Ban Green Doberman or Choptalk you decide?


Who should self-ban themselves from this forum?

  • Choptalk is a piece of shit and should be banned.

    Votes: 48 65.8%
  • GreenDoberman is a piece of shit and should be banned.

    Votes: 25 34.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Oct 31, 2004
i just hope that other than the guy voted for you on accident and the guy who voted for you cos you are the "village idiot" there are not that many other people who actually think you are worth a crap.

go post your hundred dollar units and increase your font size and post about chipper hitting .400 and all of the other lame crap you do.

go "rally support"...

attention everyone that i have made money for PLEASE GO VOTE FOR ME!!

you don't care my ass... you have been staring at this thread all day trying to figure out how and when to reply AND MY POST IS THE ONE YOU CHOOSE!! that is classic.

Not so, did not even know about this thread until about 3 hours ago.

I am almost 100% sure I could win this poll, but I really dont care, so im not going to persue it.

Have a nice night.

Oct 31, 2004
dude... lots of people just post the amount of units they bet... you post $100 units for the same reason you increase your font size and the same reason you move back in forth b/w the tracker forum and the MLB forum... the attention.. you crave it, it is the whole reason you post... without it you are just you which for some reason is not good enough, which is fine...

but it is why you lied a hundred times in the now classic thread, it is why you have come and gone in the middle of seasons cos you had more important things to do :lolBIG: and it is why you are the subject and the loser of this poll.


Well if you want to call me an attention whore fine, dont think I ever said I was not one.

I really dont think there is a single poster at this place with more than 2000 post thats is not at least a semi attention whore. You dont post for people to ignore you do you?

Everyone over here is an attention whore.

Rx. Junior
Feb 17, 2007
dude... lots of people just post the amount of units they bet... you post $100 units for the same reason you increase your font size and the same reason you move back in forth b/w the tracker forum and the MLB forum... the attention.. you crave it, it is the whole reason you post... without it you are just you which for some reason is not good enough, which is fine...

but it is why you lied a hundred times in the now classic thread, it is why you have come and gone in the middle of seasons cos you had more important things to do :lolBIG: and it is why you are the subject and the loser of this poll.


Chopper never posts units does he? I always thought they say "Braves 300/360"

Chop are you Dan McLaughlin the Fox Sports Midwest piece of shit that thinks everyone is a future Hall of Fucking Famer?

When it costs you 86 cents a minute to post from your fishing boat in the gulf (you gotta eat) and you post 78 times in an about 3 hours to tell people you are to busy for this you are costing yourself tons of 5 dollar bets.

For someone that doesn't care you sure come to your own defense a bunch.

New member
Jul 3, 2007
-has had multiple posters come to Chicago (myself included), not met up, and even had a poster offer to buy him rounds the entire night in Chicago yet still refuses to come out.
- broke
- forged a number of emails in an elaborate hoax to get people to hate another poster
- told numerous boards he was tight with a girl who now it is evident he doesn't even know
- tells people online daily whom he's never met that he only bangs girls that look like supermodels
- Called JJGold to tell him to stop prank calling him (to which JJ responded by posting the voicemail and Poster A then claimed he'd file a lawsuit)
- Stalked one poster across 3 different forums to call him a loser in every single thread he posted in
- lives with his parents (this is a presumption but I'd guess to be true)


Excellent job compiling 5 Star Bum's online resume - By far the biggest douchebag ever to post here!

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
How bout an old fashioned capping contest... for pink slips ?you each supplie the other with 5 daily matchups whereas the opponet picks 3 and after 1 week.. loser hits the road.( but not permanent.)

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
btw,Doberman.. I accidently clicked on you to be voted off and cannot go back and edit since its a live poll, so you should have 1 less vote and Chop 1 more. But bottom line although Chop has never bothered me and I actually get a kick out of some of his threads ... the bottom line is (and this favors Dobies philosiphy..) I have met GreenDoberman in person and I actually liked him(more than most even) ... and he is right 100 % - meeting someone in person who you post with everyday completely overides simply posting beside somebody everyday in anonymity. Its a special comaderie that can only be appreciated through empircal interaction.

For example, SteakTarTar and I , always used to argue and have it out on the forum, but after we met at the bash last year.... I consider him in the upper upper echelon of posters now, and GD is the same way. He wears his heart on his sleeve, he's a ball buster, but very knowledgable. He's the kind of guy you actually want to listen too opposed to wanting him to finish talking so you can speak. I don't really understand his vendetta against a harmless poster like choptalk, maybe I haven't followed closely enough, or maybe I just don't care enough.

But seriously GD, who really gives a shit? What ever happened to live and let live? The posters you are talking about who are leaving?? You think Chop is the reason for that? He's a even minded simpleton where half his threads are rediculed before they are discussed. I mean , there are some 35000 posters who have at one point registered an account here... do you have to meet them all? I realize you have met more (and way more at that) then anybody else on this site. But whats the big deal with Chop...?I mean he didn't bang your sister or beat up your little brother or slash your Aunts tires, so really whats the problem? Because ultimately you can make your stand, and most likely win, and even think you prooved your point. But what exactly did you proove ? That you don't condone free speech? That your'e prejudiced against unknown posters? that you are some sort of a gambling moral police enforcer? I don't get it. I guess I always went with the philosiphy of ... if you don't like the author , don't read his column.

