Barack Obama to miss ceremony marking the liberation of Auschwitz


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Guesser wrote:

:::Blah blah blah blah copy and paste from another blog blah blah blah blah:::

Was Hitler a believer in central planning/control or was he not?

The answer to that one simple question torpedoes any silly blog crap you post.

Guesser guessed wrong. Again. End of story.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
It's amazing. One can only hope that some of the sane conservatives and right wingers in this hell hole chime in and set them straight. Knowing this place though, not holding my breath.

Not a chance. You're dealing with the biggest rejects on the Internet (aka conservatives). Jdouche the racist and Acebb the liar will blatantly lie about anything to push their weird ass ideology.

Sep 21, 2004
Guesser wrote:

:::Blah blah blah blah copy and paste from another blog blah blah blah blah:::

Was Hitler a believer in central planning/control or was he not?

The answer to that one simple question torpedoes any silly blog crap you post.

Guesser guessed wrong. Again. End of story.

Dude, you are getting too simplistic for words. Humans only 2,000 years old? Socialist in the Nazi Party title PROVES they were socialist??? North Korea is a Democracy because they say so??? Just stop. You CANNOT be this stupid.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Guesser wrote:

:::Blah blah blah blah copy and paste from another blog blah blah blah blah:::

Was Hitler a believer in central planning/control or was he not?

The answer to that one simple question torpedoes any silly blog crap you post.

Guesser guessed wrong. Again. End of story.

statist = leftist

"Hitler was a righty!" :missingte

The Guesser is a joke.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Dude, you are getting too simplistic for words. Humans only 2,000 years old? Socialist in the Nazi Party title PROVES they were socialist??? North Korea is a Democracy because they say so??? Just stop. You CANNOT be this stupid.

He literally is. He even compared the temperature of a turkey to that of the climate. He's scary dumb.

Sep 21, 2004
He literally is. He even compared the temperature of a turkey to that of the climate. He's scary dumb.

Yeah, I forgot about that. And he compared a RB averaging .07 yards less per carry to the earth getting .07 degrees warmer??? Simplistic shit. Sheesh, I'm worried about the kid.

Sep 21, 2004
Amazing that one has to give a dictionary definition to these clowns, but nevertheless.


(redirected from Facist)
Also found in: Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. fas·cism

(făsh′ĭz′əm)n.1. often Fascisma. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

[Italian fascismo, from fascio, group, from Late Latin fascium, from Latin fascis, bundle.]
Word History: It is fitting that the name of an authoritarian political movement like Fascism, founded in 1919 by Benito Mussolini, should come from the name of a symbol of authority. The Italian name of the movement, fascismo, is derived from fascio, "bundle, (political) group," but also refers to the movement's emblem, the fasces, a bundle of rods bound around a projecting axe-head that was carried before an ancient Roman magistrate by an attendant as a symbol of authority and power. The name of Mussolini's group of revolutionaries was soon used for similar nationalistic movements in other countries that sought to gain power through violence and ruthlessness, such as National Socialism.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

(ˈfæʃɪzəm) n1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the political movement, doctrine, system, or regime of Benito Mussolini in Italy, which encouraged militarism and nationalism, organizing the country along hierarchical authoritarian lines


(ˈfæʃɪzəm) n (sometimes capital) 1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism.

[C20: from Italian fascismo, from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

(ˈfæʃ ɪz əm)

n. 1. (sometimes cap.) a totalitarian governmental system led by a dictator and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism, militarism, and often racism.
2. (sometimes cap.) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (cap.) a movement toward or embodying fascism, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.
[1915–20; < Italian fascismo, derivative of fasc(io) bundle, group; see fasces]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also communism; government; nationalism; politics.

