CDC's new verbiage on what a positive Covid result means (MUST SEE!)


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I can't say I'm terrified of it

But I'd rather not play Russian Roulette with it

Yes odds are against it harming you severely

But what's the purpose of wreckless & careless living just to prove a point?

Why go looking for something that has no good in it period?

I guess that's what I don't understand.

Do you drive a car? Put kids in car seats? Go swimming? Use a swing set? Shake hands? Or maybe drive through some city's Father Panic Village?

All of those things are some version of Russian Roulette. Some are much more dangerous to certain demographics than COVID-19 is.

Russian Roulette is a horrible analogy, a 1 in 6 chance of dying

Sep 5, 2005
Pretty obvious it's not the cold virus that's killing ppl fellas

Around 40k to 60,000 people die, per year from the flu and PN. That number is WITH a vaccine. Some years that vaccine is effective and some years less so. As you know, there are plenty of mouthbreathers who refuse vaccine. The bottom line is this is the flu waiting for a vaccine fella. In March, healthcare professionals identified that 80% of European deaths occurred in people over 70 with three or more underlying conditions. The flu kills those people too, but we chose to panic and shutdown rather than focusing efforts on the most vulnerable.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I know people whose businesses - their livelihoods - are on the line. My job market for my profession is in a job freeze. And the odds are against it alright. In Florida deaths are at 3500+. Total population 21 million. You have a better chance of hitting one of their lotteries than dying. Add in average age in the 80's. You can't shut down business over this hoax.

I hear ya, my wife lost her job over this

Only reason I still have mine is because it's government

But I know people personally who have been in the hospital with it for weeks, I ICU, so it's not a fabrication
Sep 21, 2004
I can't say I'm terrified of it

But I'd rather not play Russian Roulette with it

Yes odds are against it harming you severely

But what's the purpose of wreckless & careless living just to prove a point?

Why go looking for something that has no good in it period?

I guess that's what I don't understand.

I think there's a reasonable response, one that you allude to. Don't walk around terrified, like the Covid-trolls want - but take reasonable precautions to not catch it.

That's what I'm doing... Like I posted yesterday, my best friend's whole family got it - but a couple weeks later they are 100% fine.

Nov 10, 2007
I hear ya, my wife lost her job over this

Only reason I still have mine is because it's government

But I know people personally who have been in the hospital with it for weeks, I ICU, so it's not a fabrication

I don't call the sickness the hoax. The sickness is real and should be addressed. What I call the hoax is what MSM is doing. They bombard us with shutdown this and shutdown that. They don't care that Montana is basically virus free. Or that Wisconsin overthrew the governor lockdown. They are actually in declining numbers as one of the better states.

I hope the people you know pull through - just like I hope everyone pulls through. But we have the knowledge now to protect as individuals. Go out and mask up and keep distance you won't get it. We all can do this on our own without government. If a county has a crisis then that county should take over. But MSM wants to parade these instances suggesting a whole country shut down over it.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Do you drive a car? Put kids in car seats? Go swimming? Use a swing set? Shake hands? Or maybe drive through some city's Father Panic Village?

All of those things are some version of Russian Roulette. Some are much more dangerous to certain demographics than COVID-19 is.

Russian Roulette is a horrible analogy, a 1 in 6 chance of dying

saw a meme the other day that "PA Governor mandates wearing a snorkel in case you fall in a pool" ... sums it up

half the deaths are nursing homes and most of the other half are retired people with pre-existing conditions. In other words very few of the deaths were people working, paying taxes, making products, etc yet we tanked an economy that they weren't figuring into anyway.

and now to learn that the new "cases are exploding" narrative is strictly due to increased testing where most people are testing positive for having a cold. shameful shit and either Trump is too stupid to clearly state this to the public or he's in on the game

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Pretty obvious it's not the cold virus that's killing ppl fellas
Covid deaths have declined for 10 straight weeks and daily deaths are down more than 90% from the highs of April yet all the MSM want to report is a spike in confirmed cases.

well we just found out that the CDC consider someone carrying a common cold antibody from any of the 7 harmless coronaviruses to be counted as part of the positive cases yet have nothing to do with the 2 serious Covid-19 strains.

this doesn't trouble you at all? you see nothing wrong, no agenda? or you simply addicted to fear porn and hate facts?

