Before you come at people saying that the problem is not with the religion/political ideology You yourself could gain Knowledge on the Tenets of The Islamic Faith and it's History.
Were you to do this you might see that the problem is not just with "a small percentage of Muslims"
nor has it ever been.
Like 96% of Non-Muslims though you likely do not care to put the effort educate yourself. I said in another post above....about the Truth of Black understandable.
The Truth of what Islam is and it's Goals are not a pleasant thing to discover, I can understand totally why people would consciously choose to not find out. Might even be Natural Human Instinct to convince yourselves that a deal isn't as bad as it really is, to avoid uncovering Truths that are Inconvenient to Hopefulness.
I'll attach a very short Video which presents basic Unalterable Truth about Islam, does not opinionate just lays out factually what Allah/J'abril/Mohammed commanded and thus what The Islamic Faith is.
Bring anyone here to dispute it and I will answer them. Any One. Islamic Scholars, Mulsims, anyone.
Below the article is the impact that the Islam created by the child molester Mohammed has had upon the World and continues to have.
It IS what it is.
And this is Truth. Continue to ignor it if you desire. Your prerogative.