Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Hillary takes Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Connecticut in triumphant Primary night - as defiant Bernie takes Rhode Island and refuses to throw in the towel[/h][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[/FONT]Hillary Clinton picked up four states - Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware and the delegate-rich prize of Pennsylvania - in an huge leap towards closing the book on the Democratic primary. Rival Bernie Sanders grabbed Rhode Island and regardless of the outcome of tonight's five contests he's vowed to press on. In tribute to Sanders, Clinton says: There's more that unites us than divides us'.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


Hillary Clinton picked up four wins Tuesday night, including the delegate-rich state of Pennsylvania, where she held her victory rally in downtown Philadelphia



Bernie Sanders took his campaign to West Virginia tonight in light of Hillary Clinton's expected series of wins in delegate-rich states like Pennsylvania and Maryland



Clinton also won Connecticut in a close race that nearly saw Sanders as the victor











Clinton showed up at her victory party in Philadelphia - celebrating the three states that went her way early - with husband Bill Clinton at her side



Clinton's supporters gathered tonight in Philadelphia and cheered for the former secretary of state's big wins



Sanders did not give his usual stump speech tonight, commenting instead on the state of the race without directly addressing the coming catastrophe and remarking on broad themes he’s promoted throughout his campaign


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Watchdog Says State Department Withheld Clinton Email for Two Years[/h]2012 Email discussing Benghazi attack had Clinton’s private address


BY: Alana Goodman
April 26, 2016 3:30 pm

Update 5:06 P.M.: A State Department official told the Free Beacon that the November 2014 date in the court filing was an administrative error. The State Department said it first received the document in June 2015, and disclosed the decision to withhold in July 2015. The department said it would be filing a correction.
“The State Department generally does not comment on matters in litigation,” said a State Department official. “Here, however, there is confusion arising from an administrative error in recent correspondence in which the Department said that the document in question was withheld in November 2014. That is incorrect. The complete facts surrounding this document are set forth in a public court filing from July 2015. As described in the attached filing, the Department received the document in June 2015 from members of former Secretary Clinton’s senior staff, and did not withhold it until that time. The Department regrets any confusion and will be sending corrected correspondence to Judicial Watch.”
UPDATE 6:05 P.M.: Judicial Watch called the State Department’s response “another misleading statement from the Obama State Department,” and said the department has given changing dates for when it discovered the document in question.
“These ever-changing stories and excuses are exactly why Judicial Watch was granted discovery into these issues by two federal court judges,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement to the Free Beacon.
A watchdog group said on Tuesday that the State Department withheld a document that would have revealed Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email address two years ago, before finally agreeing to release it earlier this month.
The Sept. 29, 2012, document, an email to Clinton from her Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, included Clinton’s private email address. The email discussed talking points related to the Benghazi attack.
Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group that has been suing the State Department for Clinton’s records, said the State Department first agreed to partially release the document in an April 18 court filing. Attorneys for the State Department said the email was initially withheld from Judicial Watch, as noted in the department’s Nov. 12, 2014 letter to the watchdog group.
But Judicial Watch said the November 2014 letter did not mention that any emails had been withheld. The group said the existence of the email was noted in a search declaration from the State Department, which indicated it was first discovered in September 2014.
Judicial Watch criticized the delayed release on Tuesday, saying “Clinton’s email server and her hidden emails would have been disclosed nearly two years ago, before Clinton authorized the alleged deletion of tens of thousands emails” if the State Department had turned over the document earlier.
“Now we know the Obama administration consciously refused to give up key information about Hillary Clinton’s email in 2014. It covered up this email both from the court and Judicial Watch,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in a statement on Tuesday. “Judge Lamberth was right when he suggested that Obama’s State Department acted in bad faith. This cover-up provided Hillary Clinton enough time to hide potentially thousands of government records. One aim of our court-order discovery will be to get to the bottom of this cover-up.”
The revelation that Clinton used a personal email address—which was first revealed by hacker Guccifer in 2013—would not necessarily demonstrate that she was using a private, “homebrew” server. However, the State Department’s decision to withhold the email for two years reinforces the claim from critics that it has not been completely transparent in the public records process.
The State Department did not respond to request for comment by publication time, but this story will be updated with any comment.
The Washington Free Beacon reported last week that State Department officials transferred and “retired” files from the executive secretary’s office to another bureau after receiving a subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi last April. The Benghazi-related documents were rediscovered by the State Department’s public records office last December.
The decision to transfer the files, which included electronic folders used by senior State Department officials, significantly delayed the release of the documents to Congress.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
from the above:

“Now we know the Obama administration consciously refused to give up key information about Hillary Clinton’s email in 2014. It covered up this email both from the court and Judicial Watch,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in a statement on Tuesday. “Judge Lamberth was right when he suggested that Obama’s State Department acted in bad faith. This cover-up provided Hillary Clinton enough time to hide potentially thousands of government records. One aim of our court-order discovery will be to get to the bottom of this cover-up.”