Life is Good
Nov 21, 1999
Government mandates and shutdowns are not the answer here. There are many that want this, but it is a very slippery slope letting the government dictate what can and can't be done.

People need to be smart about what they do and how they do it in public places. I know that is hard for the vast majority, which is why many call for government mandates.

I don't call the sickness the hoax. The sickness is real and should be addressed. What I call the hoax is what MSM is doing. They bombard us with shutdown this and shutdown that. They don't care that Montana is basically virus free. Or that Wisconsin overthrew the governor lockdown. They are actually in declining numbers as one of the better states.

I hope the people you know pull through - just like I hope everyone pulls through. But we have the knowledge now to protect as individuals. Go out and mask up and keep distance you won't get it. We all can do this on our own without government. If a county has a crisis then that county should take over. But MSM wants to parade these instances suggesting a whole country shut down over it.

Oct 31, 2004
And that's not what's being discussed, in part because "deaths" is no longer "their" measuring stick

What they're screaming about now is "new cases". Despite the fact that we already know there are 10x to 20x more unknown than known cases so we know as we expand testing we're going to discover these cases we already know are out there, yet we scream as if this is some breaking news.

Then we learn they're taking positive antibody tests, people who had the virus but didn't know about it, and we throw those numbers into the new cases numbers which artificially inflates new case numbers even more.

RT's article is saying they're even throwing any corona-virus positive test into COVID-19 NEW CASES, so yes the common cold can become a new case. And you're right, nobody is going to die from the common cold.

The left, the people that control the narrative, are inherently dishonest and corrupt and agenda driven assholes. That can no longer be denied.

We need the truth, that's really hard to find, and it's gets to a point where people simply stop believing liars. They've brought this upon themselves, they're dishonest to the core.

I’ve been amazed to learn how lazy people are when it comes to getting educated . We are in a very scary place .
Even well meaning people don’t take the 2 seconds needed to read beyond the headlines.

The media is the most powerful group of people in the entire world .

Internet hacks that make 35k a year rule the world these days .

They control thoughts and opinions.

Nov 10, 2007
saw a meme the other day that "PA Governor mandates wearing a snorkel in case you fall in a pool" ... sums it up

half the deaths are nursing homes and most of the other half are retired people with pre-existing conditions. In other words very few of the deaths were people working, paying taxes, making products, etc yet we tanked an economy that they weren't figuring into anyway.

and now to learn that the new "cases are exploding" narrative is strictly due to increased testing where most people are testing positive for having a cold. shameful shit and either Trump is too stupid to clearly state this to the public or he's in on the game

i agree trump needs to step forward at some point and tell it like it is to america. maybe he is waiting until the fall so he can score votes at the right time. but for now i don't know why hes not being truthful and i certainly hope hes not in on the hoax.

Nov 10, 2007

One thing the MSM doesn't report... northern states reopened early also and they are having no spike counts. Wisconsin tossed the governor dictatorship and they are actually dropping as one of the better states. Whats the difference? Well Texas and Florida are gigantic states with multiple big cities and gigantic riot crowds. Those people are running straight to testing so they can help spread fear and try to shut down the state.

Jul 2, 2010
That wording is related to serology testing to confirm if corona antibodies are present signifying you may have had Covid-19 already and could possibly be immune and be eligible to donate plasma. A positive serology test isn’t used to confirm Covid-19 cases. A positive test means you should get the diagnostic test to confirm if the antibodies were due to Covid-19 for the reasons outlined throughout this thread, thus eliminating positive antibody results for things such as the common cold. To be a confirmed Covid-19 case you must test positive from the diagnostic test.

