Pats fans need to stop spinning this and except that you cheat.. You got caught, you have been penalized...nothing else to you're embarrassing yourselves...... time to stop crying
Had The Commissioner just levied the penalty mentioned as appropriate within Rules, Guidelines..."25K" (and up) for Tampering w/ Equipment, Altering a Ball...whatever the wording is...were The Commish not an idiot none of whats followed would be happening.
The vast majority of those "crying" as you put it are not Patriots Fans. They're NFL Fans "crying" (since you insist on this word) at the Stupidity of all this noise over air in a ball thats adjusted by equipment staff at all levels to a QBs liking & has been forever.
We are NFL Fans "crying" in protest to Haters who've jumped on a Bandwagon of Prosecution thats gonna Crash & Burn at the Court Level. Just tryin' to tell Ya'll if you're riding with Goddell on this the Float you've chosen to ride on within this stupid pointless Parade is gonna stall and leave ya stranded lookin like Idiots.
Ain't no Patriot Fandom involved in that at all. Merely trying to Reason with ya'll. To try and get you to see sense.