Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Hires Aide Linked to 2008 ‘Shadow Campaign’[/h]SHARE


BY: Alana Goodman
May 2, 2016 4:03 pm

A long-time aide to Hillary Clinton who allegedly helped raise money for an illegal pro-Clinton “shadow campaign” in 2008 has been officially hired by the Clinton campaign, the New York Times reported on Monday.
Minyon Moore, a principal at the Dewey Square Group, has reportedly been appointed as a senior adviser for the operation.
According to federal prosecutors, Moore was connected to a 2008 “shadow campaign” that led to the 2014 indictments of Washington, D.C., businessman Jeffrey Thompson and political organizer Troy White.
Although Moore was never charged and was not directly named in the case—she is identified in court filings as “Individual A”—prosecutors claimed she helped direct funding to the off-the-books campaign. At the time, Moore was also working for the official Clinton campaign, against then-Senator Barack Obama.
The Times reports that Moore will advise Clinton on “political outreach and strategy”:
Ms. Moore will become a senior adviser, focusing on political outreach and strategy, according to the aide. Ms. Moore will have an office on the campaign’s new 10th floor space at its headquarters in Brooklyn, along a wall featuring other top aides such as the chairman, John D. Podesta; the campaign manager, Robby Mook; the communications director, Jennifer Palmieri; and the policy adviser, Jake Sullivan.
Ms. Moore, who worked on Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign as well, is a rarity in the Clinton orbit, in that she bridges the divide between the staffs of Bill Clinton and Mrs. Clinton. She is close with both the former president and the former secretary of state, adding heft to her counsel.
Moore was already a key adviser to Clinton since the start of the primary race, although in an unofficial capacity. In recent months she has also been spotted with Clinton on the campaign trail.
Moore’s firm, the Dewey Square Group is a paid consultant for two pro-Clinton Super PACs, but a spokesperson for the strategy group told the Washington Free Beacon in February that Moore was “not being paid directly or by Dewey Square Group to work on the campaign.”
The firm also said the allegations about Moore’s involvement in a shadow campaign were inaccurate.
“There is nothing to say about the allegations raised by the media other than they proved not to be accurate and as stated at the time, Ms. Moore conducted herself, as she always has, not only in full compliance with the law but in accordance with the highest ethical and professional standards,” said Dewey Square Group spokesperson Ginny Terzano.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Peter Schweizer: Uranium Deal Was ‘Win-Win-Win’ for Clintons, Canadian Financiers, Vladimir Putin; ‘Losers Are the American People’[/h]


