They won't forget. Progressives will just do their best to rewrite history so future generations won't know the truth. It's already happening in certain parts of Europe...the new thing there is all the anti-communist uprisings in the last few decades were fueled not by a desire for freedom, but rather some deep desire to bring about a more perfect form of communism. Or something.
I utterly despise pseudo-intellectual progressives who somehow believe that history has no bearing on the present....we are just too smart and sophisticated today to behave like the barbarians of the past. They really believe they're carrying the torch to lead all of mankind's evolution into some new kind of peace-loving and caring society. It's as if they can't accept the harsh truth, so they invent some alternate reality and choose to live in their imaginary world that "should be."
Umm, 'despise' is too soft a word, JDeuce.
Progressivism is all about creating alternative universes, usually hatched in the halls of academia where all untested, unproven half-baked theories fester and thrive, eventually creating political movements which then attack
anyone who refuse to "buy in": fascism, no matter how you measure it. Karl Marx, one of the fathers of modern progressive' thought and a total loser, wrote his Utopian manifesto in the classroom (fantasy) sponging off his mother economically (reality).
Welcome to the alternative universe of progressive thinkers.
Three big pillars of modern progressive thinking stand out as big catalysts for a global event like WWII:
1) The alternative universe of the government printing unlimited amounts of money: The Weimar Republic. Prior to the collapse of Weimar, Nazi crazies and their propaganda of hate were marginalized, politically and otherwise. Indeed, Hitler was a social outcast rotting in a Bavarian jail when he wrote Mein Kampf. But something happened after the economy collapsed (another Keynesian fail) and Germans were left homeless, their life savings evaporated, now desperate for a charismatic leader who could lead them back to Utopia. Those damn Jews (evil bankers) and the League of Nations (Treaty of Versailles, etc.) infringing on German sovereignty were to blame for the people's suffering and Hitler promised to fix all of that and them some. (Funny how statists always need a scapegoat to get enough sheep to "buy in" to their radical ideologies.) Now the German people were ready to listen, and listen they did.
2) The second progressive alternative universe which led to the horrors of the Holocaust was the fallacy of gun control. Actually, let me back that up a little and expand on that. The problem with gun control is the second word: control. Specifically, this very naive progressive "trust me govt" ideology...Ya know, 'science' has all the answers, and govt mandates backed by said 'science' will create Utopia. So once Germans were disarmed, including
Juden, and Hitler had consolidated power, the govt was free to round up its own citizens up and shove into box cars without pretty much any opposition. Germans trusted everything the govt told them, including the 'science' of eugenics which was used to carry out unspeakable evil. What? Govt abusing 'science' to advance a radical ideology? No way!
3) The third alternative universe of modern progressive thinking which made a global war all but inevitable was classic progressive appeasement. Meanwhile, outside of Germany, progressives on this side of the Atlantic were in denial. Hitler won't expand his empire and what's the big deal about him violating all those League of Nations treaties, anyway? Warmongering a little much, conservatives? After all, Hitler built the Autobahn and gave Germans a car (Volkswagen) to drive it on...and Mussolini made the trains run on time - all these achievements the epitome of govt efficiency, and what progressive didn't like that? From the rise of the Iron Curtain to the fascism spreading across Europe, for progressives on both sides of the Atlantic, ironfisted govt was the wave of future, and leaders like Hitler and Mussolini were proving it in spades. One man stood in the wilderness: Conservative Sir Winston Churchill, who, unlike the liberal progressive establishment at the time, had actually
read Mein Kampf and took Hitler at his word. What a concept! Churchill was more concerned about Nazi aggression and expansion for even he didn't imagine the horrors of the Holocaust. Those unspeakable atrocities were only discovered by Allied Forces after the war was won. Churchill, a man with many imperfections (something every run-of-the-mill annoying "petty smart" sanctimonious progressive really loves to harp on) is now considered Britain's best PM ever and one of the best leaders of the 20th century. Churchill saved the West and progressive thinking from itself because he had the moral backbone to recognize and call out evil. Churchill went from "lone wolf" in parliament to British PM leading a coalition of nations out to destroy the scourge that was Nazism. Never a man who believed in "political correctness", is there any doubt Churchill wouldn't be viciously attacked today by the same delusional voices about his equally uncomfortable truths about Islam (the focus of evil in our modern world)?
You betcha!
So what have progressives learned from history?
The Bible says, "ye shall know them by their fruits".
Progressive thinking on many levels made WW II all but inevitable and the same idiotic forces of political correctness and their alternative universes, are hell-bent on leading modern civilization down a similar path.
When will we ever learn?