Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
The same Pa. where poll watchers had to be 20 feet from ballot counters because of Covid protocol and only after a court order still had to remain 6 feet away . :):)

The bottom line is that Biden won the Election, and that there is ZERO that you or anyone else can do about it other than bitch and complain until

you get your chance again in the 2024 Election.

If you believe otherwise, go join sbd's club and/or try to do something about it provided that you don't mind having your life cut short

on the spot if you are dumb enough to try force!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The bottom line is that Biden won the Election, and that there is ZERO that you or anyone else can do about it other than bitch and complain until

you get your chance again in the 2024 Election.

If you believe otherwise, go join sbd's club and/or try to do something about it provided that you don't mind having your life cut short

on the spot if you are dumb enough to try force!!

Bottom line is making ballot counters observe 20 feet away is the equivalent of going to a sporting event and watching with your head facing the opposite way of the field . :):)

What better way than to prove all the conspiracy theorists on the right be proven wrong than to let the Maricopa County audit in Arizona go on without resistance from the likes of Dem lawyer Marc Elias of phony dossier fame . Anything but has happened so far .

Nov 11, 2007
Bottom line is making ballot counters observe 20 feet away is the equivalent of going to a sporting event and watching with your head facing the opposite way of the field . :):)

What better way than to prove all the conspiracy theorists on the right be proven wrong than to let the Maricopa County audit in Arizona go on without resistance from the likes of Dem lawyer Marc Elias of phony dossier fame . Anything but has happened so far .

Think and believe as you want.

The most respected polls in the country were off a bit in the margin of Biden's victory, but they got the winner right,

and all of Trump's seventy odd legal challenges didn't get to first base and most importantly the ones to the SCOTUS.

Only a fool would actually believe that a POTUS who allowed 500,000 coovid deaths on his watch, who lied to the American Public about its severity

and who is one of the most disgusting and repulsive "human beings" on the planet, actually won this Election.

Most importantly and as stated, neither you nor anyone can do anything about it for the next four years!!!

I suggest that you find something more positive to do with your life-going down this route will just bring you even more disappointment

and frustration!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd says for the zillionth time:


Hmm-lets see evidence of that.

If and when Biden and Harris are NOT in control, I will believe it.

At the moment the statement is nothing more than a manifestation of sbd's imagination, hopes, desire, frustration and his own projections onto others!

Nov 11, 2007

"Good time to remind you of my previous post.

"These market levels do not reflect the current reality or the future prospects.

They are being artificially held up through manipulation.

It's only a matter of time before they can no longer be "held up"."

What he should have added using his own past statements is "don't worry though, folks, as Donald Trump's

return is imminent, meaning that he will rescind any tax increase, which will allow your investments to continue to grow." lol

Actually this post is a clear example of what I have said right along, namely that on bad days, in this case the stock averages going down,

according to sbd, Biden is the POTUS, and the "Trump Return" narrative is in effect.

On good days or days when news isn't bad, Trump is the POTUS and has been calling the shots right along.
Just another day at the office for sbd re: Who is POTUS at the moment!!


Nov 11, 2007
Lets add something to sbd's post 9947.

"Research shows the any men who receive the Vaccine will be shocked to learn that their penises will shortly fall off and

that any remaining sperm will be recycled into evil Coca Cola to ensure that men will no longer be able to impregnate women.

This is all part of a sinister DS Plan to reduce the population of the country and world!!

Don't be a part of this-don't get the jab for not only your own good but that of MANKIND!!!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Think and believe as you want.

The most respected polls in the country were off a bit in the margin of Biden's victory, but they got the winner right,

and all of Trump's seventy odd legal challenges didn't get to first base and most importantly the ones to the SCOTUS.

Only a fool would actually believe that a POTUS who allowed 500,000 coovid deaths on his watch, who lied to the American Public about its severity

and who is one of the most disgusting and repulsive "human beings" on the planet, actually won this Election.

Most importantly and as stated, neither you nor anyone can do anything about it for the next four years!!!

