"Seems it's wreaking havoc on the failure called the USA unlike anywhere else......."
I have sat back and read the string of posts on this thread, along with all the links provided. You sir, are exactly what is wrong with the world today. Your arrogant, condesending, elitist attitude reveals everything anyone needs to know about you. I am glad you do not live in this great country of ours. Please by all means stay up North in your little nest up there in Canada. Anyone who calls the USA "a failure" does not deserve the privelage to live here and experience the FREEEDOMs that this country espouses to. Many in my family, and countless other great patriots, have fought and died protectiing and defending our freedoms that we enjoy and many take for granted every day.
I have worked in healthcare for the past 26 years. I have worked my ass off every single day to provide the best possible care to those undergoing heart surgery and needing life support such as ECMO. I have seen more death than you could imaging of both the very young and very old. We all can agree that life is so precious and we need to make the most of the time we have. For all the medical professionals who preach lockdown/isolation, there are just as many with countering views....both with science as their guide.
An adage many have heard before in healthcare, "it's about quality of life". Your damn right it is! However, Quality of life is a very subjective term. What one may deem important another may not. Depends who you ask. I try to live my life without regret, to live it to the fullest, and to love to the fullest. I will be spending this Christmas with my 80 year old parents, along with the their grandchildren. They openly and gladly take the risk of possilbe COVID exposure/infection in order to spend time and hug their children and grandchildren, rather than spending it alone isolated from their family. Who am I to deprive them of that.
I will continue to support local small business suffering from the subjective regulations placed upon them by elitist government officials who too often live by their own set of rules. I will continue to travel and fly if need be for work or to visit family. I will continue to send my kids to school so they recieve the best quality education possible and thankfully, they are able to attend, albeit on a limited schedule. I will continue to see my family and friends and not be shamed into isolation. I will continue to wear a mask when necessary and taking the necessary common sense steps of washing my hands and avoiding touching my face.
My view in all of this goes against much of what you have railed about regarding COVID. Every day, I have taken it upon MYSELF to do what I need to proctect me and my family from COVID. I cannot control what others do. I do not live in fear. No one should live in fear. If one is fearful, take upon yourself to control your surroundings. Take it upon yourself to Decide where not to go or where to go. Take it upon yourself to work or not work. I do not judge those who choose to isolate themselves during these times. Your views regarding this virus and how it has impacted your world, does not mean I have to accept them, just as you probably would not accept mine.