Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
This one is definitely not fake:


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Now Vit would you please address the comments that Hillary made about her plane being shot at in Bosnia.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Now Vit would you please address the comments that Hillary made about her plane being shot at in Bosnia.

She lied.....just like the republican candidate you will blindly pull the lever for in November does.

I thought the destruction Hillary put on Gowdy was a beat down. You claiming that's a real picture of the Clintons is even worse than that. I see in true conservative are now moving to a different subject.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
She lied.....just like the republican candidate you will blindly pull the lever for in November does.

I thought the destruction Hillary put on Gowdy was a beat down. You claiming that's a real picture of the Clintons is even worse than that. I see in true conservative are now moving to a different subject.

I threw that one out there as bait and you bit lol. Snopes did not say they can prove that is not them hello. You really do not pay attention, I said anyone but Hillary. I did not say it had to be a Republican but it would have to be someone who has the best interests of this country in mind. I am not a big Bernie fan but I would take him over Hillary any day of the week. Can't wait till the investigation into the Clinton Founation starts, then the Clintons might start wearing disguises similar to that picture.

She lied to Gowdy and it is on record, enough said. Just because she did not doze off or cough too much does not mean Gowdy was beat down, no way. LOL

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I threw that one out there as bait and you bit lol. Snopes did not say they can prove that is not them hello. You really do not pay attention, I said anyone but Hillary. I did not say it had to be a Republican but it would have to be someone who has the best interests of this country in mind. I am not a big Bernie fan but I would take him over Hillary any day of the week. Can't wait till the investigation into the Clinton Founation starts, then the Clintons might start wearing disguises similar to that picture.

She lied to Gowdy and it is on record, enough said. Just because she did not doze off or cough too much does not mean Gowdy was beat down, no way. LOL aren't smart enough to bait anything. You posted it because, like all the other horseshit you post in here, you think it's legit. And as usual isn't. You haven't connected a single dot to anything.

And get a clue....every single person running is doing it for their best interest......not the country.

And Gowdy took an epic beat down from know it's bad when Fox News stops the coverage.

first is was Benghazi, then it was Gowdy, now it's the Clinton foundation. All is this goes nowhere just like your crusade about solyndra. Every for you try to connect blows up like one of Acebbs links.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Tokens aren't smart enough to bait anything. You posted it because, like all the other horseshit you post in here, you think it's legit. And as usual isn't. You haven't connected a single dot to anything.

And get a clue....every single person running is doing it for their best interest......not the country.

And Gowdy took an epic beat down from know it's bad when Fox News stops the coverage.

first is was Benghazi, then it was Gowdy, now it's the Clinton foundation. All is this goes nowhere just like your crusade about solyndra. Every for you try to connect blows up like one of Acebbs links.

You don't get it and you never will. You don't have to be smart to bait you lol. You are right, I have not connected a single dot, I have connectd multitudes of dots. Once again......Bosnia......Video.....Email......just for starters. I would love to see Gowdy and Hillary debate on the topic of your choice, Gowdy would win hands down. The Dem's made a mockery of that hearing not Gowdy. It ain't over till it's over. Like I said, you don't get it and you never will.

And you cannot prove that photo is not legit just like Snopes did not. Nice try and once again you lose. Why haven't the Clinton's prpceeded to have that photo removed from that gallery of photos? hmmmm

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You don't get it and you never will. You don't have to be smart to bait you lol. You are right, I have not connected a single dot, I have connectd multitudes of dots. Once again......Bosnia......Video.....Email......just for starters. I would love to see Gowdy and Hillary debate on the topic of your choice, Gowdy would win hands down. The Dem's made a mockery of that hearing not Gowdy. It ain't over till it's over. Like I said, you don't get it and you never will.

You posted the picture because you think it's legit.....and there was no other reason. Stop lying like you did by saying you had me on ignore.

Gowdy got his ass handed to him by Hillary.....even Trump says that hearing was a disaster for Gowdy and republicans.

You have connected nothing .....just like with's all garbage that goes nowhere because it's bullshit.

