Anyone watching the GGG/Canelo fight Saturday?

Feb 6, 2007
Nice to see the thread still going. Can't imagine Mob shows up for a few days.

He just talked too much. I guess it was good for him it is RR and no one saw it, but still can't believe he tried to pass of he is rich from sports betting. Guess you give someone enough rope, they hang themselves.

Nah....Stock said he'd never kneel during the anthem.

I doubt Mob would even say that jokingly. This wannabe homeboy kneeling with his Kaep jersey on all day and night.

Also, stock picked a few winners this weekend before the game started. Mob has a tough time w/ that.

Mobsleeper aka the kneeling wannabe homeboy aka Mr. Condo with the elevator and Benz from sports betting.

Is this loser really talking about posting winners now!?!?!?!? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Dude hits one fucking mnf play ats in 5 years and guy thinks he is a genius again lmfaooooo. Post a pick thread you fucking moron. Oh yeah we don’t want to give off the impression of “hey look at me”

lmfao what a fucking joke this guy is. You know NOTHING about me so stop running your bitchass mouth like you do. You’re a pussy bitch ManFan. You would get rolled on.

You can’t see me. Fantasyland props for the win!!!!!! You know that I know that is all you can do, therefore you are pissed that I called you out for it. All this was over was combat sports. You argued that you are a wiseguy but all you show me is fantasyland props. That’s really it besides a very rare mnf play. You can say you fill your pockets up from fantasyland. But there’s no real money in DFS. Unless you play h2h against morons. That’s like playing poker then though. So I’m really not impressed with anything you have done here. Definitely not worthy of being called the smartest guy in any room or some sort of fight genius. Lmfao absolutey fucking not.

Two weeks later you are still talking about me. Do you need to visit a psychiatrist or something with how much this has bothered you?

When you grow balls and learn how to make a thread with picks. Let me know I’ll come by and check it out. Otherwise, no fantasy faggot is going to run around for two weeks angry that’s I said they can’t do shit here but play fantasy and cry like a little bitch for two weeks straight.

Never seen anything like it in my entire life. I guarantee you the people who thought you were a real legit guy are doubting that.

Im overall a very happy person. I just call out fake shit I see here. It’s not my fault ManFan holds grudges like this. Dude is in complete denial with his head wayyyyyy too far up his own ass. Incredible
Feb 6, 2007
Mob always runs for the hills when he gets his ass handed to him... pathetic really. What else can you do with such a limited skillset? Hes probably at the greyhound track now betting 2 dollar trifectas thinking hes somebody.

Shit handed to me where? I step away from the forum for 3 days and you low life’s are putting me on a milk carton.

Heres some advice you all may be able to take..... go to the bathroom. Open the cabinet. And eat the pills.

I have a life you know....activities.

ManFan is a sour little bitch simple as that. Go call me out in a thread and see if I carry it on for two weeks. I’m not that emotionally unstoppable and insecure about myself. This ManFan guy wants to talk posted winners now. Give me a fucking break. Is this guy delusional or what? YOU POST FANTASY PROPS. You can’t pick games for shit. Don’t talk to me about posting winners ManFan when 90% of your wagers are fantasyland props. You have no room to speak when that’s what you do. I don’t give a fuck about your percentages or what you think is an advantage. Submerged, don’t keep flip flopping. Stand on your two feet.

Jul 14, 2007
You have the math skills of a 6th grader and you lied about me, when called on it you acted like a clown. Of course, I'm going to laugh at you. And there is tons of real money to be made in DFS as it has filled the pockets of many. All you do is make stuff up about issues you have no clue about, that's legitimately all you do. Math, sports betting, lying about other posters, your lifestyle, etc etc etc. Not one person has come in this thread and said "Man, go easy on Mobdeeper he's a handicapping beast." None. You got killed man, just lay low for a few months then get back on a different name.

Don't you like the DraftKings interface? It looks
nice to me.

Feb 6, 2007
I had asked one of my good forum friend what they thought about this fake wiseguy Patsfan? Good forum friend says back..... who the hell is PatsFan?!?

Bro you are a fantasyland sport connoisseur. Just be okay with that and stop fronting like you are some genius across the board. Shit isn’t cool dude. People want to see picks and bets against the spread.

