Are you for/against gay marriage?


Mar 2, 2006
Well, first of all, the idea most people have of hell is much more like Dante's inferno than anything else. The Bible doesn't say much about hell at all, I've been studying
that issue, and have come to the annihilationist view, which says that man by default does not have an eternal soul, but eternal life is a gift of God to believers. Those
who die without that gift just cease to exist. The idea that man by nature has an eternal soul came from Plato. I can go into much more detail about that offline if you'd like...

So God wants all his children to spend eternity in the Kingdom of God except for those who were raised (Muslim let's say) and have about as much chance of becoming a Christian as you do Muslim.

New member
Sep 24, 2012
good relative to what? They have no absolute foundation for moral absolutes, and I can quote you where they even admit as such.

There are plenty of moral and immoral atheists just as there are plenty of moral and immoral christians.

What makes someone a moral person has nothing to do with their religion or lack thereof. It has to do with how they treat people and the daily choices they make.
Sep 21, 2004
So God wants all his children to spend eternity in the Kingdom of God except for those who were raised (Muslim let's say) and have about as much chance of becoming a Christian as you do Muslim.

Bourn those are hard and valid questions you ask. I know personally for me, that I am a sinner that will stand before a holy God. I believe that every man has sinned and
deserves God's wrath. Why God doesn't choose everyone, I don't know.
Sep 21, 2004
There are plenty of moral and immoral atheists just as there are plenty of moral and immoral christians.

What makes someone a moral person has nothing to do with their religion or lack thereof. It has to do with how they treat people and the daily choices they make.

You can cite anecdotal evidence all you want, but fundamentally, the atheist has no objective basis for morality. Like Richard Dawkins says, there is no good or evil, just DNA replicating across the universe.

He explains how a female digger wasp lays eggs inside a caterpillar so that her larvae can eat it. She paralyzes the caterpillar but does not kill it so that the body remains fresh. Dawkins speculates that if the wasp’s venom included an anesthetic, then the caterpillar would not suffer while being eaten, but “nature is not cruel, only piteously indifferent. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn. We cannot admit that things might be neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor kind, but simply callous—indifferent to all suffering, lacking all purpose.”[SUP]9

[/SUP]Dawkins returns to his example of the wasp and caterpillar and says that “Nature is neither kind nor unkind. She is neither against suffering nor for it. Nature is not interested one way or the other in suffering, unless it affects the survival of DNA.”[SUP]13[/SUP] He describes the crash of a school bus and quotes a writer who argues that the horror of such tragedies confirms that we live in a world of values, because if the world were just electrons, then there would be no problem of evil. Dawkins responds:

On the contrary, if the universe were just electrons and selfish genes, meaningless tragedies like the crashing of this bus are exactly what we should expect, along with equally meaningless good fortune. Such a universe would be neither evil nor good in intention. It would manifest no intentions of any kind. In a universe of blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won’t find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
BTW, for those who don't believe being gay is a choice, read the story of the head of the lesbian studies department at Syracuse University.
She was a militant gay activist. She read the Bible, came to the conclusion that her lifestyle was a sin, and left it:

She now has been happily heterosexually married for years, with lots of kids...

That's your reasoning that being gay is a choice? Do you know how many men get married and have kids...then go trolling for dick at night? Cmon better than this. Nobody chooses to be ridiculed, beaten and kicked out of their families. Why do you think all these gays commit suicide at such a high rate? They would rather not live than live with the non stop hate for just being who they are and how they were born.

Mar 2, 2006
Anyone who thinks being gay is a choice by all gays is just mind boggling to me. I would recommend actually talking to gays and pick their brain on the subject. Might learn something from an actual human being who has lived it and not basing all your beliefs from a study.

New member
Sep 24, 2012
That's your reasoning that being gay is a choice? Do you know how many men get married and have kids...then go trolling for dick at night? Cmon better than this. Nobody chooses to be ridiculed, beaten and kicked out of their families. Why do you think all these gays commit suicide at such a high rate? They would rather not live than live with the non stop hate for just being who they are and how they were born.

Anyone who thinks being gay is a choice by all gays is just mind boggling to me. I would recommend actually talking to gays and pick their brain on the subject. Might learn something from an actual human being who has lived it and not basing all your beliefs from a study.

you deserve extra green bars for this

Aug 6, 2006
If you are an atheist, and you believe we're all just DNA replicating across the universe, I can see how one would come to that conclusion. If you are a theist, and believe
that people have moral duties, then your world-view is quite a bit different.

BTW, historically the American Psychiatric Association classified homosexuality as a "serious psychological problem" (using your words). The ONLY reason they declassified
it, is because they were bullied by the militant gay lobby. That is a fact.

The only reason gays don't have equal rights is a militant Christian lobby. That is a fact.
Isn't it amazing how people who are far right on social issues don't want the government in their lives, but want the government to shove their set of values down everyone else's throats?
Please understand though, by religious decree Zit is completely close-minded and literally cannot help himself.

Nov 21, 2008
The only reason gays don't have equal rights is a militant Christian lobby. That is a fact.
Isn't it amazing how people who are far right on social issues don't want the government in their lives, but want the government to shove their set of values down everyone else's throats?
Please understand though, by religious decree Zit is completely close-minded and literally cannot help himself.

That first sentence is absolute bullshit.

Nov 21, 2008
Orthodox Judaism

Orthodox Judaism*maintains the traditional Jewish bans on both sexual acts and marriage amongst members of the same sex.[1]*The Orthodox Union in the United States supported a federal Constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages.[2]*In Australia, the Organisation of Rabbis Australasia (ORA) have made submissions and written public letters against legalising same-sex marriage.

Nov 21, 2008
Conservative Judaism

The American branch of*Conservative Judaism*formally approves of same-sex marriage ceremonies.[4]*Some synagogues within Conservative Judaism still reject recognition of same-sex unions as marriages, but permit celebration of commitment ceremonies, in part as an expression of their belief that scripture requires monogamy of all sexually active couples.[5]*The decision avoids applying the Jewish legal term for marriage,*kiddushin, to the same-sex situation, as the term is gender-specific.[6]

Nov 21, 2008
Possibly, but contains less excrement than the last sentence of Zit's previous post. Anyway, why are you nitpicking at one sentence in my paragraph?

My bad, I read your post out of order. I have been drinking a little, trying to catch up.

Aug 6, 2006
So? Does Judaism decree how those outside the religion should live their lives? Shove their morality down everyone else's throats like Christian Fundamentalists do? No, it doesn't! Even Judaism itself has broken down to Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed so as not to be as stringent in how people may worship, or live their lives.

Nov 21, 2008
Bourn those are hard and valid questions you ask. I know personally for me, that I am a sinner that will stand before a holy God. I believe that every man has sinned and
deserves God's wrath. Why God doesn't choose everyone, I don't know.

What about those born in remote villages who have never heard of Christianity? Are they condemned to hell? Serious question. IMO, it is all about good deeds, being a good person. Are Jews and other non believers of JC denied heaven?

I am not saying this is how you think, zit, but some fundamentalists do. Just curious on your thoughts here.

Nov 21, 2008
So? Does Judaism decree how those outside the religion should live their lives? Shove their morality down everyone else's throats like Christian Fundamentalists do? No, it doesn't! Even Judaism itself has broken down to Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed so as not to be as stringent in how people may worship, or live their lives.

My group is broken down into Catholic "new school", we have been paying attention.
Dec 21, 2008
I don't care what others do in their privacy, maybe call it a diff way if religious folks get itchy. The way I see it, the more gays the better for me, hell, I wish all men but me were gay, win win.

Jokes aside, is their human right.

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