
Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Co-Capt always talks about all the <island> activities he's going to do, yet he never isnt online writing up his 1000 word manifestos to the <basher> and <haters>..... hmmmmm

New member
Sep 21, 2004
couldn't agree more Joey...

way to go CC, you couldn't have hooked me up anymore with that Anaheim game



Sep 20, 2004
Cappy .....Tough BEAT on the CWS game............

....Don't let the BASHERS like JoeyDonut get to you. It must be Hater-ade in the Tap water these guys drink.

Just keep Posting winners.....and don't EVER forget to post Your BIG GAME PLAYS for us.....

Thanks Cap

and Aloha

Sep 20, 2004
You see what you Guys fail to realize is that all the things that you only wish you could do, as I do here on the islands...I have been doing since I was a kid growing up here in Hawaii, and what I still do....You see Girls, I am a Hawaiian born and raised in Hawaii, all those things, involving this beautiful place I live in, I do on a daily bases, and it is no big deal for me, or anyone for that matter, who was born and raised here in Hawaii.....If we want to go to the beach...How simple for us to do that...If I want to go fishing, surfing, or diving....How simple for me to do this...If I want to go golfing....How simple for me to do...If I wanted to just kick back and cruise all day long under the sun or the beautiful moonlight with my girl...How simple for me to do so....Very easy life and living here in the Islands, if you got it going on and if you know how and when to do it....

I am fortunate to live here in Hawaii and to be Hawaiian...but anyone can come to live here....So no need to hope and dream, or bitch and moan, and show your jealousy because I can live a wonderful life here....Just do it....Pack your shit up and join me living the Dream Baby...Hey, we even got snow here in Hawaii...yes the kind that goes up your nose, and the kind you ski on...LOL...Stop wondering and telling me how and what you would be doing if you were in my shoes....Pleassse, like I said, I been there and done that, and I can still do it whenever I feel the need to do it again....Believe That!....Hey, if you ever out my way, drop me a line and I will give you the Presidential tour, which not even the President himself knows about....Only us locals know about, as we keep those special things to ourselves, you know what I mean...The tourist who come here only think that they are seeing and enjoying the good things we got....hell no...they only get to see and experience what we want them to...I show you where and what the good life is Baby!....Aloha from the islands....Surf's Up!.....CC.

Now, back to the bases...Today is thirsty Thursday, and here we got Ladies Night happening and a drink fest going on all over town, so lets get the Cash and then go Party Em Hard...

Sep 20, 2004


Toronto -120

Pitt -115


Boston -1.5 -118

Yanks -152

New member
Sep 21, 2004
wow another late post, no help to anyone, on purpose after posting another couple paragraphs of mindless dribble


Sep 20, 2004
Cappy ......I couldn't get down HARD on any of these "winners"

Please try to get them up earlier for all of your followers inculding myself.


Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:
thanks for the jinx brother

white powder

that explains everything.

you are a ****ing loser. get a ****ing job.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

TrulyLonely....back again huh...I will get a job, when you get a Life...LOL...Loser, I think we know who the real loser is in the most important game there is..."Life"...Surf's Up Baby!

Sep 20, 2004


Cincy -114


Minny -118

-Be back with the LATE SET later....Ok, see ya when I see ya...GL and Aloooooha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
Adding LATE SET:


LA -127

Col/SD OVER 7.5 -105

SF -1.5 +121


LA/Houston OVER 8.5 +102

SF/ Zona OVER 9 -109

-Good luck to All and to All a good night....Time to drink....Aloha CC.
Sep 20, 2004
with all this stuff in your posts, it's hard to find the plays.

what gives with the same thread for 6 weeks.

deceiving with all the views.

what's your average for the time in the rr, about 100 views a day.

95 from people like myself trying to help you out.

4 from ass kissers

1 from your mom, how sweet.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:
with all this stuff in your posts, it's hard to find the plays.

what gives with the same thread for 6 weeks.

deceiving with all the views.

what's your average for the time in the rr, about 100 views a day.

95 from people like myself trying to help you out.

