Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
The bottom line for sbd is ZERO admission of EVERY FAILED prediction in the past since March along with ZERO accountability

for past UNPROVEN accusations and conspiracy and FAILED predictions and in its place simple new predictions=ZERO credibility and

being called out for these transgressions.

As you can see in his IVU Thread, the latter has been and is an ongoing matter as many objective people, BOTH non Trump supporters as well

as Trump supporters)have come to the conclusion that this guy is a total FRAUD and LIAR both by commission and omission as well as living in an

alternative nonexistent world of fantasy, imagination and delusion which exists in his mind only(along with some other crackpot QAnons).

Nov 11, 2007
“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

W.C. Fields

Some people can get away with part 2 of the quotation.

Sadly though sbd is not one of them, and since the Election and all of his many FAILED AND SPECIFIC DATE predictions, he has been exposed and

beaten to a pulp by both Trump and non Trump supporters.

His weak "defense" of referring to folks who rightfully call him out as being "low iq" is about effective as a zebra trying to ward off ten lions who are all over his body and

in the process of devouring him for lunch!!


Nov 11, 2007
I turned on my tv set a little while ago and there was no picture.

It turns out that somehow the cable box had become unplugged.

Before I discovered this, this the "first thing" which came to mind is that after a zillion predictions which had FAILED by EBS since March that I would need to

use this because of sinister forces trying to cut everyone in the country out from what was going on, that he had

actually got it right for a change, and that some kindof mic drop/blackout, etc. event was actually occurring.

Needless to say, my fears were unfounded, and sbd's/Washington General LOSING streak of failing in everything

he has predicted since March and the Election is alive and well, still going full steam, and will continue with the

new delusional predictions issued today! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Imo one of the reasons that sbd does what he does is that he considers Trump some kind of deity/perfect being and thus tries to emulate


Example-Trump refused to accept the results of the Election, still does even at this late date and get over it and accept reality.

Sbd essentially does the same thing in his own way by continuing to make insane predictions and change dates when EVERY SINGLE ONE OF


Like Trump, he is one very emotionally disturbed individual and who is badly need of treatment in order to get in touch with reality and understand his obvious


Nov 11, 2007
Let Trump start his own party, which will only fracture the Republican Party.

In any case I won't worry about it until 2024, assuming 1) Trump isn't serving a long term prison sentence;2) still wants to be POTUS again;3)he is even alive

and/or at least in any kind of physical state(we well already know he is not in a good emotional state and that is beng kind lol) to run again;

4) he is even a factor four years from now, as a much more likable and competent Republican comes ago and reduces Trump to nothingness and especially at his age.

The bottom line is that BIDEN/HARRIS and NOT Trump is/are the POTUS until 2024, like it or not, and neither SBD

nor anyone is going to change that no matter how much they dream and conjure up bullshit to the contrary!!

Sep 21, 2004
It isn't going to be easier with Dems in full control. I would think with how all has gone the $1400 stimulus checks would have had a postmark of January 20th?? Just read mail sent in November is getting delivered today. :think2: There on their way......

Direct deposits probably going out mid February but they didn't say what year.. @):mad:

Nov 11, 2007
It isn't going to be easier with Dems in full control. I would think with how all has gone the $1400 stimulus checks would have had a postmark of January 20th?? Just read mail sent in November is getting delivered today. :think2: There on their way......

Direct deposits probably going out mid February but they didn't say what year.. @):mad:

I don't think if Trump nor for that matter anyone would have a cakewalk if elected in this time and era.

We have seen so much happen mostly bad during 2020, that for the life of me I can't imagine anyone of Biden's or Trump's age wanting

to deal with all of the problems, pressure and headaches involved.

As they say though, "Different strokes for different folks."

New member
Apr 7, 2016
I don't think if Trump nor for that matter anyone would have a cakewalk if elected in this time and era.

We have seen so much happen mostly bad during 2020, that for the life of me I can't imagine anyone of Biden's or Trump's age wanting

to deal with all of the problems, pressure and headaches involved.

As they say though, "Different strokes for different folks."
well...the ''big guy'' will get a higher percentage now

Nov 11, 2007
well...the ''big guy'' will get a higher percentage now

I am not quite sure I get your meaning here.

I do think and to rescind my original remarks a little, that sometimes when someone has all of the money they will ever need, the next

thing they seek is power and the abilityto control people's lives.

Imo this certainly applies to Trump.

Nov 11, 2007
Just read post 7581 in the IVU Thread if that is all you have time for if you want a quick summary of what sbd/the QAnons are all about.

