Breaking news 3 more cops killed in baton rouge


Dec 17, 2014
"Smarted up boy" ? Is my personal troll talking hood now ? Saying I am regurtitating nonsense? You are sitting there waiting for me to post. That is fucking nonsense. Then you fucking take snipets of what I say and mis quote me to try and make me look bad. Ok Big Pussy that fuck was a good christian uh huh boy!
Show everybody how bad ass and hood you are with your ebonics
You said he was a scumbag Muslim right? Show me where Muslims have a directive to want to target and kill cops please
You can't
Because they don't
Smarted up boy

Nov 4, 2009
Definitely could use this cat within these parts now, all we got is BLM-"New" Black Panthers and other Militant fuckheds tho?

Big Problem.


Jul 14, 2007
Just googles this guy and read his story. What a fucking joke thats being used to fan the flames...

Facts from his own mouth:

1st time pulled over he had a headlight out

6 others times he was speeding 'some of the times'..some means at least 2 right?

However he then says 'the vast majority' of the time it was for driving a new car in a bad neighborhood.

Now when a guy says in his own words that < or = 4/7 is 'the vast majority' i dont believe a fucking word he sats. At best hes a hyperbolic lying politician...

I just saw him on the news saying it, the guys a respected Senator, I think focusing on him and his issue is putting the cart before the horse.

Look at the statistics for search rates and contrabrand in Missouri. Take the polarization out of the issue and just see it for what it is, extremely inefficient policing.

Jul 14, 2007
Just like searching granny at the airport instead of concentrating our resources on Mohammed. Profiling can be an effective tool.

It can be in certain instances, it also can not be.

If we extrapolate those statistics over the entire US (I'd guess MO is on the bad side based on the anecdotal evidence in the thread about the Midwest) then that is probably not leading us to a conclusion that this is all due to effective policing.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You said he was a scumbag Muslim right? Show me where Muslims have a directive to want to target and kill cops please
You can't
Because they don't
Smarted up boy

Not just cops boy. All Americans. I know you live in a cave but you should be careful who you call boy. You are not man enough to back that kind of hood talk. "Smarted up boy" you sound real intelligent there troll.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I think if most people would answer honestly, they would say that blacks are treated different than whites by police. If I get pulled over for speeding , I got nothing to worry about....ever. Can't say the same if I was black.

The other day a black congressman......I believe he was a republican. He commented how he was pulled over 6 times. I mean, clearly there is a difference.

Now, none of this justifying shooting cops, that's insane behavior.



Dec 17, 2014
Not just cops boy. All Americans. I know you live in a cave but you should be careful who you call boy. You are not man enough to back that kind of hood talk. "Smarted up boy" you sound real intelligent there troll.
This dude posted anti-cop rhetoric, and only shot bullets at cops today. Are you really this dumb?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
This definitely is a factor that has to be considered. For example, non-whites commit a whopping 92% of the violent crime in New York City. So,
of course, non-whites are going to get more attention from the police.

If you are a white person in the hood, you will be treated differently than a white person in Beverly Hills. It's not race, it's more environment but playing the race card throwing fuel on the fire is what the race baiters and race pimps do.

New member
Jan 30, 2006
Maybe he did have the illegal tint, who knows. He is 1 person but the study shows it happened regularly where blacks were getting pulled over more than whites and the results were terrible. Any organization that has that bad of results and inefficiencies would be wise to conduct an internal review of why it is happening and fix the matter.

Obviously I think many of these blacks are extremely misguided but that doesn't mean there aren't some legitimate gripes to be had and issues to be looked at. Even if most may struggle to articulate why.

But if they comitt more crimes they SHOULD be pulled over and searched more.

If a little girl is raped....are the police wrong to first look at men as they try to find the rapist? Its sometimes a female, should the police devote equal time and reseources to exploring men and women both as suspects?when they do arrest a man should he say he was "unfairly profiled" . Would you defend him

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
If Obama had a son, he would look like this.


Jan 15, 2010
But if they comitt more crimes they SHOULD be pulled over and searched more.

If a little girl is raped....are the police wrong to first look at men as they try to find the rapist? Its sometimes a female, should the police devote equal time and reseources to exploring men and women both as suspects?when they do arrest a man should he say he was "unfairly profiled" . Would you defend him

If there's probable cause, I'm all for it. But I think that study proves that the majority of these stops are fishing expeditions, which is bad policy.

Jul 14, 2007
But if they comitt more crimes they SHOULD be pulled over and searched more.