4 from ass kissers

1 from your mom, how sweet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

WOW...Me and my girl wakes up after a night on the town, as last night was Thirsty Thursdays, to view my thread at the RX and who do we see in it AGAIN?....YEP, MR. TRULYOBSESSED...LMAO...

TRULYLONELY... you seriously need to get some friends and stop showing everyone how obsessed, jealous, and lonely you are with me and yourself...LOL...

How many views do I get?...Hey kiddie, I could care less about the views...I have been there and done that, and dominated that catergory several times over already in the FB, CBB, and MLB....Its not a big deal for me...Plus, for those who like following my plays, some have emailed me asking why I stopped posting...I already explained to them that I didnt, but that if they cant find my plays here, they can all simply go to COVERS to get them....I get roughly 1,000 views a day there, and no problems and no hassles on top of that either...Know what I mean...Plus, there is about 4x as many people and cappers there then here...So be it, no Big Deal to me either way...

I dont need to deceive anyone with anything...I keep my plays in one thread, because it makes it easier for me to keep all my WEAK BITCHES together....Why?....Dont like sifting through all the BS....Well, I told you guys not to clutter it up....If you want to Bash me and show your Weakness, do it in the other threads, like Private Pyle's one...LOL, jk, sorry your Hairyness, I saw someone calling you that the other time....I think it was Don Marco, but not sure so dont quote me...LOL...Anyways..back to TrulyLonely...

Now as far as you and your TrulyLonelier Friends helping me out....Yeah, you sure are helping me to see how wonderful you feel my Life is and how you really hate yours....I feel for you man....Truly I do...LOL....Plus like I said Skippy...If you wanna live a life like me here in my beautiful island paradise....All you need to do is stop your whinning, bitching, and moaning, and pack your shit up and move out here and enjoy the Hawaiian Lifestyle Baby...Truly Nothing better(no pun intended)!....Hey, I would even take you surfing, fishing, and diving with me, especially when we go to pick up some fish and Lobsters to grind...Mmmmm Good!....You do know how to swim dont you?

Anyways Mr. TrulyLonely...I am really flattered by all your attention towards me, but now I have to lay the pipe work because I might go fishing again today....Not sure though, as I am still a little hungover from last nights Tequilla Body Shots....LOL...I dont know, I might just end up sleeping it off today....You know what I mean.
....So see later...Surfs Up Baby!...Aloooha CC.

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on July 09, 2004 at 10:53 AM.]

Sep 21, 2004
wow is someone ready to lose it or what? I think the rubberroom is starting to take effect. You use to go crazy about all your views before, what gives? What's your record at Covers? Do you post the opposite you play here? If you do you must be kicking ass. Again with the email comments, maybe you should just leave this place and be happy with your life at covers, especially if there are better cappers and posters there. Why stay? If you need a lot of attention maybe you should take up cross stitching or knitting, homo. Be happy with your life and keep that fantasy up about living in Hawaii. aloha dreamer zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Just Bombin:
wow is someone ready to lose it or what? I think the rubberroom is starting to take effect. You use to go crazy about all your views before, what gives? What's your record at Covers? Do you post the opposite you play here? If you do you must be kicking ass. Again with the email comments, maybe you should just leave this place and be happy with your life at covers, especially if there are better cappers and posters there. Why stay? If you need a lot of attention maybe you should take up cross stitching or knitting, homo. Be happy with your life and keep that fantasy up about living in Hawaii. aloha dreamer zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Another Lonely Lost Soul....Dont be asking questions or making comments, that you already have the answers to and cant accept Kid....I am not from Hawaii, you say....Ok, whatever you say Kid....LMFAO...Another Jealous Bitch, who just cant stand his own life...Poor Baby!....I guess that is why your so afraid to enter where you are from huh....Hey, Kid...still superstitious...LOL.....Hows the Rangers treating you....LMFAO....Mahalo Nui Loa, for all your attention and generous time spent on me....Simply love it Hawaiian.....Awwwwriiight my Braddah!....Aloha CC.

