>Yes. YES, the GI Bill is welfare.
Welfare is something given by the government that wasn't earned. The GI Bill is earned by giving service to the country and is a part of the agreement one makes for signing up.
>Farm subsidies are welfare.
Agreed. Farmers do nothing to earn subsidies.
>Mortgage tax deductions are welfare.
Agreed. Home owners do nothing to receive a break. Even though I own a home and receive this tax break I feel this should be done away with as it favors those who make a higher income.
>Student loan programs are welfare.
Nope. They are loans given at interest and are paid back.
>Filing for bankruptcy is welfare.
Agreed. People who file for bankruptcy get relieved of what they owe.
>The Wall Street "too big too fail" bailout is welfare. To the tune of about 14 Trillion dollars.
Nope. They were loans and were paid back with interest to the government. With that being said, I feel the companies should have been allowed to fail. The employees would have been hired by the companies that survived in the industry.
>If the fucking government is giving you money, it is welfare.
Not if you pay it back. It's only welfare if you get something for doing nothing