I am watching you and waiting to see what you have to offer. And all I am seeing is fantasyland props after fantasyland props.

Ive never said anything in the past besides simply ask you why you never post in the NBA forum when I was for the past 2-3 years.

So ive never said anything until now. And it was regarding combat sports. Yet you still defend the poster that you are some genius lmfao. Yet all I see is fantasyland props. And most likely from a podcast.
Feb 6, 2007

7-29-18 before all this went down you were running your mouth about me. So don’t try to act like “oh man I liked Mob before he attacked me.”

no dude. Eat a dick. Nobody is falling for your bullshit
Feb 6, 2007
Keep running your mouth ManFan. All you have done is make up bullshit after bullshit to try to strengthen your case.

The facts are you got called a “fight genius. Smartest guy in the room.” I laughed out loud and said that’s some horse shit if I have ever heard it.

It was from OJ Simpson Loverboy so to act like it had any credibility to it was foolish on my part. But still funny. Then ManFan goes crazy. “Omg how dare you defame the almighty ManFan. How dare you? I am the fantasyland wizard. Pick up Jonnu Smith now.”
Feb 6, 2007
Are there any parts to this soap opera that you created, that I left out? Do I need to repeat myself again over and over like this thread has become and mention that I exaggerated by saying you are 90% wrong in fights? Obviously anyone with a brain would know that’s exaggerating. But you were so caught up in your blind fury rage that no rational thinking was going to be done on your part.

Jul 14, 2007

7-29-18 before all this went down you were running your mouth about me. So don’t try to act like “oh man I liked Mob before he attacked me.”

no dude. Eat a dick. Nobody is falling for your bullshit

I never said I liked you before you lied about me. I've always thought you were an idiot. What I said is that I never felt the need to totally embarrass you until you disrespected me and made shit up.

Most posters just let you be the village idiot because they don't wanna deal with it, I decided to embarrass you. You're broke, you won't bet me, you won't do a contest with me (btw LOL @ asking Siege to do a contest for "bragging rights", yeah you must be loaded from sports betting bro)

And now you are clearly unhinged. Mobdeeper mad Patsfan be callin him out yo, he gonna kneel in protest because he got da condo wit da elevator dawg. Keepin it real (real dumb tho)

BTW, don't you just love DraftKings interface man? Imagine if someone could make "real money" at that shit?
Feb 6, 2007
I never said I liked you before you lied about me. I've always thought you were an idiot. What I said is that I never felt the need to totally embarrass you until you disrespected me and made shit up.

Most posters just let you be the village idiot because they don't wanna deal with it, I decided to embarrass you. You're broke, you won't bet me, you won't do a contest with me (btw LOL @ asking Siege to do a contest for "bragging rights", yeah you must be loaded from sports betting bro)

And now you are clearly unhinged. Mobdeeper mad Patsfan be callin him out yo, he gonna kneel in protest because he got da condo wit da elevator dawg. Keepin it real (real dumb tho)

Nah bitch. You said before you are only talking shit because I said something. Keep backtracking pussy.

But seriously, what are you talking about fagman? Protest?? That’s where you want to take this now? You are incapable of insulting me bruh. You are too old to hurt my feelings. There’s nothing you can say or ever do to fuck with me.

I dont do money betting contests here h2h like that because one I compete against the books. So why would I go and compete against somebody else for money to prove what? Aren’t you the one that says it’s all about sample size?

I will gladly do a contest and bet on my own plays and you can bet on your own plays and it will be a blast for everybody involved. Cool call me a bitch. I don’t bet like that with you losers. Not interested. There already is money involved with what you gamble. I’m not putting money up for a contest because we are talking shit on here. Then ima have to do a contest with every asshole who wants a piece of me. And the way you faggots conspire. Trying to do 5 vs 1 type shit. Or the way ManFan do I know what podcast I am competing with? Or if I go against varkey....what tout service am I going against? Do I know varkey is a shit gambler and I am a million times better? Yes. But does that mean he will play fairly? Of course not. There are too many unknowns for me to put money on a 1v1 handicapping contest. Will I back down from anyone who wants to do one? Absolutely not. So are you satisfied fagman? That clear it up for ya?