the principles and practices of people who worked to dissolve Hitler’s dictatorship and fascism.
a member of the German-American Volksbund, a U.S. pro-Nazi organization of the 1930s and 1940s. — Bund, n.
the doctrines of the Falange, the fascist party of Spain. — Falangist, n.
1. the tenets of a centralized totalitarian and nationalistic government that strictly controls finance, industry, and commerce, practices rigid censorship and racism, and eliminates opposition through secret police.
2. such a form of government, as that of Italy under Mussolini. — fascist, n. — fascistic, adj.
the tenets of German fascism as developed by Adolf Hitler; Nazism. — Hitlerite, n., adj.
the German form of fascism, especially that of the National Socialist (German: Nazionalsozialist) Workers’ party under Adolf Hitler. — Nazi, n., adj.
the post-World War II rise of a movement whose principal aim is to incorporate the doctrines of fascism into existing political systems. — Neo-Facist, n.
a method of revolution or overthrow involving secret planning, suddenness, and speed, as Hitler’s 1938 invasion of Austria. — putschist, n.
a member of the Belgian pro-fascist party of the 1930s.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

1. A right-wing militarist, nationalist and authoritarian regime, such as that founded by Mussolini 1919 and inspiring, among others, the German Nazi Party.
2. A form of government in which a dictator rules, opposition is suppressed, the economy is centrally controlled, and extreme nationalistic policies are pursued.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
fascism - a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)ideology, political orientation, political theory - an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation
national socialism, Naziism, Nazism - a form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

noun (sometimes not cap.) authoritarianism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, despotism, autocracy, absolutism, Hitlerism The military threat of Fascism had been eliminated.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

TranslationsSpanish / Español

Select a language:

[ˈfæʃɪzəm] Nfascismo m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

(ˈfӕʃizəm) noun a nationalistic and anti-Communist system of government like that of Italy 1922-43, where all aspects of society are controlled by the state and all criticism or opposition is suppressed. fascismo
ˈfascist (also with capital) adjective. fascista
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
It's amazing you have to provide those definitions to adults. That stuff is taught in a high school freshman history class. But conservatives hate education for a reason.

Sep 21, 2004
It's amazing you have to provide those definitions to adults. That stuff is taught in a high school freshman history class. But conservatives hate education for a reason.

High school?? I knew who and what the Nazi's were by 4th grade. Maybe because my father fought in WW2, and I'm an old dude, so they were teaching it to us at an early age in school, since it was sadly still not that long ago. The sick bastards who try to deny the Holocaust, or try and twist who and what the Nazi's were, to fit their own political agenda, are too sick for words.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Amazing that one has to give a dictionary definition to these clowns, but nevertheless.


(redirected from Facist)
Also found in: Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. fas·cism

(făsh′ĭz′əm)n.1. often Fascisma. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

"government marked by centralization of authority"

"capitalist economy subject to stringent government controls"

Yep, sure sounds super duper conservative/libertarian to me.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
"government marked by centralization of authority"

"capitalist economy subject to stringent government controls"

Yep, sure sounds super duper conservative/libertarian to me.


You guys love BIG government to push your social agenda and war machine.
Sep 24, 2009
You guys love BIG government to push your social agenda and war machine.

conservatives run on tactics such as smaller government blah blah ah and the dopea fall for this crap time and time again. the conservatives do not downsize government by any means they just moce
it to another belief system!
Hitler called himself a "socialist" so itust be true. Idiots, the guy was a fascist nut job. JDuece is quick becoming the dumbest poster here. his racist motivations of late are sickening too.
The right down here already has the guy votes moat useless poster. I think Joe would be the craziest and now Duece is going for the trifecta as dumbest.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You guys love BIG government to push your social agenda and war machine.

You cannot be serious. Oh, wait, you are. face)(*^%

I want limited constitutional government.

You want ever expanding statism.

Hitler was a statist. Hitler was NOT pro-market.

Whether you are living under communism or fascism it's the same shit: statism up your ass.


See? I'm in the grey-blue area - Hayek, Von Misses, Milton Friedman. These are economists I reference all the time, so WTF are you two poo-flinging babbling about? I have absolutely NOTHING in common with socialism/fascism/communism/progressivism

Look where you are: Fire engine red! There isn't a single part of life that you DON'T want the government involved in.

