Bernie "Free" Sanders


Jul 4, 2012
the gap between the wealthy and poor is getting out of control

with the current structure of the government and its social services, it makes little sense to not invest into your own country
you only can exploit workers in other countries for so long before it backfires.

If you think that Bernie Sanders' ideas will in any way reduce the gap between the rich & the poor, I suppose you do not understand that his ideas have been tried.

Here is a line to get food in Venezuela.


Would you like me to post some recent headlines about the economy in Venezuela? Because they have Bernie's ideas whole-sale and it is a complete shit show.

Jul 4, 2012
Because educated healthy people who are productive have a better idea on what's good for the country, versus dumb fat people, that's what I mean by vote smarter. Just saying smarter people pick smarter leaders.

Would you like a list of "smart" people who voted for Obama and who support Hillary?

I'm not sure why you think anything of the sort. "Smart" I'm talking educated at Harvard & Yale smart, have been fucking things up in America for 6 decades.

Sep 21, 2004
cant believe its this close:

Rot To Win The 2016 Democratic Caucus Moneyline
1 <input id="ctl00_C_ConstructorLines1_FutureLines1_repHeaderLines_ctl00_repHeaderLinesDesc_ctl00_repLines_ctl00_txtContestNum" name="ctl00$C$ConstructorLines1$FutureLines1$repHeaderLines$ctl00$repHeaderLinesDesc$ctl00$repLines$ctl00$txtContestNum" value="1486404477" type="hidden"><input id="ctl00_C_ConstructorLines1_FutureLines1_repHeaderLines_ctl00_repHeaderLinesDesc_ctl00_repLines_ctl00_txtContestantNum" name="ctl00$C$ConstructorLines1$FutureLines1$repHeaderLines$ctl00$repHeaderLinesDesc$ctl00$repLines$ctl00$txtContestantNum" value="1486404478" type="hidden"> Hillary Clinton -130Added
2 <input id="ctl00_C_ConstructorLines1_FutureLines1_repHeaderLines_ctl00_repHeaderLinesDesc_ctl00_repLines_ctl01_txtContestNum" name="ctl00$C$ConstructorLines1$FutureLines1$repHeaderLines$ctl00$repHeaderLinesDesc$ctl00$repLines$ctl01$txtContestNum" value="1486404477" type="hidden"><input id="ctl00_C_ConstructorLines1_FutureLines1_repHeaderLines_ctl00_repHeaderLinesDesc_ctl00_repLines_ctl01_txtContestantNum" name="ctl00$C$ConstructorLines1$FutureLines1$repHeaderLines$ctl00$repHeaderLinesDesc$ctl00$repLines$ctl01$txtContestantNum" value="1486404479" type="hidden"> Bernie Sanders +100Added


New member
Aug 28, 2012
cant believe its this close:

Rot To Win The 2016 Democratic Caucus Moneyline
1 <input id="ctl00_C_ConstructorLines1_FutureLines1_repHeaderLines_ctl00_repHeaderLinesDesc_ctl00_repLines_ctl00_txtContestNum" name="ctl00$C$ConstructorLines1$FutureLines1$repHeaderLines$ctl00$repHeaderLinesDesc$ctl00$repLines$ctl00$txtContestNum" value="1486404477" type="hidden"><input id="ctl00_C_ConstructorLines1_FutureLines1_repHeaderLines_ctl00_repHeaderLinesDesc_ctl00_repLines_ctl00_txtContestantNum" name="ctl00$C$ConstructorLines1$FutureLines1$repHeaderLines$ctl00$repHeaderLinesDesc$ctl00$repLines$ctl00$txtContestantNum" value="1486404478" type="hidden"> Hillary Clinton -130Added
2 <input id="ctl00_C_ConstructorLines1_FutureLines1_repHeaderLines_ctl00_repHeaderLinesDesc_ctl00_repLines_ctl01_txtContestNum" name="ctl00$C$ConstructorLines1$FutureLines1$repHeaderLines$ctl00$repHeaderLinesDesc$ctl00$repLines$ctl01$txtContestNum" value="1486404477" type="hidden"><input id="ctl00_C_ConstructorLines1_FutureLines1_repHeaderLines_ctl00_repHeaderLinesDesc_ctl00_repLines_ctl01_txtContestantNum" name="ctl00$C$ConstructorLines1$FutureLines1$repHeaderLines$ctl00$repHeaderLinesDesc$ctl00$repLines$ctl01$txtContestantNum" value="1486404479" type="hidden"> Bernie Sanders +100Added