Jun 12, 2008


This isn't the viral test that is being administered to determine if one is infected or not.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
That wording is related to serology testing to confirm if corona antibodies are present signifying you may have had Covid-19 already and could possibly be immune and be eligible to donate plasma. A positive serology test isn’t used to confirm Covid-19 cases. A positive test means you should get the diagnostic test to confirm if the antibodies were due to Covid-19 for the reasons outlined throughout this thread, thus eliminating positive antibody results for things such as the common cold. To be a confirmed Covid-19 case you must test positive from the diagnostic test.

it's not supposed to but that's exactly what it's being used for. It was first reported by The Atlantic on May 21 and confirmed this week when CDC changed their verbiage on what constitutes a positive result. They were told to separate these back on June 9 and, to date, have failed to do so.

Of course they shouldn't be reporting antibody numbers in their positive test numbers but they are...that's the problem! You DO NOT need a positive viral test to be coded as positive for Covid-19...not anymore since they started combining results. And the big issue is this data is being used by states to shut down restaurants and hair salons but also explains why this big uptick in "positives" has not at all resulted in increased deaths and hospitalizations. Deaths are down 92% since the daily high in April

original discovery of the combined results
NYT touched on this last week (halfway down in article)

[FONT=&quot]The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is conflating the results of two different types of coronavirus tests, distorting several important metrics and providing the country with an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic. We’ve learned that the CDC is making, at best, a debilitating mistake: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]combining test results that diagnose current coronavirus infections with test results that measure whether someone has ever had the virus.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] The upshot is that the government’s disease-fighting agency is overstating the country’s ability to test people who are sick with COVID-19. The agency confirmed to [/FONT]The Atlantic on Wednesday that it is mixing the results of viral and antibody tests, even though the two tests reveal different information and are used for different reasons.

[FONT=&quot]This is not merely a technical error. States have set quantitative guidelines for reopening their economies based on these flawed data points.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Several states—including Pennsylvania, the site of one of the country’s largest outbreaks, as well as Texas, Georgia, and Vermont—are blending the data in the same way. Virginia likewise mixed viral and antibody test results until last week, but it reversed course and the governor apologized for the practice after it was covered by the Richmond Times-Dispatch and The Atlantic. Maine similarly separated its data on Wednesday; Vermont authorities claimed they didn’t even know they were doing this.[/FONT]

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
This isn't the viral test that is being administered to determine if one is infected or not.

you guys aren't putting this together. There's an antibodies test separate from a viral test. The viral test can disclose exactly which strain of Coronavirus you're infected by while the antibodies test just tells you if you've had any of the Coronaviruses recently. The CDC was keeping those numbers separated until mid-May when the CDC started combining them and suddenly a few weeks later positive results started spiking, and continue to do so. They were ordered to stop this on June 9 and have failed to do so and since then many states have reclosed their economy based on these bullshit combined numbers.

Not surprisingly it was first reported by a Florida news org and then one day later picked up by The Atlantic. It's just now going viral....

original FL article

now i know why Trump won't address guys don't want to believe it

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
From May 20: Up until last week, data reported by the CDC explicitly did not include antibody tests, as it explained on its archived website.
But in recent days, that page was changed from tracking "Viral Testing" to simply "Testing." Antibody tests are now included in the data. The percentage of people testing positive for COVID-19 has dropped two percentage points since then.

quotes now that the CDC info is going viral:

“It’s apples to oranges. The two tests measure two different things,” said Mary Jo Trepka, a professor of epidemiology at Florida International University. “It’s more informative to look at the numbers of those two tests separately. If they are reporting the numbers of real time PCR tests, plus the number of serology tests together, it’s hard to interpret and hard to know how many people are actually screened for an acute infection"

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ashish Jha, the K. T. Li Professor of Global Health at Harvard and the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told us when we described what the CDC was doing. “How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess. The viral testing is to understand how many people are getting infected, while antibody testing is like looking in the rearview mirror. The two tests are totally different signals,” he told us. By combining the two types of results, the CDC has made them both “uninterpretable,” he said.

