Sep 20, 2004
This is a sports forum, lets keep it that way...and talk about how to beat the Man and nothing else...At least that is what I prefer you and everyone else do....Thanks for your cooperation, GL to you against the Man and Aloha CC.
Posts: 7296 | From: HAWAII | Registered: January 12, 2003



Sep 20, 2004
Other Props...

**2 Unit Play on:

Thome -151 ov Berkman.

Blalock -122 ov Berkman.

Bonds -155 ov Berkman.


Sosa +350
Thome +440
Ortiz +850
Blalock +900

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Thanks Co-Captain. Good luck on the 2nd half of the season. I'm hoping you release a ALL STAR GAME PLAY OF THE YEARfor tomorrow. I love how even for the HR derby you stay in character and bet all chalk. You are truly a legend. Thanks again.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The General:
is this correct?

0-10 -21.98


Now you dont have a problem with your accounting, huh General.

Yep shit happens sometimes, but what can you do...No sense bitching and moaning like a girl about it.....Just pick your shit up...Dust your shit off...and Buck Up and get ready for another Battle...Plus I won 3 dimes in a Crap/Card game and said "Free money what the hell"...Know what I mean...Aloha CC.

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on July 13, 2004 at 12:23 PM.]

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
co-capt - glad the card game made up for yesterday's debacle. you'll make up for it in the second half, no doubt. good luck!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Won 3 dimes in a card game

Lost 2 dimes on the HR Derby

Down 91 units since May 16th

Call me The Bean and MadComplainer

Sep 20, 2004
IDENTITY...yeah believe it or not, but I make a killing off these games on the side...The Second half is cool...hope to do better...Damn, vigs bit me in the Ass in the first half....I think my adjustments I was making near the end of the first half was working, so I hope it continues in the Second half....But I am getting ready for FB, got most of the information and stuff together and doing some research already...

I hope you have an Outstanding year as well in the Gridiron....I feel a Big year coming up for All of us against the Books...Good luck to you as well....Aloha CC.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
In all seriousness now...

You are just 8 games under .500, yet you are down over 91 units.

Your biggest play was 5 units.

So how is this possible?

Hopefully you will play some less chalk and get back to what you were doing the last 2 weeks or so.

I had a very up and down 1st half and I am not proud of it at all. I finished up about 20 units, but I should have been up alot more. I am 21 games under .500 (which I am upset about), but I am still up over 20 units (not so happy with that). I am confident that I will have a big 2nd half and match last season's totals.

Good luck to US both in the 2nd half!!!

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by THE DEAN:
Won 3 dimes in a card game

Lost 2 dimes on the HR Derby

Down 91 units since May 16th

Call me The Bean and MadComplainer

Hey BEAN I see you back around again just like the other Cockroaches when I lose, but dont have the guts to show your face when I was making a comeback...HOW WEAK OF YOU....LOL.

What, now you cant handle it that I can make money in all different types of ways my friend....Didnt your Daddy ever teach you not to keep all your eggs in one basket....C'mon Kid, you cant be as stupid as to try to make a living in only the bases now can you?....

Speaking of bases, didnt you just lose all who followed you last month like 70+ Units, after you began to talk shit to me.....And then again this Month, didnt you lose another 70+ Units and slaughter whomever followed you after you were bragging about your record in my thread by posting it over and over again and again....What a Clown...Didnt your Daddy teach you not to "Yao Yao"(or talk shit)....

You just Slaughtered many many people two times this year in two consecutive months, with your Bragging of yourself trying to get them to follow you, Clown....At least I tell others that this is not my strongest sport to cap, so dont get out of hand when following me, accept for when it comes to my BIG GAME PLAYS..which we you know is Simply Second to None....

Then you did started to put out 50+ Play Cards, playing everything that the books had to offer....just to get back your loses, so that you can Brag about it again....But Hey, why did you stop playing these 50+ Play Cards...Did you feel that others were seeing what you were doing?...Dont worry, we all know you werent playing all those games....I mean you stated that your bankroll for the bases is only $5,000, so how can you be wagering more than your bankroll...huh...C'mon Silly Rabbit tricks are for Kids...LOL.

