ATTENTION SHEEP - Bring your RX attacks here


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Don - no one has ever been banned for posting the link here to Peeps site. No one. Who is claiming this? We've warned some but never pulled anyone off the site for that.

My question for you. I was made to take down TOP when I posted here under Peeps rule. (Now a site that never even existed according to those geniuses over there, LOL) He insisted it go down and there was no link involved even. Do you think it's unfair of us to ask Peep to keep his link in Site Promotions when he was the worse there is about this shit? Or is it fair he ruled this crap with an iron fist but now since he has a war with Shrink can post his shit all over the site? I know 44 sets of eyes are on you but how about an honest answer?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
early no pissing match I was just stating a truth.

early one word--Prozac

posted by pat:
I know 44 sets of eyes are on you but how about an honest answer?

44 sets of eyes!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Now let me ask you a question. If Uncle owes someone money should he be banned? Yes or no.
I have no idea if Unc owes money or not--if he stiffed a high profile poster and I owned the joint I would immediately tell the him to stop using his handle because it will piss a lot of people off

Also Hammy is a scammer who got an off shore book for some cash and tried for a lot more, should he be banned? Hell should he even be allowed as a poster? You want us to ban a guy in a personal dispute where the two parties met and decided to do business together yet think it's okay for another site to use a known scammer as a moderator? You don't seee the double standard here Early? Give me a break man. Please answer the questions...
Hammy admiited what he did. Panther never admitted to shit. Big difference there Pat.

I will pose a question to you--do you think it was a wise choice if we consider only the business aspect--i.e. keeping a lid on things and not have "quality" posters leaving en masse with a grudge--to keep this guy around after there was,in my opinion--overwhelming evidence he stole the money? Take it a step further--tell them BOTH to take a hike and keep the shit toned down. Peep created the rr and i guess we figured it was okay to let the shit fly here and what happens--WHAMO-thread locked-case closed.

It seems we have a vicious circle here with many aspects of this jihad intertwined....

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Don - while you answer my question let me continue on with your post. No we don't ever want to lose anyone though a couple of those guys you couldn't pay me to have them post here. I have been around these sites for years and not one yet is going to keep everybody. You thought we never lost anyone before now? When I posted at MW this place lost so many people it wasn't even funny! Every reputable poster here almost had left this place. Go to MW and ask and you will hear how all the good guys don't post there anymore either. A guy gets tired of a site he leaves, what do you want me to do Don? His favorite mod, a capper he followed or he just wants a change of pace he takes off. Make fun of General all you want but we get hundreds and hundreds of new posters here all the time. No one knows them when they come but everyone knows the guys who pull up and take of. As a result it's always the "good posters are leaving"?!!? I left a board once and was gone about 9 months, when I returned I felt like I was in a foreign cuntry. I didn't know 15% of the posters I bet. When you are here everyday it doesn't seem quite as flagrant but turnover in these forums is a constant thing, they happen everywhere. Here's the kicker though, the numbers here have never been better! You understand that? As mad as it makes your leader this place is going strong without him. We don't have all the answers and still strive to improve but this little agenda from the old moderator about how horrible we've become without his royal presence is simply not true.

As far as anyone treating you a certain way I can't speak for no one but me. I treat people how they come across to me. You act decent to me than I promise you I will return the favor. You come over after reading a bunch of tripe from some whining scammers at a site of a disgruntled ex-employee and want to act like Billy BadAss I doubt I will be here kissing your ass. In fact I guarntee it. It's just a forum man, to this day it amazes me how serious some people take it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Getting old early. Your asking the same questions over again! BLAH BLAH BLAH!

Let me state this is a handicapping and sports book info forum ran by shrink. Your BS should be on Days of our FVCKING lives!

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Pat asked me some questions--I responded.

If you find them boring--go away.


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Early - I should have known better than tangle with you guys, excellent points. Stiffs are okay if you don't beat a <respected> poster out of his money? All that talk of the site protecting the poor players and all is forgotten now? LOL. We only do it to protect the poor SeaUrchin's of the world so we pick and choose who we ban? If not a highly regarded poster then it's okay for the other posters to be stiffed? Are you serious?

Part II - Hammy is okay since he said "sorry" after his scamming efforts netted him $400 and he singlehandly tried to ruin the guy in all these forums. Anyone that has owned a small business and works at keeping a good name can really appreciate the bullshit Hammy did to them all for the sake of making back money he blew on an on-line casino. In fact he still has the money but that's okay too? Didn't get the full $1400 but he did get $400. Err... well he said sorry Patrick so that is okay. Gee guess thats settles it then. If it was me and I had a quality site full of redneck racists, rats, stiffs and scammers I'd probably make him a moderator. What about you?

To sum up stiffs are okay if it's not a respected poster (like this redneck Jew hater is really respected by anyone not at Peeps site) and okay to scam books if you say sorry afterwards. These things are fine but us locking a thread down here is unforgivable and unexcusable!! Thanks for the post.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

that about summed it up wouldn't you say early!

nice job Pat.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

This is a gambling site-ergo--not a lot of boy scouts here.

