Sick G: Interesting thread, especially the questions regarding regret, etc.
I'm 40 now (have a son in fact who's 8) and I'm winning more than losing these last few years but it is more for fun.
I spent a great deal of money and a great deal of time betting horses in my 20's, but I learned a great deal about myself, discipline and money management...all the hard way. I guess the greatest lesson I learned was that I really enjoy the sport and I should have fun at the track first and make wagering incidental...keep it fun win or lose. It really is a beautiful sport.
The most profitable lesson I have taken from gambling sports is identifying patterns of how I (and others) lose and getting off that track asap; never be unwilling to disregard your own conviction - never think you really know anything, because it is too dangerous. My hobby nowadays is looking for a loser and then going the other way (sometimes it is me, to be fair). One good one is identifying the 'ol falling off of the high horse, if you know what I mean. I would speculate we have all taken our hardest hits after being especially proud over an especially good run. I love meat-heads rattling off their expert analysis and looking for the reasons to go against and I love when there is a strong consensus one direction, but the money is not backing it up. They are on the TV, on the forums, in the barber shop etc. They are in the back of your own mind.
Nobody is ever really that good at this game, in my estimation. But some of us are unbelievably bad ...and therein lies the real genius.
Thanks also for the thread the other day about players vs. bookies and the insight within re analyzing lines without knowledge of the team or sport, etc. good stuff.