congrats. Tom Brady. greatest QB of all time


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
The old man played well today.

23/35.....274 yards

3 TD`s
May 3, 2018
Anybody that thinks Tom Brady is the greatest of all time doesn't know football. He's barely the greatest right now of the past few years. Lol. Now the Patriots? Coach Bill and the team/system they've had all these years. Fantastic.

I do find it funny that every time the Patriots struggle a little or lose a game early in the season all the talk begins about this is the beginning of the end for them. Meanwhile they are just adjusting their game and getting a few key players back. I mean how good will this team be when Edelman is back and Gordon is incorporated into the system. Hate to say it but they might be Superbowl bound again. Hope not though. Hope it's Ravens or Steelers out of the AFC. Rams might have a shot but I don't like them either. They are fun to watch though.

I digress, Tom Brady is not the greatest of all time lol. But I hope and assume you mean that as an obviously bias and comical kind of way.
May 3, 2018
I said this 6 or 7 years ago that I thought Joe Montana was the greatest QB..he was clutch. When I looked at the stats though I came to the conclusion that Steve Young was better but at the time Tom Brady was starting to make a case. It is hard to compare era's. Todays rules are geared to passing. You cant touch the receivers or breath on the QB's. Steve Young's ability to run made him a duel threat and his passing numbers were great.

The one stat for Brady that I think really stands out is his low interception ratio. This number is outstanding.

I dont think you can use Super Bowl wins as a status of greatness. Football has too many players. One player can not dominate a game in the NFL. Basketball maybe but not football.

Realistically New England could have and probably should have lost the last 3 Super Bowls. That would not have changed the greatness of Tom Brady's career.

Brady lost to Eli Manning. He had a wicked team that season and other seasons. A great coach, a great time during those championship wins and always had Gronkowski the beast. To show how great the system is...Matt Cassel went 11-5 or something with this team. Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, especially Rodgers wins just as many championships with this Patriots teams if not 1 more. That one by Seattle was gifted to them by the most bonehead mistake ever. The Falcons choked one away. And in years past the team Brady has had and the defenses along with Gronk as I said have been formidable.

Give me a break that Tom is the greatest ever. Lol. Lost to Nick Foles and Eli Manning (went undefeated that season I believe, that's how good that team was and they lost to the Giants.)

I discussed all this in my thread explaining why Rodgers is better than Brady. It's common sense. Not to mention some of the greats in the past that didn't play in the era where you can't even defend and forget Brady, even clown QBs are throwing gor crazy yards and TDs. Lol.

It's like the fools that argue that Lebron is better than Jordan. Comical. You just have to shake your head at the ignorance. If you try to explain it to them they just throw out useless bias stats and other things they googled. Yet they don't understand that you have to have actually watched Jordan play and understand the game to know why Jordan is better. Or why Rodgers or a couple QBs from the past are better than Brady. Many hall of famers that know what they are talking about have said Brady isn't the GOAT.

Having said all that, I comprehend the fact that you guys here are big fans of Brady and I know how that is. I love mt favorite players too. I don't want to piss on your parade or be negative. I just like to talk sports or explain things to people who don't understand. Don't take it all negatively. Brady is great and I've made a lot of money betting on the Patriots and they'll be in the mix again this season for sure. It must be nice for their fans. Enjoy it. I know how happy I was when Flacco, or Brees, or Big Ben, especially Peyton Manning won it. But you guys have to give more of the credit, most of the credit rather, to Bill and the Patriots team.

May 3, 2018
I said it before the Miami game that Pats about to go on a run. At least they gave the radio show hosts etc something to talk about for a week or 2. Patriots are done@ Brady is washed up! Lol. Smh.

Mar 5, 2009
more regurgitated nonsense from the forum drinker.

QB A lost to QB B, so QB C is > QB A

That argument never gets old :):)
May 3, 2018
more regurgitated nonsense from the forum drinker.

QB A lost to QB B, so QB C is > QB A

That argument never gets old :):)

Lol. Actually I never made that argument so not sure if you are referring to me. Lol. Also, with the name patsfanatic you can't be taken seriously coming into this thread to defend Brady LOL. Can your bias be anymore obvious? Lol.

Forum drinker? That's cute and that what you do? A little glug glug chug chug....


Mar 5, 2009
Lol. Actually I never made that argument so not sure if you are referring to me. Lol. Also, with the name patsfanatic you can't be taken seriously coming into this thread to defend Brady LOL. Can your bias be anymore obvious? Lol.

Forum drinker? That's cute and that what you do? A little glug glug chug chug....

What else you doing at 2am??

i call it like it see it.

Your argument sucks. TB lost to Eli, then when someone says that about Rodgers, it doesn’t count.
Two faced argument that’s all.
May 3, 2018
What else you doing at 2am??

i call it like it see it.

Your argument sucks. TB lost to Eli, then when someone says that about Rodgers, it doesn’t count.
Two faced argument that’s all.

Call it like you see it lol. I'm up at 2am because I'm not an old fart like many of you bitter creeps lol. Were there typos all over or anything that you assume I'm drunk? Maybe you're the drunk and you call it like you see in the mirror. Because if being awake at 2am equals drunks (perfect spelling) then your logic is more flawed and moronic that I thought. You have not only proven yourself to be shamelessly bias but illogical.