Jul 14, 2007
Are there any parts to this soap opera that you created, that I left out? Do I need to repeat myself again over and over like this thread has become and mention that I exaggerated by saying you are 90% wrong in fights? Obviously anyone with a brain would know that’s exaggerating. But you were so caught up in your blind fury rage that no rational thinking was going to be done on your part.

Wasn't about the record bro. Was about the disrespect. Then once I got going, was just entertaining hearing all your hot takes on math and gambling.

I ask you why you would lie about that and you do this little kiddie "LMFAOAOOOOOOOOFDGDDKGSL MOFAOOOOOFLLMFAO LMFAOOO" shit like a lame little kid.

Fuck you think is gonna happen when you do that? You think I'm just gonna be like "Oh ok"...Nah I'm gonna 1. Say book my action 2. Clown you for being who you are and all the subsequent lies you told.

If you didn't disrespect me then I wouldn't care to do all that.

"lmao reciting a podcast is not knowledge".....What you think you're just going to lie about me and I'm gonna take it? Get real kid. I am lonnnnnnnnnng overdue for stunting on a poster on this forum, you signed up for it.

If you said my bad 38 pages ago, I wouldn't have had to do this. You know that.
Feb 6, 2007

7-29-18 before all this went down you were running your mouth about me. So don’t try to act like “oh man I liked Mob before he attacked me.”

no dude. Eat a dick. Nobody is falling for your bullshit

Mattymatt didnt even respond to you. Me and him used to go at it back in the day. Whether he wants to admit it or not his outlook of me has changed. And there’s mutual respect there.

MM messaged me in the past saying thank you for calling out this know it all clown Enflameo( not a direct quote). But he said thank you for calling out Enflameo. People couldn’t take the shit anymore. The fact ManFan, you stood by Enflameos side on all those arguments says a lot about your character....because you know you live in the offshore until this thread was moved.. But honestly ManFan, you are not far from Enflameo. You guys are certainly in the same ball park. Same atmosphere. Same league. I look at you guys as like twins almost the way you guys interject yourselves and think you both know it all. Quite comical
Feb 6, 2007
Wasn't about the record bro. Was about the disrespect. Then once I got going, was just entertaining hearing all your hot takes on math and gambling.

I ask you why you would lie about that and you do this little kiddie "LMFAOAOOOOOOOOFDGDDKGSL MOFAOOOOOFLLMFAO LMFAOOO" shit like a lame little kid.

Fuck you think is gonna happen when you do that? You think I'm just gonna be like "Oh ok"...Nah I'm gonna 1. Say book my action 2. Clown you for being who you are and all the subsequent lies you told.

If you didn't disrespect me then I wouldn't care to do all that.

"lmao reciting a podcast is not knowledge".....What you think you're just going to lie about me and I'm gonna take it? Get real kid. I am lonnnnnnnnnng overdue for stunting on a poster on this forum, you signed up for it.

If you said my bad 38 pages ago, I wouldn't have had to do this. You know that.

What do I expect? Well what I have done in the past when I was called out I responded with a ton of winners in the NBA forum. That was the last time somebody legit called me out. BigWang. That’s what I did and he didn’t have anything to say about me anymore. That’s how you do it.

Not by bitching and making shit up like you have done this entire thread. Lmao you haven’t done anything. You don’t have any action besides fantasy props I don’t offer that if I was a bookie lmfao.

Disrespect happens everyday. Good thing you only have this attitude on the internet.
Feb 6, 2007
If I was a bookie I wouldn’t be able to take 90% of your action due to you just betting fantasyland props lmfao. Let’s ask defying
Feb 6, 2007
Wasn't about the record bro. Was about the disrespect. Then once I got going, was just entertaining hearing all your hot takes on math and gambling.

I ask you why you would lie about that and you do this little kiddie "LMFAOAOOOOOOOOFDGDDKGSL MOFAOOOOOFLLMFAO LMFAOOO" shit like a lame little kid.

Fuck you think is gonna happen when you do that? You think I'm just gonna be like "Oh ok"...Nah I'm gonna 1. Say book my action 2. Clown you for being who you are and all the subsequent lies you told.

If you didn't disrespect me then I wouldn't care to do all that.

