Attention: The General

Have a Cristmas present.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Shrink, just to let you know, Wilheim and I "were having at it" in private e-mails until he came into this thread and posted:

"Floyd Dont let the door hit you in the ass."

Once he did that, all bets, and civility on my part, were off.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well, in civility I meant not addressing you on the forum. When you chose to address me, I responded.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You're saying I kissed his ass? Wake up genius and read the beginning of this thread. I was telling Ken how wrong I believed his quasi-defense of CRIS was. And, I think I got the point across as he seemed to harden his stance on a book that stiffed a guy.

It's a shame that because of you, this thread got banned.
Did I say you kissed anyones ass? Must have a guilty conscience floddy. Oh yeah the thread your are dead wrong about CRIS. The truth about Stiffed will surface soon enough. Hey, I found a pic of you at home, I mean it can only be an asshole lover like yourself.


Yeah Floyd G. at home taking time off from his tuff guy act.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
So, you know the true story of what happened with CRIS, let's hear it?

Post it on the main forum right now, if you have the balls.

At least you would finally offer something relevant to this forum.

You got serious problems my friend. If you really were in Vietnam (which I don't believe), no wonder we phucking lost.
Believe what you want. I have no reason to try to impress a right wing psycho like you. As far as CRIS is concerned you will have to wait just like everyone else, its not my call, or business to say anything. When Mickey is ready he will give his side.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Come on let's hear it. What is your story on CRIS? Why are you delaying it? You made it your business when you commented on it in a public forum. Real people are sending CRIS real money, wouldn't a 'humanitarian' like you want to make sure people were 100% informed?
Real people dont have to worry about real money when they send it to CRIS. So dont worry your inferior intellect about the matter.
Not for nothing but your credibility is not the best, you already said you dont believe I served a tour in Viet Nam, so why should I say anything else you can accuse me of lying about? BTW. I was under the impression e-mails were confidential. I quess you dont know the definition of confidentiality. I told you about the Humanitarian part of my life off the Forum, of course you called me a liar on that issue also. Floyd you are quick to call people liars, but slow to recognize your own faults. Not a very good quality.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey pal, everything was confidential until you stalked me on this thread. Talk about not recognizing faults.
I'm not reading it any more. I'm outta here until the Shrink states, without equivocation, that CRIS "STIFFED" a player out of HIS money.

I just said dont let the door hit you in the ass. Why so sensitive? How about I ask you a question, real easy, how old are you?
Great response. I am old enough to be your father. Whats the matter you embarrased to say your 19?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Imagine if I was 19, how stupid would you be for arguing with me for hours?

You're the who posts nothing but cartoons and never deals with anything sunstantive. If you're as old as you claim, you're a very sad case indeed.
You are dumb enough to take this stuff serious. Sure I post pics, so what, most people like them. BTW. didnt you just accuse me of being 12. The point is you are so wrapped up in your own point of view, that you cant see that this is nothing more than internet bullshit. Do you think using a name like Floyd Gondolli is any different from posting a goofy pic? You are falling for this stiffed by cris guy on top of everything else. Floyd wake up, this is not your reality, I have no idea what that is and really dont care. You are just an easy target to argue dumb shit with.You say stupid things, and over react to insults, it really cracks me up. Why dont you go back to your political agenda and accuse people of being anti-American or something along those lines. Try to get a clue, ok.


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