ATTENTION SHEEP - Bring your RX attacks here


New member
Sep 21, 2004
EGD. I can!

Remember this I'm all the good that was Kodiak. the plays, the Wins, the game discussions.

not the bad. The HUGE units, The getting lost in silly trk challenges, the pickering all day.

I will help make many alot of money and I will continue to call out loud mouth losers like ATX and RAIDERS! There ghost and friends can suck my HAIRY BALLS!

I'm out!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Early, truth about my posting is this. I sleep about 3 hours a night. Many of my posts are made when my loved ones are tucked away in bed! As you may have noticed I don't post much during the meat of the day!

I have games to look at though so until the witching hour good bye!
Sep 20, 2004
Kody, how do you manage to get out so many words with McIrish's dick in your mouth?




Active member
Jun 20, 2000
I have NEVER used a ghost or posted in here under ANY other name...that is 100% true.. My rep here over 2 yrs speaks for itself on that one Nia

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shotgun:
Pat, you banned Kodiak. Why is he allowed to set up another name and continue to bash, bait and bully productive posters to this site?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bumping back to the top

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I am not making any accusations. Strikes me as a serious charge from other sites, and this looked like the place to raise the question. Can you speak to any of the questions I asked the General?


an aside to Koke:
I assume you are Kodiak. Your writing styles are too similar to allow any other conclusion. Anyway, I remeber Kodiak from a couple of seasons ago, he provided great info on the MAC Michigan schools, and then branched out from there. He kind of got hung up on Big Blue, but that was o.k.; seemed like good spirited fandom. But what the heck happened? Why did you allow yourself to be consumed by this war with Raiders? Take it for what it worth, but I hope you can see the monumental waste of time it is to get involved in the back and forth over records and such. I also hope you can take a step back and remember what once was. People appreciated the Chips v. Huron analysis more than chest pounding about whose record is better and hitting mega unit plays. Here's to the sublime.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Memo To Pat from the herd


1) Ghosts

2) Locking or moving threads because they are too sensitive

3)scammers and thieves to be held accountable

ATX made a good point in another thread

"Since we clearly see one ghost, it makes us wonder how many ghosts there are here, who they are, and what their agendas are. It's a serious credibility issue especially when reading about the safety of sportsbooks'


New member
Sep 21, 2004
early. Raiders has the most ghost in rx history. As far as Kodiak goes I sent him a email he wrote back that he used ghosts after being banned only to laugh at raiders and ATX. They were always meant to be obvious hence the names he used. Cheifs/raiders mom/xat.. The truth is never was a dialog exchanged between him and one of these. Ask a MOD they'll be happy to elaborate I'm sure...

New member
Sep 21, 2002
particulars aside, the bottom line is that a lot of good posters have left or are posting much less in the rr, which has, at the time being, been reduced to inane thread and ghost post galore.

p.s. this koke bussiness is so ****ing ludicrous, i wont even dwelve into it.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Shotgun - I just posted this somewhere else so will post it here.

Guys if you want Koke to be Kodiak that is fine with me. I don't see the big deal either way. Schouest is right on the money, if Koke or Kodiak keeps the garbage down here and put his picks in the forums he is welcome to stay. The reason we would always find Kodiak ghosts is because he would usually go to a Raiders thread and act up, that gave him away every time. As General said before, agendas give far more posters away then their IP number. Anyone on AOL or uses an anonymizer we couldn't tell you who he was if we wanted to. I guess with Raiders not here now he hasn't been as quick to act up outside of the RR like in the past so I have left him alone. If Koke wants to say he is Kodiak or he does not want to say that is fine by me either way, as long as he behaves he can be King Tut if he wants to be.

BTW in a month or so if Raiders wrote me and asked could he come back under a different name we would not bother him either if he behaved. I wouldn't even try to find him if he wasn't stalking guys up in the pick forums and other related stuff. We aren't here to keep people off the site if they respect others, we want them to post. None of us like doing IP searches on anyone if we don't have to, in fact policy was even back to Peep days not to do them unless in isolated cases. We got 15000 posters here, tracing a guy who's crime is arguing with others is not our top priority here. I always agreed with that as well on the fewer IP checks the better. Lot of guys liked Kodiaks picks so I am pleased Koke is back assuming that is him.

And yes it sure sounds like him to me too. LMAO! Thanks.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
By the way if Koke is bullying posters outside of the RR then I will deal with him. I just read this whole thread where someone accussed him of that. Let me go check the pick forums when I get caught up.


Niatross - I would venture to say there is without question ghosts here of all sorts. Every site there is probably have them. Here the employees don't have them any longer that I am aware of. I read Peep say they did at one time but that's in his era, I would tend to believe him back then. What's funny is you can make that accussation about any site in the 10 seconds it takes you to type it and it is impossible to disprove it. We hear it about other sites on a constant basis as well. It's like someone saying you beat your wife on the week-ends, if not prove it. Let me give you a perfect example up above how this works with ghost allegations. BHB is supporting Rio who both advertise here against MajorWager, one of our competitors. There was a couple posters with not many posts in the thread taking more of an RX side in the matter. Buzzsaw immediately calls them as Rx ghosts. For arguments sake it could have been....

- A RIO employee.
- Scott's butler.
- BHB's cleaning lady.
- The wife of a RIO employee.
- A BHB employee.
- A poster from MW who hates Russ.
- The wife of a BHB employee.
- The owner of BoDog.
- a guy who hates MajorWager.
- A book who no longer advertises at MajorWager.
- A guy who hates Russ.
- A book that does not like Frddy.
- A player who got a bet cancelled at MajorBetting.
- A guy who got stiffed by NAB and blames MajorWager.


