Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
If any of you out there are masochists and/or know someone who is, and you are unhappy because things are going too "well" of late,

and you want some more consistent losing//failing, self destruction in your daily lives, I strongly suggest that one of the first things you do everyday

is to visit the IVU Thread and read what sbd has to say.

At the very least by so doing, it will give yourself something to strive to achieve for the simple reason that over the last 13 months since

he started his thread, we have seen the word "failure" exemplified to a degree which is almost unimaginable but yet true!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a prediction of mine which has a lot better chance of occurring than any of sbd(not saying much).

Anyways my prediction is that assuming that his thread is still alive in November of 2024, regardless of who the Republican nominee is,

as late as the day of the 2024 Election WHEN/NOT IF Biden/Harris will be up for re-election, sbd will be offering more "proof" that the 2020 Election

was stolen and that Trump will be declared the winner of the 2020 Election "very soon" to claim it! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Open Challenge to sbd:

Since you have been predicting since November 4 that Trump will be officially declared the rightful POTUS "very soon," lets post up some money and wager

whether this will occur by July 4th of this year, which would mark eight months and one day since the Election.

You can designate any amount of your choosing starting at a minimum of $100.

I obviously don't expect you to accept this anymore than I would with anyone who loves to "talk the talk," but who can't "walk the

walk," and who refuses to put his money where his mouth is!!

I issued above challenge to sbd on 4/18.

Needless to say the gutless coward refused to accept for obvious reasons.

Well since I am in a great mood because of the big gains I made last week in the stock market,

I decided to be even more generous in my proposed wager.

My new bet is that I am going to offer $1000 if Trump is officially proclaimed the POTUS by July 4 of this year.

However, I am going to decrease the ante that you have to put up from $100 to just $25 if Trump is not POTUS by that date.

That makes it a 40-1 wager in your favor.

If have any balls and the courage of your convictions, you will accept the bet.

If not, which is almost a virtual certainty, it will just show for too many times to count what a lying/pathetic blowhard you are!

Here is the rest of the bet as originally proposed:

Since you(sbd) are so sure of Trump's return and that it will be "very soon," I am going to give you 10-1 odds.

Thus I will post up and wager $1000 against your $100, that Trump will not be the official POTUS on July, using empirical evidence as the criterion,

meaning our eyes and ears rather than hallucinatory "evidence" you rely upon.

How about it-lets see if you are a man of your convictions rather than the mouse you are perceived to by just about everyone presently!

Nov 11, 2007
Post 10048 in the IVU Thread brings back one of my favorite tv shows from the late 60's, The Invaders which starred Roy Thinnes.

The show was pure escapism and was a lot of fun to watch.

Conversely post 10048 is pure, fabricated and unadulterated bullshit, which is right in line with everything else sbd has stated since he started his thread 13 months


Here is the link to the Invaders for those who weren't born yet and/or who have no memories of the show:

The Invaders - Wikipedia

Nov 11, 2007
Re: Post 644, the deadline for acceptance of my proposed bet by sbd is Thursday, April 29, 12:00 AM EDT.

Come on sbd-lets see if you really have a set of balls rather than a feminine QAnon "Pink Snapper," which I suspect is the case presently!

Nov 11, 2007
The obvious reason that sbd won't accept my bet is that because he knows damn well that he is ZERO chance of winning it.

I could make it my $1000 against his $1, and he still wouldn't accept it because when the dust settles on July 4, Trump will NOT be the POTUS, and the

act of forging over any amount of money to me would be an admission that he was wrong in his prediction, which we all know after thirteen

months he will never do.

Don't worry though-the goalposts will be moved many times between now and July 4th with lots more excuses why Trump hasn't yet returned,

but the promise will continue that his "Return" will occur very soon! lol

Nov 11, 2007
This is the kind of thing which emanates from someone(in this case sbd), when you have been beaten to a pulp

and bloodied beyond recognition(by me) over 13 months with 100% documentation:

"Definitely giving savage1 a run for his money!"

Nov 11, 2007
ot-The big mistake for those who spend most of their entire day in the Political Section of the Forum, bitching, complaining, patting another poster on

the back about something nice about Trump or something bad about Biden, etc., is that it is essentially nothing more than cheerleading

those who already agree with you and getting some negative feedback from those who disagree.

In any case relative to the entire population, a tiny and insignificant number of people aside from those who agree with them read what they have to say

in the first place.

The point is that if they folks really want to change things, they have to get out, get their word out, recruit other folks to believe what they do and work

first toward taking back Congress in 2022.

Simply typing the same stuff over and over each day to the same folks in this forum and adding to it does nothing to further their cause.

In all fairness though, I will say that as bad as that it is, it still beats what sbd does with his beyond imagination

and fantasy dreams that he and his QAnons can somehow bypass the legal Election process and have Trump returned to the POTUS in the near future.

