Breaking Bad


New member
Aug 2, 2013
I really dislike him - it's actually almost hard for me to watch the show now, because Jesse is essentially the only character I can cheer for.

How can you hate Walt but cheer for Jesse? Jesse is a dumbfuck who deserves to be tortured.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Almost every problem Walt has comes as result of his loyalty to his Jesse or Hank. All of his problems with Fring were a result of being loyal to Jesse (despite Jesse being an imbecile). The whole reason Jesse was in the mix with Fring in the first place was Walt trying to save Hank (after he beat up Jesse). He is loyal to Hank at the end (even after Hank makes very effort to destroy him) and loses most of his money because of it. Personally I could not believe he stood up for Hank at that point after Hank had tried to burn him down to feed his own ambitions. Walt would not have considered destroying Hank for his ambitions...... but Hank did not hesitate to try and destroy Walt for his.

Walt is fundamentally a loyal and honorable man who is surrounded by weak and disloyal people. His loyalty to those people destroys him. This is not much of stretch since Walt is written as the hero of the show...... so it seems likely I am not the only one to see it that way.

Well defended. You and I have very different definitions of what constitutes a hero. I could list all of Walt's atrocities that many would agree trump his loyalty to Jesse and Hank, but you've seen the show.

That's the genius of this show. Walt is a deplorable murdering greedy psycho that I hate but for some reason I still find myself rooting for him, as do many others.
Sep 21, 2004
Well defended. You and I have very different definitions of what constitutes a hero. I could list all of Walt's atrocities that many would agree trump his loyalty to Jesse and Hank, but you've seen the show.

That's the genius of this show. Walt is a deplorable murdering greedy psycho that I hate but for some reason I still find myself rooting for him, as do many others.

I somehow hope Jesse makes out in the end, to me he has a much better heart and soul than Walt.

The fact that Walt would rub it in to Jesse that he watched his girlfriend die when he could have saved her was just so evil.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
I somehow hope Jesse makes out in the end, to me he has a much better heart and soul than Walt.

The fact that Walt would rub it in to Jesse that he watched his girlfriend die when he could have saved her was just so evil.

Agreed. The fan base is clamouring for a happy ending for Jesse. My wishes for him to live happily ever after with Brock and his mother went out the window last episode. This little knucklehead has been so traumatized by the things he has seen/done/caused that I don't know how he could ever find peace.

New member
Feb 7, 2010
I want Walt to get his revenge on the bikers for stealing his money...... but I hope Todd somehow survives and become the next kingpin.

I am rooting for this also. I hope Todd gets a spin-off show and they just call it "Todd". He is def getting killed though. Also, can't wait for the Saul Goodman prequel spin-off.....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
walt knows he doesn't have long to live, the cancer is beating him.
he cooked up the idea of getting money to the family but having his son turn on him like that broke his heart and walt seems to give up by calling the dea and giving away his location.

then while waiting for the boys to pick him up he glances at the TV and what does he see? his oldest and most hated enemy, his old chemistry partner, this ignites a new fire in walt.

he's gonna take whatever cash he has and use it in one last ditch hail mary to take out the nazis, then when he finds out jessie is still alive... takes out jessie with ricin laced cigarette (wouldn't surprise me if walt gives it to him and jessie smokes it knowingly), he keeps todd around to help with taking out his old chemistry buddie but then finds out from skyler about the death threat, he then takes out todd.

hopefully marie gets killed somehow

show ends with walt tracking down his chemistry buddie and finding out he has taken in walt jr and secretly has been working with lydia (or getting ready too) AND the kicker will be that as walt is getting ready to kill his buddie and lydia, walt jr walks in and takes out walt.

New member
Aug 24, 2013
Agreed. The fan base is clamouring for a happy ending for Jesse. My wishes for him to live happily ever after with Brock and his mother went out the window last episode. This little knucklehead has been so traumatized by the things he has seen/done/caused that I don't know how he could ever find peace.

Once again I guess it is all based on perespective. I find Jesse to be the least sympathetic character on the whole show. He is spineless and disloyal. He spends most of his time wallowing in self pity except when he is busy undermining Walt with his stupidity and selfishness. I think the head of the Nazi gang said it best when he said "does this little pussy cry during the whole thing?" About the only way Jesse could be a sympathetic character is if it turns out that he was actually a 12 year old girl just pretending to be a man. In my mind he is the one most deserving of a bad end on the whole show.