I suggest that you find something more positive to do with your life-going down this route will just bring you even more disappointment

and frustration!!

And sane minded people like yourself actually believe Sleepy , who hid in his basement to avoid embarrassment crushed Barack almighty’s vote count . :):)

On top of beating an incumbent who had 10 million more votes than he had in 2016 and a historic AA and Hispanic vote count for a R . Not bad for a racist .

Nov 11, 2007
And sane minded people like yourself actually believe Sleepy , who hid in his basement to avoid embarrassment crushed Barack almighty’s vote count . On top of beating an incumbent who had 10 million more votes than he had in 2016. :):)

He sure as Hell did.

I have a strong minor in college in probability and statistics in college, and thus know what I am talking about

when it comes to statistical validity and reliability.

As I said earlier, the biggest and most reliable polls in the country got it right and including the EC Votes.

You can talk about all of the ALLEGED fraud you want all of the rigged voting machines, etc.-you won't change my opinion

as I regard all of that as bs from poor losers.

For me for reasons cited in previous post Biden was the clear winner here.

Also what you didn't allude to and which is VERY important and why you don't believe how many votes Biden got, is because

LOTS of those votes were ANTI-TRUMP votes and for good reason.

Imo you have no idea as to how many people simply wanted Trump OUT OF OFFICE and who voted accordingly.

You can have last say as I am going to return to doing what I do best, namely exposing sbd for the FRAUD AND LIAR he is!!

Nov 11, 2007
I have an alternate title for sbd's IVU Thread.

Lets call it "The Grasping at Straws" Thread because he and his few followers are so desperate that they will make a big deal out of anything at all

which in their minds they can somehow relate to something to what they HOPE will be the outcome of something else for their cause or as some kind of "proof"

of one of sbd's allegations which has ZERO relation to reality, just like all of the other ones over the last thirteen months.

Nov 11, 2007
Absolutely nothing of value to comment upon from sbd so far today, because it is just as rehash of the lies, hopes, projections we see every day.

Biden and Harris continue to be ind charge and here is NOTHING which is going to change that until Inauguration Day Jan. 2025.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one quick one I am going to comment on from sbd:

"There's no doubt the intimidation factor came into play with the jury."

The bottom line is and as I have stated before, that the only "evidence" needed in this case for sbd from the outset was the evidence that Floyd

was Black and Chauvin was/is White.

Inasmuch as he and his QAnon associates are White Supremacists and hate ALL Blacks AS WELL AS ALL JEWS and are intent on their extermination,

their verdict was a no brainer from Day One, meaning in their mind Chauvin was not guilty of anything and in fact did the right thing using his knee to finish

off this low class and worthless subhuman being!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more comment from sbd yesterday why I think the title of his thread should be changed to the Grasping at Straws Thread.

Yesterday he brought up this statement he made in March about the stock market crashing to prove he was "right" after Biden announced that

he was going to raise capital gains tax and market went down.

Originally Posted by SportsBookData
"MARCH MADNESS" = Market crash coming?

Might be a good time to be conservative and go into preservation mode."

There are two things wrong with this:

1) After he made the statement in March, the market did not crash at all in March, but rather went on to new all time highs.

2) to make a statement based on one day only like sbd did yesterday is obviously indicative of someone who is a novice/charlatan and who has no idea as to

how the market operates.

But then again, making a big deal of random and isolated events which sbd has dine over the last thirteen months is one of the big reasons that all of his predictions

have failed to come true.

In essence he is so desperate and intent to find something which will give him hope, that he will as my new title for his thread says, he will GRASP at anything.

ps I can speak only for myself, but Biden's announcement yesterday resulted in a 12K loss on paper in my mostly professionally managed stock account porfolio.

Today as I write this, the value of same portfolio is up over 20K.

The bottom line is that unless you are a contrarian and do the opposite, don't have any faith in anything sbd says about the market,

which is and should be the same mindset as he says about anything else.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-personally I am in favor or raising taxes substantially on the very rich no matter what their political affiliation especially if it means a better

life for those who are on the opposite end of the spectrum-this goes way beyond politics!