I get everything and you are as clueless as dave007, which is not an easy thankful you have some like minded idiots in here that are too dumb to tell you how stupid you look trying to connect things. Breitbart,drudge and all your other lying sources have brainwashed you. Step into reality

Jul 4, 2012
1 in 5 Americans say Hillary Clinton is “dishonest” or a “liar.” Here’s why that’s a big problem.

Unfortunately for Clinton, the negative associations currently outnumber the positive ones by a sizable margin, and even among Democrats, the negatives are fairly high. Throughout her more-than two-decades-long career in the public eye as first lady, U.S. senator, secretary of state, two-time presidential candidate and bestselling author, she has acquired a fairly well-developed image among Americans — for better and for worse.


What a candidate!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
1 in 5 Americans say Hillary Clinton is “dishonest” or a “liar.” Here’s why that’s a big problem.

Unfortunately for Clinton, the negative associations currently outnumber the positive ones by a sizable margin, and even among Democrats, the negatives are fairly high. Throughout her more-than two-decades-long career in the public eye as first lady, U.S. senator, secretary of state, two-time presidential candidate and bestselling author, she has acquired a fairly well-developed image among Americans — for better and for worse.


What a candidate!

The worst candidate in decades.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
The worst candidate in decades.

Agreed. Anyone but her. It is that simple. Anyone who takes up for her is a die hard through and through. The Democratic party knows she is their only chance based on the uniformed. The fact that the DOJ and Obama have not indicted her shows what the Dem's are all about, covering each other. Hillary has no major accomplishments in all these years and when she said they were broke that tells you all you need to know. Best selling author lol. Has anyone here read any of her books. Right.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) told Lynch that some of his constituents wanted him to raise the issue with her because they were concerned that the probe might be tainted by politics.
"If the FBI makes the case that Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information and put America's security at risk, will you prosecute the case? Do you know of any efforts underway to undermine the FBI investigation," Carter asked.
Lynch didn't say anything new about the inquiry, except to confirm that she has yet to receive any request from her staff to act one way or another on the case.
"With respect to our investigation into how information was handled by the State Department, how they handled classified information, as I'm sure you know that matter is being handled by career, independent law enforcement agents, FBI agents as well as the career, independent attorneys in the Department of Justice. They follow the evidence. They look at the law. And they'll make a recommendation to me when the time is appropriate," Lynch said.
Lynch said concerns about improper pressure on prosecutors or agents were unfounded, at least to her knowledge
"I'm also aware of no efforts to undermine our review or investigation into this matter at all," she said.
It's unclear what pressure Carter may have been alluding to, but after President Barack Obama commented last fall that he saw no evidence that the email situation endangered national security, some FBI agents said the president's comments were inappropriate because they appeared to predict the outcome of an ongoing investigation.

Read more:

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Federal Court Ruling Could Pave Way for Clinton Subpoena in Email Case[/h]SHARE


BY: Alana Goodman
February 23, 2016 5:15 pm

A federal court ruled on Tuesday that a watchdog group could request testimony from Hillary Clinton’s State Department aides in connection with her private email server, a decision that could eventually lead to a subpoena for Hillary Clinton.
D.C. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan granted a motion for discovery filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group that is suing the U.S. State Department for records related to Clinton’s time as secretary of state.
Judicial Watch is seeking information about whether Clinton and her aides intentionally dodged public records laws by using a private email server. The organization said it would ask to depose former State Department officials as part of the discovery process.
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, called the judge’s decision “a major victory for the public’s right to know the truth about Hillary Clinton’s email system.” He also said it may eventually be necessary for Clinton to testify.
“Our proposed discovery, which will require court approval, will include testimony of current and former officials of the State Department,” said Fitton. “While Mrs. Clinton’s testimony may not be required initially, it may happen that her testimony is necessary for the Court to resolve the legal issues about her unprecedented email practices.”
Judicial Watch successfully sued the State Department in September 2013 for records about the special employment arrangement for Clinton aide Huma Abedin at the State Department. But the case was reopened last March after it was revealed that Clinton used a private email server during her time at the State Department. Many of Clinton’s emails had not previously been turned over to the State Department, shielding them from public records requests.
Judicial Watch said in its motion for discovery that it would seek to question a number of State Department officials, including Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy, Clinton aide Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s personal IT staffer Bryan Pagliano, and Abedin.
Judge Sullivan asked Judicial Watch to submit its plan for discovery by March 5, which would be subject to approval by the court after April 15.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
When are the Democrats going to throw this criminal bitch under the bus?