What really counts are the following:

1) Most of this forum are far from stupid.

2) The clear majority of people who read and post in this forum are Trump Supporters and/or against Biden and/or just Republicans.

3) Quite a few folks have read and of late posted the IVU Thread(and many came over right around the time of the Election or afterwards even

though the thread was opened in March).

4) A number of Trump supporters gave sbd and the QAnons the benefit of the doubt with his predictions, and obviously hoped that they would come true,

most importantly that despite the results of the Election, that Trump would be eventually proclaimed the POTUS for a second term.

5) There were 6-8 predictions after the Election all with specific dates by which time Trump would be proclaimed.

6) All of the predictions FAILED, and sbd never admitted any of these failures, but rather just moved the goals posts with more time driven

predictions, all of which failed, the most important one being that Trump would be inaugurated on Jan. 29 and not Biden.

Habsburger has posted many instances of this with quotes from sbd.

Sbd simply ignored all that habsburger posted for the simple reason that he had no response to his documented FAILED predictions which would fly.

7) Other than one straggler, who is giving sbd a very slight benefit of the doubt, everyone else including Trump supporters have either told him

in so many words that he is full of shit and/or is simply not posting in his thread anymore, because they have figured out that sbd and the QAnons

live in a world of imagination, delusion, fantasy/devoid of reality and/or for personal psychological and emotional reasons are simply seeking attention

in the same manner you see on sale at supermarkets with their attention seeking wild and delusional headlines.

8) RE: post 7581, the only sure thing is that once March 4 comes and goes and Biden/Harris are still in charge despite sbd's bullshit that the military

will OFFICIALLY be in charge although allegedly they already are is that there will be a new date with a new prediction and on and on when the next

one also fails.

Get the picture here!

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing to add to previous post:

Even if this moronic/beyond delusional prediction of his was true, it would mean that the military would be in charge and installing Trump as the POTUS

for the next twelve years with no Elections.

By my definition that constitutes a dictatorship.

I will leave it for you to decide whether that qualifies sbd and others who subscribe to this as "patriots."

Nov 11, 2007
I strongly suggest that before anyone take sbd's post 7594 too seriously in the IVU Thread, consider that he has used this

same type of delusional/bs scenario many times since he started his thread in March and after the Election with one FAILED repercussion

prediction after another.

This time as usual he is simply blowing smoke up your ass, and nothing will come of it.

Nov 11, 2007
Re: this just posted in the IVU Thread:


This is going to piss anti-Trumpers and anti-Americans off more than ever!

It's real and it's coming soon!"

Why stop there-why not say Trump is the President of the Universe and of all life, and for that matter, why not proclaim Trump as the New God

because the previous one decided after all of these years, it was time to retire, and that he appointed Trump to be the New One!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Re: my comments in previous quote re: his quote.

At this point imo it is at least 50/50 that sbd posts what he does NOT because he actually believes what he says but rather for psychological reasons not known

to me he is in desperate need for people to read and respond to what he says, meaning that the more insane and out of touch his predictions are, the

more likely it is that people will in fact do just that.

In a broad sense it is the same when someone goes shopping in their supermarket and while waiting in line to pay, they notice that one of the tabloid

papers has big headlines to the likes of "Aliens are already here and are about ready to take over the planet and destroy all life as we know it."

Obviously the intent of the paper is to draw attention to it so that the person will buy it.

If on the other hand the headline was simply about who is screwing who of late in Hollywood, people might not be as likely to buy the paper.

Actually for his sake I hope I am correct, because imo he might be more easily and effectively treated for this mental disorder than if he really believes

all of the delusional shit/predictions he spews forth every day!!

Nov 11, 2007
Re: my comments in previous quote re: his quote.

At this point imo it is at least 50/50 that sbd posts what he does NOT because he actually believes what he says but rather for psychological reasons not known

to me he is in desperate need for people to read and respond to what he says, meaning that the more insane and out of touch his predictions are, the

more likely it is that people will in fact do just that.

In a broad sense it is the same when someone goes shopping in their supermarket and while waiting in line to pay, they notice that one of the tabloid

papers has big headlines to the likes of "Aliens are already here and are about ready to take over the planet and destroy all life as we know it."

Obviously the intent of the paper is to draw attention to it so that the person will buy it.

If on the other hand the headline was simply about who is screwing who of late in Hollywood, people might not be as likely to buy the paper.

