Colin Kaepernick’s lawyer says he will be signed in next 10 days

Feb 6, 2007
You continue to say the dumbest things. Read carefully.....The key to a protest is that you are protesting something that is true. When you are not..........THE PROTEST SERVES NO PURPOSE. In fact ...I would say Colin Kaepernick and other players protest shows their racism against white people. It is amazing how running around claiming white people are racist and we need to change things specifically for blacks because white people suck is framed as being about justice and equality and not racist against white people. AMAZING.

Lmao. You mad bro?

WTF are you talking about.
Feb 6, 2007
it's important to baby step with you - yes, if the initial kneeling was to support cancer no one would view it as a problem - but the initial kneeling was not kneeling at all - it was sit on the with your legs flailing out, look bored and wear socks with cops as pigs while the anthem played and the military members held the flag - when he realized this was so unacceptable to our society he moved to the kneeling shit - so everyone knows the kneeling is a way to burn the flag but not look as bad - if he had one once of self respect he would leave the country - but he won't

Burn the flag? Wow. You really don't understand.

Let me correct you.....Kaepernick didn't choose to kneel. A military member talked with Kaeperknick ABOUT kneeling. And then Kaeperknick started kneeling.

This was a Gandhi move. Nobody gets hurt. Protest peacefully. Stand up for what you believe in.

You admitted my point. If this wasn't anything besides black people fighting for black people. ....then it would be accepted. ..which proves my point. ......this was NEVER about the flag and anthem. It is about BLACKS disrespecting this country in the eyes of many. That is what it was made into. I'm so right about all this it's funny
Feb 6, 2007
Imagine if they were kneeling for cancer or for something else other than black people.

All of a sudden kneeling for the anthem wouldn't be so bad. And that's just fact. The fact that it is about black people is why people have a problem with it.

Because if you really think about it the very reason why we can protest or kneel is the very reason why soldiers fight. For our independence and freedom of speech. They fight for this country in order for us to have that ability. Time to face the music and stop bullshitting about what the problem is. We know....or wait I know....and it's what I said from the very beginning. Black people can't stand up for black people in this country. Because people do not hear you-- they only see the color of your skin.

Wise up.

Soldiers go to war for our country. For our independence and freedom of speech. For people to have the ability to protest or kneel and speak their mind. That's a reason why soldiers fight for this country. That's just real.
Feb 6, 2007
Ummmmmmm, what?

You are straight retarded.

Yeah a military veteran influenced Kaep to kneel. Lol yeah I'm retarded and 110% correct. Hilarious your brain dead self highlights one sentence. Fucking gossip magazine you are. Clown.

Oct 8, 2017
Saturday afternoon and the same clowns on here arguing about the same shit all day
Feb 6, 2007
You said he didn't have a choice you retarded bitch. Just because someone else INFLUENCED him doesn't mean it's not ultimately HIS CHOICE.

You are a dumb ass faggot.

Kollolokokokololokololol. I don't know whether to ko you or laugh. Lmaooooo. Why did you get so mad all of a sudden?

I'm white and I'm right. Influenced means you influenced them to do something lol. Meaning it wasn't Kaepernicks idea but it was certainly an upgrade from the bench. He didn't come up with it but he still went that way. He was influenced. Lol but you catch feelings over THIS. All the wise shit I said and you decide to catch feelings over THIS part????? Take that L boy.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Kollolokokokololokololol. I don't know whether to ko you or laugh. Lmaooooo. Why did you get so mad all of a sudden?

I'm white and I'm right. Influenced means you influenced them to do something lol. Meaning it wasn't Kaepernicks idea but it was certainly an upgrade from the bench. He didn't come up with it but he still went that way. He was influenced. Lol but you catch feelings over THIS. All the wise shit I said and you decide to catch feelings over THIS part????? Take that L boy.

You said CK had no choice.

So this guy put a gun to his head and forced him to do this? Threatened his family?

No. Didn't think so.

No one caught feelings, it's just annoying reading your retarded ass drivel day in and day out. You're wrong, you're stupid, and you never STFU.
Feb 6, 2007
Imagine if they were kneeling for cancer or for something else other than black people.

All of a sudden kneeling for the anthem wouldn't be so bad. And that's just fact. The fact that it is about black people is why people have a problem with it.