I am not condoning anything anyone has ever done here. A ton of he said she said shit.

Hammy is no angel but at least was man enough to admit it and move on. He made a mistake, Period, And got caught.

He is now "moderating" a basically unmoderated site. He has moved on.

Duane has not moved on-is still here basically thumbing his nose at the person he stole from-and has not admitted shit.

Can you see the difference here Pat?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
so you want a I'm sorry? fvcking how JUVENILE is that? Stop wasting Pat's time early.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Me too Early, I'm serious but also having a little fun with it. We do everything we can do here but it's never enough for some. Instead of giving us a chance they come over with an insulting stick it up your ass attitude as they know thats what Peep and that gang want to see. Grow a sac and act like you would act anywhere else or don't come. Silly for an ex-employee to dedicate his life to screwing over the very people who used to respect him at one time. Anyway thanks Early, we'll talk again.

Confused and dazed the herd hopes for some varsity players to show up soon.....


Enjoyed it guys, won't be back until 10PM. Have grown up work to do now.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
lol fluffer. I'm off as well. see ya early. I liked the fluffer thing.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Don - no one has ever been banned for posting the link here to Peeps site. No one. Who is claiming this? We've warned some but never pulled anyone off the site for that.

Maybe I'm wrong about this one but I have a feeling that I heard that someone was banned for posting the url. Maybe Grantt, I don't know.

My question for you. I was made to take down TOP when I posted here under Peeps rule. (Now a site that never even existed according to those geniuses over there, LOL) He insisted it go down and there was no link involved even. Do you think it's unfair of us to ask Peep to keep his link in Site Promotions when he was the worse there is about this shit? Or is it fair he ruled this crap with an iron fist but now since he has a war with Shrink can post his shit all over the site? I know 44 sets of eyes are on you but how about an honest answer?

This one is taugh to answer for one simple reason. I can not tell if you were, or were not allowed to post that link, and I can not tell if Pepe's posting his links here. From what I know, Pepe is not posting here any more. That's what I know, and it is possible that I don't know everything. So, if both your statements are true, I would say that you are right. I call them as I see them. No reason to think that I would side with Pepe or anyone else for no reason. I'M not going to side with either one of you just because you are Pat and he is Pepe.

As for 44 sets of eyes I really don't know what that means.

No we don't ever want to lose anyone though a couple of those guys you couldn't pay me to have them post here.

I believe that, but I also believe that you guys already pay some worthless posters to post here. I wont go into details, but I can only say that the guys I named in my earlier post worth more and they used to post for free.

You thought we never lost anyone before now? When I posted at MW this place lost so many people it wasn't even funny! Every reputable poster here almost had left this place.

I remember when you left rx to go to mw, and I used to post over there as well, at that time, so I can tell that not many valuable posters went to mw at all. That place has always been and will always be a ghost city.

A guy gets tired of a site he leaves, what do you want me to do Don? His favorite mod, a capper he followed or he just wants a change of pace he takes off. Make fun of General all you want but we get hundreds and hundreds of new posters here all the time. No one knows them when they come but everyone knows the guys who pull up and take of. As a result it's always the "good posters are leaving"?!!?

True that people leave the site for those reasons, but I think that its also true that many quality posters left this site for some other reasons lately. They do not go because they like OGD, they go because they do not like this place. But if you say that the numbers here have never been better, than it sums it all up for me. Quantity over quality has always been the mote of Rx.

As mad as it makes your leader this place is going strong without him. We don't have all the answers and still strive to improve but this little agenda from the old moderator about how horrible we've become without his royal presence is simply not true.

Pat, my friend. Don has no leader in his life. No idol either. A matter of religion. I express my own opinion and if you think that I speak up for Pepe, you are wrong. I'm not posting all this to discuss what Pepe did or did not do. I did not ask for that Lou's thread to be unlocked simply because I wanted to chim in and say something in that thread. I just like to tell what I think, and I like to feel free to do that. I don't like opression, and thats what I see here lately.

Have a nice day.

New member
Jun 21, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Patrick McIrish:
Let's have a little fun and let these RX haters speak their mind. ......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



This is very healthy advertising for THE RX. No business is immune from haters. As in any business, people come and people go.

Six months from now, it will be the same shit with different people.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Don--good post

Pat--that about sums up my feelings as well

I now have bigger fish to fry--Lander/Sick G et al

New member
Sep 21, 2002
good to see you around don, hope all is well and you are doing alright in italy, with child and wife. All the best buddy, and don't get overinvolved in this feud, not worth it imo, some people just don't and won't ever get it.

pat, some good points, but could you make your articles a bit shorter, i have a hard time ploughing through them.

vegas, lmao!, agreed 100%.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Just a question: Do the mods and/or owner of this site ever use nom de plumes? This is an accusation I see at other sites and I would consider the answer to be worthwhile.

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