Betting On Baseball 2020 Season Thread


Sep 21, 2004
Savage, thank you for the compliment. As far as watching reruns of sporting events it is not my favorite or preferred method of entertainment. There have been a few nights where I have enjoyed and been thankful for the memories. Watching the 1975 World Series again is one of the main reasons I fell in love with bases. And I watched Game 6 of the 1977 Dodgers/Yanks WS when Reggie hit 3 home runs. I remembered it like it was yesterday and was able to virtually name every player on each team. Brought me back to a simple and fun time in my life.

For this Season there are no good solutions. Hopefully they work out the best of the worst options.

Nov 11, 2007
Savage, thank you for the compliment. As far as watching reruns of sporting events it is not my favorite or preferred method of entertainment. There have been a few nights where I have enjoyed and been thankful for the memories. Watching the 1975 World Series again is one of the main reasons I fell in love with bases. And I watched Game 6 of the 1977 Dodgers/Yanks WS when Reggie hit 3 home runs. I remembered it like it was yesterday and was able to virtually name every player on each team. Brought me back to a simple and fun time in my life.

For this Season there are no good solutions. Hopefully they work out the best of the worst options.

I agree.

Feb 10, 2020
Where are we now in regards to the season starting if i should even ask lol...

Sep 21, 2004
Where are we now in regards to the season starting if i should even ask lol...

The Owners and the Players Association have shown nothing but the high regard for taking as much money as possible for their own. This latest fight all began due a Global Pandemic, yet these two group have managed to make it about a labor/management issues, or as we have all heard for a few decades Millionaires vs. Billionaires.

Baseball is a dying sport, at least in the eyes of most of the American public. It is no longer America's Pastime. It is a regional spot at best. The average viewer watching bases is in their mid 50's and attendance has dropped considerably over the last decade. The fans are not being replaced because the Millennial Generation, or soon Gen Z, are not interested. The sport moves too slowly with little excitement in our new world of instant gratification. In the past several years it has become hit a home run or strike out. There is less and less action or excitement in any game.

MLB could have have seized the Summer and been on day and night this summer. It may have given a boost to the sport. Instead these children go back and forth with ridiculous proposals every week. I love baseball, however at this point I do not care any longer. If they happen to agree on some plan for this season it will not matter. By the time they get going they will be up against the NBA and NHL playoffs, the NFL and NCAA football, NASCAR/Indy/FormulaOne, the UFC, Tennis, the PGA, Horse Racing/Triple Crown and the MLS and International Soccer.

I really feel baseball has underestimated the Public and will have to deal with severe repercussions in years to come. And I do not think there will be a Home Run Derby in their future to revive it like the Sosa and McGuire Steroid Show of 1998.

What a bunch of greedy assholes.

Feb 10, 2020
The Owners and the Players Association have shown nothing but the high regard for taking as much money as possible for their own. This latest fight all began due a Global Pandemic, yet these two group have managed to make it about a labor/management issues, or as we have all heard for a few decades Millionaires vs. Billionaires.

Baseball is a dying sport, at least in the eyes of most of the American public. It is no longer America's Pastime. It is a regional spot at best. The average viewer watching bases is in their mid 50's and attendance has dropped considerably over the last decade. The fans are not being replaced because the Millennial Generation, or soon Gen Z, are not interested. The sport moves too slowly with little excitement in our new world of instant gratification. In the past several years it has become hit a home run or strike out. There is less and less action or excitement in any game.

MLB could have have seized the Summer and been on day and night this summer. It may have given a boost to the sport. Instead these children go back and forth with ridiculous proposals every week. I love baseball, however at this point I do not care any longer. If they happen to agree on some plan for this season it will not matter. By the time they get going they will be up against the NBA and NHL playoffs, the NFL and NCAA football, NASCAR/Indy/FormulaOne, the UFC, Tennis, the PGA, Horse Racing/Triple Crown and the MLS and International Soccer.

I really feel baseball has underestimated the Public and will have to deal with severe repercussions in years to come. And I do not think there will be a Home Run Derby in their future to revive it like the Sosa and McGuire Steroid Show of 1998.

What a bunch of greedy assholes.

Yes exactly, Greedy asshloes. It's a shame because after last years world series, i said to myself " cant wait to bet bases next season" . I watched every pitch of the world series and enjoyed it. I was really really looking forward to this season, now it's a sliver of what we expected to watch. I don't know what to feel at this point , so irritating ....

Feb 10, 2020
LOL ...Eventually this place will have life in it. As soon as MLB get's it together of course . Am i crazy or did they screw up the latest proposal ?

Apr 2, 2020
Breaking news as of yesterday....they will play this year, expanded playoffs ect. The Greedy assholes got it together finally !

