Bush's 9/11 coverup? Family members of victims of the terror attacks say the White House has smothered every attempt to get to the bottom of the outr


New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's amazing how many people on these boards no more about terrorism and more about how to handle the country than President Bush.

You ask someone a simple question about how they would go about handling the situation and you get the typical politician answer where they beat around the bush and never provide an answer. Then you ask them again to answer your question and they go off and start calling you names.

This "Politics" forum was a great idea in the beginning now it has turned into a joke. There are plenty of people that copy and paste other people's opinions but fail to come up with anything original. Then again, I'm not sure why I'm complaining, I guess I should have assumed that's what would get from a bunch of sports handicappers trying to solve all of the problems of the world. It's kind of like Hollywood. What do actors and actresses know about government? Nothing. It's all opinions.

I hope everyone has a great time arguing.

Oh yeah don't worry about replying to any of my posts. I won't be back here for a while.

Sep 21, 2004
I choose to believe our President because I think he has more information about what's going on than I do, I get labled as being a yes man for Bush.


Thanks for defining the attitude of a yesman for us.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
KMAN, the problem is not that people here are all screwed up, it's that you're an ignorant piece of shit barely meriting basic human dignity.

What should anyone think of you, aside from the idea that you are a mindless, sycophantic "yes man" for Bush, when your response to a well-reasoned critique is:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Hail Bush!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You say no one presents an independent idea here ... I think in this thread alone I have done so. You say that I didn't answer Razz' question, which just goes to show what a foul horror of a forum troll you really are, because it shows you didn't even read what I posted before you started bashing:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Getting back to the actual question, what do I think of Bush's specific responses to the September 11th attacks, on the day they happened, well -- in his shoes I would be shitting my pants, so it's hard to find fault. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are so fvcking stupid I feel myself slipping down a notch whenever I even acknowledge a post from you.


PS. Yes, Hollywood is full of ignorant people who know nothing fo government. Like Ronald Reagan. Clint Eastwood. Sonny Bono. Orrin Hatch. Fred Thompson. And all of the many other former entertainers who went on to a career in government. What a hopeless retard you are, KMAN. I doubt George Bush would even want you as a supporter; I'd be embarrassed if you were one of mine.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
No phaedrus did not answer the question Razz posed. The long winded bag rambled on and on and said nothing like usual. Calling a fellow poster an idiot seems to be his only response.

Phaedrus how could you call President Reagan an idiot. One of the greatest US presidents in history. Reagan won the cold war. Give the man his props.

Phaedrus you ramble on and on and make very little sense. As we all know you're a know it all, however, you can't answer what you would have done specifically after 9-11. By the way that is a great idea that the senators should have read the patriot act. I can't argue with you on that one point.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004
out, you'll pardon me if my patience with KMAN ran out long ago ... I take a lot of umbrage from a jackass who bashes me for the sake of it, criticising posts of mine without actually reading them -- which you yourself seem to have done in this case as well.

It's amazing to me the degree of ignorance that is shown here, and with all of the gratuitous bashing that goes on, when a legitimate and demonstrably factual criticism -- however strongly or even vulgarly put -- is put forward, no matter what the facts of the matter are, a certain camp can't chime in with criticism fast enough.

As I have told you before outandup, you do make good points from time to time, and as you can see you and I have agreed on a number of things. But before you just run out your knee-jerk defence of KMAN why don't you take five minutes and read what I wrote. If you have some sort of actual comment on my words, then by all means fire away. If all you want to do is bash me for the hell of it, then you can kiss my ass and stay the fvck out of my threads.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Regarding the Reagan comment, seek context. This is a prime example of why people should think before they speak, out. KMAN the village idiot says that no one in Hollywood knows anything about government; I merely offerd up a number of entertainers-cum-politicians off the top of my head, regardless of how I feel about their particular politics.

The notion that someone in a position of government has taken on some special knowledge of the human condition, economics, diplomacy et al is one of the most patently foolish ideas I've ever encountered, and one which is all too prevalent in the world today. Politicians are human like the rest of us, apt to make mistakes, be selfish and short-sighted, and I think history is very much on my side when I say if anything the average politician is a lower form of life than, say, a bagboy at Safeway. Generally the bagboy is working hard for what he can get and just wants a fair shake and a little luck out of life. Most politicans don't come anywhere near that level imho.


