It's amazing. One can only hope that some of the sane conservatives and right wingers in this hell hole chime in and set them straight. Knowing this place though, not holding my breath.
Guesser wrote:
:::Blah blah blah blah copy and paste from another blog blah blah blah blah:::
Was Hitler a believer in central planning/control or was he not?
The answer to that one simple question torpedoes any silly blog crap you post.
Guesser guessed wrong. Again. End of story.
Guesser wrote:
:::Blah blah blah blah copy and paste from another blog blah blah blah blah:::
Was Hitler a believer in central planning/control or was he not?
The answer to that one simple question torpedoes any silly blog crap you post.
Guesser guessed wrong. Again. End of story.
Dude, you are getting too simplistic for words. Humans only 2,000 years old? Socialist in the Nazi Party title PROVES they were socialist??? North Korea is a Democracy because they say so??? Just stop. You CANNOT be this stupid.
Noun | 1. |
national socialism, Naziism, Nazism - a form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader |
It's amazing you have to provide those definitions to adults. That stuff is taught in a high school freshman history class. But conservatives hate education for a reason.
Amazing that one has to give a dictionary definition to these clowns, but nevertheless.
(redirected from Facist)
Also found in: Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. fas·cism
(făsh′ĭz′əm)n.1. often Fascisma. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
You guys love BIG government to push your social agenda and war machine.
You guys love BIG government to push your social agenda and war machine.
You cannot be serious. Oh, wait, you are. face)(*^%
I want limited constitutional government.
You want ever expanding statism.
Hitler was a statist. Hitler was NOT pro-market.
Whether you are living under communism or fascism it's the same shit: statism up your ass.
See? I'm in the grey-blue area - Hayek, Von Misses, Milton Friedman. These are economists I quote all the time, so WTF are you two poo-flinging babbling about? I have absolutely NOTHING in common with socialism/fascism/communism/progressivism
Look where you are: Fire engine red! There isn't a single part of life that you DON'T want the government involved in.
"Hitler was a righty!" :missingte
Hitler hated socialists and communists, lol. But he would say anything to build support for his racially driven objective. Pretty similar to conservatives trying to reach out to the Hispanic community, lol. Or mitt Romney acting like he cares for poor people and women.
Hitler hated anyone who he deemed a threat to his twisted vision, lol. Dimocraps say anything to fool their voting sheeple because they know their voting block is littered with idiots...even Gruber said so himself, and you're one of them, lol. Conservatives reach out to anyone who wants to make a life for themselves instead of those who choose to remain among the worthless and weak, lol. Mitt Romney gave more to charity than the Stuttering Clusterfuck ever did, lol. And your pathetic party elevates murderers and rapists as champions of women's rights. Maybe we can do a remake of a different kind of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures? Lol.
Fucking pathetic drunk retard you are. Honestly, what does it feel like to get checkmated in every single argument of your life?
Hitler hated anyone who he deemed a threat to his twisted vision, lol. Dimocraps say anything to fool their voting sheeple because they know their voting block is littered with idiots...even Gruber said so himself, and you're one of them, lol. Conservatives reach out to anyone who wants to make a life for themselves instead of those who choose to remain among the worthless and weak, lol. Mitt Romney gave more to charity than the Stuttering Clusterfuck ever did, lol. And your pathetic party elevates murderers and rapists as champions of women's rights. Maybe we can do a remake of a different kind of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures? Lol.
Fucking pathetic drunk retard you are. Honestly, what does it feel like to get checkmated in every single argument of your life?