Because if you really think about it the very reason why we can protest or kneel is the very reason why soldiers fight. For our independence and freedom of speech. They fight for this country in order for us to have that ability. Time to face the music and stop bullshitting about what the problem is. We know....or wait I know....and it's what I said from the very beginning. Black people can't stand up for black people in this country. Because people do not hear you-- they only see the color of your skin.

Wise up.

If somebody posts something this wise I would just sit down and say you're right or not say anything. But not way.
Feb 6, 2007
You said CK had no choice.

So this guy put a gun to his head and forced him to do this? Threatened his family?

No. Didn't think so.

No one caught feelings, it's just annoying reading your retarded ass drivel day in and day out. You're wrong, you're stupid, and you never STFU.

Wrong. I didn't say he didn't have a choice lol. I said he didn't choose to kneel. There's a difference. Lol wow. Enfuego 2.0 this clown. Yall related?

He had help in kneeling. Is that better? Worded more appropriately for you? He was given help and ultimately decided the guy was right and he kneeled.

Lol that worded more correctly for your psycho ass?

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Wrong. I didn't say he didn't have a choice lol. I said he didn't choose to kneel. There's a difference. Lol wow. Enfuego 2.0 this clown. Yall related?

OK, I'll bite, what's the difference?

CK had no choice but to kneel
CK did not choose to kneel

Sound like the same thing to me
Feb 6, 2007
OK, I'll bite, what's the difference?

CK had no choice but to kneel
CK did not choose to kneel

Sound like the same thing to me

Bite that you are Enfuego 2.0?

What's their to bite on? You don't want to have this conversation with me you will lose. That's all there is need to know.

So I need to explain the difference between choosing and a choice. You really are Enfuego 2.0. You lose so bad that you want to take it way far away from the point on hand. And focus in on something like what the difference is between choice and choose.

You said he didn't have a choice. I never said that that. He always had a choice. But he didn't choose to kneel right away. He was helped to that situation.

When you follow someone's you have a choice? Yes. Maybe they influenced you to bet that play. You had help. You didn't choose it on your own. Did you go that way? Ultimately yes, but it wasn't your decision. It wasn't something that you chose.

If a friend hooks me up with a blind date. I didn't choose her. But I made the choice to go. There's a difference.

Kaep was already knee deep in it. He was going to change his actions but needed help. The military guy helped him or else Kaep might have been still sitting. So yes he had a choice and needed help on what to choose to do. End of discussion.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Bite that you are Enfuego 2.0?

What's their to bite on? You don't want to have this conversation with me you will lose. That's all there is need to know.

So I need to explain the difference between choosing and a choice. You really are Enfuego 2.0. You lose so bad that you want to take it way far away from the point on hand. And focus in on something like what the difference is between choice and choose.

You said he didn't have a choice. I never said that that. He always had a choice. But he didn't choose to kneel right away. He was helped to that situation.

When you follow someone's you have a choice? Yes. Maybe they influenced you to bet that play. You had help. You didn't choose it on your own. Did you go that way? Ultimately yes, but it wasn't your decision. It wasn't something that you chose.

If a friend hooks me up with a blind date. I didn't choose her. But I made the choice to go. There's a difference.

Kaep was already knee deep in it. He was going to change his actions but needed help. The military guy helped him or else Kaep might have been still sitting. So yes he had a choice and needed help on what to choose to do. End of discussion.

Can you explain how if the police stopped killing unarmed black men unjustly 3 times a year at most, HOW it would fix all the major problems in the black community? You know... single motherhood rate, school dropout rate, black on black violence, being 13% of the population but committing over 50% of the violent crime... etc.

If you can tell me HOW it would fix those problems, Ill argue on your behalf here...
Feb 6, 2007
Can you explain how if the police stopped killing unarmed black men unjustly 3 times a year at most, HOW it would fix all the major problems in the black community? You know... single motherhood rate, school dropout rate, black on black violence, being 13% of the population but committing over 50% of the violent crime... etc.

If you can tell me HOW it would fix those problems, Ill argue on your behalf here...

You want me to come up with a reason but I'm not going to bullshit I don't have your answer. Not saying it would fix THOSE problems. Those problems don't stem from police brutality or killing unarmed black people imo. There is no science to it. Police need retraining. If we are talking about police then yes, they need retraining. They need to be more intune with society and not have a gang mentality like they are TAUGHT. Police are the biggest gang in America. Because of how they are trained and taught to think. Us vs them. How do you think any color of people would react to that?

Black people are going to see it and then they are going to think well damn that shit could happen to me too.