Nov 11, 2007
I put this Arizona audit and similar ones to sbd's claim made last year that there has been a known 100% cure for all kinds of cancer for around 70 years,

but somehow there was never any kind of leak from the hundreds if not thousands of people who knew about and somehow were either silenced

and/or simply agree not to talk about it-in short a delusion, a lie and a lot more choice adjectives.

It is essentially the same thing with the election audits-anyone with half a brain knows that if there was real rampant fraud, trusted sources

would talk about and be all over it and divulge their information, and no hateful folks like sbd, his QAnons and those who simply can't/refuse to admit reality don't


There were sound and fundamental reasons why every one of Trump's seventy some odd legal challenges FAILED(maybe more) including to

the SCOTUS, and this time it will be no different.

The biggest perpetrator of this crap is Dinald Trump, an alleged adult, but one with the mind of a recalcitrant child, who simply refuses

to see what the majority of the American people see in him, a failed and incompetent POTUS, and a totally disgusting, repulsive and embarrassing "human

being," not worth in any manner, shape or form of holding the #1 position in the United States!

Nov 11, 2007
There are lots of similarities between sbd's predictions and those of Harold Camping, most notably they all have failed and will continue to so,

and only the lowest of the lowest and most naive and gullible/dumb folks out there would give their predictions anything more than a cursory glance.

Harold Camping - Wikipedia

Nov 11, 2007
As usual nothing of importance stated by sbd in the IVU Thread and certainly NOTHING which will overturn results of Election, which is what matters.

I don't put any stock in anything slimy Ted Cruz says.

What he did by sneaking off to Cancun with his family during the pandemic in Texas defines what a vulgar, repulsive and self-serving shit he i!!!

This racist will NEVER EVER in a million years be POTUS unless of course there is a sudden and huge increase in the Ku Klux Klan population in this country!!

Nov 11, 2007
It looks like things are pretty slow for sbd today considering what he has decided to bring out of mothballs as well as other boring commentary which

is dead and holds no interest to folks other than himself whose lives are so bereft of anything more important to do.

Re: this about John Kerry:

"Someone should remind John "WE HAVE IT ALL".

Treason = Death Penalty."

To that I say you have NOTHING on anyone or anything, and that is why 13 months later after you started your thread, you are still at square one AT BEST.

Also-if anyone is guilty of treason/the death penalty, it is Trump for deliberately lying to the American Public about the severity of Covid(Bob Woodward),

which caused untold deaths and people becoming infected.

Thus that "qualifies" Trump not only for treason but also at the very least as an accomplice in MURDER!!

Nov 11, 2007

It’s such a sham they’re doing everything possible to shut it down . Led by none other than Marc Elias . The hack involved with the phony dossier .

Actually imo it is a lot more likely that if anyone cheated to try to steal the Election, it was Trump.

The reason that the Democrats didn't pursue it is because Biden won, and there was no need to do it.

Trump's entire Presidency was predicated on a lie(33,000 documented ones), and for that matter so has been his entire life.

Don't expect me to debate this.

Think as you like, but don't get your hopes up that Trump is going to displace Biden/Harris before Inauguration Day 2025 at the earliest because it ain't happening-you

can take that to the bank!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Actually imo it is a lot more likely that if anyone cheated to try to steal the Election, it was Trump.

The reason that the Democrats didn't pursue it is because Biden won, and there was no need to do it.

Trump's entire Presidency was predicated on a lie(33,000 documented ones), and for that matter so has been his entire life.

Don't expect me to debate this.

Think as you like, but don't get your hopes up that Trump is going to displace Biden/Harris before Inauguration Day 2025 at the earliest because it ain't happening-you

can take that to the bank!!

Yeah Trump cheated . It was Repubs who were the ones passing election laws without State Legislature approval . :):)

Not that the left has any regard for the Constitution .

Never said Trump would be reinstalled .

Watching the spin on the reporting of the Maricopa audit by left wing outlets led by Moscow Maddow the last couple of days has been priceless .

Nov 11, 2007
Yeah Trump cheated . It was Repubs who were the ones passing election laws without State Legislature approval . :):)

Not that the left has any regard for the Constitution .

Never said Trump would be reinstalled .

Watching the spin on the reporting of the Maricopa audit by left wing outlets led by Moscow Maddow the last couple of days has been priceless .

I wouldn't trust Trump to give me the right time of day.

As I have said before, there are plenty of folks at the Political Forum whose backs you can slap back and forth each day 24/7/365

with "Way to go-Trump is great, Biden sucks,the Election was stolen, blah, blah, blah, etc.

I haven't posted anything in that part of Forum since January 6, when for me it became official and rightfully so that Biden won the Election.

I have better things to do than to chat with poor losers and whining cry babies, who can't accept reality that Trump lost

rather handily for obvious reasons, and then won't let go six months after the results were tallied.

In short, for me that section of the Forum is one colossal bore as are the people who spend their entire existence dwelling/complaining

on the outcome in their 24/7/365 Groundhog Day scenario.

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