If they are burning down our cities...of course.
Are you suggesting its ok? LOL hno:
So I guess the use of troops against US citizens does serve a purpose.
It wakes right thinking people up to how wrong it is.
Besides the fact that it's illegal.
if MJ had it his way green bay would've been destroyed when the packers won. those superbowl celebrations are riots. i saw what they did here in minneapolis after the gophers won the national championship in hockey. burning cars, flipping them over, vandalism. that's rioting.
mj doesn't bring that up though because the rioting he is referring to are black people rioting.
you cant be ok with one thing MJ and let the other slide.
LOL...I don't think the Wisconsin Badgers Hockey supporters are in any danger of burning down Minneapolis.
But then again...the latte drinking effete Minnesota'ns might let something like that happen. :lol:
my point is. you would riot if the packers won the super bowl. happens in every city that wins. vandalism, flipped upside down cars, burnt cars. you're ok with that, but don't like the other kind of rioting????????
Ever heard of rubber bullets? Tear gas? Billy clubs? Idiot.
There has been veiled and not so veiled threats that the cities will burn if Obama loses.
If so...they should be eliminated. Call their bluff and raise them an armored personnel carrier.
Just like the Rodney King riots...why should the Korean grocers have to defend their stores with rifles on the rooftops?
We have police and National Guard for such things...use them with deadly force.
This is nonsense that people think they can make such threats.
like i said, you don't seem to care when they riot time after time when a sport team loses. think of it like 30 super bowls spontaneously across the country type riots.
*rolls eyes*
Why don't we just round them up and make them work on cotton fields, wouldn't that make you happier?
I hope so...
It's the same theory as killing terrorists in Iraq.
Trick them into massing in one area...thats what our military and National Guard is built for.
You never mentioned race, but you are suggesting that the U.S. military kill American black rioters on sight.
"Just like the Rodney King riots...why should the Korean grocers have to defend their stores with rifles on the rooftops?
We have police and National Guard for such things...use them with deadly force. "