I think we should now call you the MadSlaughter or better yet the MadBSCrapper...LOL.

PS: Now that you lost your Big Lead again, will we see another BS 50+ Play Card again to try to make up the difference.

BTW: dont come into my thread, like you have all year, talking Shit and now want to Kiss my Ass...Fvck You Beeatch!...I always told you that you are a Weak Ass, and now your showing how really weak Ass you are...I always told you to get lost and stay out of my threads, Didnt I...But nooooo, your to Weak and Arrogant to do that...Now you want me to come in here a start shit again....Fvck Off, and get lost you Freak!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
In all seriousness now...

You are just 8 games under .500, yet you are down over 91 units.

Your biggest play was 5 units.

So how is this possible?

Hopefully you will play some less chalk and get back to what you were doing the last 2 weeks or so.

I had a very up and down 1st half and I am not proud of it at all. I finished up about 20 units, but I should have been up alot more. I am 21 games under .500 (which I am upset about), but I am still up over 20 units (not so happy with that). I am confident that I will have a big 2nd half and match last season's totals.

Good luck to US both in the 2nd half!!

Sep 20, 2004
posted July 13, 2004 01:25 PM
Originally posted by THE DEAN:
Won 3 dimes in a card game

Lost 2 dimes on the HR Derby

Down 91 units since May 16th

Call me The Bean and MadComplainer

Hey BEAN I see you back around again just like the other Cockroaches when I lose, but dont have the guts to show your face when I was making a comeback...HOW WEAK OF YOU...LOL.

What, now you cant handle it that I can make money in all different types of ways my friend....Didnt your Daddy ever teach you not to keep all your eggs in one basket....C'mon Kid, you cant be as stupid as to try to make a living in only the bases now can you?....

Speaking of bases, didnt you just lose all who followed you last month like 70+ UNITS, after you began to talk shit to me.....And then again this Month, didnt you lose another 70+ UNITS and slaughter whomever followed you after you were bragging about your record in my thread by posting it over and over again and again....What a Clown...Didnt your Daddy teach you not to "Yao Yao"(or talk shit).

You just Slaughtered many many people two times this year in two consecutive months, with your Bragging of yourself trying to get them to follow you, Clown....At least I tell others that this is not my strongest sport to cap, so dont get out of hand when following me, accept for when it comes to my BIG GAME PLAYS..which we All know is Simply Second to None.

Then after you did lose and slaughter a lot of then started to put out ridiculous, Clown like 50+ Play Cards a day, playing everything that the books had to offer....just to get back your loses, so that you can Brag about it again....But Hey, why did you stop playing these 50+ Play Card a Day...Did you feel that others were seeing what you were doing?...Dont worry, we all know you werent playing all those games....I mean you stated that your bankroll for the bases is only $5,000, so how can you be wagering more than your bankroll, each and everyday...huh.
...C'mon Silly Rabbit tricks are for Kids...LOL.

I think we should now call you the MadSlaughter or better yet the MadBSCrapper...LOL.

MadComplainer or Bean you seem to be a very insecure person, who cant handle it when you lose...You need others to always stroke your ego as this makes you feel good about yourself....C'mon Kid, grow the fvck up and understand that Winning and Losing is part of this game...everyone who is someone knows it is...These kinds of things happens....But to try to do stupid things like putting out 50+ Play Cards a Day is as ridiculous as your trying to constantly gain a feeling of security in yourself by bragging to others and through a record your trying so hard to impress others with...Other who I again state, you dont know personally and who are faceless, nameless people on a Sports Forum...Grow Up Kid.

PS: So now that you lost your Big Lead again, we will all be waiting to see another one of your BS 50+ Play Card a Day again...Simply cant wait to see you BRAG to everyone AGAIN how its the only way to bet and win in the bases.

BTW: dont come into my thread, like you have all year, talking Shit and Bashing me unfairly and now want to Kiss my Ass...Fvck You Beeatch!...I always told you that you are a Weak Ass, and now your showing how really weak Ass you are...I always told you to get lost and stay out of my threads, Didnt I...But nooooo, your to Weak, Insecure, and Arrogant to do that...Now you want to come in here and start shit again, only to follow that up weak a peace offering....Fvck you Kid, I aint that Weak!....And again, Fvck Off, and get lost you Freak!

