguing narratives of the election. Though President Obamahelped her out a bit by saying that he didn’t think Clinton jeopardized national security, the Obama operatives who still remember the vicious 2008 primary season aren’t doing her any favors.
Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett dropped a relevant bombshell when she said that the White House sent official guidance to Clinton telling her to use a government email account. Clinton’s decision to ignore the White House’s warning does not bode well for her defense against the “gross negligence” portion of the Espionage Act.
Remember that brief, bizarre stretch of the campaign right around the February 1 Iowa caucus when Clinton was going out of her way to say nice things about Obama? That might not have been just a ploy to make her seem more electable than Bernie Sanders. It might have also been a ploy to protect her own legal interests by cozying up to a man with pardon power who oversees the Department of Justice.
“She wants to get protected. That’s the only reason she’s nice to him,” Trump said of Clinton’s relationship with Obama.

Exhibit C: Russian Hackers
Clinton’s server was highly vulnerable to attack, including the kind that occurred to several of her email contractors and could have happened to her when she opened a virus-infected email from her friend.
Clinton confidante Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, sent Clinton a summer 2011 email with a spam link and the lines “Look what I’ve found” and “Here is a very nice offer. Enjoy!”
In her reply, Clinton indicated that she opened the spam link.
“Neera–did you send me this? If not, I think your email address book has been hacked. If so, why? Anyway, hope you’re well,” Clinton wrote back to Tanden.
On at least five documented occasions, Clinton received emails in her personal inbox that came from hackers, including hackers from Russia as part of a scheme in which victims’ personal data ended up getting sent to foreign computers including in Russia.
Here’s another very important piece of the puzzle: In September 2011, Clinton’s inbox was reviewed by outside IT professionals as part of a formal analysis of the security of her private email account. Those IT professionals found that Russian hackers had at least repeatedly attempted to get into Clinton’s information.
Why did Clinton have IT experts in to review her email account just weeks after Tanden sent her “hacked” email to Clinton?
One thing is clear: if those Russian hackers did gain entry to Clinton’s information, they would have had a field day. Why? It turns out Clinton’s server had an open webmail portal that gave potential hackers unrestricted access to Clinton’s personal information.
Exhibit D: She Avoided Signing Non-Disclosure Form
As Breitbart News exclusively reported, Hillary Clinton did NOT sign a mandatory OF-109 “Separation Statement” when she left the State Department.
That statement would have required her to affirm that she had returned all classified materials in her possession. Clinton’s top aide Cheryl Mills also avoided signing a separation statement.
Citizen researcher Larry Kawa provided to Breitbart News the most clear-cut evidence that Clinton avoided going through mandatory channels to return classified government information.
Clinton signed a “Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement” on January 22, 2009. This document is known as an SF-312. It is standard for government employees to sign an SF-312 when they begin working in a role that gives them access to classified information. But she was also required to sign an OF-109, or “Separation Statement,” when she left the job.
That OF-109 document would have required her to affirm the following:
I have surrendered to responsible officials all classified or administratively controlled documents and material with which I was charged or which I had in my possession. I am not retaining in my possession, custody, or control, documents or material containing classified or administratively controlled information furnished to me during the course of such employment or developed as a consequence thereof…
But Clinton never signed an OF-109, even though the State Department Foreign Affairs Manual requires all employees to do so.
A Separation Statement exists for top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills, and a copy of it was quietly released by the State Department. But the statement was never signed, by Mills or anyone else.
It was left blank.
Exhibit E: The Clinton Foundation
Breitbart News reported that Clinton’s server was operating on the same email network, and was housed in the exact physical space, as the server for the Clinton Foundation, indicating that they were sharing a server. That space was in New York City, not in the basement of Clinton’s Chappaqua, New York, home, as she claimed. Daughter Chelsea Clinton’s office was also using the email network.
Numerous Clinton Foundation employees used the server for their own email addresses, which means that they were using email accounts that, if hacked, would have given any hacker complete access to Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails, as well.
No wonder then that the FBI expanded its investigation to scrutinize possible public corruption on the part of the Clinton Foundation. And no wonder then that Rep. Marsha Blackburn asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to review the Clinton Foundation’s charitable status.