As for the argument that I supposedly way to put words in my mouth. Not even close to the valid reasons why I proved Rodgers is better than Brady.

You're embarrassing yourself. You're so illogical in your posts that YOU must be the

See how that works?

Awake at 2am=drunk. Do you use that logic on your wife or daughter..wearing a skirt=slut.

That's some messed up old fashioned and illogical nonsense right there.

Mar 5, 2009
Hasn't anyone told you nothing good happens after midnight? Same goes for you and your posting lol.

I'm an old creep? Ha, shows your ignorance. I ain't even close to old. But I'm not a drunk so that why I'm not up at 2am.
Have two kids, a job, a life. 2am was for college.

I'm bias and you're not? I'm a fan of Brady and not ashamed to admit it (hence avatar), you don 't like Brady (admitted) but your not biased. That logic doesn't getting any more stupid.

Lets pull some posts from your own thread which you got owned in. More non-patriots fans were in there defending Brady than Pats fans lol. But wait, you know football, never mind.

Post 81 "Including losing to Eli Manning even with Bill and that defense? Ouch. Eli Manning lol. Rodgers would have more rings with this Patriots teams." (The argument you made)

Post 93 "
Brady lost to Foles and Eli Manning. lol. Rodgers wins those games." (same argument repeated lol)

Post 116 "
I know what you were responding to but my point was that you nitpicked a small sample size and one example of Eli Manning beating Rodgers which doesn't prove Brady is better. It doesn't even cancel out Brady losing to Eli cause Brady, AGAIN, had the way better team and had no excuse. Mr.16-0 with that fantastic team losing to Eli in the Superbowl? Noway Rodgers loses that game and Brady had no business losing that game." (same argument repeated)

Then you move on to Brady has had the better defenses over the years....oh really? They were formidable in his first 7-8 years, since then they've sucked and he's carried their ass.
Did you watch the last two superbowls?? I mean, you know football so well.

The when the same argument doesn't work over and over again, you can always go to the "system" thing
May 3, 2018
Hasn't anyone told you nothing good happens after midnight? Same goes for you and your posting lol.

I'm an old creep? Ha, shows your ignorance. I ain't even close to old. But I'm not a drunk so that why I'm not up at 2am.
Have two kids, a job, a life. 2am was for college.

I'm bias and you're not? I'm a fan of Brady and not ashamed to admit it (hence avatar), you don 't like Brady (admitted) but your not biased. That logic doesn't getting any more stupid.

Lets pull some posts from your own thread which you got owned in. More non-patriots fans were in there defending Brady than Pats fans lol. But wait, you know football, never mind.

Post 81 "Including losing to Eli Manning even with Bill and that defense? Ouch. Eli Manning lol. Rodgers would have more rings with this Patriots teams." (The argument you made)

Post 93 "
Brady lost to Foles and Eli Manning. lol. Rodgers wins those games." (same argument repeated lol)

Post 116 "
I know what you were responding to but my point was that you nitpicked a small sample size and one example of Eli Manning beating Rodgers which doesn't prove Brady is better. It doesn't even cancel out Brady losing to Eli cause Brady, AGAIN, had the way better team and had no excuse. Mr.16-0 with that fantastic team losing to Eli in the Superbowl? Noway Rodgers loses that game and Brady had no business losing that game." (same argument repeated)

Then you move on to Brady has had the better defenses over the years....oh really? They were formidable in his first 7-8 years, since then they've sucked and he's carried their ass.
Did you watch the last two superbowls?? I mean, you know football so well.

The when the same argument doesn't work over and over again, you can always go to the "system" thing

Nothing good happens after midnight? Now you really sound old and old fashioned. Do you hear yourself? Not to mention sitting at home watching tv and relaxing and surfing the net? Not safe? I like to work out at night. After that I'm quite revved up and can't sleep so I stay up eating and watching tv or movies. Not every night but some nights. Not that I have to explain myself to you. So what are you a day drinker? Because you sure sound like one. Talking about 2am LOL. Can't make this stuf up. Sound like an old fashioned geezer. Good for you. You have a wife n 2 kids. Some of us are still free and single and can stay up late after a long day at the office and relax.

The last 2 Superbowls where Seattle and Falcons both choked and gave the game away? Lol. Ok. Could've easily been 0-2. Brady was gifted those. Butler saved his against Seattle and Falcons gifted Patriots a win. The Patriots defense so bad but they were the ones that gave Brady a chance to get the ball back so many times 2nd half against Falcons. YOU DON'T KNOW FOOTBALL! LOL.

I never got owned in my thread. Just cause you (a Bias fan) said it doesn't make it so. In fact I've more than proven my point. Your logic makes no sense. You';re blinded. You're not objective. I maintain my stance obviously. I've made more points than the ones you selected above. And yeah ''the system'' is one of many arguments. Matt Cassell? 11-5? Lol.

