CatsOverUnders OFFICIAL tracking thread 2013


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Lol exactly. Fucking college loans ahhh, it's painful. I've thought of doing the first ever College Loans Teaser in an attempt to wrap 'em all up in one bet, but alas, that would be ridiculous.

And while I do put a ton of time into my handicapping, I don't look at it like that. As long as I continue to have fun with it and enjoy the fun of getting a game right, I don't care how much time I put into it, or the amount I get back (As long as I'm up) because it's a hobby. While I write a ton, believe me, my writing is not as time-consuming as it seems. Just about all of my write-ups are done in one sitting in a relatively quick amount of time because the ideas are all in my head. Unlike most people here, I don't have to keep looking on others site on and off while producing analysis; it's all in my head, and being an outstanding writer, it's just a collective talent that I'm able to perform quicker than most. You'd be surprised at how quick I produce a lot of my novel-like write-ups. The writing aspect of it, at least in my situation, is not as time-consuming as it seems.

So you care more about "having fun with it and enjoy the fun of getting a game right" than winning money? What the fuck is this world coming to :ohno:
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
How about everyone who has something negative or sarcastic to say in CAT's threads, or anyone else's threads for that manner, stay out completely, or find themselves on post review.

CAT, as for a tracking thread on yourself, just look at it this way... At least you have the ballz to post your own plays.

If these tracking threads get too out of line, they will be moved to the Rubber Room and not allowed any longer...
Apr 6, 2012
So you care more about "having fun with it and enjoy the fun of getting a game right" than winning money? What the fuck is this world coming to :ohno:

You misinterpreted that passage a little bit. I live by the philosophy that as long as you consistently get games right, something that I enjoy as much as anything (Because I know I possess as much football knowledge as anyone; therefore I love continually getting games right when most people, including the "experts" on TV, don't even come close to what I accomplish with individual games), the money will come in. It goes hand-in-hand.

Obviously, I'm not having fun if I'm not up lol. You're not going to win every game you get right, of course, but as long as you're doing it consistently, everything else will fall into place. You can question my opinion if you want - that people get way too caught up in percentages and the money aspect of it, which is why 95% of the world is down in gambling (And that still might be an underestimate) - but as long as you just focus on the roots and simply take it one game at a time, while simply trying to get it right and nothing more, then you'll be successful, and everything else (The money, above all else) will fall into place. That's it.
Apr 6, 2012
How about everyone who has something negative or sarcastic to say in CAT's threads, or anyone else's threads for that manner, stay out completely, or find themselves on post review.

CAT, as for a tracking thread on yourself, just look at it this way... At least you have the ballz to post your own plays.

If these tracking threads get too out of line, they will be moved to the Rubber Room and not allowed any longer...

I appreciate that, Hache Man. Thank you.

But here's the glaring aspect of it: My record-keeping of wins and losses, just like last year, and just like when I did baseball here, has always been 100-percent accurate. Hilariously, the individual who started this thread - only to ruin my name and reputation, of course - was the one who had my record WRONG for several weeks before Betall intervened and had him fix it. How terribly "ironic," right?

Again, I will repeat the obvious: The guy is only leeching off me for attention. My win-loss record has been 100-PERCENT ACCURATE all year, yet GoBlue created this thread solely just to bash me, as everyone can even tell when he "updates" it with his little unfunny subtle jabs. (AND HE STILL HAS IT WRONG! I'm up $193 this year, NOT $177 or whatever he said. What a disgrace)

But thankfully this issue appears to be over. Because if he updates it like that again, similar to his latest "update" (Which is how he's been "updating" it every week), then him and his little thread - his ONLY claim to fame here - are gone. Aw. Looks like someone might have to start actually, you know, posting their picks and showing what they've got if they want to quench their little weekly hunger for attention (Which is why I assume he has this thread in the first place).

Over/Under on how many weeks GoBlue can resist his usual antics in here? 1.5? Well, hmm, the under is +105, so since that would be good for my "ROI," I think I'll go under... wish I could "buy" half-a-week to make it an even 2. Not bad at all at -120.

New member
Nov 29, 2005
Cats we don't care about your winning %. No one does and it means nothing. Not to sound like a broken record but you keep harping on that you kept a 100% accurate win/loss record all year (which is not true either). Your bets are bogus and it's been pointed out many times that winning 60% and betting -170 type plays could and will eventually make you a losing player MOST LIKELY.