I still get this feeling Joe Biden will be the nominee.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Emails on Hillary Clinton's secret server matched top secret documents virtually word for word and included details of CIA drone strikes against Islamic radicals[/h]
  • Four sources familiar with spy agencies say they have told Congress emails from Clinton server mirror top-secret documents
  • Some parallel documents with special restrictions to stop them from going to more than small groups of specially-cleared officials
  • But they were found on emails stored on Clinton's 'homebrew server' which are now being inspected by spy agencies
  • Sources say details of CIA drone strikes against Islamists were found on her account
  • Clinton denies any emails contained information marked top secret when it was sent to her
PUBLISHED: 21:06, 24 February 2016 | UPDATED: 23:46, 24 February 2016
U.S. spy agencies have told Congress that Hillary Clinton's home computer server contained some emails that should have been treated as 'top secret' because their wording matched sections of some of the government's most highly classified documents, four sources familiar with the agency reports said.
The two reports are the first formal declarations by U.S. spy agencies detailing how they believe Clinton violated government rules when highly classified information in at least 22 email messages passed through her unsecured home server.
The State Department has already acknowledged that the emails contained top secret intelligence, though it says they were not marked that way. It has not previously been clear if the emails contained full classified documents or only some information from them.
The agencies did not find any top secret documents that passed through Clinton's server in their full version, the sources from Congress and the government's executive branch said.
However, the agency reports found some emails included passages that closely tracked or mirrored communications marked 'top secret,' according to the sources, who all requested anonymity.


New questions: Hillary Clinton, who was campaigning in Columbia, South Carolina today, denies she received information marked as top secret - but the fresh disclosure says spy agencies have found emails which parallel top secret documents, in some cases word for word

In some cases, additional classification markings meant access was supposed to be limited to small groups of specially cleared officials.
Under the law and government rules, U.S. officials and contractors may not transmit any classified information - not only documents - outside secure, government-controlled channels. Such information should not be sent even through the government's .gov email network.
The front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president and former secretary of state has insisted she broke no rules. Clinton's lawyer, David Kendall, did not respond to a request for comment. Clinton campaign spokespeople did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
Two sources said some of the top secret material was related to the CIA's campaign of drone strikes against Islamist militants in the Middle East and South Asia.
That campaign has been widely reported by Reuters and other media outlets, but it officially is classified as a 'Top Secret/Special Access Program' (SAP), meaning only a limited number of people whose names are on a special list are allowed to learn details about it.
One source said the reports identified some information in messages on Clinton's server that came from human sources, such as confidential CIA informants, and some from technical systems, such as spy satellites or electronic eavesdropping.
The Clinton campaign criticized the State Department's decision last month to withhold the 22 emails containing top secret information from the public, blaming it on 'bureaucratic infighting' and 'over-classification run amok.'




Still hanging on: The secret server scandal will not end, despite the strength of Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic nomination, where she remains the frontrunner

'As we have previously made clear, we are not going to speak to the content of the emails,' a State Department official said on Wednesday when asked about the intelligence agency reports.
Clinton's use of a private server in her New York home for her government work is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the State Department's and spy community's internal watchdogs and several Republican-controlled congressional committees.
Two of the sources told Reuters that one of the reports on the emails came from the CIA. Three sources said the other report came from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), which analyzes U.S. spy satellite intelligence.
A spokesman for NGA did not immediately respond to requests for comment. CIA spokespeople declined to comment.
The two spy agencies' reports were sent to Congress in the past few weeks by the intelligence community inspector general, an official government watchdog for multiple spy agencies.
The inspector general's office has confirmed that it requested the reports from two intelligence agencies, but didn't identify them.
It was unclear what the congressional committees that received the classified reports, the House and Senate intelligence and foreign relations panels, will do with them. The contents cannot be discussed publicly. The committees requested intelligence reports in connection with their efforts to ensure that government secrets are appropriately protected.


Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]Black Lives Matter Activists Interrupt Hillary Clinton At Private Event In South Carolina[/h]
“Hillary Clinton has a pattern of throwing the Black community under the bus when it serves her politically," Williams said in a statement before the event. "She called our boys ‘super-predators’ in ’96, then she race-baited when running against Obama in ‘08, now she’s a lifelong civil rights activist. I just want to know which Hillary is running for President, the one from ’96, ’08, or the new Hillary?”
The Clinton campaign didn't immediately return a request for comment.


I wonder if she started that head bob and replied in her fake southern accent!!


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Ad Highlights Her Work for Children, Omits Her Work for Child Rapist[/h]Secured lenient plea deal for man accused of raping 12-year-old


BY: Alana Goodman
February 25, 2016 5:45 pm

Hillary Clinton touted her legal work on behalf of children in the 1970s in a new South Carolina campaign ad, but neglected to mention her successful legal defense of a child rapist in 1975.
As a young lawyer in Arkansas, one of Clinton’s first legal victories was when she secured a lenient plea deal for a 40-year-old man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl. In a bold legal maneuver, Clinton traveled to New York where she persuaded a prominent forensics expert to raise questions about the admissibility of the prosecution’s DNA evidence.
Although Clinton later expressed doubts about her client’s innocence, she managed to plead down the charges and got him off with just a few months in jail.
The Clinton campaign ad highlights her work for the Children’s Defense Fund in South Carolina in the early 1970s, when she helped end policies that allowed incarcerated minors to be held in adult prisons.
“I first met Hillary in the early 1970s when she was here fighting for the rights of children in South Carolina,” said one attorney in the video. “She could have gotten a job anywhere out of law school with her credentials, but she has taken the route of public service.”
Another women in the video said that Clinton “had a tremendous desire to see that children were treated right.”
Although the presidential candidate left out her work for the accused child rapist from the campaign ad, she has discussed it in other contexts. In audiotapes first published by the Washington Free Beacon, Clinton described the case in a conversation with a reporter in the 1980s.
“It was a fascinating case, it was a very interesting case,” said Clinton, who was a court-appointed attorney. “This guy was accused of raping a 12-year-old. Course he claimed that he didn’t, and all this stuff.”
“I had him take a polygraph, which he passed—which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” she added, laughing
On the tapes, Clinton said she agreed to take the case as a favor to the prosecutor, although she has more recently claimed that she did not want to take the client and had tried to get the judge to remove her.
Clinton said that the prosecution had evidence—which included “underwear, which was bloody”—but the crime lab accidentally threw the blood-stained sections of cloth away after it finished testing them.
Clinton said she took the underwear to a well-known forensics expert in New York to see whether he could challenge the evidence. He said the evidence had been invalidated.
“The story through the grape vine was that if you could get [this investigator] interested in the case then you had the foremost expert in the world willing to testify, so maybe it came out the way you wanted it to come out,” she said.
When Clinton returned to Arkansas, she said she gave the prosecutor a clipping of the New York forensic investigator’s “Who’s Who.”
“I handed it to Gibson, and I said, ‘Well this guy’s ready to come up from New York to prevent this miscarriage of justice,’” said Clinton, breaking into laughter.
Prior to securing the plea bargain, Clinton indicated in court documents that she planned to challenge the credibility of the 12-year-old victim.
In a July 28, 1975, court affidavit, Clinton wrote that she had been informed the young girl was “emotionally unstable” and had a “tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing.”


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Confuses Constitution with Declaration of Independence[/h]


by PAM KEY25 Feb 20162,017
Wednesday on “The Steve Harvey Show,” Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said the United States Constitution gives us the rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” but the famous phrase is actually in the Declaration of Independence.
Clinton said, “You know what there is a Constitutional right for people to own guns but there is also a Constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that enables us top have a safe country where we are able to protect our children and others from this senseless gun violence.”
Clinton then promised to “do more” on Obama’s executive action on guns.

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