"lmao reciting a podcast is not knowledge".....What you think you're just going to lie about me and I'm gonna take it? Get real kid. I am lonnnnnnnnnng overdue for stunting on a poster on this forum, you signed up for it.

If you said my bad 38 pages ago, I wouldn't have had to do this. You know that.

do what? What are you doing besides looking like a deadbeat fantasyland nerd? There is nothing that you are doing to me besides wasting my time lmfao.

Seriously what are you doing to me? You aren’t proving anything to me. You aren’t insulting me. You can’t pick winners besides fantasyland props.

You said it yourself. “ this podcast I listen to before every big fight breaks down technique, etc...”. You get your info from listening to podcasts and you come on here with it. Most likely same ordeal with fantasy.

Jul 14, 2007
Actually, I wouldn't even say I always thought you were an idiot. Like everyone else here, I run hot and cold with you. When you get combative or act like a dick for no reason or just won't accept logical explanations no matter what (your fuck math Cruise/Welch analysis), most of us just roll our eyes. When you try to participate in a thread like a normal human being and say grab McCaffrery or M Thomas this year in fantasy then you can be fine.

In the thread you are referencing you talk about the UFC being rigged and I give you the obvious response that if it was rigged Brock Lesnar is having a lot more than 2 title defenses because he is money in the bank. Then you probably rambled on more and more and argued with 8 posters in the thread.
Feb 6, 2007
I asked you why you don’t post nba plays in the nba forum. You had no answer for me so you got upset at me. And probably held it as a grudge with your weird ass.

Where are my posts??? They don’t want to post my shit anymore
Feb 6, 2007
Actually, I wouldn't even say I always thought you were an idiot. Like everyone else here, I run hot and cold with you. When you get combative or act like a dick for no reason or just won't accept logical explanations no matter what (your fuck math Cruise/Welch analysis), most of us just roll our eyes. When you try to participate in a thread like a normal human being and say grab McCaffrery or M Thomas this year in fantasy then you can be fine.

In the thread you are referencing you talk about the UFC being rigged and I give you the obvious response that if it was rigged Brock Lesnar is having a lot more than 2 title defenses because he is money in the bank. Then you probably rambled on more and more and argued with 8 posters in the thread.

Shut the fuck up.

I said Michael Thomas was my must get player this year. I said I ended up with Mccaffery. Know your facts before you come at me little goof
Feb 6, 2007
UFC is rigged I have seen fights no question.

Are all fights rigged? Of course not. That’s like saying there have never been rigged basketball games or point shaving going on or rigged soccer games or ghost games. It all has happened. And it has happened in the UFC. You did a great job making a mountain out a molehill though. Keep eating your own shit this much with your head that far up your ass

Jul 14, 2007
What do I expect? Well what I have done in the past when I was called out I responded with a ton of winners in the NBA forum. That was the last time somebody legit called me out. BigWang. That’s what I did and he didn’t have anything to say about me anymore. That’s how you do it.

Not by bitching and making shit up like you have done this entire thread. Lmao you haven’t done anything. You don’t have any action besides fantasy props I don’t offer that if I was a bookie lmfao.

Disrespect happens everyday. Good thing you only have this attitude on the internet.

Like I said, I was overdue to stunt given how gentlemanly I am on the site. Shit is dead now so it's like who cares.

Fwiw, listening to a podcast/radio show/reading a book/going to a website doesn't mean you get "all of your info on it" and recite it. You just sound dumb man.

Also, will X player score a touchdown isn't a fantasy prop. It's actually a real football prop.

You're that pathetic you have to lie about what other posters say? I guess those are the types of people that want to bet for "bragging rights"

Jul 14, 2007
I mean, honestly, you just sound retarded man.

Even if you think I'm not the oracle of sports betting, plenty of posters in the offshore offer each other praise on a regular basis, why not just shut the fuck up rather than be an asshole?

If you're gonna be an asshole atleast have the balls to put some $ up. That's the worst part about you, all this bravado, all this about how you got all this $ from sports betting, all this about how I have proven nothing and I'm a dunce......Yet, you won't even put a nickel up? If I was gonna be an asshole to a poster that I thought wasn't that bright, I'd be willing to book his action in 2 seconds. You're broke.

That's little kiddie shit. Go find a "bragging rights" bet.

BTW, how you like DK's interface? Good web development.

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