Joe Raedle/Getty Images

by JOHN HAYWARD2 May 2016346
[h=2]Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, tells Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM with host Stephen K. Bannon about the uranium deal that helped make the Clintons rich – and left Russia controlling a large portion of America’s strategic uranium supply.[/h]Schweizer explained how the wheels for this deal were greased by $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation by interested parties, followed “coincidentally” by Hillary Clinton’s State Department approving the uranium sale.
“Basically, it begins in 2005. Bill Clinton goes to a country called Kazakhstan, which is in central Asia, run by a very corrupt, repressive dictator named Nazarbayev,” he said. “And that country has a lot of uranium. Bill Clinton goes there on an airplane with Frank Giustra, a Canadian investor. Frank Giustra has wanted a large uranium concession in that country, and has never been able to get it.”
“Bill Clinton shows up, declares at a press conference that Nazarbayev is a wonderful leader, should actually lead an international human rights organization. And lo and behold, a couple of days later, Nazarbayev gives Frank Giustra this uranium concession,” he continued. “A few weeks after that, Bill Clinton’s Clinton Foundation gets more than $30 million from Frank Giustra.”
This was the prelude to the U.S. uranium deal, in which Giustra was a major player.
“Over the next couple of years, this company Frank Giustra has, called Uranium One, starts buying uranium assets across the United States, in places like Colorado, and Utah, and Texas,” Schweizer said. “By 2009, they’ve got about half the future projected production of uranium in this country. And, of course, uranium is what you need for nuclear power, but also for nuclear weapons.”
“And so, in 2009, with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, the Russian government says, ‘hey, we’d like to buy Uranium One.’ We want to dominate the world uranium market, so we want to buy this company – which, of course, guarantees shareholders a big profit,” Schweizer said, noting that a major obstacle to this ambitious agenda was uranium’s status as a “strategic commodity,” so the sale would require approval by the U.S. government, including the State Department.
That’s when Schweizer said things got “really interesting,” because there was “a spontaneous outbreak of philanthropy among eight shareholders in Uranium One.
“These Canadian mining magnates decide now would be a great time to donate tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation,” he recalled.
After $145 million in such donations, Hillary Clinton’s State Department coincidentallyapproved the Uranium One sale, producing a “win-win-win for everybody” except the American people, as Schweizer put it.
“The Canadian financiers make huge money, because they’ve sold this company to the Russian government. The Russians are ecstatic, because Vladimir Putin has said openly that he wants to dominate the world’s uranium markets, so they’re all happy and winners. The losers, of course, are the American people, because we’ve got a big chunk of uranium that’s run by the Russian government,” said Schweizer. “And, of course, the biggest winners in all of this are the Clintons, who walk away with $145 million.”
Schweizer noted that after he wrote about the Uranium One saga in Clinton Cash, a team of New York Times reporters – including “two Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalists” – published a 3,000-word front-page story confirming the details.
“It made a huge splash, as far as its initial media impact,” he recalled. The media has, however, studiously avoided the story since then, and carefully avoids asking Hillary Clinton questions about it.
Clinton Cash has been made into a documentary film, which will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival.
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00AM to 9:00AM EST.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Obama State Department Hid Key Clinton Benghazi Email from Judicial Watch[/h]


The Associated Press

by TOM FITTON3 May 2016Washington98
[h=2]It has taken several years of persistent legal pressure from Judicial Watch to begin exposing Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Last week, for example, we reported that we could have known about her email games two years ago had the State Department not withheld a key email responsive to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.[/h]The Obama State Department admitted last week that it withheld a key Benghazi email of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Judicial Watch since at least September 2014. Had the department disclosed the email when first supposedly found, Clinton’s email server and her hidden emails would have been revealed before she authorized the alleged deletion of tens of thousands of emails.
This development comes in our July 2014 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records related to the drafting and use of the Benghazi talking points (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)). The lawsuit, which forced the disclosure of the Clinton email records, seeks records specifically from Clinton and her top State Department staff:
Copies of any updates and/or talking points given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency concerning, regarding, or related to the September 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
Any and all records or communications concerning, regarding, or relating to talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency.
Contradicting an earlier statement to the court, an April 18, 2016, State Department letter admits that it found the email at issue in 2014 but that it was held back in its entirety: “Also, upon further review, the Department has determined that one document previously withheld in full in our letter dated November 12, 2014 may now be released in part.”
The referenced November 12, 2014, letter does not discuss any withheld emails. A search declaration suggests the hidden email was found in September 2014 as a result of a search in response to Judicial Watch’s lawsuit.
The September 29, 2012, email to Clinton from then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan concerns talking points for Clinton calls with senators about the Benghazi attack. The email contains Clinton’s address.
Last week’s document production also includes material from a records cache of thousands of new Clinton State Department records supposedly only discovered in December 2015. The new material shows the State Department compiled extensive Libya/Benghazi-related dossiers on Republican and Democrat senators.
The result of all this is that we now know that the Obama administration consciously refused to give up key information about Hillary Clinton’s email in 2014. It covered up this email both from the court and Judicial Watch.
U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth was right when he suggested that Obama’s State Department acted in bad faith. This cover-up provided Hillary Clinton enough time to hide potentially thousands of government records. One aim of our court-order discovery will be to get to the bottom of this cover-up.
Our disclosure of the State Department’s mendacity led to some pushback last week from the agency. The agency first told the press and then sent us a letter suggesting we were “confused.” Here’s what the Obama State Department spokesman told the press:
So we don’t generally comment on matters of litigation, but in this case, there has been some confusion about – or rising from what was an administrative error in the correspondence in which the department said that the document in question was withheld on November – in November 2014, and that date was incorrect. So all the facts in this case or this – the complete facts, rather, surrounding this document are actually in a court filing, a public court filing from July 2015. And we would recommend that folks who are interested would look at that court filing.
But in summary, it describes that the department received the documents in June 2015 from members of former Secretary Clinton’s senior staff and did not withhold it until that time. So there’s a pretty big discrepancy in the dates there and we regret, obviously, any confusion that was caused by our error in correspondence.
The letter we received supposedly correcting the record is even more incomprehensible. The Clinton email in question was not received or uncovered in 2015; that is when the State Department first told us they had a Clinton Benghazi email but were withholding it in its entirety. The poor State Department cannot even keep track of its cover-ups.
These shifting and shifty Clinton email explanations by the State Department are why two frustrated federal court judges granted Judicial Watch discovery in the Clinton email matter.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Knocks Corporations That Donate to Family Foundation[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Natalie Johnson
May 4, 2016 11:15 am

