Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]22 emails on Hillary's home server were 'top secret' and can NEVER be published says State Department - to fury of Clinton campaign who says it's 'overclassification'[/h]
The State Department says it will not release 22 of Hillary Clinton's emails today in its monthly, court-mandated dump because they are 'top secret.' The revelation comes just three days before the presidential nomination fight between Clinton and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders unfolds in Iowa. The Clinton campaign quickly responded with a denial that Clinton's email account and home server contained state secrets. 'This is overclassification run amok. We adamently oppose the complete blocking of the release of these emails,' said campaign spokesman Brian Fallon.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
22 emails on Hillary's home server were 'top secret' and can NEVER be published says State Department – to fury of Clinton campaign who says it's 'overclassification'

  • The ruling means the emails won't be published online with the rest of Clintons digital communications, even with blacked-out boxes
  • The Clinton campaign quickly responded with a denial that Clinton's email account and home server contained state secrets
  • 'This is overclassification run amok. We adamently oppose the complete blocking of the release of these emails,' a campaign spokesman said

PUBLISHED: 20:01, 29 January 2016 | UPDATED: 02:27, 30 January 2016

The State Department says it will not release 22 of Hillary Clinton's emails today in its monthly, court-mandated dump because they are 'top secret.'
'The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information,' State Department spokesman John Kirby told the AP.
He described the decision to withhold documents in full as 'not unusual.'
A Fox News source, however called these emails 'too damaging' to national security to release under any circumstances, the network reported.
The ruling means the emails won't be published online with the rest of Clinton's digital communications, even with blacked-out boxes.
The Clinton campaign quickly responded with a denial that Clinton's email account and home server contained state secrets.
'This is overclassification run amok. We adamently opp



The State Department says it will not release 22 of Hillary Clinton's emails today in its monthly, court-mandated dump because they are 'top secret'. Her campaign blasted the move from Iowa, where's she's speaking to voters today, and said it was 'overclassification run amok'

The campaign then said in a blast to reporters, 'We firmly oppose the complete blocking of the release of these emails.
'Since first providing her emails to the State Department more than one year ago, Hillary Clinton has urged that they be made available to the public. We feel no differently today.'
The Clinton campaign decried the process used to release the former cabinet official's emails as one that has 'been dominated by bureaucratic infighting that has too often played out in public view.'
'The loudest and leakiest participants in this interagency dispute have now prevailed in blocking any release of these emails.'
It argued that emails in question were not marked top secret at the time they were sent 'and have been called 'innocuous' by certain intelligence officials.'
Furthermore, her campaign said, the emails were likely sent through State's unclassified system and remained that way 'for years.'

One of the messages, Fallon said, involves information that was public, having already been detailed in a news article.
'This appears to be over-classification run amok,' he again stated. 'We will pursue all appropriate avenues to see that her emails are released in a manner consistent with her call last year.'
The Obama administration confirmed for the first time today that Clinton's unsecured home server contained some of the U.S. government's most closely guarded secrets, censoring nearly two dozen with material demanding one of the highest levels of classification.
Seven email chains are being withheld in full , the Associated Press reported, because they contain information deemed to be 'top secret.'
The 37 pages include messages recently described by a key intelligence official as concerning so-called 'special access programs' — a highly restricted subset of classified material that could point to confidential sources or clandestine programs like drone strikes or government eavesdropping..Department officials wouldn't describe the substance of the emails to AP or say if Clinton sent any herself.


They also wouldn't disclose if any of the documents reflected information that was classified at the time of transmission, but indicated that the agency's Diplomatic Security and Intelligence and Research bureaus have begun looking into that question.
The revelation comes just three days before the presidential nomination fight between Clinton and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders unfolds in Iowa.
Clinton, the front-runner for the Democrats, has insisted she never sent or received information on her personal email account that was classified at the time.
No emails released so far were stamped 'CLASSIFIED' or 'TOP SECRET,' but reviewers previously had designated more than 1,000 messages at lower classification levels for public release. Today's are the first at the top secret level.
For those that Clinton only read, and didn't write or forward, she still would have been required to report classification slippages that she recognized. But without classification markings, that may have been difficult, especially if the information was in the public domain.
Kirby said the State Department's focus as part of the Freedom of Information Act review of Clinton's emails was on 'whether they need to be classified today.' Questions about their past classification, he said, 'are being, and will be, handled separately by the State Department.'
Possible responses for classification infractions include counseling, warnings or other action, State Department officials said, though they declined to say if these applied to Clinton or senior aides who've since left the department.
The officials weren't authorized to speak on the matter and spoke to AP on the condition of anonymity.