Exhibit F: Server Went Down Three Times
Clinton’s server went down at least three times during her tenure as secretary of state, including weeks after the Benghazi terrorist attack. Clinton never even told her own IT Help Desk at the State Department that she was using a private server, keeping them in the dark about her activities.
Furthermore, Clinton went so far as to hide the identity of the people running her private server, paying a company called Perfect Privacy, LLC. That company, based in Jacksonville, enters its own meaningless contact information into official Internet databases so that its clients’ identities will not be exposed.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Another Wall Street Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton[/h]Former Goldman Sachs executive hosts Clinton in New Jersey


BY: Brent Scher
May 12, 2016 12:25 pm

Hillary Clinton hit up Wall Street for cash on her Wednesday swing through the Northeast despite months of attacks leveled at her by Bernie Sanders for her extensive ties to Wall Street.
Clinton spent Wednesday evening at the Englewood, New Jersey, home of hedge fund manager Orin Kramer, a longtime Democratic donor who raised more than $1 million in a single night for President Obama’s 2008 campaign, according to the New Jersey Record.
Kramer, who is CEO of hedge fund Boston Provident, was an early backer of Obama in 2008 but went to great lengths to maintain his relationship with the Clinton family.
The New York Observer reported shortly after Clinton ended her 2008 campaign that Kramer was “doing more than anyone in the country to erase Clinton’s debt,” an effort that was required to rally Clinton supporters behind Obama’s candidacy. He also hosted a major fundraising event for the Clinton Foundation in 2014, signaling that he was ready to get behind her presidential campaign.
Perhaps adding more fuel to the fire for Sanders supporters is that the event was co-hosted by Phil Murphy, who spent more than two decades as an executive at Goldman Sachs before entering politics as national finance chairman for the Democratic National Committee. He was rewarded for his fundraising work by Obama with the ambassadorship in Germany, a post he held from 2009 to 2013.
Murphy had the benefit of being an executive at Goldman Sachs when it became a publicly traded company, likely netting him hundreds of millions of dollars. It is widely believed he will run for New Jersey governor in 2017 and already has a Super PAC committed to the effort.
Murphy does not hide the fact that he made a lot of money at Goldman Sachs. He is known for flying around the world in his private Gulfstream jet, which he often takes to his chateau in Italy.
His arrival in the private jet to his job in Germany reportedly set off complaints from German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Obama was giving important posts to wealthy campaign donors that had no diplomatic experience.
Topping off the presence of Wall Street at Clinton’s fundraiser is the chairman of law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, H. Rodgin Cohen, who was described by the Wall Street Journal last year as “one of Wall Street’s top lawyers.”
No candidate in the 2016 presidential race has received more money from the financial sector than Clinton.


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Jan 9, 2009
Clinton charity gave $2M to company owned by Bill’s ‘friend’

By Joe Tacopino

May 13, 2016 | 2:20am

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Bill Clinton and Julie Tauber McMahonPhoto: AP;



Trump plugs golf course while reacting to Clinton charity scandal

Hillary's got an idea to keep Bill busy in her White House

Beyoncé is benefiting from cheating rumors just like Hillary

The Clintons are hitting the big screen (kind of)

Bill Clinton’s foundation doled out $2 million to a power company partly owned by a wealthy blond divorcée — who some say is the frequent visitor to his home nicknamed “Energizer.”
The “commitment” to Julie Tauber McMahon’s firm from the Clinton Global Initiative was placed on its 2010 conference agenda at Clinton’s urging, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.
The initiative “commits $2 million to support the work of Energy Pioneer Solutions, a company founded to deliver energy savings to communities in rural America,” said a 2010 statement from the charity.
Clinton even went to bat for the company when it came to lobbying for federal funds. He helped steer an $812,000 federal grant to it by endorsing the funds via then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu, the Journal said.
McMahon owns 29 percent of Energy Pioneer Solutions, which was given the money to make people’s homes more energy-efficient.