Some of the corporations Hillary Clinton has criticized on the campaign trail for exploiting tax loopholes have donated to the Clinton Foundation for years.
ABC News reported Tuesday night that two of the companies Clinton has attacked most heavily, Pfizer and Johnson Controls, are longtime members of the Clinton Global Initiative and work in alliance with the foundation, which is headed by Bill Clinton.
Despite Clinton’s financial ties with the Wisconsin-based Johnson Controls, the former secretary of state has not shied away from railing against the group’s recent merger, accusing it of “gaming the system.”
Johnson decided earlier this year to merge with Ireland-based Tyco International so that it could move its corporate headquarters overseas and pay lower corporate taxes, a strategy known as corporate inversion.
“It’s not an inversion; it should be called a perversion,” Clinton said in February of the deal. Bill Clinton said the merger made him “sick.”
The Clintons neglected to mention that Johnson Controls has donated between $100,001 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation since 2010.
Like the Johnson Controls merger with Tyco, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer intended to merge with global pharmaceutical company Allergan so it could base its operations oversees and qualify for lower corporate taxes.
Clinton in December told a campaign crowd that the planned merger “gets my blood going.” That deal was later called off.
Again unmentioned by Clinton was the company’s decade-long relationship with the Clinton Foundation, which has funneled between $1,000,001 and $5 million to the organization.
Pfizer placed its donations on hold after the second quarter of 2015, but ABC News reported that it restarted contributions in 2016 despite a shower of attacks from the Clintons.
Clinton has made a plan to block inversion deals central to her campaign, even while her family foundation has made money from companies executing inversions.
“I have a detailed and targeted plan to immediately put a stop to inversions and invest in the U.S., block deals like Johnson Controls and Tyco, and place an ‘exit tax’ on corporations that leave the country to lower their tax bill,” Clinton said in a January statement.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Campaign Made Payments to Hard Drive and Document Destruction Company[/h]Payments could have purchased destruction of 14 hard drives

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Joe Schoffstall
May 3, 2016 3:40 pm

