DEAC does not belong on this list
Glad someone mentioned The Mighty Riggs, guy was incredible.
Someone mentioned ClipJoint, right?
Surprised ACE-ACE hasn't gotten a mention
If you need a moderator Jake T./JakeThompson is lock city. I did not know moderators were eligible. He's like the Arizona of the tournament. Probably will be a first round upset victim to the Santa Clara's of the Rx because he can't quite get his douchebaggery together.
Oh yeah and even though I like him, Whormoan has to be included on the list. How quickly you forget when USC football season is not here.
Whormoan/NES would make a great 8/9 matchup. Kinda like Kansas State with Beasley versus USC with OJ Mayo in the first round. Everybody would say the Rx Douchebag tournament committee (brought to you by Tang, the tasty beverage drink) set that matchup up. We can even make Whormoan be USC and paste Pete Carroll and Reggie Bush pictures in the thread and watch him go ballistic.