I have not lied to you. Let's revisit a couple months back. I was called by G&J and asked if you could post a promo here and at the time, I said I needed to get with management who said no, as we do not allow non-advertisers to do so. I asked that you use Site promotions. G&J agreed to my request and then a few days later you came along and posted anyhow. It is not fair to paying advertisers for us to allow non-paying advertisers to promote themselves. We put all that behind us and here we are again. It's not black and white as you are getting some PR right now.
Again, I have lied about nothing.
I have not lied to you. Let's revisit a couple months back. I was called by G&J and asked if you could post a promo here and at the time, I said I needed to get with management who said no, as we do not allow non-advertisers to do so. I asked that you use Site promotions. G&J agreed to my request and then a few days later you came along and posted anyhow. It is not fair to paying advertisers for us to allow non-paying advertisers to promote themselves. We put all that behind us and here we are again. It's not black and white as you are getting some PR right now.
Again, I have lied about nothing.