The Hillary Clinton campaign made multiple payments to a company that specializes in hard drive and document destruction, campaign finance records show.
The payments, which were recorded in February and March of 2016, went to the Nevada-based American Document Destruction, Inc., which claims expertise in destroying hard drives or “anything else that a hard drive can come from.”
“Our hard drive destruction procedures take place either at your site or at our secure facility in Sparks, NV,” the company’s website states. “This decision is yours to decide based on cost and convenience to you. In either situation, the hard drive will be destroyed by a shredding.”
“We have a dedicated machine for hard drive destruction,” the website continues. “We will also record the serial numbers of all drives to be destroyed to be kept in our records. A copy of this log can be provided to you as well.”
The routine services section of the site says that the company operates in 26 areas in Nevada and California, including Reno, Virginia City, Sparks, Tahoe City, and Carson City.
“Our equipment is powerful. Whether you require ON SITE or OFF SITE service, performed at our Sparks facility, large volumes can be quickly destroyed regardless of staples, clips or fasteners,” thesite says. “Office paper, folders, binders and computer media can be destroyed in just minutes. As a result, we pass the savings on to you! A new service we also offer is computer hard drive destruction, either ON-SITE or OFF-SITE.”
“ADDNV, Inc. ensures that even small amounts are economical to have destroyed. ADDNV, Inc. encourages our clients to visit the Sparks facility to observe the shredding of your documents. The added bonus with ADDNV, Inc. is that we offer personal service whenever you need it. We can be reached locally and our customers are more than just account numbers in a large franchise.”
Transactions from Hillary for America to American Document Destruction, Inc. were made to the Sparks, Nevada location.
The first payment from the campaign to the destruction company came on Feb. 3 in the amount of $43, Federal Election Commission filings shows.
Two additional payments of $43 and $58 were made on Feb. 21. A fourth payment of $43 was made on March 26, bringing the amount paid to the destruction company to $187.
The Washington Free Beacon contacted American Document Destruction, Inc. to inquire about its rates.
An employee for the company said that it charges $10 per hard drive and $5 per cubic foot of paper. The Clinton campaign could have destroyed 14 hard drives or shredded 37.4 cubic feet of paper at those rates.
The Clinton campaign did not return a request for comment about what documents it paid to have destroyed.


Aug 6, 2006
What's going to happen first?

A) Overwhelming evidence that cannot possibly be ignored by even the staunchest liberals that Hillary is a piece of Shit emerges?

B) Out of Trump's mouth spills something that is so disgusting or offensive even his supporters turn against him?

New member
Nov 10, 2010
What's going to happen first?

A) Overwhelming evidence that cannot possibly be ignored by even the staunchest liberals that Hillary is a piece of Shit emerges?

B) Out of Trump's mouth spills something that is so disgusting or offensive even his supporters turn against him?

C) What came out of Monica's mouth could be a decisive factor , if only she had swallowed, the stain on the dress would never have happened.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
What's going to happen first?

A) Overwhelming evidence that cannot possibly be ignored by even the staunchest liberals that Hillary is a piece of Shit emerges?

B) Out of Trump's mouth spills something that is so disgusting or offensive even his supporters turn against him?

Trump supporters could never turn against him. He can say anything and they will stay with him. If the Caitlyn Jenner picking her bathroom didn't turn them away....what will?

Aug 6, 2006
Trump supporters could never turn against him. He can say anything and they will stay with him. If the Caitlyn Jenner picking her bathroom didn't turn them away....what will?

He could blurt out something about Hilary not knowing which public restroom she should use. Heck, I just got away with it. He wouldn't. And you know he's probably thought it. We'll see. He has many more months to eat his own foot.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
He could blurt out something about Hilary not knowing which public restroom she should use. Heck, I just got away with it. He wouldn't. And you know he's probably thought it. We'll see. He has many more months to eat his own foot.

That's why Hillary never wears sandals.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Wall Street Whistleblower Turns His Scrutiny on the Clinton Foundation[/h]Charles Ortel: ‘This is a charity fraud’


