Colin Kaepernick’s lawyer says he will be signed in next 10 days


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Those are different issues. Drugs, crime, lack of valuable education, living in the system of poverty. .these are al different issues than police brutality. The easiest one to fix....even though it has been going on for decades is police brutality. But for some reason even THAT most people don't want to get behind lmfaooo. And I know why..... black people are complaining again and standing up for rights. So time to have an issue with it.

Actually, I disagree it isnt the easiest to fix... Teaching family values and dropping the single motherhood rate and personal responsibility would be the easiest. Because those are done by personal choices.

And police brutality is caused by having to work in highly stressful areas filled with drugs, violent crime and gangs... which stem from (Guess what) the areas with the highest level of single parent homes.... Fix one, and the other fixes itself. If you fix police brutality, how does that fix high crime areas?
Feb 6, 2007
Actually, I disagree it isnt the easiest to fix... Teaching family values and dropping the single motherhood rate and personal responsibility would be the easiest. Because those are done by personal choices.

And police brutality is caused by having to work in highly stressful areas filled with drugs, violent crime and gangs... which stem from (Guess what) the areas with the highest level of single parent homes.... Fix one, and the other fixes itself. If you fix police brutality, how does that fix high crime areas?

It doesn't. But it takes steps to fix all of that. Police brutality isn't the be all end all. It's not going to fix that shit.

Personal choices are made from your environment bro. Their choices are not our choices. Meaning, they don't have many options. It is way easier to teach a new system to police rather than trying to teach poor people not to be depressed, stressed, and make the wrong getaway from reality decision.

Way easier to teach police who get paid how to perform and interact. Way easier.

You have to change the culture before you can change the attitudes. They are still going to sell drugs, shoot guns, rob people, it's the ghetto. Regardless of if cops beat them or not.

I'm not saying one will fix the other because they won't. But fixing police brutality will help develop a respect between them and will help deal with problems more appropriately. Police don't go away so they all need to learn how to deal with each other with human decency.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
You said he didn't have a choice you retarded bitch. Just because someone else INFLUENCED him doesn't mean it's not ultimately HIS CHOICE.

You are a dumb ass faggot.

Calling the guy a dumb ass

Only you talk like

And you get away with it.....Thats the funny

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Calling the guy a dumb ass

Only you talk like

And you get away with it.....Thats the funny

Following me around like a little puppy. Sad. Mind your own fucking business.

If someone around here that actually matters has a problem with the way I post, I will listen. I don't give a FUCK what you think or say.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Calling the guy a dumb ass

Only you talk like

And you get away with it.....Thats the funny

Only I talk like this? GuaranTEE I can dig up dozens of posts from you saying the same type of shit.

We can all see what you're trying to do. "He's the only one that gets away with it", and making up lies that I'm a bookie and shit. You're not going to get rid of me so just quit acting like a little bitch and maybe I'll leave you alone.

I'm trolling you because you troll me.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Man does Mob get down on his knees for blacks ? Good lord , this is pathetic

Sep 17, 2010
Actually, I disagree it isnt the easiest to fix... Teaching family values and dropping the single motherhood rate and personal responsibility would be the easiest. Because those are done by personal choices.

And police brutality is caused by having to work in highly stressful areas filled with drugs, violent crime and gangs... which stem from (Guess what) the areas with the highest level of single parent homes.... Fix one, and the other fixes itself. If you fix police brutality, how does that fix high crime areas?

Blacks are being used and they do not even know it. They follow their leaders blindly.
Blacks do most of the violent crime (FBI stats) so of course out of all of the conflicts some white cops will overreact and make mistakes and should be punished if they broke the law.
Kaepernick ignores the facts of his initial statements about Ferguson to support his agenda, fueled by his extreme activist fiance (wife?).
3 days after 300 lb ex football player Michael Brown was shot attacking and officer for the second time after beating the officer earlier in the conflict (officer was 75 pounds lighter than him), dozens of agents immediately came to SL. Dozens, to set up the narrative, even though they knew Brown's blood and DNA were on the gun and that Brown was high on drugs and had just attacked a clerk at a store he had just robbed.
Outside agitators were contacted and given the script, local blacks listened to their so called black leaders who were instructed to stir things up.
The felon/thug that was with Brown in the robbery at the store before the conflict with the officer was quoted nationally for weeks saying that Brown's hands were up and was going away from the officer. CNN and others ran his lies on their headline strips for weeks, talk about a witness that was not credible? And yes the body was on the street for hours, with a mass of angry mixed up onlookers police had to secure the area before they could do their due diligence to assess the crime scene. Kaepernick of course made this out to be racism.
1) Blacks are poor, but there are more whites that are poor and they do not shoot each other all day and all night.
2) Just as many or more whites are poor, and out of wedlock happens, but blacks out of wedlock is 73%.
Somebody, please explain these two to me.
Black leaders need to emphasize family values, stay away from drugs, get a good education & graduate, get a job and get married when you are 21 or older THEN have babies. Why don't any of them take this approach? Explain that one to me, too, somebody.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Man does Mob get down on his knees for blacks ? Good lord , this is pathetic

they say once you had black, you never go back

sorry Mob, couldn't resist

but it is what it is

Sep 21, 2004

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, ‘It Starts at Home’

“It starts at the home. It starts at home. It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure."