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on July 13, 2004 at 01:51 PM.]

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on July 13, 2004 at 01:53 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Get your facts straight...

I never had a card of more than 26 plays. And when I had big cards it was comprised of PLUS unit plays...something you are blind too. You put out cards of 12 or more plays on a daily basis. Hell you have made ALOT more plays this season. That's unbelievable!

My bankroll started at 5000...went up to 12,000 and is now over 7,000 dollars.

You are down 91 units. So even if your units are 100 dollars each...that would mean you are down 9,100 dollar since May 16th.

Everyone knows that during the season all good cappers will have times when they hit high peaks and then there will be times when they will have to absorb the valleys. The goal is to end the season with more than you started. At the half way point I am up 20 units...thus on my way to achieving my goal.

I have no idea what your goal was before the season. Nor do I know what your goal is now. You are down 91 units (Hell you lost 21 units on the Homerun Derby) since you started being tracked. You keep saying that it doesn't matter because you win money in other ways. No one believes or cares about the other ways. People believe what they see....and they see that you are down 91 units ALL documented.

You can keep bringing up the fact that I was up 70 units at one point and then for 3 weeks I hit a spell and lost most of what I won and that the people followed me had to lose too. That is true. But those people were also there for the awesome start I had and they never complained because they know thats how a long baseball season goes. You can bring up the fact that after I lost what I originally won...I won another 50 units and then lost some of it and the people who followed me lost that too. But you keep failing to realize that even though I had 2 bad stretches where I lost money, both times it was the money that I won (ALL DOCUMENTED) and the people who followed me, whether it was 5 people or 25 people, also shared in the wealth. The bottom line is that despite the 2 bad spells I had, I am still up 21 units on the season. Thats 112 units more than you. So whoever has followed you is DOWN 91 units and whoever followed me ALL season is now up 21 units at the break! Thats the bottom line and thats the only thing that counts.

We all (except Identity) know that you are not betting real money with your made up lines and past posting of plays. You are trying your damnest to get out of this HUGE hole so you can tell all your clients how good a capper you are. You are obviously a terrible baseball capper. A documented -91 units proves that. No matter what you say. The evidence is in The General's thread. Black and White.

Furthermore, you claim NCAA Hoops to be one of your best sports. You were doucmented to have lost 20 units during the NCAA Hoops season/ That can NOT be good news for your alleged clients.

So keep sharing your baseball plays...the more units you lose will etch your place here. A place that maybe only 1 or 2 posters have ever known.


Sep 20, 2004
Hey BEAN I see you back around again just like the other Cockroaches when I lose, but dont have the guts to show your face when I was making a comeback...HOW WEAK OF YOU...LOL.

What, now you cant handle it that I can make money in all different types of ways my friend....Didnt your Daddy ever teach you not to keep all your eggs in one basket....C'mon Kid, you cant be as stupid as to try to make a living in only the bases now can you?....

Speaking of bases, didnt you just lose all who followed you last month like 70+ UNITS, after you began to talk shit to me.....And then again this Month, didnt you lose another 70+ UNITS and slaughter whomever followed you after you were bragging about your record in my thread by posting it over and over again and again....What a Clown...Didnt your Daddy teach you not to "Yao Yao"(or talk shit). .

You just Slaughtered many many people two times this year in two consecutive months, with your Bragging of yourself trying to get them to follow you, Clown....At least I tell others that this is not my strongest sport to cap, so dont get out of hand when following me, accept for when it comes to my BIG GAME PLAYS..which we All know is Simply Second to None.

Then after you did lose and slaughter a lot of then started to put out ridiculous, Clown like 50+ Play Cards a day, playing everything that the books had to offer....just to get back your loses, so that you can Brag about it again....But Hey, why did you stop playing these 50+ Play Card a Day...Did you feel that others were seeing what you were doing?...Dont worry, we all know you werent playing all those games....I mean you stated that your bankroll for the bases is only $5,000, so how can you be wagering more than your bankroll, each and everyday...huh. ...C'mon Silly Rabbit tricks are for Kids...LOL.