Sep 20, 2004
walt knows he doesn't have long to live, the cancer is beating him.
he cooked up the idea of getting money to the family but having his son turn on him like that broke his heart and walt seems to give up by calling the dea and giving away his location.

then while waiting for the boys to pick him up he glances at the TV and what does he see? his oldest and most hated enemy, his old chemistry partner, this ignites a new fire in walt.

he's gonna take whatever cash he has and use it in one last ditch hail mary to take out the nazis, then when he finds out jessie is still alive... takes out jessie with ricin laced cigarette (wouldn't surprise me if walt gives it to him and jessie smokes it knowingly), he keeps todd around to help with taking out his old chemistry buddie but then finds out from skyler about the death threat, he then takes out todd.

hopefully marie gets killed somehow

show ends with walt tracking down his chemistry buddie and finding out he has taken in walt jr and secretly has been working with lydia (or getting ready too) AND the kicker will be that as walt is getting ready to kill his buddie and lydia, walt jr walks in and takes out walt.

I agree with what you said up until how he kills Jesse. Not sure how that will happen... but your idea is creative. I like it. The rest of your post is also plausible. Albeit a complete stab in the dark... it's a good stab.

Walt must die. I think Lydia will be used as bait somehow to flush Todd out of "somewhere". (who knows)... but his affection for her seems to be a device to be used later.

I also like your idea about the old chem buddy getting into meth. I think Lydia has been saying she has clients and "they", "they", "they" - want it as pure as possible. That was no typo... I repeated "they" three times because she keeps alluding to "they".. I have a feeling "they" will be revealed and your guess about the old chem buddy "Grey Matters Inc" is a fitting twist.

I agree with DEAC that no way Walt does 180 on Jesse and saves him. In helping kill Hank (indirectly)... Jesse has fucked with Walt's real family and THAT is what Walt's mantra has been the whole series... saving his own family. I don't know how Walt will try to get money to his real family.. but I think that will be important in the final episode as well. I think Jesse, Lydia, and Walt Jr and the uncle militia all go down in a big scene. they are going to get it first. Then Skylar in a rage over Walt Jr.s death... and finally Todd and Walt square off in the last sequences.

May 22, 2005
that's not exactly saying much
and he did a horrible job interviewing the cast of BB.
still the thing that stands out, as well as in other interviews, is how bryan cranston is so completely unlike walter white

New member
Jun 3, 2009
that's not exactly saying much
and he did a horrible job interviewing the cast of BB.

Are you sure it was Conan's show and not something else? I think you're confusing it with something that AMC showed where Conan was interviewing them.

still the thing that stands out, as well as in other interviews, is how bryan cranston is so completely unlike walter white

I hear this said a lot and I have to ask why?

They are actors after all. They are acting. Bryan Cranston is a character actor and those are usually the best kinds of actors in my opinion. So why are people surprised that an actor's real persona is nothing like the character they play? Maybe people really are that stupid and think that in real life actors are like the persona they take on.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
would be awesome if a lot of shit goes down....walt and jesse are last two standing, and they end the show with both of them smoking some ricin (knowingly)

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
With a lot of time to think about this today at work, I've come to the conclusion that:

-killing Jesse is the humane thing to do with his character. He was already a broken man before he saw Andrea executed on her front porch. And who knows what else he's going to see in the last 75 minutes. Waaay too much PTSD to ever lead a normal life. A good way for him to go out would be to kill himself and Todd in a deliberate lab explosion.

-the M60 has to be a red herring. Walt isn't Rambo. There is no way he's going into the Nazi compound guns blazing.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
The 5 best predictions of how “Breaking Bad” will end

After five gripping seasons, Vince Gilligan’s Emmy-winning “Breaking Bad” will come to an end on Sept. 29, and the Internet is going insane with buzz, including wild show theories and fan art.

So far, only one thing is certain: More people will die. Actor Bryan Cranston teased the last episode at the Emmy red carpet Sunday night, saying, “We have to see if anyone survives the holocaust”; in the penultimate episode, Walter White seems to have completed his transformation into Heisenberg and we see Todd kill Andrea without a moment’s hesitation.

But there are still so many unknowns introduced earlier in the season: Who will White poison with the vial of ricin? What will happen to Jesse, who is in the hands of his Nazi captors thanks to his former mentor? Will Walt Jr., the one pure, untainted character, manage to stay innocent and safe? What will come of Todd’s one-sided feelings for Lydia?