As for why there is a tracker, your totals have been off since week 1. Again, because you cared about your record and even stated yourself "I might be off on my totals." WHAT? You bet so little and keep such accurate records how could you possibly be off? Because you only care about pumping yourself up about some bogus winning % that again means nothing. How many times can people say that? It means nothing. At one point in the season you were off by almost $100. Considering you bet $20/$30 bets that's a ton to be off. You say you weren't off by much but that's not $2.00.

BetAll had a t-shirt challange and it was agreed upon in that thread the number to use going forward. That's the number I based it on and my info is 100% correct above.

Hache, it goes both ways. TheCats comes in here throws jabs around, gets punched back and runs to mommy saying "he hit me for no reason." So let's keep him out of my thread and I will stay out of his. Deal? This is a tracking thread moving forward, a 100% accurate one. There are also bogus wagers that he won't post tickets for (like the Matt Schaub under a few weeks back) and no screen shot was posted when called out on it. Shouldn't we only track plays that someone can actually bet? For most people I understand, for a wanna-be tout there should be different rules.

And finally, this is the same guy that bashes other people posting their picks about page views (Queen) or says Rod's units are bogus. But at least they keep accurate records and bet plays people can get down on.

Thanks for listening and for being the bestest mods and forum a guy could ever ask for.
Apr 6, 2012
Cats we don't care about your winning %. No one does and it means nothing. Not to sound like a broken record but you keep harping on that you kept a 100% accurate win/loss record all year (which is not true either). Your bets are bogus and it's been pointed out many times that winning 60% and betting -170 type plays could and will eventually make you a losing player MOST LIKELY.

As for why there is a tracker, your totals have been off since week 1. Again, because you cared about your record and even stated yourself "I might be off on my totals." WHAT? You bet so little and keep such accurate records how could you possibly be off? Because you only care about pumping yourself up about some bogus winning % that again means nothing. How many times can people say that? It means nothing. At one point in the season you were off by almost $100. Considering you bet $20/$30 bets that's a ton to be off. You say you weren't off by much but that's not $2.00.

BetAll had a t-shirt challange and it was agreed upon in that thread the number to use going forward. That's the number I based it on and my info is 100% correct above.

Hache, it goes both ways. TheCats comes in here throws jabs around, gets punched back and runs to mommy saying "he hit me for no reason." So let's keep him out of my thread and I will stay out of his. Deal? This is a tracking thread moving forward, a 100% accurate one. There are also bogus wagers that he won't post tickets for (like the Matt Schaub under a few weeks back) and no screen shot was posted when called out on it. Shouldn't we only track plays that someone can actually bet? For most people I understand, for a wanna-be tout there should be different rules.

And finally, this is the same guy that bashes other people posting their picks about page views (Queen) or says Rod's units are bogus. But at least they keep accurate records and bet plays people can get down on.

Thanks for listening and for being the bestest mods and forum a guy could ever ask for.

Haha this is hilarious. No wonder you don't post plays here... you can't even get simple facts right. Where do I begin?

1. I've always been 100-percent true about my win-loss record, dumbass. Keyword: Win-Loss Record. YOU were the one who purposely screwed up my win-loss record, remember? As it turned out, those who researched proved I was CORRECT all along. The money being off by $30-60 (NOT the wins and losses part) was simply botched math, which is what happens sometimes when you're rushing to get a thread up for everyone that is read by several thousands (You, of course, would have no idea what that feels like). It was NOT off by $100; several people had different amounts that had it off in the $30-60 range. Wow.

(By the way, you screwed up my totals AGAIN last week when you said I was only up $36, which you then bashed me for and got away with, when I was in fact up $56. Good job)

2. It's both funny and painful how you exaggerate. "-170" plays, huh? Where have I taken a -170 play this year? Oh, you mean that ONE Futures Broncos bet that's -400 (Which will win) and hasn't even counted on my record yet? Or the ONE -250 prop (Which won) that I took back in Week 3ish? It's UNDERSTANDABLE if you get turned off that those type of bets get counted into my OVERALL record... but clearly, you can see I provide a FULL BREAKDOWN of my record every single week at the very top of my thread. How else would you like to me to label it? Or do you have another way for me to advertise it in the title of my threads? I mean, I'd love to just go by my magnificent and beautiful 21-11-2 over/unders record, which, oh by the way, is better than ANYONE ELSE here, Covers, EOG, or anywhere (I've looked). Yeah, so I certainly wouldn't mind emphasizing that record more than my overall record, if you prefer. If anything, those "-150ish" props are what's killing my record and is the ONLY reason I'm not up as much as I should be, obviously.