Police brutality is a easier thing to fix but to fix the issues you raised will take far more than police officers. Police are suppose to be police. Not teachers or counselors or parents just protect and serve. If they do that, it would make it easier to focus on the things that will help them grow. But if they can't get past the police presents, then forget it....all that other shit won't matter.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
You want me to come up with a reason but I'm not going to bullshit I don't have your answer. Not saying it would fix THOSE problems. Those problems don't stem from police brutality or killing unarmed black people imo. There is no science to it. Police need retraining. If we are talking about police then yes, they need retraining. They need to be more intune with society and not have a gang mentality like they are TAUGHT. Police are the biggest gang in America. Because of how they are trained and taught to think. Us vs them. How do you think any color of people would react to that?

Black people are going to see it and then they are going to think well damn that shit could happen to me too.

Police brutality is a easier thing to fix but to fix the issues you raised will take far more than police officers. Police are suppose to be police. Not teachers or counselors or parents just protect and serve. If they do that, it would make it easier to focus on the things that will help them grow. But if they can't get past the police presents, then forget it....all that other shit won't matter.

So, would you agree Kaepernick should be protesting the BIG issues (that I listed) facing the black community, not the tiny one that really has no effect on the the community itself? Or do you think its a good thing that he is pointing the finger at something other than the community being responsible for their culture, this way they dont take any blame and to keep the issues out of the limelight
Feb 6, 2007
So, would you agree Kaepernick should be protesting the BIG issues (that I listed) facing the black community, not the tiny one that really has no effect on the the community itself? Or do you think its a good thing that he is pointing the finger at something other than the community being responsible for their culture, this way they dont take any blame and to keep the issues out of the limelight

I wouldn't say all that. He is bringing attention to something else everybody should understand. It's no secret there is black brutality by police. That's not some new issue.

It's not even a topic like the other ones. It's downright unjust. Which itis common sense for it to be stopped.. and in my opinion it Is something that nobody can argue. So if that's the case....something this easy to understand gets brought to peoples attention. It would be stupid for people to not agree with it, or to try to make it about something else--even if he isn't the most mature, intellectual person...he still is standing up for a cause that is easy to see and is simply ignored.

Like I people cant stand up for other blacks and in this country.. you either get ostracized or possibly killed.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I wouldn't say all that. He is bringing attention to something else everybody should understand. It's no secret there is black brutality by police. That's not some new issue.

It's not even a topic like the other ones. It's downright unjust. Which itis common sense for it to be stopped.. and in my opinion it Is something that nobody can argue. So if that's the case....something this easy to understand gets brought to peoples attention. It would be stupid for people to not agree with it, or to try to make it about something else--even if he isn't the most mature, intellectual person...he still is standing up for a cause that is easy to see and is simply ignored.

Like I people cant stand up for other blacks and in this country.. you either get ostracized or possibly killed.

Its not a problem faced by the black community, its a problem faced by everyone of every race in the world. There is and always will be bad cops. To simply say black are brutalized simply because of their race is wrong. There are no statistical facts to prove this anywhere.

NOW there are facts to prove that the black community is destroying itself from within, and that police nor white people have nothing to do with it.
Feb 6, 2007
You know therr are black cop pigs too right? So Kaeperknicks socks were very disrespectful and immature but certainly not racist like you all want to make it about.

Cops are the biggest gang. White, black, yellow, orange, don't matter. They are trained to think us vs society. Which is wrong on many many levels and is a clear reason why there is a big disconnect. White cops aren't just harassing black people. Black cops are responsible too. It certainly can be a race thing if you make it but to me, police brutality is more of a systematic issue within police organizations. Go out into the community, talk shop with the communities you have to monitor.. don't show your face the only time when you want to kick someone's face in. When we all know your CHOICE you make is to go across the street to the dunkin donuts and wait for some shit to go down.
Feb 6, 2007
Its not a problem faced by the black community, its a problem faced by everyone of every race in the world. There is and always will be bad cops. To simply say black are brutalized simply because of their race is wrong. There are no statistical facts to prove this anywhere.

NOW there are facts to prove that the black community is destroying itself from within, and that police nor white people have nothing to do with it.

Those are different issues. Drugs, crime, lack of valuable education, living in the system of poverty. .these are al different issues than police brutality. The easiest one to fix....even though it has been going on for decades is police brutality. But for some reason even THAT most people don't want to get behind lmfaooo. And I know why..... black people are complaining again and standing up for rights. So time to have an issue with it.

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