Sep 21, 2004
Record at covers? If you must know born and raised in Philly, went to LaSalle University, huge Flyers, Eagles, and Phillies fan.
Didn't play the Texas game your right, but played the WhiteSox game and i think you had the Angels right? tough loss buddy. LOL. Hate it when you lose a game in the last couple of innings. i really think truely is in your head isn't he. must be tough to cap games and look at the outcomes, knowing someone will be all over you when you lose. your poor woman, i hear you hawaiians have quite the temper. don't slap the bitch around to much. take a dip in the clear waters to cool yourself down. LOL. Or the local pond near your house. follow TN's picks he's always making money for me. You'll do much better.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Just Bombin:
Record at covers? If you must know born and raised in Philly, went to LaSalle University, huge Flyers, Eagles, and Phillies fan.
Didn't play the Texas game your right, but played the WhiteSox game and i think you had the Angels right? tough loss buddy. LOL. Hate it when you lose a game in the last couple of innings. i really think truely is in your head isn't he. must be tough to cap games and look at the outcomes, knowing someone will be all over you when you lose. your poor woman, i hear you hawaiians have quite the temper. don't slap the bitch around to much. take a dip in the clear waters to cool yourself down. LOL. Or the local pond near your house. follow TN's picks he's always making money for me. You'll do much better.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I dont really care, nor did I ask who and what you were...I could care less about Weak Ass Bashers like you...Got It!

Yep, the Angels game was a tough loss....But what can you do...After you cap em...oops, sorry, thats right you dont cap...anyways, after you cap em...its out of your hands now, as the players still need to perform....So no sense worrying about something you have no control over....Just accept it and move on to the next opportunity....Many many more to come and go, you know what I mean....I never get stuck on a loss or a win to long....You gotta keep yourself in the games coming up...Oh course guys like you who dont cap wouldnt understand this...Whatevers...LOL.

TrulyLonely and all the rest of you Weak Ass Bashers do not get into my heads....I think its the other way around Chief....DO YOU SEE ME GOING INTO ANYONES THREAD TO BASH AND SPREAD ANY NEGATIVITIES OR WEAKNESSES, HUH....Thats Right, you dont....Why?...Cause you are meaningless to me....In FACT, it is you guys who come to me and my threads....Just like a Bitch in heat...LOL....You come back to Daddy just like a Kid looking for Candy...Just like a love sick puppy dog....Just like an insecure no life losers.....Like I said, your to jealous of me and to insecure with yourselves to live your own life based on your own merits and accomplishments, so you come back hoping to take away from anothers, with your pathetic Bashing and spreading of your weaknesses...I laugh all the time at all you Weak Asses...LOL....You think you can hurt me, I think not Chief...The only one that can do that is me...and I am to strong and love myself and my life to much to do that...Plus we here in Hawaii have to strong of an OHANA(family) to let that happen either....Believe That!

It really isnt tough to cap games, because I fear someone will be all over me when I lose....Oh, of course not....Like I said, you Bashers are meaningless to me...You contribute nothing to my life, so why waste my time on what you may say or do....I simply play with you Bitches for fun and to pass the time, silly....Dont you realize this?...I also get a kick out of those that like to come in and talk shit after the game is done....Nothing weaker than a person, talking shit after the game is done...You know what I mean....Of course you do, silly.

My poor women?...LOL...We Hawaiian, yes dont take shit from Haole Asses...but we are to much enjoying our lives with our women here in our beautiful paradise....In fact its you mainlanders who come here to live that actually have the higher rate of killing and abusing their women here...just like there...Oh and we always do take long cool dips in the waters here in the islands....Anytime we want to, night and day....Nothing like taking a dip in the cool, clear, clean water at dawn or dusk, and also with your girl under the Big Hawaiian Moonlight...Simply doesnt get any romantic than that...You know what I mean...Of course you don't.
.LOL....BTW, hows the water up in Philly?

BTW, Just Bombin....what is that a reference to....takin a shit!....LOL...

Anyways, whose Alias/Ghost are you?....You cant seriouly believe that you are not, can you?....Pleassse Hawaiian Get a Grip, and nice playing with you....Now do others and yourself a favor and try not to clutter up this thread....go say all you want in the other threads, keep this one open for just my plays ok...Do you think that you can handle this...Oh, and if you dont like me or what I say, just stay the fvck out of my threads....Really a simple thing to do if you werent a WEAK ASS, RIGHT....Awwwwriightt!....Aloha CC.