3. You expect me to stay out of a thread that is solely based about ME and for people like you to wrongfully bash me? Ha, that's a good one.

4. Bogus wagers?? Are you serious? Because of ONE prop bet that YOU, and no one else, questions??? Lol huh??? I'll make a deal with you: I'll post that winning Matt Schaub prop bet ticket (Funny how that's the only one you remember off the top of your head, and it was that almost two months ago!)... if you go away and stop annoying everyone. Deal?

5. Complete bullshit about bashing; now you're just getting desperate here, buddy. You're referring to ONE - I repeat, ONEEEEEE - instance where I went into Queen's thread and simply brought up the huge issue that was on everyone's mind, that being about her excessive page views despite yet another lackluster record. As proven, just about EVERYONE agreed with me, and voila, look who's dominating Queen in page views now! Do you think I got my point across? I think that would indicate so. AND, instead of "bashing" her, I saluted her and gave her a ton of credit! I've said multiple times how I want to see her win and how much her unique insight and brand of handicapping is appreciated here. Honestly, I root for all of us on the same side against our bookies, so given the tremendous amount of hard work she puts in (Which I also acknowledged back then), I want to see her make a comeback and win. She deserves to with that type of passion, which I absolutely respect. Now what do you have to say?

Wow. It's amazing how delusional you truly are. Do you live in some type of fantasy world or something? Or are you just naturally like this, trying to spin everything falsely as much as possible?

So would you like me to emphasize more that Internet-leading 21-11-2 over/unders record (Or without games where I bought points, 20-13) this year? Is someone still jealous that I'm one of the big well-known commodities around here and you're just... a no-name, faceless nothing? Aw. Maybe if you actually - hmm, I don't know - contributed something useful for once, you'd actually be something. But alas, you're not. That's too bad. Maybe one day, kid.

Oct 8, 2009
Week 9 the AMAZING 60% streak continues. Some of you may ask how long will the money train last? Let's all hope it's forever.

Again week 9 saw the streak continue with what is probably the best record in the US. If there is other life forms out there on other planets unless they are super human robots I doubt they could have a HISTORIC run like TheCats is having this year.

So again to recap 6 WINS 4 LOSES for a profit, wait no a loss of -$6.00. Not that buying points will cost you money or playing -150/-170 teasers well ok maybe it will but not a bad week and still has won 7 out of 9 weeks if not more.

YTD total solid profit of $178.00. All that are following and can't sign up for Gary' and can't get some of these wagers, maybe you can follow some of the others.

Just a small choo choo this week as the bottom line went down. CAN'T WAIT FOR WEEK 10! GOOD LUCK CATS, WE LOVE YOU BUDDY

Not that this matters as it means nothing, zero, nada (but thecats loves to say it) but the overall % stayed right at 60%. 75-50 YTD
GoBlue may be an over the top, bashing douche, but the point is valid and true. 6-4 = 60%, but for a net loss. What good is 60% if it is an empty 60%?

New member
Sep 7, 2012
Haha this is hilarious. No wonder you don't post plays here... you can't even get simple facts right. Where do I begin?

1. I've always been 100-percent true about my win-loss record, dumbass. Keyword: Win-Loss Record. YOU were the one who purposely screwed up my win-loss record, remember? As it turned out, those who researched proved I was CORRECT all along. The money being off by $30-60 (NOT the wins and losses part) was simply botched math, which is what happens sometimes when you're rushing to get a thread up for everyone that is read by several thousands (You, of course, would have no idea what that feels like). It was NOT off by $100; several people had different amounts that had it off in the $30-60 range. Wow.