Clinton: I never sent classified emails from private server


Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has insisted she never sent or received information on her personal email account that was classified at the time

Today is the deadline for State to release the final batch of the more than 55,000 pages emails Clinton turned over to the government last year.
It is sitting on 9,000 pages and told a court that it cannot get them all out today.
The federal entity has asked for a one-month extension to finish the tedious job that includes running the former secretary of state's emails by multiple government agencies that have a vested interest in making sure sensitive information is not released to the public.
It is expected to release roughly 1,000 of Clinton's later today.
State's excuse for failing to complete the court order in time is a blizzard that hit Washington last week and shut down the government for two business days and an entire weekend, pushing it into overtime.
The release comes at an awkward time for Clinton.
The Iowa caucus is on Feb. 1, and her main challenger, Sanders, is running neck and neck with her in the polls there and leads solidly in New Hampshire. Clinton still holds a strong advantage in national polls.
The emails have been an issue for Clinton's campaign since it became known 10 months ago that she exclusively used a nongovernment account linked to a homebrew server while in office.


Donald Trump was quick to attack Hillary Clinton after learning that 22 of her emails were 'top secret' and cannot be released to the public

Sanders, who has the most currently to gain from the email scandal, wouldn't attack.
'As I said at the first Democratic debate, there is a legal process in place which should proceed and not be politicized. The voters of Iowa and this nation deserve a serious discussion of the issues facing them,' the Vermont senator said in a statement.
Republicans, however, had a field day.
Frontrunner Donald Trump called the release a 'disaster.'
'At a minimum, how can someone with such bad judgement be our next president?' he added.
Both Chris Christie and Marco Rubio said the revelation 'disqualified' Clinton from being president.
'Now didn't she look us in the eye and tell us that there was not a bit of classified information on her personal server?' Christie said today before a room of Iowa voters. 'She has now definitively, without any question, lied to us.'
'Hillary Clinton put some of the highest, most sensitive intelligence information on her private server because maybe she thinks she is above the law,' Rubio said at a campaign stop today. 'This is unacceptable. This is a disqualifier.'
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus also smacked Clinton.
'Democrats will have to decide whether they really want to nominate a candidate who could face severe legal repercussions in the middle of the campaign and who has so brazenly violated the public trust with her reckless disregard for our national security,' he said in a statement today.
Clinton first called the decision a matter of convenience and then termed it a mistake, even if doing so wasn't expressly forbidden. But the matter could prove more troublesome now that Clinton's former agency has confirmed that business conducted over the account included top-secret matters.

Like Clinton, the State Department discounted such a possibility last March.
Both also said her account was never hacked or compromised, which security experts assess as unlikely, and that the vast majority of her emails were preserved properly for archiving purposes because she corresponded mainly with government accounts.
They've backtracked from the archiving claim, while the AP discovered several phishing attempts on her server connected to Russia.
The question of special access programs first surfaced last week, when Charles I. McCullough, the inspector general for U.S. intelligence agencies, cited examples on Clinton's account in a letter to Congress.
Republicans pounced on the report, though Clinton's campaign insisted none of the exchanges were 'classified at the time' and accused McCullough and GOP lawmakers of selectively leaking materials to damage her presidential hopes.
Kirby confirmed that the 'denied-in-full emails' are among those McCullough recently cited. One of the emails, he said, was among those McCullough identified last summer as possibly containing top secret information.
The AP reported last August that one focused on a forwarded news article about the classified U.S. drone program run by the CIA.


MADAM PRESIDENT? MAYBE: Clinton has struggled in surveys measuring her perceived trustworthiness and an active federal investigation, especially one buoyed by evidence that top secret material coursed through her account, could negate one of her main selling points for becoming commander in chief: Her national security resume

Such operations are widely covered and discussed in the public sphere, including by top U.S. officials, and the State Department immediately pushed back against McCullough's claim. The other concerned North Korean nuclear weapons programs, according to officials.
At the time, several officials from different agencies suggested the disagreement over the drone emails reflected the government's tendency to over-classify material, and the lack of consistent policies across difference agencies about what should and shouldn't be classified.
The FBI also is looking into Clinton's email setup, but has said nothing about the nature of its probe.
Independent experts say it is highly unlikely that Clinton will be charged with wrongdoing, based on the limited details that have surfaced up to now and the lack of indications that she intended to break any laws.
'What I would hope comes out of all of this is a bit of humility' and an acknowledgement from Clinton that 'I made some serious mistakes,' said Bradley Moss, a Washington lawyer who regularly handles security clearance matters.
Legal questions aside, it's the potential political costs that are probably of more immediate concern for Clinton.
She has struggled in surveys measuring her perceived trustworthiness and an active federal investigation, especially one buoyed by evidence that top secret material coursed through her account, could negate one of her main selling points for becoming commander in chief: Her national security resume.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
REPORTER: DOJ, FBI “SUPER PISSED OFF” at Obama White House Over Clinton Investigation (Video)

Jim Hoft Jan 29th, 2016 6:37 pm 668 Comments

On Friday White Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters some officials at the FBI have said Hillary Clinton is not a target of the current investigation.

