Bush's 9/11 coverup? Family members of victims of the terror attacks say the White House has smothered every attempt to get to the bottom of the outr


New member
Sep 21, 2004
give me your address and i'll fedex you a 12 pack of TP. I have 20 rolls right now, that's a lot of shit'in.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2002
yeah, but please have your complete posts at rx printed on them too.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I'm thinking of buying a new pair of steel toed boots. Will I need them?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Some of the guys I'd like to meet.
... Phaedrus (the boots)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>phaedrus,
if you smart off when i see you like you do here you'll get an 11 boot. if you're a gentleman i'll let you slide.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Phaedrus,
Rethink the way you are going to act in Vegas. Be very careful.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>All bullshit aside, i'd love to put the gloves on with phaedrus if he's close to my size. if he's a weasal that takes all the fun out of it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>phaedrus,
stop with the novels. where i'm from if you talk shit you better be able to back it up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I suggest you rethink what you say to me on Aug. 16, 2003. Mr. Outandup can i get you a drink sir, would be a good start.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>i did not threaten to kick anyones ass.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For a Bush man, you sure sound a lot like Clinton.


I said several times things like "Maybe I'm taking this too seriously ..." yet you never said a word along the lines of, "yes you are dumbass, take a pill already." It was only when other posters started bashing you that you got to backtracking.

Have to adjust my lines now:

-110 outandup isn't there

-185 outandup does not say a single word to Phaedrus which might incite a fight

-325 outandup talks some shit, but either means it good-naturedly or not at all

-500 outandup does not actually try to start a physical fight with Phaedrus

Still wouldn't book em though ... even with that much chalk, somebody would take the book to the cleaners.

When you take a break from criticisng me for talking so much shit, please be sure to direct me to the "good points" that KMAN made that I failed to acknowledge or rfute, which was one of your main examples cited earlier in what a shit-talker I am. If you lost the thread, I suggest you check behind the WMD's.


New member
Sep 21, 2002
yeah, please point kman's good points to me and if you can find 1/3 of it i ll instantly convert to bigotry, ignorance and stupidity.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Show me the quote where I said I was going to kick your ass. I never said that. Loosen up. jacdee and hung mean nothing to me. i could care less what they post about me.

Meeting you will be priceless. I would like to get a sanctioned UFC no holds barred match with you.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004
sober up and life could get better for you.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

role player
Sep 20, 2004

You're like an infant that has dirty diapers and is hungry with all your whining and crying. You seem very impatient with Bush2 finding those WMD. Give him some time. Bush says they have them - give them a chance to find them why don't you. WMD don't just go bye bye but they can be hid. A few box cutters in the hands of a few arab scum while flying on an airplane could be a weapon of mass destruction for crying out loud.
Sep 21, 2004
You seem very impatient with Bush2 finding those WMD.

And rightfully so, would you expect us to wait for cause for war that is "supposedly" over?

Careful with your analogies here, as Hitler had already invaded other sovereign nations...

A few box cutters in the hands of a few arab scum while flying on an airplane could be a weapon of mass destruction

This is ridiculous. Is a slingshot a weapon of mass destruction?
If you insist on basing this entire discussion on an extremely subjective interpretation of what a WMD is, wait until they decide that a handgun fits the bill...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Most people in their right mind believe Iraq had the WMD up till the week the war began. Clintoon believed Iraq had them when he bombed them in 1998. UN reports showed Iraq had them, hardly a pro-US outfit.

I heard the US located Bagdad Bob yesterday, so these things take time. Take a deep breath and relax, they WMDs will be presented at some point.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

role player
Sep 20, 2004
Saddams has a twenty year history of WMD by even the most conservative of descriptions of what constitutes a weapon of mass destruction. He has used them on his own people. Everyone knows that and by you libs constantly insinuating that he never had or that he destoyed them is like saying the the sky doesn't appear blue to the human eye.

My point on the box cutters in the hands of the arab scum onboard the airplanes was meant to imply that basically anything in the hands of the wrong individuals can be used to kill many a people. Oklahoma City for example ( fertilizer ). Do we ban fertilizer to - I remember a black mayor I believe in Atlanta calling for that exact law after Oklahoma City.

My point being is that like most wars this is a religious war started by the arab scum. If that slingshot is propelling a rock or BB would you ban it? if it were propelling a vial full of anthrax would you ban it? Or would you simply take out the Motherfvck slinging the ammo?

Taking out the Islamic scum who consider America there enemy and who have declared war on the US is the right way to handle it. This war had more to do with religion than the press wants to admit. Islam vs. Christianity I guess.

Mar 7, 2005
This place hasnt been the same since Mr. P stopped posting.


I'll bet you got beat up a lot when you were in school.

I've never met a goldbug that was any different.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Just curious, what is your sample size?

I don't know any off these boards, but I have heard commercials for them on NYC's AM stations.

BTW: not knocking gold bugs here.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
This place hasnt been the same since Mr. P stopped posting.


I'm not sure the phenomenon you are noticing is related to one or more specific posters. Instead, I'd chalk it up to a phenomenon called "forum evolution". I see it more or less everywhere I go, not just here.

When forums were relatively new, most posters (including myself and probably Mr P) thought that it actually mattered what we said. We thought we could actually effect change in people's lives by posting our gems of wisdom. That gave a certain motivation to support posts with facts, go into detail, put a lot of energy into it and that sort of thing.

But as the months and years passed it became clear that no one is here to learn, or at least not as a top priority, and even then it's not for the purpose of acting on anything learned but just for interest or to go "hmmm" from time to time and be entertained. Nothing wrong with that of course and I am as guilty of it as anyone else.

Forums have, by their nature, provided a very interesting lesson about human nature. After everyone has been through such a learning process, the quality and depth of information within posts necessarily deteriorates, although I still think the entertainment value is there.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Just curious, what is your sample size?

Most likely he has 0 sample, but one has to be impressed that he thinks he knows all about folks hes never met.

Hes one of the top drones at this site or anyplace else.

MJ, I do feel better knowing that you follow me around this place.

I bet you were the bullying type...until someone realized the fraud you are and bitchslapped you.


Mar 7, 2005
Just curious, what is your sample size?

At least 20-25 of them by now.

Whats funny is I've heard DaWoofs exact same comments and style from the other goldbugs going back to the 80's.

Its parrot talk from the same old line of goldbug conspiracy gloom and doom.

They always crash and burn...and then slink off never to be heard from again.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
All this babble coming from a guy that posts he has 0 money in the stock market now (he made his fortune in 90s and cashed out earlier this decade).

Now, the bulk of his investment portfolio in commercial real estate.

How insightful and wonderful that must be for you these days, eh?

Of course it is.

Supposedly quit trading stocks for a living for the stress burned him out.

Well, if I may, Im going to paint with my own brush, borrowing from the MJ, modus operandi.

"I quit trading for the stress burned me out", in plain English = Most likely couldnt make any money or lost his shirt, so found something else to do with the last few nickles he had to rub together. Chose real estate for he read one too many times that everyone in real estate makes money over the long term.

fwiw, Im not cut from the same mold as your standard doom & gloomer as I understand how the inflation masks whats really happening. I havent been gloomy at all about the overall stock indexes for well over a month now.

My guess is that maybe tiznow fits more of the mold youve decided to place me.

Actually many gold bugs think everything in the entire world is going to crash...hardly thoughts I mimic.


L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
MJ, I do feel better knowing that you follow me around this place.

I bet you were the bullying type...until someone realized the fraud you are and bitchslapped you.



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