(By the way, you screwed up my totals AGAIN last week when you said I was only up $36, which you then bashed me for and got away with, when I was in fact up $56. Good job)

2. It's both funny and painful how you exaggerate. "-170" plays, huh? Where have I taken a -170 play this year? Oh, you mean that ONE Futures Broncos bet that's -400 (Which will win) and hasn't even counted on my record yet? Or the ONE -250 prop (Which won) that I took back in Week 3ish? It's UNDERSTANDABLE if you get turned off that those type of bets get counted into my OVERALL record... but clearly, you can see I provide a FULL BREAKDOWN of my record every single week at the very top of my thread. How else would you like to me to label it? Or do you have another way for me to advertise it in the title of my threads? I mean, I'd love to just go by my magnificent and beautiful 21-11-2 over/unders record, which, oh by the way, is better than ANYONE ELSE here, Covers, EOG, or anywhere (I've looked). Yeah, so I certainly wouldn't mind emphasizing that record more than my overall record, if you prefer. If anything, those "-150ish" props are what's killing my record and is the ONLY reason I'm not up as much as I should be, obviously.

3. You expect me to stay out of a thread that is solely based about ME and for people like you to wrongfully bash me? Ha, that's a good one.

4. Bogus wagers?? Are you serious? Because of ONE prop bet that YOU, and no one else, questions??? Lol huh??? I'll make a deal with you: I'll post that winning Matt Schaub prop bet ticket (Funny how that's the only one you remember off the top of your head, and it was that almost two months ago!)... if you go away and stop annoying everyone. Deal?

5. Complete bullshit about bashing; now you're just getting desperate here, buddy. You're referring to ONE - I repeat, ONEEEEEE - instance where I went into Queen's thread and simply brought up the huge issue that was on everyone's mind, that being about her excessive page views despite yet another lackluster record. As proven, just about EVERYONE agreed with me, and voila, look who's dominating Queen in page views now! Do you think I got my point across? I think that would indicate so. AND, instead of "bashing" her, I saluted her and gave her a ton of credit! I've said multiple times how I want to see her win and how much her unique insight and brand of handicapping is appreciated here. Honestly, I root for all of us on the same side against our bookies, so given the tremendous amount of hard work she puts in (Which I also acknowledged back then), I want to see her make a comeback and win. She deserves to with that type of passion, which I absolutely respect. Now what do you have to say?

Wow. It's amazing how delusional you truly are. Do you live in some type of fantasy world or something? Or are you just naturally like this, trying to spin everything falsely as much as possible?

So would you like me to emphasize more that Internet-leading 21-11-2 over/unders record (Or without games where I bought points, 20-13) this year? Is someone still jealous that I'm one of the big well-known commodities around here and you're just... a no-name, faceless nothing? Aw. Maybe if you actually - hmm, I don't know - contributed something useful for once, you'd actually be something. But alas, you're not. That's too bad. Maybe one day, kid.

I think this essay is telling. I'd be saying how much money i'm up, but you only talk about 'remarkable' record, with other ridiculous adjectives like amazing-outstanding etc. Who says that other than touts? I'd rather be up $5000 with a 15-15 record, then up $200 with a 21-11 record. In the end, its about money, the bottom line. You talk about 'god-like' records and call other people delusional? That's pretty funny with a touch of irony. Comparing yourself to morons like dez bryant and steve smith? Both clowns in my opinion. No one is jealous of you dude, really. You gotta get over that, its so far off the mark. You'll figure out one day to be humble, life will show you this, its only a matter of time. They're seeing your annoying chest thumping and self love over chump-change, and they call you on it, albeit not always tactfully. I've come to the opinion that you love this shit, all the turmoil and attention. Youre about page views and records, am I wrong?....All of that is purely meaningless.

This idea that it takes balls to post picks....really? If they lose, who really cares? I dont know any of you, so what does it matter, your blips on a screen. I would put a disclaimer not to follow mine. I dont want the guilt! Anyways, I hope you figure it out.. I'm pulling for you to mature as a man. I hope you do! Good luck!