The fit, blond mother of three, who lives just minutes from Bill and Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, West*chester, is the daughter of Joel Tauber, a millionaire donor to the Democratic Party.
McMahon, 54, is rumored to be the woman dubbed “Energizer” by the Secret Service at the Clinton home because of her frequent visits, according to RadarOnline.
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Secret Service agents were even given special instructions to abandon usual protocol when the woman came by, according to journalist Ronald Kessler’s tell-all book, “The First Family Detail.”
“You don’t stop her, you don’t approach her, you just let her go in,” says the book, based on agents’ accounts.
“Energizer” is described in the book as a charming visitor who sometimes brought cookies to the agents.
The book describes one sun-drenched afternoon when agents took notice of the woman’s revealing attire.
“It was a warm day, and she was wearing a low-cut tank top, and as she leaned over, her breasts were very exposed,” an agent is quoted in the book.
“They appeared to be very perky and very new and full . . . There was no doubt in my mind they were enhanced.”
“Energizer” reportedly timed her arrivals and departures around Hillary Clinton’s schedule.
McMahon has denied in reports having an intimate relationship with Bill Clinton.
The payout to McMahon’s company raises red flags for the Clinton Global Initiative.
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Bill and Hillary ClintonPhoto: EPAOther Clinton friends — including former Democratic congressional candidate Scott Kleeb, Democratic National Committee Treasurer Andrew Tobias and Mark Weiner — share ownership of Energy *Pioneer Solutions.
Under federal law, tax-exempt nonprofits like Clinton’s are not supposed to act in anyone’s private interest, the Journal reported. Spokespeople for Bill and Hillary Clinton declined to comment.
A foundation spokesperson defended the payout as “a common practice in the broader philanthropic space.”

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Watchdog: New Emails Show Clinton Knew About Security Risks of Private BlackBerry[/h]'No blackberry contact permitted in my office'


BY: Alana Goodman
May 12, 2016 5:40 pm

Emails obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch indicate that Hillary Clinton was aware of the security risks of communicating over a private BlackBerry, the organization said on Thursday.
Judicial Watch released nearly 300 pages of State Department records on Thursday, including an email that showed Clinton acknowledging security restrictions on her BlackBerry use and another in which Clinton declined to use a secure line to talk to an aide.
In a Feb. 27, 2009, email from Clinton to Dr. Mark Hyman, a health care advocate, the secretary of state told him that she had not replied to a prior email because she was not allowed to use her BlackBerry in her State Department office.
“I’m so sorry but I’m just seeing this (no blackberry contact permitted in my office),” wrote Clinton.
Unsecured cell phone use is not permitted in certain areas of the State Department where classified information is discussed, including Clinton’s office on “Mahogany Row.” Clinton reportedly continued to use her unsecured BlackBerry after she started at the State Department in early 2009, while her aides unsuccessfully lobbied to get her a secure BlackBerry-like device.
In another Feb. 22, 2009, email, State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills told Clinton she was having trouble reaching her over a secure phone line.
“I just tried [your secure line] but only got a long high-pitched whining sound,” Mills wrote.
“I give up,” replied Clinton. “Call me on my home #.”
According to Judicial Watch, which obtained the documents as part of a public records lawsuit against the State Department, the emails raise further questions about the security of Clinton’s communications at the State Department.
“This drip, drip of new Clinton emails show Hillary Clinton could not care less about the security of her communications,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in a statement. “How many other smoking gun emails are Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators in the Obama administration hiding from the American people?”
The new release also includes emails from Clinton from January 2009, according to Judicial Watch. Clinton has said she did not start using her private email server until March 2009, and the earliest email she turned over to the State Department was from March 18, 2009.
Judicial Watch obtained the documents after requesting emails “received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from Jan. 1, 2009, through Feb. 1, 2013” from an unofficial email address.
Two federal judges have granted Judicial Watch discovery in separate lawsuits, to determine whether State Department officials properly complied with public records laws.


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Daily Caller Exclusive: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million[/h]


By Richard Pollock, The Daily Caller News Foundation
A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton received at least $100 million from autocratic Persian Gulf states and their leaders, potentially undermining Democratic presidential candidate Hillary’s claim she can carry out independent Middle East policies.
As a presidential candidate, the amount of foreign cash the Clintons have amassed from the Persian Gulf states is “simply unprecedented,” says national security analyst Patrick Poole.
“These regimes are buying access. You’ve got the Saudis. You’ve got the Kuwaitis, Oman, Qatar and the UAE. There are massive conflicts of interest. It’s beyond comprehension,” Poole told TheDCNF in an interview.