Actually for his sake I hope I am correct, because imo he might be more easily and effectively treated for this mental disorder than if he really believes

all of the delusional shit/predictions he spews forth every day!!

Post 7607 is just further confirmation as to what I just stated.

If in fact I am wrong in what I stated in my previous post about my doubts about whether he really does believe this incredibly delusional shit,

he certainly doesn't help his case with his post.

All he essentially does is rehash and embellish what he has said previously about what is about to happen in the future, and imply that he is here only to

"help" people what is about to happen.

Sadly but not surprisingly though, he doesn't mention (and never has) his zillion FAILED time/date driven predictions up until now and why anyone

should give any credence to what he is currently predicting due to his previous failures.

The possibility I didn't mention in previous post is that sbd may be in the early stages of Dementia and/or Alzheimers Disease, although

statistically speaking, it would seem that he is a bit young for that.

I say that because if has some form of the above, in all fairness, perhaps he has just forgotten that he made these previous predictions and

really believes the posts of Habsburger quoting what he said are made up.

No matter which scenario is correct, the bottom line is that he needs help in the same way that the Jehovas Witness does standing on a busy street corner

of New York City for many days beseeching people to repent now because the END is coming within DAYS!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Quoting from sbd in post 7613:

"I won't be disappointed.

I already know how it ends.

I made this clear from the start of this thread."

Hmm-the interesting thing is that the "end" of all this with all "democrats" being done away, Trump losing the Election and so much more has FAILED

to end too many times to count since March when the thread was opened.

Did he "make it clear" from the start of the thread that nothing he predicted would come even remotely close to happening.

At the very least, after each of the zillion FAILED predictions, he could have least said something along the lines of "Due to circumstances beyond

our control(technical difficulties? lol), you will not see the prediction come true as soon as we expected.

"Please be patient as I am working on the issues and hope to have them resolved.

"As always, I value your patronage to the IVU Forum, and I promise you that moving forward, I will take the necessary steps so that my "infallible" prediction
record, which you have come to expect, returns once again!

Nov 11, 2007
For now I strongly suggest you read habsburger's post 7631 in the IVU Thread,, which shows even more why sbd is a total bs artist who changes

the narrative and tries to revise history as to what he said previously to make his points.

Thankfully there are folks like habsburger and yours truly around to call him out on shit like this for all to see!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is the latest inconsistent and moronic comment from sbd:

"I have actually been quite clear throughout this thread that Trump IS NOT a God or deity.

However, God is working through him.


And perhaps something you wouldn't understand!"

There are way too many confusing and inconsistent matters to consider here.

For example, if all powerful god is using Trump as his tool/agent on Earth, then how come Biden won in the first place, and that no matter

what Trump did with "God's guidance," he was unable to overturn the results of the Election which was allegedly stolen?

Also, along the same lines, shouldn't have God convinced Pence to do the right thing to overturn the Election results when he had the chance to do so?

For that matter if sbd is one of the privileged folks who knows "God's Divine Plan," then how come EVERY SINGLE ONE of his predictions both before and

after the Election failed to materialize?

If it is fact all part of "God's Divine Plan," then why is it so complicated, and why is God allowing Biden to do whatever he wishes until March 4 when allegedly

the military will take over and Trump will rule not only the country but the entire world?

Yeah-I know it is all part of "God's Plan" to let people suffer first until God's "Second Son," Donald Trump, in all of God's splendor

and glory, takes over and installs HIS "Perfect All Loving/We are One World" on March 4!

Hallelujah!!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
For now and re: post 7653 in the IVU Thread and his comment "where's Congress?"

My comment is where is the Military which is supposed to be in charge and not allowing this to happen and more importantly, where is God in all of this?

Of course we know as far as the military goes, they are just "Biden" their time until March 4 to take over and install Trump because unfortunately

a lot of "paper work" needs to be done first in order to effect this change. lol

As far as where God is in all of this, well as I suggested yesterday, HE may be getting retire after all of these years and wants his successor, Mr/soon to

be GOD of the Universe Donald Trump, sufficient time to plan his course of action for all of this.

I mean lets face it, our country and our world are big enough to worry about with all of the inherent problems.

Through in the entire Universe and the problems become just a "little larger.'

Don't worry though as March 4 will be here before you know it, and Trump's "Divine World and Universe" will be installed, and Love and Bliss

will prevail everywhere on our planet as well as everywhere else in space and time, and God can retire knowing

full well knowing that everything and every being everywhere are in good hands with Allstate, oops I mean

the newly anointed God of the Universe, Donald Trump!!

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