New member
Nov 29, 2005
I think this essay is telling. I'd be saying how much money i'm up, but you only talk about 'remarkable' record, with other ridiculous adjectives like amazing-outstanding etc. Who says that other than touts? I'd rather be up $5000 with a 15-15 record, then up $200 with a 21-11 record. In the end, its about money, the bottom line. You talk about 'god-like' records and call other people delusional? That's pretty funny with a touch of irony. Comparing yourself to morons like dez bryant and steve smith? Both clowns in my opinion. No one is jealous of you dude, really. You gotta get over that, its so far off the mark. You'll figure out one day to be humble, life will show you this, its only a matter of time. They're seeing your annoying chest thumping and self love over chump-change, and they call you on it, albeit not always tactfully. I've come to the opinion that you love this shit, all the turmoil and attention. Youre about page views and records, am I wrong?....All of that is purely meaningless.

This idea that it takes balls to post picks....really? If they lose, who really cares? I dont know any of you, so what does it matter, your blips on a screen. I would put a disclaimer not to follow mine. I dont want the guilt! Anyways, I hope you figure it out.. I'm pulling for you to mature as a man. I hope you do! Good luck!


Baller, that post above wasn't very nice. :(

Oct 8, 2009

I absolutely agree with all of your points. Cats is an idiot, plain and simple, but his idiocy can be noted with SOME, albeit small, degree of civility.
Oct 12, 2013
Riddle me this. He works for a tout service but only for baseball?? Everyone bets football. Why did he not get hired to sell his football picks?? And with is baseball record he did not make any money in sales??? Strange, very strange.
Apr 6, 2012
Riddle me this. He works for a tout service but only for baseball?? Everyone bets football. Why did he not get hired to sell his football picks?? And with is baseball record he did not make any money in sales??? Strange, very strange.

Huh? Well first off, hmm, Vxxxx Ixxxxxx is only the most well-known service in the industry so they already have a stacked football roster, meaning there were no openings. They can't just have everyone. And not sure where you got the idea that I made no sales in baseball... let's just say I was pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed by the number of sales I did this year, en route to finishing first in the company.

Ill address the couple of other recent posts when I get home.
Jan 17, 2007
Huh? Well first off, hmm, Vxxxx Ixxxxxx is only the most well-known service in the industry so they already have a stacked football roster, meaning there were no openings. They can't just have everyone. And not sure where you got the idea that I made no sales in baseball... let's just say I was pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed by the number of sales I did this year, en route to finishing first in the company.

Ill address the couple of other recent posts when I get home.

Stop using the name, and No it's Not.

Doc's is

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Hey cats, did u audition? They ask u to join? U get a % or the whole $9.99 desperadoes pay for ur picks? Weekends more business than say a Tuesday nite?
Oct 12, 2013
Hey Cat, I was just wondering that is all. I have a friend who got a job as a tout. I gave him my College bowls and College hoops. I was up 30 units in January, he was building up a nice client list. They asked him to stay on for Baseball. I thought if you finished #1 you would get an offer. Why would they risk losing their top guy??? Anyway keep up the hard work. People here are trying to handicap not write a novel.
Apr 6, 2012
Hey Cat, I was just wondering that is all. I have a friend who got a job as a tout. I gave him my College bowls and College hoops. I was up 30 units in January, he was building up a nice client list. They asked him to stay on for Baseball. I thought if you finished #1 you would get an offer. Why would they risk losing their top guy??? Anyway keep up the hard work. People here are trying to handicap not write a novel.

Lol they weren't "risking losing me" at all. I'm a very loyal person so they never have to worry about that, especially since they're the ones who gave me my first opportunity on a national stage. Being only 27-years old, I'm still incredibly grateful for that opportunity (I'm the youngest person there by a considerably margin) and am just thankful I took that opportunity and ran with it tremendously. Just goes to show hard work every single day does indeed pay off. EVERY handicapper should know that and never forget it. Trust me.

Baseball and Football are two completely different sports and completely different animals to bet on, so it's not like they're just going to forcefully put me on their football roster because of my baseball performance when there were no openings. I'm a very understanding guy so of course I could understood that, because that would be unfair to the established big names that are already there. I wouldn't want an extra person on the roster of baseball people I work with because that only potentially cuts into my profits and customers. They have a set number of talents for each sport every season so I completely understood. And being only 27, I'm certainly not going to question a nationally-renowned service that has been at the top of the industry for well over a decade. I am in no position to question that lol
Oct 12, 2013
When I said "losing their top guy" that written as a joke. It was something for you to think about. What about you clients? Don't they want your plays? I think not.

May 22, 2005
at this point my advice is to not even attempt humor or sarcasm in any interaction with cats

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