I cant believe thats the best 2 candidates they have to offer.

A lying criminal who only cares about becoming a queen and her own career no matter who she hurts
And a socialist who wants to bankrupt this country into a third world nation

And both of them are receiving millions of people supporting them.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
I cant believe thats the best 2 candidates they have to offer.

A lying criminal who only cares about becoming a queen and her own career no matter who she hurts
And a socialist who wants to bankrupt this country into a third world nation

And both of them are receiving millions of people supporting them.


Sep 5, 2010
Can you explain what the President has to do with the price of diesel fuel?

In my 50 years on the planet I've noticed that high oil prices follow the Republicans who seem to be oil people.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
Just like I said in other thread...Total waste of sperm and it took him 40 years of his life to earn paycheck and it was from the same government he received unemployment and welfare from earlier...I would love to spit in this old mans face...I have now had a job for 37 years of my life,so in 3 more years I will be 40 years working while this fool was 40 years old when he got his paycheck...HaHa some of the unemployment he got may have come from me paying into the system when I was just 13 years old!

Bernie Sanders is beloved by a lot of people who live in their parents' basement and work part time to pay the bare minimum on the student loans they collected in pursuit of their Gender Studies degrees. Ostensibly, this is because your typical Millennial ne'er do well is fascinated by the idea of receiving things for free from the government in return for maintaining their citizenship, or because they heard about Bernie Sanders in their subversive knitting group or picked up a campaign flier at Urban Outfitters.
But if it turns out that the "takers" of the world are seeing their own reflection in Bernie's LensCrafters clearance section specs, it's because, it turns out, Bernie Sanders is, indeed, one of their own: a man who failed to earn a decent paycheck for actual work until almost his 40th birthday.
Despite a prestigious degree, however, Sanders failed to earn a living, even as an adult. It took him 40 years to collect his first steady paycheck — and it was a government check.
“I never had any money my entire life,” Sanders told Vermont public TV in 1985, after settling into his first real job as mayor of Burlington.

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”
One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.
Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”
Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.
The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off.
So, basically, Bernie Sanders was that jobless friend who hangs around coffee shops where he cons you into buying his drink, only to talk your ear off about how amazing Che Guevara was, and how he's living off the grid in an apartment without flooring or heat because he doesn't trust The Man because The Man is totally in the pocket of corporate America, even though you're meeting in a Starbucks and his order was way more complicated than yours. Every once in a while he mentions running for office, but it's usually left as a pipe dream because he's too lazy to ever get around to forming up a campaign, so he hangs out in his basement or yours, writing terrible stories for his "alternative political 'zine" and scouring thrift stores for drab, vaguely militaristic clothing.
Somehow, this guy managed to make it to Congress, where he earned his first real income, making him, of course, a career politician - if only because being a politician was literally his only career.
And it's not as though Sanders had the kind of rough upbringing that would lead one to assume his level of success was unprecedented within his family. Although he did grow up poor, as Business Insider notes, he did well enough - and his family did well enough - to send him to the University of Chicago, presumably where he acquired his left wing views, to get a degree he, apparently, never used, except as a resume builder when he was angling for his government paycheck forty years later. But, I suppose, his utter lack of economic education had to come from somewhere.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
In my 50 years on the planet I've noticed that high oil prices follow the Republicans who seem to be oil people.
Interesting....Ronald Reagan was a Republican and he was able to win the Cold War (without firing a shot) by pretty much collapsing the oil market and ruining the USSR's economy.