Crickets in here ...jesus.


LOL ...Eventually this place will have life in it. As soon as MLB get's it together of course . Am i crazy or did they screw up the latest proposal ?

With these greedy bastards, you can NEVER BE SURE they have some kind of agreement
until they're out there hitting & fielding!

I'll be boycotting the Tigers this year and I'll e-mail their site to explain EXACTLY why.

For NO other reason than this stupid roller-coaster ride they have taken us on over the
last few months, showing absolutely ZERO regard for fans.

....And yes, I believe they HAVE screwed up the latest proposal. Not surprised, just disgusted.

Feb 10, 2020
Oh yes LOL's on now. They have a schedule to follow, 60 games and plenty of time to cash in on some. It's going to be weird but whatever, I'm looking forward to the shortened season, should be entertaining.

Nov 11, 2007
As a diehard baseball and Sox fan since 1952, I hope I am wrong but I don't see how I am going to get excited in a 60 game season

in empty stadiums where no matter wins the WS, it won't mean very much because the season will have been so badly tainted.

This season and results for me will be as meaningful as Grapefruit and Cactus League Games results and standings.

On the other hand, for those who care about baseball as it relates to the gambling aspect of it only, I guess it will be a good thing.

Sep 21, 2004
I suppose the interest and excitement level will depend quite a bit on what other sports return and compete for eyes. If there is minimum competition I believe the 60 game season could be very exciting. It will basically be 20 three-game series where every game will be important; a sprint to the finish from the start.

I am not certain how many fans fail to recognize team championships of shortened seasons. Of course due to COVID the 2020 season may not be forgotten. Only time will tell.

The gambling aspect is interesting. Many individuals play very few games during the first month of the season in order to get a feel for the new season. This year that eats up one-third of the season. It will also be interesting how many players opt out of the season, and then what impact positive COVID results have on team rosters. Obviously the higher the number of new cases the more Minor Leaguers we will see debut. I have heard some cappers say it will be more difficult and some say it will be easier. I have no clue.

The entire situation is unfortunate Pandemic aside. With a country starved for sports baseball could have owned the summer had they not dragged out their ridiculous negotiations.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe I am speaking for myself but one of the big problems is that a normal 162 game season starts in early spring where many parts of the country it

is still pretty cold.

As the season gets going, so does the weather, meaning that by May or early June when it a bit warmer, lots of people are already caught up

in the season as it has begun.

What I am getting at is that summer is regarded generally speaking as the best time of the year for one to partake in outdoor activities and vacations

for lots of folks.

Thus as the warmer weather sets in, while people are getting ready for those outdoor activities and travel, the baseball season is already a part

of their everyday lives, which means that baseball will also be important to them at that time and looking forward.

However, imo STARTING baseball season in late July may not be yield the same positive results.

I say that because unlike as is the case with a normal season, there is nothing with a for lots of fans to get excited about with a vastly shortened 60 game season

especially when summer is in full vogue already.

When you consider the Virus and its overall impact, the loss of jobs, the state of the economy, the protests, riots, related murders and so much more,

imo REAL PURE baseball fans like myself will be focusing on lots of other fun things to do rather than worrying about shortened and meaningless results

of a "sprint season."

On the other hand,vto be fair, folks who are NOT true fans of the game, and/or don't have a favorite team, and who are simply starved for something to wager

on, well lets just say that what I said doesn't apply to them.

I myself wager on baseball but would EASILY forego that if in trade we had a 162 game season or something close to that.

Feb 16, 2016
Last time I posted (May 16) was also the last time I’ve watched any news.

It’s a wonderful feeling to keep all the garbage out of your daily life:aktion033

I think I’ve seen every episode of Family Feud, America Says, Catch 21 etc on the Game Show Network so I’ll happily take American Baseball as long as they keep the garbage out of their commentary. I can always hit Mute.

As one of the few who posted the entire season, I can say that most drop off as College Football started in late August. So I doubt we have much in the MLB forum due to a shortened season and CFB only a few months away.

Mosi, hope all is well, China Virus itself didn’t impact me but the side effects have, but I will save that story for a later day and not in the MLB forum:103631605

Stay safe, everyone w-thumbs!^

Sep 21, 2004
Thanks Savage. The more I read, the more I hear and the more I watch, I am having a hard time seeing this all play through. And if baseball can't be executed, and golf is starting to see a spike, how the hell can the NBA, NHL or NFL work?

Starting to look like a year of Horse Racing, the PBA, Corn Hole, Golf and NASCAR. An they may fall one by one.

Feb 10, 2020
Please tell me they didn't postpone the new agreement for 60 games beginning july 24....please, i can't take it .

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