Here are some of critics’ best predictions for how the series will end:

The Telegraph’s Benjamin Secher predicts that Walt Jr. will die:
Only a fool – or a savant – would claim to know how Breaking Bad will end. But if there is one thing about which I feel horribly certain, it’s that Walter’s son – the sole central character who remains sweet and good and utterly unblemished; the one true innocent in a community steeped in criminality – will end up dead. Despite its comic flourishes, Vince Gilligan’s masterpiece is a full-blown tragedy, and the loss of his son is the only comeuppance that would befit Walter’s crimes (which, let’s not forget, already include poisoning one child; and disposing of another’s body).
Besides, there are only two reasons to give a character the exact same name as his father: one is to suggest that the boy will inevitably follow in his dad’s footsteps (and if the series had a softer centre, it would end with Junior taking the helm of Walter’s crystal meth empire); the other is to set-up a scene of mistaken identity. So when an assassin sent by Lydia, or a sniper working for Hank, arrives on the scene, I predict he will end up offing the wrong Walter White. Oh, and Junior will be wearing his father’s Heisenberg hat when it happens.

Rolling Stone’s Melissa Olund predicts that Jesse will be Walter’s undoing while Lydia Rodarte-Quayle will live:
The first is that Lydia Rodarte-Quayle gets away with it. Unless by some chance she’s there when Walt attacks Uncle Jack’s compound, I would not be surprised to see her scurry away, roach-like, back into the safety of global corporate capitalism. She seems like a character for whom a lack of comeuppance is her very reason for being there.
The second is that Jesse will try to kill Walter. If Walt succeeds in defeating Todd, Jack, and company, Jesse will be the unintended beneficiary, but whatever gratitude he might feel toward his liberator will surely be overwhelmed by absolute hatred for the man who handed him over to be tortured, who condemned him to a life of slavery, who set in motion the events that led to the murder of an innocent mother on her front porch—who turned Jesse from a loser whose urinalysis would have been dirty but whose hands and soul were clean into a broken-down husk of a person. The next time he and Walt see each other, only one of them is walking away – and between the ricin and the guns and the lack of anything else to live for, I don’t even see the survivor walking very far.

Among other theories, Wired predicts that Walt, accepting that he’s lost his family, will kill himself with the ricin:
One of the going theories is that Walt will actually use the ricin to poison himself. His cancer may be back (or so he says) and he seems fairly ready to go out in a blaze of glory, but perhaps his ego is too big to allow him to die by anyone’s hand but his own. Ricin poisoning can take hours, if not days, to kill a person (remember Brock was alive for a while during the time the doctors thought his Lily of the Valley poisoning was actually ricin) so Walt could ingest it at any point he felt the walls closing in. It’s also possible he could still use it on someone else. One of the most famous ricin poisoning death cases, which Walt mentioned in Season 1, involved Bulgarian writer Georgi Markov being attacked with an umbrella rigged to inject a ricin pellet under his skin. It’s doubtful Walt would pull the same umbrella trick, but rigging some other clandestine poisoning maneuver? That’s right up his alley.

Slate’s Andrew Romano suggests that Walter White, now fully transformed into Heisenberg, will reunite with Jesse to kill the only remaining threat to his empire, Todd and his gang of Nazis:
And so Heisenberg leaves his dram of Dimple Pinch on the bar and heads back to Albuquerque—where, as we know from the flash-forward that started the final season, he will purchase an M60 machine gun at Denny’s and remove a ricin capsule from his abandoned home.
The official motto of the Granite State is “Live Free or Die.” Heisenberg knows he’s on the verge of dying. So he decides to live free in the meantime.
Presumably the poison and the bullets are intended for Uncle Jack and his merry band of Nazis—the ones who “stole” Heisenberg’s “life’s work.” Perhaps once he’s back in New Mexico, Heisenberg will again team up again with Jesse, who tried and failed Sunday night to escape from his torturer Todd. Honestly, who knows—trying to predict the next plot point on Breaking Bad is a mug’s game.

Buzzfeed’s Kate Aurthur notes that “no show has ever exponentially grown its audience in its fifth and/or final season” the way “Breaking Bad” has. From gathering 1.2 million viewers during its first season, the number watching has grown to 8.5 million.

The series finale airs Sept. 29 on AMC.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004

Feb 2, 2010
I have enjoyed this thread. The scene from earlier this season with Walt going back to his house will be where it all goes down. Just my opinion, but it should come into play. Maybe an old fashion shoot out. All these characters are I have no preference who dies.

Deac......I have agreed with what you think on a lot of things. Can't wait until Sunday.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
There is no way Flynn will kill Walt. I'm glad the people in this thread aren't writers for Breaking Bad.

I don't see why you think this is so far-fetched. The scene where Skyler and Walt wrestle over the knife and Flynn tackles him, calls 911...the scene where he cusses him out and hangs up on him. It seems to me Walt Jr is really the only "morally clean" character left (besides maybe Marie) and has clearly started taking a stance against Walt. Him killing Walt to protect Holly/Marie is really the only "good defeats evil" scenario that is left...not that this show has ever really gone that direction or will start now.

I'm not saying I think that will happen, I have no idea what will happen, but it is plausible.

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