BY: Alana Goodman
May 5, 2016 9:45 am

The Wall Street analyst who uncovered financial discrepancies at General Electric before its stock crashed in 2008 claims the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has a number of irregularities in its tax records and could be violating state laws.
Charles Ortel, a longtime financial adviser, said he has spent the past 15 months digging into the Clinton Foundation’s public records, federal and state-level tax filings, and donor disclosures. That includes records from the foundation’s many offshoots—including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Global Initiative—as well as its foreign subsidiaries.
According to Ortel’s reports, the contribution disclosures from the Clinton Foundation don’t match up with individual donors’ records. He also argued that the foundation is not in compliance with some state laws regarding fundraising registration, disclosure requirements, and auditing rules.
This week, Ortel is starting to release his findings in the first of a series of up to 40 planned reports on his website. His allegation: “this is a charity fraud.”
“Starting almost 20 years ago in 1997, the Clinton Foundation spread its activities from Little Rock, Arkansas, to all U.S. states and to numerous foreign countries without taking legally required steps to function and solicit as a duly constituted public charity,” wrote Ortel, in a letter posted on his website.
Although Ortel has been a commentator for conservative outlets, his findings might not be easy for authorities to ignore. After spending decades working in mergers and acquisitions at some of Wall Street’s top firms, he has been an early whistleblower on financial irregularities at companies such as General Electric and AIG.
The Sunday Times of London described Ortel as “one of the finest analysts of financial statements on the planet” in a 2009 story detailing the troubles at AIG.
“Where you or I see pages of numbers, [Ortel] sees a narrative,” wrote Sunday Times reporter Tim Rayment. “Sometimes the theme is a company’s potential for growth. Sometimes it is the prospect of self-destruction. And at times the story does not make sense, because the figures are hiding a fraud.”
Ortel started on Wall Street at age 24, going straight from Harvard Business School to the prominent mergers and acquisition firm Dillon Read, which has since closed. He later moved on to boutique firms before retiring early in 2002 to focus on raising his children as a single father.
Ortel said in early 2007 he decided to start his own financial advisory firm. As a refresher, he set out to analyze a few complex companies to see how the market was currently valuing those stocks. He said he chose 25 big ones, including the well-regarded conglomerate GE.
“To my shock and horror, as I tore it apart, I realized it was overvalued in the hundreds of millions of dollars,” he said. “It was a bad bank masquerading as a good industrial company.”
Ortel said he started alerting investor friends and sending out memos about his findings. He pitched some media outlets, without much success.
Finally, Ortel said, he reached out to the Sunday Times and got some traction. The paper published an article raising concerns in February 2008 called “The Nagging Worries at Mighty GE.”
Two months after the story, GE stunned investors by missing its earning projections for the first time in decades, sending its stock crashing. By the next spring, the financial giant’s stock prices had dropped from nearly $40 a share to under $6, an 18-year low.
Ortel turned his attention to the Clinton Foundation in February 2015. To learn more about the charity, he decided to take it apart and see how it worked.
“I decided, as I did with GE, let’s pick one that’s complicated,” said Ortel. “The Clinton Foundation is complicated, but it’s really very small compared to GE.”
When Ortel tried to match up the Clinton Foundation’s tax filings with the disclosure reports from its major donors, he said he started to find problems.
“I decided it would be fun to cross-check what their donors thought they did when they donated to the Clinton Foundation, and that’s when I got really irritated,” he said. “There are massive discrepancies between what some of the major donors say they gave to the Clinton Foundation to do, and what the Clinton Foundation said what they got from the donors and what they did with it.”
Last year, the Clinton Foundation was forced to issue corrected tax filings for several years to correct donation errors. But Ortel said many of the discrepancies remain.
Ortel said his reports in the coming months would also provide evidence that the foundation is not complying with state laws on fundraising, financial disclosure, and audits.
“I’m against charity fraud. I think people in both parties are against charity fraud, and this is a charity fraud,” he said.
Ortel said he hoped the reports would encourage investigative journalists to follow up on his findings.
A spokesperson for the Clinton Foundation did not comment on the claims.
Ethics watchdogs also said they hope the reports will lead to renewed scrutiny. Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, said he was “very impressed with the points [Ortel] makes in his letter regarding the release of his analyses.”
“Charles Ortel has clearly done a yeoman job identifying the legal, tax and accounting problems plaguing years of filings relating to the Clinton Foundation,” said Boehm. “His planned release of his analyses represents an important public service which will result in the scrutiny these filings deserve. Mr. Ortel’s experienced eye has already caught numerous issues never before disclosed and his future disclosures deserve close attention.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Brian Fallon Admits Clinton’s Attorney Is in Contact With DOJ[/h]SHARE