These latest comments by the Obama White House reportedly have FBI and Justice Department officials “Super Pissed Off.”

Catherine Herridge reported:

That statement by Josh Earnest has got the back up of our contacts at the FBI and Justice Department for two reasons… They are SUPER PISSED OFF to use a technical term. Number one, Josh Earnest has absolutely no clearance or visibility in the FBI investigation. Number two, they say it really seems part of a troubling pattern from the White House because the president earlier said he did not see any national security implications to the Clinton emails and then we found out he had never been briefed.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
REPORTER: DOJ, FBI “SUPER PISSED OFF” at Obama White House Over Clinton Investigation
These latest comments by the Obama White House reportedly have FBI and Justice Department officials “Super Pissed Off.”
The FBI, I’m sure. They have creditability. The DOJ, they have about as much creditability as the Muslim strip club attendees.

The DOJ is a farce under the current administration. They will do whatever it takes to keep the Granny clean. You know it, I know it, hell everyone knows it.

Although I think it’s possible that the FBI raises such a stink, possible resignations, going public with the results, etc that the Granny won’t get elected and Obama’s legacy takes a colossal hit.

If that happens it will be well worth it.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton Contradicts Herself over Withheld Emails[/h]



by PATRICK HOWLEY30 Jan 2016551
[h=2]Hillary Clinton is contradicting herself about her classified emails as she makes a last stand in Iowa ahead of Monday’s caucus.[/h]Clinton is in Iowa Saturday campaigning hard against
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

, who has pulled to within two and a half points in the latest Iowa State University/WHO-HD poll, which has a three and a half-point margin of error.But Clinton is battling fallout from revelations that 22 classified emails from her private server are being withheld by the Obama administration from public release, along with other emails that contain information too sensitive for public consumption. The Clinton campaign has criticized the administration’s decision to keep some emails private.
The Obama administration’s acknowledgment that she had classified materials on her server, which Breitbart News has been extensively reporting since August, does not help her in the final days in the Hawkeye State.
During an interview with MSNBC reporter Monica Alba, Clinton claimed she didn’t know which emails were being withheld by the Obama administration but then claimed that she did not generate any of the email chains that have been deemed too sensitive for release.
How does Clinton know whether or not she generated email chains if she does not know which emails she’s referring to?
Alba noted that Clinton said “voters don’t ask her about this” or “care about this” in Iowa, which contradicts this reporter’s findings on the ground in Iowa during this primary campaign cycle.
Clinton is in Iowa with her husband Bill and daughter Chelsea, stumping about gun control and holding a final rally Saturday night.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]MSNBC on Clinton: Obama Admin Has Sent People to Jail for Mishandling Classified Information[/h]SHARE

BY: David Rutz
January 29, 2016 5:19 pm

MSNBC legal correspondent Ari Melber said Friday that the Obama administration has prosecuted people for mishandling classified information, as news broke that the State Department iswithholding 22 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server because they contained top-secret information.
Clinton, who used an unauthorized private server as secretary of state, has been dogged by the email scandal since it came to light last March.
“People do go to jail for mishandling classified information,” the left-leaning Melber said. “They have been prosecuted in the Obama administration for that. Now, no one here has come up with evidence that Hillary Clinton was the originator, was the creator of any of this material that gets that legal level.”
Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon argued earlier on MSNBC that this was an example of over-classification by the government and that Clinton wasn’t to blame for information that, according to her, was not marked classified at the time it was sent and received over her non-secure private server.
“The problem, of course, with that defense is it may catch you on the law, but it doesn’t catch you on policy,” Melber said. “At the end of the day, what the Inspector General of the intelligence community is concerned about here in this breaking news is that these materials were on a private server and they were at least later determined to be classified and in some cases, allegedly top-secret … That’s a problem for policy even if it doesn’t in any way suggest that Hillary Clinton broke criminal law.”
The Washington Free Beacon reported in November that Clinton signed a non-disclosure agreement where she took responsibility for ascertaining whether information in her possession was classified, and she acknowledged that “negligent handling” of that information could jeopardize national security. The NDA laid out criminal penalties for “any unauthorized disclosure” of classified information.
The Iowa caucuses are on Monday.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]President Obama discovered Hillary Clinton's personal email use through news reports[/h]BY NICOL JENKINS, MICHAEL SORRENTINO
Updated: Saturday, March 7, 2015, 11:46 PM