Nov 11, 2007
And here we go again with the same line from sbd which has failed 100% of the time to come true as he hallucinates about the Arizona


"Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!"

The only thing "cumming" is sbd in his underwear as he dreams that Trump will return and be reinstated as POTUS.

ps Thanks again to you sbd for making another dumb and unfounded statement as you did yesterday about the market

crashing because of Biden's tax hike on the rich yesterday.

On paper personally I lost 12K in the short term yesterday, but recovered it and then some today making $24,500

(it was plus 30K at one point today) as the market digested yesterday's news and then decided over time what Biden

stated amounted to less than a fart in the wind!

Just keep showing your stupidity and cluelessness in the future when it comes to the market and for that matter everything else!!

Nov 11, 2007
Imo most people wouldn't trust any audit done six months after the Election no matter what the findings.

There are just too many possibilities that too many votes could have been altered during that time frame and people in the know paid hush money

not to say anything about it.

No matter what the findings and as I keep saying, there is NOTHING which is going to alter the fact that Biden and Harris rule until at least Inauguration

Day of 2025.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Imo most people wouldn't trust any audit done six months after the Election no matter what the findings.

There are just too many possibilities that too many votes could have been altered during that time frame and people in the know paid hush money

not to say anything about it.

No matter what the findings and as I keep saying, there is NOTHING which is going to alter the fact that Biden and Harris rule until at least Inauguration

Day of 2025.

The same people who are telling you this is nothing more than a right wing conspiracy are doing everything in their power to stop it .

Altered votes after the election but no possibility of invalid ones during . :):)

Nov 11, 2007
The same people who are telling you this is nothing more than a right wing conspiracy are doing everything in their power to stop it .

Altered votes after the election but no possibility of invalid ones during . :):)

The bottom line is using the empirical evidence of who has ruled since Inauguration Day and made all of the decisions and enacted legislation, who lives

in the White House, who has spoken to the people ad so much it is Biden and Harris who rule.

Biden is Trump's daddy and that is not going to change no matter what if anything an audit in Arizona six months later uncovers.

If folks like sbd and yourself think that there is any possibility that this audit or any other is going to change anything eight months after

the Election and six months after the Inauguration, which would also be a breach of our Constitution,, then all I can say is keep living

in your world of fantasy.

The overwhelming and I man overwhelming number of people in the country have moved on from this and are now concerned with their

personal lives.

If folks like sbd want to play Captain Queeg and look for things that weren't there at time of the Election(70 some odd failed legal challenges including to SCOTUS),

and look for them now, he and anyone who thinks that Trump is going to be officially declared the POTUS are in for a big disappointment.

That's it for me-let me know when Biden Trump is recognized as the POTUS between now and Inauguration Day in 2025! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Just one segment of a post from sbd worth commenting on so far today:

"As I have stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, follow the "Earthquakes" for proof of this operation.

In the past months there have been "earthquakes" all over planet that have same the Richter scale rating (4.6-5.2).

This is not coincidence and is evidence of the underground attacks."

Above is total revisionist history and bullshit.

#1 There have only been a relative handful of earthquakes "all over the planet."

#2 The few which have occurred despite sbd's lies to the contrary, have unveiled ZERO/NADA/ZILCH/NOTHING in the way of anything except of course to

add further corroboration that sbd lives in a world of his own reality and that he is a LIAR and who will say anything to crave attention!!

Nov 11, 2007
Post 637 should read in last line as follows:

That's it for me-let me know when Trump is recognized as the POTUS between now and Inauguration Day in 2025! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Only one thing worth commenting on today, because everything else is what we have heard a zillion times all ready, all of which has proven false and which

never occurred-it will be no different this time as Biden and Harris rule until at least Inauguration Day 2025.

Anyways, sbd blasts the vaccines and calls them fake and deadly, but does not comment if this is true, why Trump and all

of his family members have gotten the vaccine and have advised others to do the same.

How come????

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