Damage? Yes, about 2 million people are dead & done for. And hundreds of thousands, if not millions, more suffering long term negative health consequences from being infected.
Damage? The economy is not dead or destroyed, but on a holiday.
As they have been since man was a monkey.
If you're dead or so ill you're unable to work due to covid, then you're work is lost anyway, if not worse.
At that rate if the world were infected just once, about 8 million would die. To say nothing of the long term ill health to millions of survivors, which wouldn't be good for the economy.
At that rate with a 3 in 1000 chance of death, who's covidiot enough to play a form of Russian Roulette with their life.
Thankfully the online keyboard warrior amateur after-the-fact commentating covidiots, conspiracy nut jobs, hoax advocates, C-19 existence deniers & "it's just a flu, what's all the fuss about" folks weren't in charge. Then all hell would have broken loose (think Armageddon like) & it wouldn't be just a couple million dead, but more like 20,000,000, to say nothing of those suffering from "long covid" & the longterm economic impact of that.
X-Files; [url said:http://www.therxforum.com/showthread.php?t=1170331&page=3&p=13320167&viewfull=1#post13320167[/url]
I feel for you...there has to be a way for you to stay open...especially if gyms and movie houses stay open...there has to be a way or some sort of compromise....restaurant owners have to come up with a plan....hate to see hard working owners take it in the shorts....how about some compensation from the states?
Keep posting X-Files....the updates are great!! Haters are gonna hate...cuz that's what they do!
Thanks, soli. I will.
I'm not going to bother responding to all the lies by the pathological liars in the other posts. Blind sheep imitating their loser boy Trump.
Clearly they would rather make false personal insults than address the intelligent posts i have made re the OP topic, etc, with intelligent responses.
Who are they? God? Do they speak for Him? No. So their lying opinions about me are easily dismissed & irrelevant. I know better.
Though their remarks do reveal quite a bit about themselves.
...and it was all done on purpose
liberal scum don’t care about people who work hard
You're a very weird guy.
Destroying their cities
Seems the #coronavirus knows to stay out of government+corporate stores and just pick on the tiny mom and pop ones
VD happens to be a democrat, and he obviously cares. But he's one of the exceptions, there are a few more around here.