If a little girl is raped....are the police wrong to first look at men as they try to find the rapist? Its sometimes a female, should the police devote equal time and reseources to exploring men and women both as suspects?when they do arrest a man should he say he was "unfairly profiled" . Would you defend him

There has got to be a better way to effectively police than just pulling over people of a certain race because you are more likely to hit the lottery that way.

Obviously in some instances it is obvious (airport security) but a lot of times people are getting pulled over, gotta sit outside on a 100 degree day while the cops take 15 mins to go through your car, you've got to be somewhere, it's just extremely dehumanizing and if it happened to any of you consistently I really don't think you would like it. Whether it is bad incentives provided to the police or something, it seems worth fixing.

If you're pulling over blacks 60% more than whites and finding contraband 20% less of the time, that's a systemic failure to me. It can be improved upon and that should trickle down to race relations and the police (the "should" may be wishful thinking at this point since the media and some charlatans have really gotten ahold of this issue unfortunately)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
There is no argument. Blacks commit violent crimes at a much higher rate than whites. There is no profiling or racism
If blacks would stop committing so many crimes, the police would be less likely to pull them over.

Winner winner chicken dinner

New member
Oct 29, 2010
There has got to be a better way to effectively police than just pulling over people of a certain race because you are more likely to hit the lottery that way.

Obviously in some instances it is obvious (airport security) but a lot of times people are getting pulled over, gotta sit outside on a 100 degree day while the cops take 15 mins to go through your car, it's just dehumanizing and if it happened to any of you consistently I really don't think you would like it. Whether it is bad incentives provided to the police or something, it seems fixable.

If you're pulling over blacks 60% more than whites and finding contraband 20% less of the time, that's a systemic failure to me. It can be improved upon and that should trickle down to race relations and the police (the "should" may be wishful thinking at this point since the media and some charlatans have really gotten ahold of this issue unfortunately)

Patsfan hits a walk off.

Dec 17, 2014
Never knew GB2 was Vlad Jr
Just thought he liked posting 5 baseball picks a day, and tons of pics

Nov 4, 2009
You said he was a scumbag Muslim right? Show me where Muslims have a directive to want to target and kill cops please You can't Because they don't

Final Effort I make at getting you to understand The only true faith in God's sight is Islam. (Quran 3:19)

Islam demands Sharia Law which would place Islam in control of appointing "Law Enforcement" and Sharia Courts would replace all existing Judicial Bodies within a land.

Even YOU should be able to do that math that follows and, indeed, verifies that Islam instructs to overthrow then replace Law Enforcement within a land.

That answer was already in the Kindergarten-Understanding level short Video I posted specifically to address another of your previous Troll posts, posted solely to make conflict as Trolls such as yourself do.

Revelation of answers to your questions about The Truth of what Islam is and always has been, what its goals are, its mandatory duties (per "allah") that followers have are contained in simple research you could have done via Google but you won't do cuz you are just a Troll, believe nothing of what you say just type it to make conflict with whoever will interact with you.

Because you are a pathetic isolated human being with nothing. You made this Prison yourself, created your own Prison.

You Fully Know this to be true.

Put this asshole on IGNOR Boss415, he is not gonna stop yanking your chain, you enable him to continue his Trolling by replying to him.

Theres no point. final word to you BigHurTroll....on Islam:

"About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad's biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers."
Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy


Jan 15, 2010
There has got to be a better way to effectively police than just pulling over people of a certain race because you are more likely to hit the lottery that way.

Obviously in some instances it is obvious (airport security) but a lot of times people are getting pulled over, gotta sit outside on a 100 degree day while the cops take 15 mins to go through your car, you've got to be somewhere, it's just extremely dehumanizing and if it happened to any of you consistently I really don't think you would like it. Whether it is bad incentives provided to the police or something, it seems worth fixing.

If you're pulling over blacks 60% more than whites and finding contraband 20% less of the time, that's a systemic failure to me. It can be improved upon and that should trickle down to race relations and the police (the "should" may be wishful thinking at this point since the media and some charlatans have really gotten ahold of this issue unfortunately)

This is really the heart of the issue ( a huge part of it anyway), and not many from either side of the political spectrum are really addressing this. Instead everyone runs to their side of the extreme collective.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This dude posted anti-cop rhetoric, and only shot bullets at cops today. Are you really this dumb?

Once again you are making the words I said into what works for you. I said muslim scum. It should have said wanna be muslim scum. Never once did I say muslims have a directive against the police. Learn to fucken read and "Smarted up boy "

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