Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Re: All I am going to say re: sbd's obviously anti-Semitic post 7737 other than I reported it, is that we as a Jewish People(I am Jewish and proud

of my heritage)have been historically very successfully in life both in our personal and professional lives.

Sbd's and the QAnon's attempts to denigrate and destroy us like Hitler attempted, will be dealt with harshly with massive retaliation,

and with God's help these folks will end up back where they belong, namely in the BOWELS OF HELL WITH SATAN, WHERE THEY


Nov 11, 2007
As usual sbd is all over the place today in his IVU Thread and makes no sense.

The most overall glaring example of this is that he attacks Biden in several posts.

However that shouldn't matter in any event as he stated emphatically for the zillionth time that Biden is not the POTUS and that the military is at this point.

The questions are 1) how can be Biden making any decisions if he is not the POTUS? 2) Why should it matter in any event if as sbd predicts,

that Trump is going to be reinstalled/inaugurated as the POTUS on March 5?

These are just a few of the inconsistences I have encountered since he started his wacko QAnon Thread in March, and why if he is really an attorney

as he claims, that in any kind of civil or criminal case, he would be wiped out/mopped the floor with by

just about any opposing attorney in the entire country.

Along the same lines, ask yourself why he is here in this forum all day long rather than taking care of his "clients."

One doesn't have to be Einstein to figure out why!

Logical Thinking

Nov 11, 2007
Obvious bitterness and anger is showing with sbd's last few posts for the simple reason that even though he makes these wild moronic predictions

that Trump is going be installed as the POTUS on March 4, the better part of him knows that this is not going to happen; this means that he and the rest

of the QAnons can do nothing re: Biden/Harris for the next four years other than insult them and their policies.

Imo going beyond this and starting to incite violence will land them in jail, many of whom already belong there for other transgressions.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is the biggest lock I have ever seen in all of my years of gambling:

If these odds as proposed in the UVU Thread by a poster about whether Trump will be inaugurated on March 4 are/were legitimate, and an Offshore offered

them with no limit, that offshore would be so rightfully bombarded with "no" action, that on March 5, it would be filing for bankruptcy:

Will Trump be inaugurated 3/4/21 ?

Yes +400

The odds I posted while very high in comparison, are still a LOT closer to reality than the ones above.

Nov 11, 2007
Fir those of you who are relatively new here, here is just one of many of sbd's cryptic, vague and just downright false posts just posted tonight:

"The haters here bring nothing to this thread except hate and bashing.


It's because they have nothing to offer and they are threatened by truth."

Notice that he says they have nothing to offer and are threatened by the truth.

A careful examination clearly states that in actuality is it the other way around.

The "haters" and "bashers" he refers to are folks who have documented his quotes/predictions made since March and especially

since the Election and pointed out that NONE of them have come true.

These folks are the TRUTH TELLERS ABOUT HIM, and are NOT bashing him at all, but rather just pointing out his failures

which he does not and has NEVER admitted to.

The "hate" he refers to are not about the folks who have called him out on his bullshit and lies, but rather about HIS OWN HATE of these folks because sbd

realizes that intelligent, objective and who have respect for themselves do not and will not allow themselves to be played for suckers and fools by arrogant

and lying slime like himself.

In fact if one randomly goes through his entire thread, he will see time and again that what he accuses others of actually applies to him-in psychological

terms, it is a form or projection.


Nov 11, 2007
Nothing to comment upon with new posts in IVU Thread.

As usual, they are the usual colossal bore and in fact when you come down to it, nothing more than weak attempts to try to divert

attention to the UNDENIABLE FACT that Biden and Harris are and will be in charge of making decisions over the next four years(the samed

as with Trump for the last four years).

To use one of sbd's expressions, "there is nothing that can stop it."

The only difference is that when he uttered these words which tried to emphasize a prediction, they turned out to be a failure because the prediction


In this case above though, the words will deliver no matter how much he and others wacko QAnons are in denial of this!!

Nov 11, 2007
One more thing for now:

I have a hunch that this date of March 4 when Trump is allegedly going to be installed by the military and inaugurated, is going to have a twist to

it when the day passes and nothing happens.

It may be something along the lines that while we still Biden in the White House and acting as the POTUS, that in fact that Trump was inaugurated on March 4,

but that Inauguration was not made public for fear of panic, and that Trump is really in charge and that this will be revealed "shortly."

Along the same lines, the Biden and Harris one sees on tv are just bots, images, facsimiles, androids, or whatever you want to call them.

The reason for this will again so as not to create any panic and to ease the transition to Trump which will be on (new made up date).

Imo "privileged and highly advanced" folks like sbd and others will state that THEY can see that the change was made, and for everyone to stay calm

until "The Divine Plan" is put into effect, at which time we will have a world where we are all One, Love predominates everywhere, there are no more

wars, famine, disease, pestilence, unemployment and in general anything which is not in perfect order all because God has installed his "Second

Son," Donald Trump as his ambassador to preside over not only the United States but also the entire world and Universe.