I was a little hurt when I found out a few long time posters put me on the ignore list, but that is their right to do so. But is it your right to drive Choptalk off this site in a Salem Witch ridding styled exhibition? I don't believe it is. The man may be a moron, but ultimately he's the Rx's moron. He's our property and we shoudn't want to hand him over to somebody else just because you and a few of the other gambling idealists don't feel he fits in. I think Hitler felt the same way about the Jews ...(Kidding)

But seriously, you have my private email, if Im missing something big here, enlighten me... cause I don't get it... and I like you as a poster, a person and a friend, I would have your back first- Im not taking his side over yours, but I am taking the side of anybody who is unjustfully picked upon(unless of course I'm doing the picking.....)

coo coo coo

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
GreenDoberman, was the thread really neccessary??

It actually makes you look a little childish. You look like the attention whore now.

You are better than this. I know that you couldnt give a shit what people on message board think anyway, so why even make the thread.

I couldnt care less either way as this poll wouldnt matter anyway

Rx. Junior
Feb 17, 2007
GreenDoberman, was the thread really neccessary??

It actually makes you look a little childish. You look like the attention whore now.

You are better than this. I know that you couldnt give a shit what people on message board think anyway, so why even make the thread.

I couldnt care less either way as this poll wouldnt matter anyway

Shut the fuck up and go pay Trock you piece of fucking shit.

Sep 24, 2006
ya like D said zero chance........ive met GD great guy but IMO ......these sights need the choppers of the world or there EV drops.........ev=ent value fuk it dont feel like spelling it..........i know im diff than most i come here for the bashings and BS.... i could give a rats ass about picks and winners it does not affect each his own

yeah its sorta like a soap opera for me too. i can pick losers as good as anybody on here. Personally I like chop. he's a bit silly but i like him as far as posters go.

Dec 12, 2006
RX scumbag stiff

Join Date: May 2001
Location: Stiffville
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Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Who gives a shit really...both quit posting wouldn't matter to me
Choptalk goes or I go?

Pretty simple, who would you rather have around here.

If you'd rather have scum, I disappear, end of story.

You make good as well, you liar.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
i got through the 9th post and really, who gives a can a poster in cyber world get under someone skin so bad?? for christ sakes

New member
Nov 12, 2007
GreenDoberman, was the thread really neccessary??

It actually makes you look a little childish. You look like the attention whore now.

You are better than this. I know that you couldnt give a shit what people on message board think anyway, so why even make the thread.

I couldnt care less either way as this poll wouldnt matter anyway

You won that money across the street, you going to give it to trock?

New member
Nov 12, 2007
How bout an old fashioned capping contest... for pink slips ?you each supplie the other with 5 daily matchups whereas the opponet picks 3 and after 1 week.. loser hits the road.( but not permanent.)

haha i can see gd picking the late night soccer games, mika to draw. :lolBIG:

Oct 22, 2004
I voted for Choptalk to go because I hate that damn moving avatar that he has and his biased homer opinions.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Hope neither goes but if I had to choose it would be Doberman. I got nothing against him but I don't think he feels the same way. He's been vocal in the past about believing the fact I stiffed someone off the forums. Haven't heard anything lately but at one time he would chastise anyone who even agreed with an opinion of mine. You know who you're agreeing with here don't ya?

Shrink's a two bit liar that would use anything against an "enemy" of his, everyone knows what a fraud he is. That's not even the point though, what counts on my end is Choptalk gave me the courtesy to stay out of things that did not concern him, others made a point to get in the middle of it. I have to respect him for that. Probably enjoy GD and his posts more but there's enough Irish haters on these boards already, if one has to go let it be the Doberman.


Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
This coming from the guy that has had multiple posters come to Chicago (myself included), not met up, and even had a poster offer to buy him rounds the entire night in Chicago yet still refuses to come out.

Hmm let's break it down for a second:

Poster A:

- broke
- forged a number of emails in an elaborate hoax to get people to hate another poster
- told numerous boards he was tight with a girl who now it is evident he doesn't even know
- tells people online daily whom he's never met that he only bangs girls that look like supermodels
- Called JJGold to tell him to stop prank calling him (to which JJ responded by posting the voicemail and Poster A then claimed he'd file a lawsuit)
- Stalked one poster across 3 different forums to call him a loser in every single thread he posted in
- lives with his parents (this is a presumption but I'd guess to be true)

Poster B:

- self admittedly not in shape
- Successful enough in his career to have taken 1-2 years off from work completely to gamble, travel, and enjoy himself
- has numerous connections in various industries and enterprises, the least of which are casino gaming, porn, and sportsbooks

I'm missing points on both sides, but at first glance, I think we should take a vote on who's the bigger loser, Poster A or Poster B.

Can you guess who the posters are

I was joking about the jj lawsuit... haha you gullible motherfucker!!

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I'm not even going to read this thread, but I was pleased to see my Vote was #40 for CT being chunked compared to just 23 of you losers who don't respect the Greatness of GD.

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