I'm not sure what youre point is, crude. Are you literally trying to accuse me of trying to stiff? I really don't know what your comments have to do with anything. Do you forget that I paid the price so all contest winners could be paid, without wanting any clout or literally anything in return? Seems like a lame, indirect attack my character. My actions have always spoken for themselves. I've always paid my bets. Redeye paid quickly. And every time I've lost, I've paid right away. Even when I WON a bet and it created drama I forfieted the winnings to keep the peace.
And those that are saying fk ownership, fk this website. They clearly care about doing the right thing. There's no trap. It can only be a good thing that they care about the happening here, the members.
When I was a mod here, we had ZERO support. There was 0 reinvestment in the website. A tech company must reinvest in tech, that didn't exisit. Every company must have reliable leadership, there was no leadership. There was no vision for the future. I'm telling you none of this exisited at all for decades. And if you simply don't give a fuck that they did the right thing, cool. I get it that. You don't have to care... But to say its a negative that this group cares and is active and is reinvesting in the community??
Every single thing related with sports betting is growing at a drastic rate. Books themselves underestated its initial growth. To state otherwise is simply wrong...
Hate me, IDC. Hate the forum, it doesn't matter. Think this action by ownership doesn't mean anything,No problem. But to simply have an active ownership is a big improvement from years pasts.
These are my last comments on the matter. I'm looking forward to talking sports.