"Hitler was a righty!" :missingte

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You cannot be serious. Oh, wait, you are. face)(*^%

I want limited constitutional government.

You want ever expanding statism.

Hitler was a statist. Hitler was NOT pro-market.

Whether you are living under communism or fascism it's the same shit: statism up your ass.

See? I'm in the grey-blue area - Hayek, Von Misses, Milton Friedman. These are economists I quote all the time, so WTF are you two poo-flinging babbling about? I have absolutely NOTHING in common with socialism/fascism/communism/progressivism

Look where you are: Fire engine red! There isn't a single part of life that you DON'T want the government involved in.

"Hitler was a righty!" :missingte

Lol, you're a fascist wannabe that would love to use big govt to push your racist and socially driven agenda. Very Hitleresque! And those guys shouldn't even be called economists. They are philosophers. Which is why Austrian economics is a complete joke in the real world.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Hitler hated socialists and communists, lol. But he would say anything to build support for his racially driven objective. Pretty similar to conservatives trying to reach out to the Hispanic community, lol. Or mitt Romney acting like he cares for poor people and women.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hitler hated socialists and communists, lol. But he would say anything to build support for his racially driven objective. Pretty similar to conservatives trying to reach out to the Hispanic community, lol. Or mitt Romney acting like he cares for poor people and women.

Hitler hated anyone who he deemed a threat to his twisted vision, lol. Dimocraps say anything to fool their voting sheeple because they know their voting block is littered with idiots...even Gruber said so himself, and you're one of them, lol. Conservatives reach out to anyone who wants to make a life for themselves instead of those who choose to remain among the worthless and weak, lol. Mitt Romney gave more to charity than the Stuttering Clusterfuck ever did, lol. And your pathetic party elevates murderers and rapists as champions of women's rights. Maybe we can do a remake of a different kind of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures? Lol.

Fucking pathetic drunk retard you are. Honestly, what does it feel like to get checkmated in every single argument of your life?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Hitler hated anyone who he deemed a threat to his twisted vision, lol. Dimocraps say anything to fool their voting sheeple because they know their voting block is littered with idiots...even Gruber said so himself, and you're one of them, lol. Conservatives reach out to anyone who wants to make a life for themselves instead of those who choose to remain among the worthless and weak, lol. Mitt Romney gave more to charity than the Stuttering Clusterfuck ever did, lol. And your pathetic party elevates murderers and rapists as champions of women's rights. Maybe we can do a remake of a different kind of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures? Lol.

Fucking pathetic drunk retard you are. Honestly, what does it feel like to get checkmated in every single argument of your life?

Lmao!! I hope this was a joke. But regardless it was comedy gold for us normal people. I'm sure a fellow tin foiler like Sheriff Joe or Dave will agree with this nonsense.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
This is why education is so important for the future... without it, you get people like Sheriff Joe, Acebb, JDouche, Dave, Russ, festeringZit, etc. People that are easily driven by fear and lies. They just don't know any better. Like poor little children first trying to grasp what people mean by Santa Claus not being real.
Sep 24, 2009
Hitler hated anyone who he deemed a threat to his twisted vision, lol. Dimocraps say anything to fool their voting sheeple because they know their voting block is littered with idiots...even Gruber said so himself, and you're one of them, lol. Conservatives reach out to anyone who wants to make a life for themselves instead of those who choose to remain among the worthless and weak, lol. Mitt Romney gave more to charity than the Stuttering Clusterfuck ever did, lol. And your pathetic party elevates murderers and rapists as champions of women's rights. Maybe we can do a remake of a different kind of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures? Lol.

Fucking pathetic drunk retard you are. Honestly, what does it feel like to get checkmated in every single argument of your life?

wow just wow, you really believe this
shit? you have been brain washed

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