There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Quote of the day - "What a hopeless retard you are, KMAN."


New member
Sep 21, 2004
So now bashing a fellow poster and calling him a retard is worthy of quote of the day. Now that's sad, you're a better person than that. Kman makes some very good points that phaedrus is unable or unwilling to address.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004
out -- point them out to me; I'll be right on it.

Points like "you never express an independent opinion" which is demonstrably untrue, replies to posts of mine to the effect that I am "liberal scum" which only a fool would believe (the liberal part, not the scum part) based on my postings here, "contributions" to a discussion about President Bush to the effect of "Hail Bush!" then wondering about why people don't take him seriously and call him a Bush yes man, come on dude.

Please, link me to a "very good point" of KMAN's that was addressed to me, that I did not acknowledge as a good point or offer some sort of refutation.

Or, just threaten to kick my ass in Vegas, like you're doing over in the Offshore, you fvcking child.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
there you go having a panic attack. i have not threatened to kick your ass. i doubt very serious you'll say the things you just posted to me in person. have a nice day.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004
As I said in the other ongoing drama thread, maybe I'm taking the remarks too seriously.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I'm thinking of buying a new pair of steel toed boots. Will I need them?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Some of the guys I'd like to meet.
... Phaedrus (the boots)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>phaedrus,
if you smart off when i see you like you do here you'll get an 11 boot. if you're a gentleman i'll let you slide.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Phaedrus,
Rethink the way you are going to act in Vegas. Be very careful.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>All bullshit aside, i'd love to put the gloves on with phaedrus if he's close to my size. if he's a weasal that takes all the fun out of it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can assure you that I say the same things in person as I do on fora, to you or anyone else, good and bad, love it or hate it.

Also -- still waiting for the example of "very good points" KMAN has made to me that I have not acknowledged or attempted to refute.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ooops, forgot this one:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>phaedrus,
stop with the novels. where i'm from if you talk shit you better be able to back it up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Looks to me this Outandup fella is just like his boy Bush !

If you don't agree with me I'll threaten to kick your arse !

what a shame

New member
Sep 21, 2002
outandup is redefining ignorance and downright stupidity, i wouldnt bother with his "sory azz" as my buddy dennistheman would put it.

New member
Sep 21, 2002
alright, i just noticed kman's "i am fvcking off" farewell, good god, that means the forum must rise to something like 50% upwards in terms of collective intelligence.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
the 11 boot, was all fun and games. is lander crying? then you start with the you're a fukin this and that. i highly doubt you would call me anything that begins with: You're a fukin _______
I suggest you rethink what you say to me on Aug. 16, 2003. Mr. Outandup can i get you a drink sir, would be a good start.
Jacdee you're worthless and shouldn't egg phaedrus on because you'll be hiding in europe hoping you can scratch up enough cash to get into the states one day. until then jacdee give me the address to your hut and i'll fedex you some toilet paper. hung your drunk out of shape ass won't be of much help either.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

[This message was edited by outandup on June 23, 2003 at 10:52 PM.]

[This message was edited by outandup on June 23, 2003 at 10:53 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2002
"I suggest you rethink what you say to me on Aug. 16, 2003. Mr. Outandup can i get you a drink sir, would be a good start."

So your offer for civility to phaedrus at the rx get together is actually a request to buy you a drink?

Like hung said you resemble your old buddy dubya a lot, he too is a master of the crude, impolite and downright dumb. When your fascist rhetoric masquerading as patriotism, your labelling, red herrings et al fail, you resort to threats. Sheer class.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> hung your drunk out of shape ass won't be of much help either.

damn you're good man ! I'm throwing in the white flag

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i know europe is short on items such a toilet paper, maybe you should loosen up. i did not threaten to kick anyones ass.

hung good idea son, maybe i'll even let you buy me a drink if you don't drink it. you have a long ways to go though, you're too rough around the edges. listen up and you'll learn about politics.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

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