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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Bill Clinton 'jumped aboard disgraced sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express' plane for junkets 26 TIMES in three years'[/h]
Financier Jeffrey Epstein drew just an 18-month prison term for soliciting prostitutes and procuring underage girls for prostitution. His private jet jet reportedly had a bed where guests had group sex with young girls. The famously lothario-like Bill Clinton is one of several big names who hung with Epstein before the depth of his legal problems were made public. Flight logs show the former president jetting to Brunei, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, the Azores, Africa, Belgium, China, New York, and Belgium - all on Epstein's plane.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Report: Bill Clinton jumped aboard disgraced sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express' plane for junkets 26 TIMES in just three years

  • Financier Jeffrey Epstein drew a light 18-month prison term for soliciting prostitutes and procuring underage girls for prostitution
  • The famously Lothario-like Bill Clinton is one of several big names who hung with Epstein before the depth of his legal problems were made public
  • Epstein's jet was reportedly set up with a bed where guests had trysts with young girls
  • Flight logs show the former president jetting to Brunei, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, the Azores, Africa, Belgium, China, New York, and Belgium – all on Epstein's plane
PUBLISHED: 22:26, 13 May 2016 | UPDATED: 23:15, 13 May 2016
Bill Clinton spent enough time aboard disgraced Wall Street mogul Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express' airplane that he should be eligible for frequent flyer miles, according to a shocking new report that reveals how often the former U.S. president road along with with the convicted sex offender.
Flight logs reviewed by Fox News show Clinton took 26 trips aboard Epstein's Boeing 727 jet, more than double the 11 flights previously known.
Epstein's jet was reportedly set up with a bed where guests had group sex with young girls.
One of them, Virginia Giuffre, has claimed she was lured into joining Epstein's harem when she was just 15 years old and was then known as Virginia Roberts.
The former teen prostitute has said she was used as a 'sex slave.'




'LOLITA EXPRESS' AND THE MILE-HIGH CLUB: This Boeing 727 owned by Epstein reportedly had a bed inside that was iused for sex romps with underage girls


INTO AFRICA: This was the flight from New York's JFK airport to the Azores which began a tour of Africa for Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and others on board Epstein's private jet. He was not then a convicted pedophile



ANOTHER TRIP: Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and key Clinton aide Doug Band were on board Epstein's private Boeing 727 as it flew from London Luton airport to JFK


Sep 21, 2004
Could anyone imagine if a tape surfaced of Hillary acting as another person, calling a magazine, giving an interview about Hillary, acting as her "publicist", and then with an actual straight face, forcefully denied that she was the one on that tape? Her campaign would be over immediately, and it should be. That indicates psychotic behavior. With Drumpf and his brainwashed minions, no big deal.

Sep 22, 2007
Could anyone imagine if a tape surfaced of Hillary acting as another person, calling a magazine, giving an interview about Hillary, acting as her "publicist", and then with an actual straight face, forcefully denied that she was the one on that tape? Her campaign would be over immediately, and it should be. That indicates psychotic behavior. With Drumpf and his brainwashed minions, no big deal.

Spot on. The guy is not a lifelong politician, but he gives any of 'em a run for their money when it comes to sleeziness.

Dec 7, 2013
Could anyone imagine if a tape surfaced of Hillary acting as another person, calling a magazine, giving an interview about Hillary, acting as her "publicist", and then with an actual straight face, forcefully denied that she was the one on that tape? Her campaign would be over immediately, and it should be. That indicates psychotic behavior. With Drumpf and his brainwashed minions, no big deal.

In Hillary's scandals, people die (your own belief) and lives are ruined. Trump Catfishes someone and you guys pop a woody....thinking there is something here.

Just think about that. This scandal would be just another day in the life of Hillary. Her whole fucking life is one big lie

Sep 21, 2004
In Hillary's scandals, people die (your own belief) and lives are ruined. Trump Catfishes someone and you guys pop a woody....thinking there is something here.

Just think about that. This scandal would be just another day in the life of Hillary. Her whole fucking life is one big lie
If you truly don't think "there's something here", then you are just another brainwashed idiot, and your so called detective skills have long since flown the coop. Again, if Hillary did this, she would be out of the election the next day, and rightfully so. Drumpf? Nothing but crickets by the brainwashed hypocrites. The man had it right. He could go downstairs and shoot someone, and the idiots wouldn't even flinch. He knows his crowd are the biggest brainwashed idiots around.

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