Rodgers is better. You're bias. I have no time to go in circles with clowns like you. I don't hate Brady I dislike him but I respect him. I do hate how people that don't know football think he's the goat. Even Brady deep down knows Rodgers is better. Even Brees and Peyton Manning are as good. Yeah I said it. You Brady lovers just don't understand how fantastic coach Bill and that system is. You just don't and won't. Head in the sand.

Arguing with bias delusional fans is like arguing with children. No point. You've been owned several times you just don't know it.

Goodbye. PATSFANTATIC :pointer:
May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018
Where there's smoke there's fire...Lol.

By the way Kobe Bryant rocks! Air Jordan rocks! Brady is just an overrated qb. He's damn good but he's so overrated. Lucky he's had this Patriots team and Gronk and coach Bill.


Sep 21, 2012
Where there's smoke there's fire...Lol.

By the way Kobe Bryant rocks! Air Jordan rocks! Brady is just an overrated qb. He's damn good but he's so overrated. Lucky he's had this Patriots team and Gronk and coach Bill.


gronk has 2 super bowl rings and didnt play in one of them. although a great player he has had zero impact in 4 of bradys super bowl championships.
he didnt play in the second half of the AFC championship game last year when brady led a comeback.
May 3, 2018
gronk has 2 super bowl rings and didnt play in one of them. although a great player he has had zero impact in 4 of bradys super bowl championships.
he didnt play in the second half of the AFC championship game last year when brady led a comeback.

Good point. The defense and the turnover was a huge part of the come back too though. Not to mention all my other points about Seattle and Falcons especially Seattle gift wrapping the last 2 Superbowls for Bill. I mean Brady lol.

Still, valid point by an objective poster for once.

Brady is still great. No denying that.
Sep 21, 2004
500 for the greatest QB of all time.

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Tom Brady has thrown three TD passes, giving him 500 for his career.

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Active member
Jun 18, 2007
May 3, 2018
1. The tuck rule saved Brady's ass that Superbowl or he never wins it. Lol.

2. Remember that season Patriots shamelessly ran up the score on shit teams? No class. No teams did this and this really jacked up the stats. Lol. Come on.

3. Seahawks giftwrap Brady a win in that Superbowl with the worst call ever or Brady and Pats were cooked that game.

4. Always the cheating talk...where there's smoke there's fire but we'll leave that one out....

5. The first 3 Superbowls were moreso about the great Patriots defense way more than Brady. (don't even bother arguing how excellent those defenses were) Brady threw for like 200 something yards and was checking down and playing Alex Smith style ball cause the defenses won those 3 championships.

6. Matt Cassell goes 11-5 or something like that with coach Bill's Patriots? Props to coach BILL...AGAIN!

7. Bradshaw called his own plays and won 4 championships and Brady is your goat because coach Bill gave him an awesome system to work with? LOL

8. Peyton Manning and Aaron Rodgers haven't won more championships than Brady but they carried their teams through the regular season and all the way to winning the Superbowl with the Colts and Packers respectively. They were the main factors. I doubt Brady carries those Colts and Packers teams to victory in those playoffs. Those wins by Peyton (the real GOAT) and Rodgers were more impressive than anything Brady has done.

9, Joe Montana is better than Brady and Joe cool never had the stink of spygate and deflategate tainting his career which all said and done Brady will.

10. Yes Patriot's defense recently hasn't been as fantastic but in the come back against the Falcons in the 2nd half it sure was fantastic! Coach Bill strikes again!

11. Tom Brady has pretty much always had a top 10 defense his whole career including some fantastic defenses during those 3 Superbowl wins. The real GOAT Peyton Manning and ever Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers who are all more talented than Brady have never had this. Their defenses have for the most part...sucked and these 3 QBs still found a way to carry their team and win the Superbowl.

See, you actually have to watch football...I mean tons of it, of all the players and teams to understand why Brady isn't the GOAT. Peyton Manning for example had time and time again carried his team to wins and into the playoffs against all odds. Even beating Brady and that formidable defense and genius mind of coach Bill. Now that's impressive. Rodgers and what he's accomplished with that moron coach and weak defense is incredible.

Patriots win at a high rate even without Brady. Colts and Packers? LOL. Well...Colts won 2 games and the Packers were disgustingly bad without Rodgers.


You guys want to give credit to Brady go ahead. He's great. But goat? LOL. You don't know football if you believe this to be true and it's an insult to guys from way back and even recently retired and to Aaron Rodgers. Brady isn't even top 3. I thought he was but when I sat down and thought about all of the above and remembered some of the all time greats I realized Brady isn't top 3.

You bias Patriots fans are living in the moment just like delusional Lebron lovers who think Lebron is better than Jordan. Just living in the moment. When the dust settles and Brady has retired a few years, people will wake up and not even speak about him being the goat. That's fact. Only some of you clueless fans will say it still. Clinging to the mirage.

Now if you guys want to give Bill Billichek most of the credit go for it. Can't argue it. Facts speak for themselves.

You're welcome for the lesson and for the few hardcore diehard Patriots fans I expect you to shamelessly argue and that's fan but the the other objective and realistic sportsfans here I've provided you with reality and I'm sure many of you already know Brady isn't the goat.

Gnite and bless you all!

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