And no, folks, it will not be necessary to get out the popcorn unless for whatever reason(s), you cannot wait until March 4 for

all of these wonderful things to occur when the "Messiah," Donald Trump, is back in charge!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Hmm-lets see-the odds of Trump being inaugurated on March 4, have jumped significantly today to this:

No -900
Yes +600

Lets also move out line a bit as another day has passed with nothing but desperate/delusional bullshit.

Thus the new line on Trump being inaugurated on March 4 is as follows:

Yes +125,000
No -200,000

Also if one wants to bet no, there is a one million dollar limit.

On the Yes side, there is no limit. lol

Nov 11, 2007
There is one thing true in this quote from the IVU Thread, referring to Trump:

"Hang tough because his return is imminent."

His return will NOT be as the POTUS but rather a return to New York and their courts and who knows where else to pay the piper after all

of his civil and criminal years before he became the POTUS, and for that matter possibly for crimes he committed while POTUS.

In any case it is payback time for him after all of the good years where he had everything his way.

Things do even out over time, karma sucks and now he is going to get his just due!!

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps next time sbd decides to sweep yet another failed prediction under the rug like he never made it and instead make a new one, he

ought to consider this biblical passage from Proverbs 28:

13 A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.

Nov 11, 2007
Hopefully over the next few days if I get a chance, I am going to state the sbd/QAnon definitions and meanings of certain common

words and terms in their alternative, fake and fantasy world of reality.

Hint-they are a "little" different from the ones which we normal people use. lol
ps I wonder if sbd has come up yet with the punch line/excuse when his March 4 prediction fails and what the next date will be for something to happen.:):)

Sep 5, 2010
Hopefully over the next few days if I get a chance, I am going to state the sbd/QAnon definitions and meanings of certain common

words and terms in their alternative, fake and fantasy world of reality.

Hint-they are a "little" different from the ones which we normal people use. lol
ps I wonder if sbd has come up yet with the punch line/excuse when his March 4 prediction fails and what the next date will be for something to happen.:):)

It's really a shame that Red Eye is believing his bullshit.


Nov 11, 2007
It's really a shame that Red Eye is believing his bullshit.


I agree, although judging by the betting odds he is using, it sure doesn't look he is giving much hope to Trump being inaugurated on March. 4.

In all fairness and in a general sense, lots of folks for a multitude of reasons related to their psyche, have a need to continue to cling onto a belief

for many days, weeks, months and in some cases every years even though in the eyes of rational, objective people the belief was shattered

by empirical evidence a long time ago.

Nov 11, 2007
What a great catchy and appropriate term for what the Republican Party has become-QTrumplican Party. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Last post of the day.

One again post 7793 shows that sbd is all over the place and inconsistent with his charges and allegations.

Consider in this post he takes a shot at "evil democrats" who created this horrible virus, which by implication means lot of people

were infected and/or died.

However in lots of other posts he refers to the Corona as a massive hoax with all kind of inflated figures as to how many people died, were

infected, hospitalized, and to sum it in general, that is is no big deal.

In short you can't have it both ways-lots of folks in this forum are too smart for this kind of contradictory bs on sbd's part, which in essence says to them "heads I

win, and tails you lose!"

Nov 11, 2007
Re: post 7805 in the IVU Thread and Hasbuger's comments, the Town Crier/sbd pulled the same shit back in June in Arizona when Trump was kicking

off his Campaign.

It was commented on by the media how few people attended the rally compared to how many were expected

and showed photos inside the arena showing it was not even half full.

Well the next day, sbd showed HIS photo showing the arena totally packed.

I called him out on that, and asked him to explain this contradiction.

Well to cut to the chase, sbd in his usual lying style, stated that the arena packed photo he posted was a photo of a packed arena

somewhere I believe in New York,

And get this- he stated that it was "HUMAN ERROR ON HIS PART" that he posted the wrong photo. lol

If you believe that he was telling the truth, then all I can say is may God help you!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am just curious as to who is going to be invited to Trump's "Inauguration" on March 4.

For example, will what will be then ex-President Biden and ex-VP Harris be invited, and if so, will they attend or skip it like Trump did when they were

Stay tuned, folks, and get out the popcorn as we will all have to wait until March 4 to find out the answers to stuff like this.:):)

Nov 11, 2007
Check out post 7818 in the IVU directed at me by the Town Crier of Bullshit and Lies and ask yourself whether based on the empirical evidence

since he began his thread in March, whether what he says applies to me or him?

The answer is as obvious as who is buried in Grant's tomb-hint it isn't me.

Nov 11, 2007
From the IVU Town Crier:

"This is a Health Minister who gets it.

And the same Health Minister who turned away the W.H.O.'s bribe to comply with the fake covid narrative and went public with it!

God bless him!"

Once again the fu king clueless idiot calls it a fake covid narrative in this post but in others blames others for causing the infections and deaths it caused.

Is there anyone in the house who can direct this uneducated walking misfit to a book which can teach him to put together a CONSISTENT AND

LOGICAL argument rather than his pick and choose, laughable manner of trying to convince anyone of the merits of his premise.

It is no wonder that no sane and intelligent person will piss away their money and have him defend them in a court of law, assuming

of course that he really is a licensed practicing attorney as he claims to be.

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