BY: Alyssa Canobbio
May 6, 2016 10:04 am

Hillary Clinton’s press secretary Brian Fallon told CNN’s Pamela Brown Friday that Clinton’s attorney has been in contact with the Department of Justice.
“David Kendall is her top council and he has been in touch with the Justice Department throughout this review,” Fallon said. “We’ve always been upfront about that.”
Andrea Mitchell asked Clinton in an interview whether she or her representatives have been contacted by the FBI. Clinton shook her head and simply said no.
Fallon said that the Clinton campaign has been transparent about the situation from the beginning. Fallon also said that since last August that the Clinton campaign was willing to work with the Justice Department and set up interviews.
Despite reports that a foreign hacker known as Guccifer was able to access Clinton’s server and noticed other foreign IP addresses on the server, Clinton said that the reports were not true. Guccifer is being held in a detention center in Alexandria, Virginia on federal charges related to other cyber crimes.
CNN first reported Thursday that the FBI was interviewing Clinton’s closest aides, including Huma Abedin. The investigation is ongoing and investigators have not found evidence to convict Clinton for her use of a private server to skirt Freedom of Information Act requests.
Officials told CNN that multiple aides have been interviewed, some more than once. Bryan Pagliano, a former employee of the State Department who set up Clinton’s email server, was granted immunity for his cooperation.
The FBI is hoping to close out the investigation within the coming weeks.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Report: Clinton to be Interviewed in FBI Probe[/h]SHARE


BY: Natalie Johnson
May 6, 2016 3:42 pm

The FBI will interview Hillary Clinton within the next few weeks in the latest leg of its probe into her use of an unsecured email system while she served as secretary of state, CBS News reported Friday.
The Democratic front-runner’s presidential campaign has remained adamant that the review “will conclude that nothing inappropriate took place.”
The FBI last month interviewed Clinton’s closest ally Huma Abedin in its Washington, D.C. office.
While the investigation is ongoing, investigators said they haven’t discovered evidence that shows Clinton “willfully” violated federal law.
The FBI and the Justice Department have spent more than a year probing Clinton’s private email server in an attempt to determine whether she mishandled classified information during her time serving as secretary of state.
Clinton has denied wrong doing throughout her campaign and has argued that none of the emails sent or received on her private server were marked classified at the time.
Government officials found that more than 2,000 emails on Clinton’s server contain classified information, though none was marked classified on her personal email. Twenty-two messages have been deemed “top secret,” the highest classification level, and were withheld from public release


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Jan 9, 2009
Now that it appears to be getting down to Trump vs. Clinton I think I will make a few comments about how Trump can connect dots to Hillary.

1. He has already labeled her an “enabler” for all of the sexual encounters Bill has had over the years. Trump also focused on Hillary’s attacks against the women involved. She blames everyone but Bill, I thought it took two to Tango. Well one thing is for sure Hillary will never follow in Bill’s footsteps in those regards because nobody is interested in doing those things with her. Politics is the only common denominator with Bill and Hillary. Politics has paid their bills including those two mansions and that plane etc.

2. The Clinton Foundation and the ties to her office as Sec of State will be focused on for sure.

3. The emails and her server are being dragged along but they will not go away including the one’s having to do with Benghazi.

4. Her lying over the years is an open book, not a short story, but a very lengthy biography that speaks for itself. He could just focus on her claim of being shot at while landing in Bosnia. How can she justify that lie. That defines her just like lying to the families of those killed in Benghazi.

5. Her lack of accomplishments speak for themselves.

6. Her ties to Goldman Sachs (3 speeches for $675,000) one of her many ties to special interests.

The list can go on forever but one thing is for sure. Trump will cut her no slack and her record speaks for itself.

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