someone mentioned you are doing all this to drive the price of Bush down..
with some of your "gauranteed, no doubt about it" comments, it makes me wonder if that is exactly what you are doing.
It's like a tout or anybody saying.. yankees are the lock of th century no doubt about it.. they will sweep everyone.
to say arizona will vote democrat, no doubt about it.. is a little naive.. take a look at arizonas voting history.. also those people worship john mccain, who has endorsed Bush.
I wonder what your REAL motives are Mr Shrink
someone mentioned you are doing all this to drive the price of Bush down..
with some of your "gauranteed, no doubt about it" comments, it makes me wonder if that is exactly what you are doing.
It's like a tout or anybody saying.. yankees are the lock of th century no doubt about it.. they will sweep everyone.
to say arizona will vote democrat, no doubt about it.. is a little naive.. take a look at arizonas voting history.. also those people worship john mccain, who has endorsed Bush.
I wonder what your REAL motives are Mr Shrink