<section class="l-article__section s-cms-content" itemprop="articleBody" id="article-section-1" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; line-height: 1.4;">But until the agency does so (separates the data), its results will be suspect and difficult to interpret, says William Hanage, an epidemiology professor at Harvard. In addition to misleading the public about the state of affairs, the intermingling “makes the lives of actual epidemiologists tremendously more difficult. “Combining a test that is designed to detect current infection with a test that detects infection at some point in the past is just really confusing and muddies the water"


Jun 12, 2008
you guys aren't putting this together. There's an antibodies test separate from a viral test. The viral test can disclose exactly which strain of Coronavirus you're infected by while the antibodies test just tells you if you've had any of the Coronaviruses recently. The CDC was keeping those numbers separated until mid-May when the CDC started combining them and suddenly a few weeks later positive results started spiking, and continue to do so. They were ordered to stop this on June 9 and have failed to do so and since then many states have reclosed their economy based on these bullshit combined numbers.

Not surprisingly it was first reported by a Florida news org and then one day later picked up by The Atlantic. It's just now going viral....

original FL article

now i know why Trump won't address guys don't want to believe it

Your original post is nowhere near the info this post contains.

I seriously thought you believed that the viral test being administered were potentially come back positive for Covid19 based on detecting any of the others.

Nov 17, 2004
Do you drive a car? Put kids in car seats? Go swimming? Use a swing set? Shake hands? Or maybe drive through some city's Father Panic Village?

All of those things are some version of Russian Roulette. Some are much more dangerous to certain demographics than COVID-19 is.

Russian Roulette is a horrible analogy, a 1 in 6 chance of dying

Agree. That's a horrible analogy. It's not even remotely close to Russian Roulette unless you've got a gun with like 12,000 chambers. And that thought process seems to be prevalent with people who have been judgemental of others who try to be contientious by distancing, but have issues with masks for a variety of reasons. It's right up there with the people that say wearing a mask means you care. So, in other words, not wearing a mask means you don't care and you're inconsiderate. How convenient. A person that has an issue with wearing a mask has no out when it's presented like that. It's one of those "gotcha" comments and pins someone against a wall.

And in my neck of the woods, we've had a little over 2,600 deaths on a population of 29 million (in a little over 4 months). Where were the cries of Russian Roulette and everyone masking up when we lost over 14,000 people to the flu/pneumonia in 2017?

I know the media is completely disingenuous, but I do have to question why the CDC is allowed to get away with this. Exactly what is the current administration doing to put the hammer down on them?

Nov 10, 2007
Agree. That's a horrible analogy. It's not even remotely close to Russian Roulette unless you've got a gun with like 12,000 chambers. And that thought process seems to be prevalent with people who have been judgemental of others who try to be contientious by distancing, but have issues with masks for a variety of reasons. It's right up there with the people that say wearing a mask means you care. So, in other words, not wearing a mask means you don't care and you're inconsiderate. How convenient. A person that has an issue with wearing a mask has no out when it's presented like that. It's one of those "gotcha" comments and pins someone against a wall.

And in my neck of the woods, we've had a little over 2,600 deaths on a population of 29 million (in a little over 4 months). Where were the cries of Russian Roulette and everyone masking up when we lost over 14,000 people to the flu/pneumonia in 2017?

I know the media is completely disingenuous, but I do have to question why the CDC is allowed to get away with this. Exactly what is the current administration doing to put the hammer down on them?

I'm totally baffled at the current administration and why they are allowing free passes for 100,000+ rioters and allowing asinine states to come down on bars that seat a dozen people.

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