New member
Oct 29, 2010
127 pages and not one dot connected. Quite an accomplishment Russ.

Damn, this old fool swings and misses every single day.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Don't worry Russ, when poker fraud vtard takes a swipe at you you're doing it right. The broke loser couldn't pick winners or connect dots if he had yesterday's newspaper.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Don't worry Russ, when poker fraud vtard takes a swipe at you you're doing it right. The broke loser couldn't pick winners or connect dots if he had yesterday's newspaper.

14-8 in NBA playoffs. You are still 0-5 career here and your Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter predictions are stuff legends are made of.

Look at your support Russ....a known pyschopath and forever alone loser Sheriff Dear!! If that doesn't let you know you're headed in the wrong direction nothing will

New member
Jan 9, 2009
If the Tard can't connect a dot what a surprise huh. There are so many connected dots on here it is scarey. She is a liar and that is first and foremost (telling family of Benghazi survivors the attack was promped by a video just for starters). Emails, et al, never ending. If she was playing hide and seek she would probably hide in front of a mirror lol.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yeah, under investigation by the FBI but apparently "no connected dots" according to poker fraud vtard. face)(*^%


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Yeah, under investigation by the FBI but apparently "no connected dots" according to poker fraud vtard. face)(*^%


When she's elected president will you change names? Is this investigation anything like your "bombshell" birther news? are always wrong.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Lena Dunham Leaving If Hillary Doesn't Take Over[/h]APR 26, 11:44 AM | CELEBRITY | LEX | 1 COMMENT

Lena Dunham known for her fierce feminism and the constant smell of wet woodland mammal that follows her like a Pig-Pen dirt cloud is ditching the United State if Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton in November. Unlike previous celebrities who have said unlike previous celebrities they are truly serious about leaving, Dunham stated that she is truly serious about leaving unlike previous celebrities. Dunham posted this creepy photo of Hillary Clinton holding flowers to remind people that her love for Clinton has zero to do with 'Vagina Voting'. Much more to do with Clinton' public policy regarding vaginas. A President who hates men for making her feel ugly or Dunham's moving to Canada. Imagine that caravan of mules and magnum sized tampons crossing into Ontario. Gives us your tired and your poor and your dismayed fat progressive chicks. Canada needs to work on their rep. You're North America's attic. Don't take it too hard. The basement is lousy with Mexicans. Photo credit: Lena Dunham/Facebook

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Report: Clintons Are Paying Legal Bills For Aide Who Registered Private Email Address

The Clintons have paid “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to cover the legal bills for a Bill Clinton aide who sits at the center of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

That’s according to Washington Times opinion editor Monica Crowley who reports in a new column that a knowledgeable source tells her that the Clintons are covering legal expenses for Justin Cooper, a longtime aide to the former president.

Such an arrangement would raise questions over whether the Clintons are paying Cooper’s bills in order to ensure that they have some oversight of his interactions with federal investigators. It would also raise questions about whether the Clintons are paying other aides’ legal costs.

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New member
Oct 29, 2010
Report: Clintons Are Paying Legal Bills For Aide Who Registered Private Email Address

The Clintons have paid “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to cover the legal bills for a Bill Clinton aide who sits at the center of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

That’s according to Washington Times opinion editor Monica Crowley who reports in a new column that a knowledgeable source tells her that the Clintons are covering legal expenses for Justin Cooper, a longtime aide to the former president.

Such an arrangement would raise questions over whether the Clintons are paying Cooper’s bills in order to ensure that they have some oversight of his interactions with federal investigators. It would also raise questions about whether the Clintons are paying other aides’ legal costs.

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Monica Crowley and daily caller. Lmao.....and you idiots wonder why there are never any actual charges. Great sources!!!

how about this.....list all the fake scandals and then see how no charges, no arrests ever happen. Can you old blind fucks connect those dots?

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