Just before him, Jimmy Carter (who was a Democrat) was in charge when there was gasoline rationing and oil prices were very high.

When Obama (another Democrat) got into office for his first term, the average price for a gallon of unleaded fuel was $1.68 per gallon. The prices shot up to almost $4.00 per gallon and have only recently started coming down.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
Oh, and I call bullshit about your claim of only being 50.

I believe that you have had Grandchildren for 50 years, but we all know that you are much older.

Feb 19, 2011
Just like I said in other thread...Total waste of sperm and it took him 40 years of his life to earn paycheck and it was from the same government he received unemployment and welfare from earlier...I would love to spit in this old mans face...I have now had a job for 37 years of my life,so in 3 more years I will be 40 years working while this fool was 40 years old when he got his paycheck...HaHa some of the unemployment he got may have come from me paying into the system when I was just 13 years old!

Bernie Sanders is beloved by a lot of people who live in their parents' basement and work part time to pay the bare minimum on the student loans they collected in pursuit of their Gender Studies degrees. Ostensibly, this is because your typical Millennial ne'er do well is fascinated by the idea of receiving things for free from the government in return for maintaining their citizenship, or because they heard about Bernie Sanders in their subversive knitting group or picked up a campaign flier at Urban Outfitters.
But if it turns out that the "takers" of the world are seeing their own reflection in Bernie's LensCrafters clearance section specs, it's because, it turns out, Bernie Sanders is, indeed, one of their own: a man who failed to earn a decent paycheck for actual work until almost his 40th birthday.
Despite a prestigious degree, however, Sanders failed to earn a living, even as an adult. It took him 40 years to collect his first steady paycheck — and it was a government check.
“I never had any money my entire life,” Sanders told Vermont public TV in 1985, after settling into his first real job as mayor of Burlington.

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”
One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.
Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”
Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.
The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off.
So, basically, Bernie Sanders was that jobless friend who hangs around coffee shops where he cons you into buying his drink, only to talk your ear off about how amazing Che Guevara was, and how he's living off the grid in an apartment without flooring or heat because he doesn't trust The Man because The Man is totally in the pocket of corporate America, even though you're meeting in a Starbucks and his order was way more complicated than yours. Every once in a while he mentions running for office, but it's usually left as a pipe dream because he's too lazy to ever get around to forming up a campaign, so he hangs out in his basement or yours, writing terrible stories for his "alternative political 'zine" and scouring thrift stores for drab, vaguely militaristic clothing.
Somehow, this guy managed to make it to Congress, where he earned his first real income, making him, of course, a career politician - if only because being a politician was literally his only career.
And it's not as though Sanders had the kind of rough upbringing that would lead one to assume his level of success was unprecedented within his family. Although he did grow up poor, as Business Insider notes, he did well enough - and his family did well enough - to send him to the University of Chicago, presumably where he acquired his left wing views, to get a degree he, apparently, never used, except as a resume builder when he was angling for his government paycheck forty years later. But, I suppose, his utter lack of economic education had to come from somewhere.

Pitiful this cocksucker is a candidate....only in America

Jul 4, 2012
In my 50 years on the planet I've noticed that high oil prices follow the Republicans who seem to be oil people.

That has the problem of not necessarily being true. Also, you can't answer the question, because let's face it, you're not that bright.


New member
Nov 29, 2006
Why won't "Free Shoes" or "Mrs. Ethical" talk of the virtues of hard work and making
the right decisions so people can fend for themselves and their families.

Instead, they puke speeches attacking success and hard work.

"Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work."
Booker T. Washington

Sep 21, 2004
Pitiful this cocksucker is a candidate....only in America

Not true up here in CanaDUH we elected the Man-child TruDUH who has never had a full-time job in his life!!!He worked as a supply teacher, a few days a week and a camp counselor! His first real job is leader of Canada! Unreal the stupidity of people!

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