Or it could have been a new poster who was only speaking his own opinion. Point is there is millions of agendas out there from all sides. Some of these disputes, agendas and wars you couldn't trace if you wanted to. I don't know where they start, who all is involved and where they end but they are out there. Part of what makes our work here fun. Of course the easy thing to say is "hey I bet it's an Rx employee" but in reality that is probably the less likely of them all. Us mods concern ourselves much more with our role in the forums than the politics between the sites. I come down here now and then to toy with the site that harbors all the rats, stiffs, and racists because both sides enjoy it but for the most part the RX leave others alone. When you have a place like this we all enjoy working with each other and hanging around so we don't have much time for the hate and anger. Thanks for the question.

New member
Jun 20, 2001
"Kody, how do you manage to get out so many words with McIrish's dick in your mouth? "

Finally something to laugh at.

I can't stop laughing.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Don Marco:

Here we go again. Since you did not answer my question in vegas' thread, I will try to ask you the same question here.

You say that many posters decided to do things volontarly just to get banned, including posting Pepe's URL here. For exemple, If I was asked by someone at this forum a few weeks back to post that link, I would do it, without knowing that I could get banned for that. Daily, I see hundreds of links posted at this place by many posters, some gambling related, some not. So, if posting Pepe's URL makes one instantly qualify for a ban, then why don't you put a note about it, in red letters, somewhere at RX, maybe at the top of each forum. Is that officially a rule, or is it just your will to ban people who post that URL.

Second of all, I can ask you the same question I asked general yesterday hoping to get an answer from you since I got none from him. Do you think that RX will be better off after trading quality posters like DickyW, FatFrank, SeaUrchin, dogball, Jake, Banned for Life, Altice, Peep, and so on, for 3037 new members since january 2003. C'mon Pat, some of those guys participated in the growth of this site long before some of you mods even knew for it.

Also, do you think that the <fvck you> attitude used by general and you, towards anyone who posts elsewhere or towards anyone who asks you legit questions here is gonna help you built a supporter base ?

I dont think so. I really think that this site was much better with some other mods in the past like SteveH, Conan, NorthernIce. With the exception of Joe and Braveheart, todays mod crew is the worst one ever here. Maybe I should exclude Dante, because he really seems to be a good guy, maybe the only one of all mods right now. I also think that your way of managing things here is very often way over the line and I think that is the main reason many people left. By the way I don't think any of them will come back if you reinstate their rights, and even if they do, their posts will look like Major's posts. In my humble opinion you are single-handedly ruining this site in short and long run. The mods pretty much look like your and shrinks <marionettes>, while rpm and general sometimes look to be dumb on their own. Sorry pyle and purple but thats how I feel.

I dont want any pissing matchup here, I just have too many questions in my head about this place lately. But after all, its not a big deal anyways, who the fvck is don marco to discuss about the managment of this site. Do what you want guys, but if you had anything in your head you would change your ways for the well being of this site.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is one of the most accurate post I have seen in a long time. Good post.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
How may times do we have to here this. take off to the russ place and see how long you last htere. over here anyone can say any on there mind. I gt banned for life for nothing and no body complain about me. you dont like it get out of here. this is great place for us. Why do they want so much attention from thes regular posters?

New member
Sep 21, 2004

You are almost as illiterate as that stiff padther.

Are you two guys related ?

here - hear ?

htere - there ?

there mind - their mind ?

gt - got ?

no body - nobody ?

thes - the ?

Do you like my new avatar?
Oct 21, 2002
Why don't the people here(Mods and management) stop worrying about what's happeneing at peeps site and concentrate on the issure here; seems to me that this is what's making them look bad by participating in the school yard BS.

Just speeking my mind, nothing personal.

I really do like this place, but hate seeing the people I (admired) tarnish themselves.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Patrick McIrish - How come most of the Rx bashers from down the alley are not posting their opinions here?

I mean besides all the posters that posted above.

I guess they are just cowards with a loud bark but not much of a bite?

Come Peepy and your allGirl allstar band....send them over and tell us what's on your mind.


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
What's crazy is I don't mind a little discussion on things IB, however when they send them over they are very obnoxious and need to show their ass while here. They can't just come and act like adults, they have to put people here down and make sure everyone sees them doing it. I don't know if you have ever noticed but in an argument the loudest one usually has the least leg to stand on. The tone of it is designed to make up for the lack of content. It's one thing if a poster likes another site but over there it seems to get the membership card you have to hate this site and disrespect everyone when you visit. It's juvenile but if you read much of that place it is to be expected.

On a positive twist one of their hometeam guys did offer up an apology on some stuff he said about my Pop. I was really surprised because I never went around asking for one and certainly didn't expect one. One of the McIrish criticisms from over there has been I always speak of the great honor my Pop and I have. I have no idea where this comes from. I watched a movie and Rob Roy (I think) said HONOR is the gift a man gives to himself, I liked it and used it as a signature line here for a while. Maybe that's where it came from? Our family was very close and because of what he did we kept things amongst ourselves as much as possible. We weren't big socializers outside the home and maybe that was why we stuck together as tight as we did. I won't ever be apologizing for loving the hell out of my old man and family but I don't want to be shoving it down people's throat. Yes I have tremendous respect for the guy and would do anything to have him around a little more but I don't have to be boasting about him all the time. If anyone sees me doing this please let me know. He probably wasn't a man of great honor to anyone other than the McIrish clan, I'd be lying to suggest otherwise. Think I can live with that and I know he could. Anyway please let me know if you see me doing that without realizing it, I do agree too much of it is unnecessary and can do that to help keep the peace. Thanks for listening, now let's get back to football.

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