Just walked up to her and shot her in the head mid day.
Just walked up to her and shot her in the head mid day.
We've said it to you a few times and you keep ignoring it. The existing laws and punishments don't work. They have no bite.
They are not being enforced.
You don't seem to understand that an automatic 25 years or 25,000 years is not a deterrent if it is only sporadically enforced. I'm not sure why it is not sinking in.
You are talking about two very different things. Laws being enforced and the sentencing for the crime. How do you know laws in Chicago are only sporadically enforced? Do you have a study or source that shows this? Yes, an automatic 25 years is a deterrent if the law is passed and action is taken in the court of law.
I would be willing to bet that the great majority if not all of the people who committed those 80+ shootings last weekend have a criminal record of some kind. But the problem is these people are willing to commit crimes if it means going to jail for just a few months or a year. In fact it's a rite of passage fro many gang members. A year is nothing. But 25 years gives them something to think about..I think it is pretty clear that it is not being enforced. The proof is the 81 or how many shootings in one weekend.
Up my way we have a mandatory year just for possession of a firearm without a license. Do you think all the scumbags want to go to prison for a year just for having a gun in thier vehicle? Of course not. Yet every day people get caught with them
I understand what you are saying. Believe me, I do. My greater point is that there are existing gun laws on the books. These laws are not being vehemently enforced. The scumbag politicians just want to stand in front of the TV cameras and say that "they enacted new stricter gun laws, oh and BTW, I'm up for re-election and I could use your vote."I would be willing to bet that the great majority if not all of the people who committed those 80+ shootings last weekend have a criminal record of some kind. But the problem is these people are willing to commit crimes if it means going to jail for just a few months or a year. In fact it's a rite of passage fro many gang members. A year is nothing. But 25 years gives them something to think about..
I understand what you are saying. Believe me, I do. My greater point is that there are existing gun laws on the books. These laws are not being vehemently enforced. The scumbag politicians just want to stand in front of the TV cameras and say that "they enacted new stricter gun laws, oh and BTW, I'm up for re-election and I could use your vote."
Maybe the police need more resources. If they do then that should be the discussion.
And this is your opinion not based on fact. I asked you to back that statement up with a statistic and you can't provide one. Just because a guy shoots another guy doesn't mean laws aren't being enforced. It simply means one man shot another man with a gun.
OK, I'll walk down the road with you........
Are all of the people doing the shootings licensed handgun owners?
Yet do they have weapons?
Are there laws on the books criminalizing the possession of handguns yet are they possessing said guns anyways?
Depending on how you answered, they are breaking the law. Hence the laws are not being enforced.
No, I haven't conducted any studies, I'm just going out on a limb here.
Umm, no, that's exactly what it means. You're just qualifying it. If people keep speeding down my road and the police do nothing about it then they are not enforcing the laws. They may or may not have a reason, but they are not enforcing the laws.There are laws on the books saying you can't speed either while driving a car yet people go over the speed limit don't they? That doesn't mean cops aren't enforcing the law. It just means they don't have the resources to enforce it each time it happens. Guy buys an illegal firearm on the street corner. He walks from the street corner into a market and kills 9 people. It doesn't mean they (cops) aren't enforcing the law.
Umm, no, that's exactly what it means. You're just qualifying it. If people keep speeding down my road and the police do nothing about it then they are not enforcing the laws. They may or may not have a reason, but they are not enforcing the laws.
simple solution. enforce the laws on the book. no thug should be getting out on the street days after committing a crime. happens all the time in chicago.
I'm getting a headache trying to explain. Somebody thinks that because the police arrest 1 out of 14,000 felons than the laws are being head hurts.