“So you know I can’t blame the system. It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them,”

"I grew up with guys who did decades (in prison), and it had as much to do with their fathers not being in their lives as it did to do with any system,”

“Now I was doing just as much as they were, but they went further.”

“I just didn’t get caught, but they kept going down that road and then they were in the hands of the system,”

“But it’s about the formative years. You’re not born a criminal.”


Libtards like Mob who excuse and justify criminal behavior are part of the problem, not the solution.

Mar 5, 2009
Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, ‘It Starts at Home’

“It starts at the home. It starts at home. It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure."

“So you know I can’t blame the system. It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them,”

"I grew up with guys who did decades (in prison), and it had as much to do with their fathers not being in their lives as it did to do with any system,”

“Now I was doing just as much as they were, but they went further.”

“I just didn’t get caught, but they kept going down that road and then they were in the hands of the system,”

“But it’s about the formative years. You’re not born a criminal.”


Libtards like Mob who excuse and justify criminal behavior are part of the problem, not the solution.

I don't think we should listen to Denzel, a well spoken African american man who is extremely successful.

I think we should heed the words of a white Rx poster named after a black rapper.
Feb 6, 2007
they say once you had black, you never go back

sorry Mob, couldn't resist

but it is what it is

What is it?

Sounds like some homo jokes.
Feb 6, 2007
Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, ‘It Starts at Home’

“It starts at the home. It starts at home. It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure."

“So you know I can’t blame the system. It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them,”

"I grew up with guys who did decades (in prison), and it had as much to do with their fathers not being in their lives as it did to do with any system,”

“Now I was doing just as much as they were, but they went further.”

“I just didn’t get caught, but they kept going down that road and then they were in the hands of the system,”

“But it’s about the formative years. You’re not born a criminal.”


Libtards like Mob who excuse and justify criminal behavior are part of the problem, not the solution.

First off I'm a registered independent. I'm not a liberal. Secondly, what is Denzel even saying? That the streets are bad? And that you need a family and parents? Whowwwwwwww. That is a fact of life, any race lol.

No kid needs the streets to raise him and you expect that person to do well. It's not going to happen. Of course parents are needed lol.

He also went on to say (not included in your post) "if the streets raise you then your mom is the judge and your home is a prison. " meaning you don't want to be there so you will go back to the streets.

The thing is.....everybody is trying to make it out when you are in a shitty situation. And when your environment is so poor and hopeless..... it's every man for themselves in most of these circumstances. It's sad.

If they don't have caring parents it is because they are dope fiends or alcoholics, and then you have to wonder why. And the logical answer is their environment. I mean, I know a handful of white people who didn't mean to have a kid, but did. Either they have the money for an abortion or they change their lifestyle. Much easier said than done if you are white, not a felon, and don't live in poverty. Most likely you will have that kid and suffer but still provide. Now in poverty, no money period. No positive environment, No hope. Good luck.
Feb 6, 2007
Why are some wealthy people somewhat functioning alcoholics? Probably because they have a lot of stress. It's how they deal with their problems. Maybe work issues, family issues...

Now....take away the wealthy part......and what you have is parents not interested in being parents. It goes for any race....the difference is money and opportunity.
Feb 6, 2007
I'm not justifying their actions of leaving their family without a parent. Not at all. I dont condone that and of course it won't help. But there are reasons why. And those reasons revert back to their environment. Moms a crack head. Dads an alcoholic. Why? Because they are black and that is what black people do? Lol nah. Got to think more real than that.

Dec 12, 2006
I missed it, what team is he on now?

Sep 21, 2004
TF i heard he starting on the local backyard team in his neighborhood, i also heard they have a big travel date to the local park for a game in 2 weeks

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
[h=1]Colin Kaepernick Launches COVID-19 Relief Fund For Black And Brown Communities[/h]
[FONT=&quot]“Structural racism makes Black & Brown ppl more likely to die from #COVID19,” he [/FONT]tweeted[FONT=&quot]. “We’ve launched the Know Your Rights Camp COVID-19 Relief Fund to directly impact the disproportionate effect #coronavirus is having on our communities.”[/FONT]

Sep 20, 2017
White parent raise and take care of black kid who has a nice life. Then black man grows up to obsess about black and brown people lol
See how this works. You claim there is a problem....let everyone know it is white(they suck)peoples fault and then demand advantages or special treatment. But it is is always for justice and equality. Try doing that the other way around Then it becomes "shut up white people. Your lives are perfect. Now give us more stuff"

Sep 21, 2012
every so often he has to pop up during something and cry racism.
i dont know how he makes money but i assume this is the only way.

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