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President Obama discovered former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of personal email at the same time as news readers.
Obama, after delivering a Saturday speech in Selma, Ala., was asked when he found out about Clinton’s personal email system run from her Chappaqua home.
“The same time everybody else learned it through news reports,” he told CBS News.
Obama waded into the controversy for the first time since Clinton’s use of a private email account was revealed last week — raising questions about whether key messages were preserved.
Clinton’s use of the “” address drew widespread criticism from Republicans. The revelation has come at a delicate time for Clinton, who is preparing to launch a second bid for the presidency in the coming weeks.
The President called Clinton a “great Secretary of State” and insisted that his administration encouraged transparency.


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[h=3]It was news to him: President Obama said he first learned about Hillary Clinton's use of personal emails through news reports like everyone else. Obama is seen here with CBS's Bill Plante.[/h]
“My emails, the Blackberry I carry around, all those records are available and archived,” Obama said, according to an excerpt from the interview released Saturday evening.
“I’m glad that Hillary’s instructed that those emails about official business need to be disclosed.”
The White House has refused to say whether they believe Clinton’s personal email use violated any administration policies or broke any laws.
Asked how Clinton’s private server squares with his commitment to transparency, the President said: “The fact that she is going to be putting them forward will allow us to make sure that people have the information they need.”
Clinton tweeted Wednesday that she wants all of her emails made public.
[h=2]Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton speak at the 2015 Meeting of Clinton Global Initiative University at University of Miami in Florida on Saturday.[/h]
In an appearance at the Clinton Global Initiative University in Florida, she made no mention of the controversy.
Former President Bill Clinton also refused to address the issue, but defended the donations the family foundation receives from foreign governments.
“What I find is you’ve got to decide when you do this work, whether it will do more good than harm when someone is helping from another country,” Bill Clinton said.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]White House: Clinton Will Not Be Indicted Over Emails ‘Based on What We Know’[/h]SHARE

BY: David Rutz
January 29, 2016 4:19 pm

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Friday that Hillary Clinton would not be indicted over her private email scandal “based on what we know from the Department of Justice.”
As noted by The Weekly Standard, a reporter asked Earnest if he had “certainty and confidence” that Clinton would not get indicted, and Earnest hedged slightly in his answer, saying that it did not appear to be the “direction” of the DOJ’s investigation.
“That will be a decision that is made by the Department of Justice and prosecutors over there,” Earnest said. “What I know that some officials over there have said is that she is not a target of the investigation, so that does not seem to be the direction that it’s trending. But I’m certainly not going to weigh in on a decision or in that process in any way. That is a decision to be made solely by independent prosecutors but again, based on what we know from the Department of Justice, it does not seem to be headed in that direction.”
According to the Associated Press, the Obama administration has confirmed Clinton’s server had top-secret information, censoring 22 emails containing material requiring the highest levels of classification. The State Department is releasing another batch of Clinton’s emails on Friday, but the AP reported that seven chains were being withheld because of the sensitivity of the material.
Clinton said at Monday night’s CNN town hall in Iowa that “nothing that I did was wrong” regarding her email server, even though she has apologized to the American people for deciding to use it in the first place.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
The 3 posts above (2647-9) tell the story about the possible outcome of this "scandal" involving the emails. Did Obama send or receive emails from or to Hillary? If so that tells us all we need to know especially knowing that his administration has sent people to jail for what Hillary has been doing. I can't see Hillary going to jail but at the very least she should own up like Petraeus did and get out of the race. The fact that her party and the WH are attempting to give her a pass is exemplary of this administration. If Obama did exchange any emails with Hillary and they were not designated by .gov that really makes one wonder. What really makes me wonder is how the POTUS and Sec of State would have never communicated by email with all that was going on at the time. I wonder if she emailed him when she was being "shot at" flying into Bosnia lol. Yes this is political but the pursuit of justice in this matter is in the best interests of this country, not the Democratic party. They are not one in the same.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Russ, keep connecting those dots all the way to the Hildabeast's prison cell.

I love this thread!


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