I think we should now call you the MadSlaughter or better yet the MadBSCrapper...LOL.

MadComplainer or Bean you seem to be a very insecure person, who cant handle it when you lose...You need others to always stroke your ego as this makes you feel good about yourself....C'mon Kid, grow the fvck up and understand that Winning and Losing is part of this game...everyone who is someone knows it is...These kinds of things happens....But to try to do stupid things like putting out 50+ Play Cards a Day is as ridiculous as your trying to constantly gain a feeling of security in yourself by bragging to others and through a record your trying so hard to impress others with...Other who I again state, you dont know personally and who are faceless, nameless people on a Sports Forum...Grow Up Kid.

PS: So now that you lost your Big Lead again, we will all be waiting to see another one of your BS 50+ Play Card a Day again...Simply cant wait to see you BRAG to everyone AGAIN how its the only way to bet and win in the bases.

BTW: dont come into my thread, like you have all year, talking Shit and Bashing me unfairly and now want to Kiss my Ass...Fvck You Beeatch!...I always told you that you are a Weak Ass, and now your showing how really weak Ass you are...I always told you to get lost and stay out of my threads, Didnt I...But nooooo, your to Weak, Insecure, and Arrogant to do that...Now you want to come in here and start shit again, only to follow that up weak a peace offering....Fvck you Kid, I aint that Weak!....And again, Fvck Off, and get lost you Freak!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Get your facts straight...

I never had a card of more than 26 plays. And when I had big cards it was comprised of PLUS unit plays...something you are blind too. You put out cards of 12 or more plays on a daily basis. Hell you have made ALOT more plays tha ME this season. That's unbelievable!

My bankroll started at 5000...went up to 12,000 and is now over 7,000 dollars.

You are down 91 units. So even if your units are 100 dollars each...that would mean you are down 9,100 dollar since May 16th.

Everyone knows that during the season all good cappers will have times when they hit high peaks and then there will be times when they will have to absorb the valleys. The goal is to end the season with more than you started. At the half way point I am up 20 units...thus on my way to achieving my goal.

I have no idea what your goal was before the season. Nor do I know what your goal is now. You are down 91 units (Hell you lost 21 units on the Homerun Derby) since you started being tracked. You keep saying that it doesn't matter because you win money in other ways. No one believes or cares about the other ways. People believe what they see....and they see that you are down 91 units ALL documented.

You can keep bringing up the fact that I was up 70 units at one point and then for 3 weeks I hit a spell and lost most of what I won and that the people followed me had to lose too. That is true. But those people were also there for the awesome start I had and they never complained because they know thats how a long baseball season goes. You can bring up the fact that after I lost what I originally won...I won another 50 units and then lost some of it and the people who followed me lost that too. But you keep failing to realize that even though I had 2 bad stretches where I lost money, both times it was the money that I won (ALL DOCUMENTED) and the people who followed me, whether it was 5 people or 25 people, also shared in the wealth. The bottom line is that despite the 2 bad spells I had, I am still up 21 units on the season. Thats 112 units more than you. So whoever has followed you is DOWN 91 units and whoever followed me ALL season is now up 21 units at the break! Thats the bottom line and thats the only thing that counts.

We all (except Identity) know that you are not betting real money with your made up lines and past posting of plays. You are trying your damnest to get out of this HUGE hole so you can tell all your clients how good a capper you are. You are obviously a terrible baseball capper. A documented -91 units proves that. No matter what you say. The evidence is in The General's thread. Black and White.

Furthermore, you claim NCAA Hoops to be one of your best sports. You were doucmented to have lost 20 units during the NCAA Hoops season/ That can NOT be good news for your alleged clients.

So keep sharing your baseball plays...the more units you lose will etch your place here. A place that maybe only 1 or 2 posters have ever known.


New member
Jan 20, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> ...Plus I won 3 dimes in a Crap/Card game and said "Free money what the hell"... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bullshit meter now spinning like a compass at the north pole. Coco, you are off the charts.


Oh, and before your new girlfriend shows up to defend you..... fvck off ID, you sillyass cow.

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