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on July 09, 2004 at 12:01 PM.]

Sep 21, 2004
record at covers?

water-murky in Philly-great cheese steak though

just bombin-good looking man(that's me of course)

answer your questions, asnswer mine. must have a hawaiian dictionary in your pad. LOL. Find it much easier and less time consuming to let others make me money. if i lived in hawaii the last thing i woujld do is be on the computer as much as you are. maybe you should get a life-your on at least 12 hours a day what a waste of that nice hawaiian sunshine. Fraud.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Just Bombin:
record at covers?

water-murky in Philly-great cheese steak though

just bombin-good looking man(that's me of course)

answer your questions, asnswer mine. must have a hawaiian dictionary in your pad. LOL. Find it much easier and less time consuming to let others make me money. if i lived in hawaii the last thing i woujld do is be on the computer as much as you are. maybe you should get a life-your on at least 12 hours a day what a waste of that nice hawaiian sunshine. Fraud.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Record at Covers shouldn't be any different then here...Although I did miss posting some there and I have posted some there that I didnt post here...But it should be around the same, give or take a few...

If you lived in Hawaii...what do you think you would be doing?...I like to here it...Like I said to the other Knucklehead...What you guys only wish you could be doing here in Hawaii, as I do....I have been doing ever since I was a little kid growing up here, and I still do it whenever I want to...Its not a Big Deal for me or anyone who grew up here to do whatever it is that you guys wish you could be doing....I grew up surfing, fishing, diving, motocross racing, playing sports, etc, and I still do those things not daily anymore, but weekly...If your born and raised here in Hawaii, those things arent just lucky things your able to do...Those things are a part of our lives, almost daily lives....So its not like we need to plan it or wish we could do it...We just do it, whenever we feel like doing it...If we want to go surf..then we go surf....If we want to go dive, then I go dive...No just need to have it going on and know what your doing...

I am on the net a lot, most times now, I do a lot of other business on here, besides sports wagering...But still not enough for me to tie up and miss out on all the other things that I like to do....Remember now, we have a 6 hour difference then you guys on the east coast...Why are you on it so much?...No life and nothing really to do in Philly, huh.

Trust me, I am born and raise in the beautiful Hawaiian sunshine...Nothing new to me...I can enjoy it and all that Hawaii has to offer me, anytime I want to....Hawaiian dictionary in my pad...LOL...You just cant accept it huh...C'mon fella...dont hate cause you arent as fortunate as me or the many others here who call it home....I am part Hawaiian and me and my family owns pieces of this rock where we live, more specifically on three other of the rocks that makes up this state...Big Island, Kauai, and on Oahu where I live...more specifically in Honolulu...

Fraud....yeah you wish I was...Now, stop wishing you were living here in Hawaii, which btw its only 7:23 am in the morning, so after I get done chatting with you, I may be going fishing off the Waianae Coast, which is located on the west side of the island of Oahu....So if your driving west from Honolulu, remember the boat harbor is after Nanakuli and before Makaha....Today my buds have plans to go for some Mahi Mahi, but well probably stay around the boey and go for more Aku's...Nothing like eating deep fried Aku bone and fresh Aku Sashimi for dinner....Mmmmm Good....

Still, not sure yet though on going out today, as I am hungover like a Bitch, after we pounded some pitchers of Heinekens last night at the Mai Tai Bar in Ala Moana.....But, guarantee later on tonight after all the games are done, I will be going to the Ala Wai Golf Course located in the Kapahulu area near Waikiki, in Honolulu, to hit some balls and pound some inu with the Braddah's down there....What are you going to do today?....JEALOUS BEEATCH!...LOL.

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on July 09, 2004 at 01:59 PM.]

Sep 20, 2004
man I SURE am glad I found your plays at Square's corner

Let's hit the man hard today CAPPY!!!

~~~~~Sorry there Capp

Let's get these first few under our belts early.............and POUND the MAN with the late card!!!

Get em Bruddah

GL and Aloha

[This message was edited by the hog on July 09, 2004 at 07:09 PM.]

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